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Au revoir!

la_dulce_vida's picture

Today is the long awaited day! This evening, I'll be on my way to Provence via Iceland, Paris, and Avignon. Planes, trains and buses.

My two good friends will arrive today and I'll catch up with them tomorrow. We'll spend 4 days walking trails around Provence, then next Friday, my one friend and I will head to the Atlantic Coast of France going back through Paris, to spend a week in her cottage.

I'll be renting a bike and getting in my miles exploring the flat coastal area during my 2nd week. *squee*

I'll need to be walking/riding to burn all of the calories from the croissants, pastries, wine, butter, cream and bread I plan to devour. Oh, and the macarons, as well.

After a relaxing week near the sea, I'll head back to Paris for 3 days of museums and gardens, etc.

Please pray for me as I go finish packing. My room looks like a bomb exploded, but I need to cull all the stuff I have piled up in there so it all fits in my carry on suitcase and backpack. I need to do the Marie Kondo thing to see if the items spark joy (are truly necessary).

I always prioritize the things I cannot replace (contact lenses, prescriptions, expensive gear). Next, I have to get ruthless with not needing a bunch of clothing items "just in case". I'm also opting to not bring my nice hiking boots and instead wearing my quality running shoes because, I believe, we'll be walking well used trails and not doing any really serious trails like I would closer to home.

This is the first time I'll be traveling to meet friends in Europe, so I'm kinda excited. I've always just traveled with family (my kids) to Europe, and I've only traveled with friends to Canada. I did travel once with my XH2 to Europe in 2015, but we only spent a few days together on that trip as we each took our own children and decided on different itineraries. So, this will be fun - spending time with two of my close female friends in Europe.

Okay, I have a long To-Do list to attend to before this afternoon.

Au revoir!



Harry's picture

You make of life what you can. Eat some good food from a small. Restaurant along the ways HAVE FUN 

ESMOD's picture

Yes, Definitely pack your irreplaceables.  And.. things like meds and other "requireds" should go in your carry on!  (I'm sure you know this.. haha).

I always try to take into account whether I can buy anything I forgot or didn't realize I needed... or are more difficult to travel with.  Sometimes, things like toiletries are better bought when you get there in a larger size vs what you can travel with! 

I always "test run" what I bring too.. I try it all on.. in combinations.. to make sure I truly have as many mix and match and layering options.  You never can go wrong with having a flowy pair of black and/ or white pants that can be paired with nicer tops.. or dressed down for daytime walks around town.  

I also say to remember that you will be traveling about.. and recycling outfits is not the end of the world.. and it sounds like you will be able to do laundry probably.. at least at the cottage.  

Have a wonderful time!  It sounds like a glorious trip.

la_dulce_vida's picture

Thanks! I'm not checking a bag, so everything important will be with me. I'm currently downloading movies and some shows because the budget airline PLAY doesn't offer food, wifi or inflight entertainment. I'll get a meal from the airport before I board.

I won't be trying stuff on as I've already got a rotation of clothes I wear at home. I do need to throw a sweater in my luggage, though. Wondering where my neck pillow is - hmmm.

Anyway, very excited to not have to work for 2.5 weeks. Biggrin


Thanks everyone!!

CLove's picture

sentiers heureux


So jelly, but glad for you for this opportunity. Life is short. Play, find joy and have peace.

Winterglow's picture

As I live in the region of Provence that you'll be visiting,  I checked out the weather forecast. It's going to rain on Sunday  but should be fine the rest of the week until Thursday. Temperatures should be comfortable for hiking (25-26°C).

Bon voyage!

MorningMia's picture

I love France! Have a wonderful time!

(I love my solgaard backpack--I can stuff so much in it!) 

Bon voyage! 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I hope you have an utterly amazing time!!! And a hidden gem or three: a tiny bookstore with first editions tucked in with modern books. A cafe that serves the most amazing croissants you've ever had, a hole in the wall along the coast that serves melt-in- your-mouth seafood delicacies. A narrow alley that leads to a selection of THE most sumptuous scarves and gloves...

Enjoy your adventure, lovely!!

Give rose

Rags's picture

And... a mature handsome man with a beautiful soul, and without baggage to sweep you off of your feet.  I hope you have a Hallmark movie trip.


Winterglow's picture

That's what happened to me... (OK,  so maybe he wasn't so mature at the time)

Rags's picture

It can happen. Even upon occassion for a marital retread like me.

Woo hoo!


I'm happy that you are living well. It makes all the difference in the world.

Give rose

Winterglow's picture

Thank you, I appreciate that. I don't think I  could ever have chosen a better man. Then there's the added bonus for him - his in-laws were at the other end of the  continent and didn't speak his language! Win-win