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Name calling

Mky0005's picture

My stepdaughter is 18. By the grace of God, my husband and I and two small children moved to a different state while she stays back and lives with MY parents, her step grandparents, to do two years at community college. However, she came to visit this summer right after we moved into our new house. She called my three-year-old a "demon child "because she put pancake mix on the floor. And my 18-year-old stepdaughter could not even figure out what to do and just cried and name called my toddler. I'm sitting here thinking OK, but my toddler is three years old and you are 18? Figure it out! And don't call my child a demon! If anyone is a demon, it's my stepdaughter, who I have done way too much for and  And I'm completely emotionally done with at this point. She is a horrible person ever since she turned 18. I feel bad for my parents that she lives there. She's so ungrateful and lies a lot and uses  people! My husband refuses to see or admit it.  he thinks she's fine! He's delusional, and everyone says so! I'm praying my stepdaughter will never have to move back in with us. If she does, I'm taking my two young kids, and I am out. I cannot live with her again, and I refuse to. She does not get to ruin me and my young children's lives.

Mky0005's picture

Oh also!!!! She autocorrected  my three-year-old's name in my husband's phone to "demon child "so when he types our three-year-olds name, instead of typing correct actual name, the phone corrects it to say "demon child "

Rags's picture

She is 18.  She is an adult.  TIme to have your parents purge the toxic failed family spawn from their home.  I would broadcast this dumb ass's toxicity globally starting with your DH and your parents so they boot her ass. She can get a job and pay rent, feed herself, etc... while she is going to CC.  I would not allow that kind of toxicity to invade the lives of my parents, or of my toddler. Regardless of who this toxic spawn's daddy is.  Time for your DH to step up and be your DH and your toddler's father rather than sniffing the ass of this failed family kidult.


Mky0005's picture

I would love this, but my husband will never do it. He always sticks up for her and argues with me. And I'm like OK I guess time will tell. But I can't live with her again. I just simply cannot.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

Is there any chance she was actually kidding and it just came out wrong? While 18 year olds are legal adults, they are not completely grown up. My sister occasionally refers to one of her horses as a "demon" - yet would do anything for him and treats him very well.

How is it that she is living with your parents? Are they being compensated monetarily is some way?

ESMOD's picture

That's always possible.. the joke of my name on here is ESMOD.. = EVIL STEPMOTHER OF DOOM.  

It's like being a "brat" can be negative.. but some people like that they are called brats.. it's weird.

Mky0005's picture

No, it was not a joke. She screamed at me when I got home. You're raising a demon child because she was upset because my three-year-old put pancake mix on the floor. It is not a joke. She was serious.

Mky0005's picture

Also, this was back in June and now it is the end of August and my three-year-old still talks about it and she talks about how she was crying and it still upsets her. My three-year-old is still upset about this. Think about that. Ridiculous. Traumatic for my three-year-old.

Rags's picture

Toxic evil from a toxic POS.  Keep her nose and daddy's nose rubbed in that forever, or longer if they both do not extricate their heads from their asses and stand as decent people.

Winterglow's picture

Was she watching your daughter when this happened or was your DH there too? I'm wondering what happened between the time your daughter spilled the pancake mix and the time you arrived for her to be so upset ... I'd likely have told your SD to stop blubbering and to get some kitchen towels or cloths to clean it up. On her use of "demon child" I'd have told her to shut her mouth about my child - she was still learning ... unike others who appear to have learnt little so far.

Harry's picture

What a bad parent he is,  She 18 that means she is a adult.  You don't have to deal with her anymore.   DH can see her away from your home. If he doesn't like it he can go live with her.  Put your foot down...PROTECT your kids from her.  
Iakso question SD Emotional placement if she sits on the floor and cries,  instead of doing the adult thing   But then again that how DH raised her.

Mky0005's picture

Oh yeah 18-year-old is super immature. No life skills at all. I wish my husband would see her away from our home, but he feels like she can come back here anytime. I cannot live with her again. I do not know what I will do. But I will not stay here.

Rags's picture

THen tell DH just hhis. She cannot ever live in your home with your toddler again.  Highlight the toxicity this kidult perpetrates, highlight that she is disrespectful of her toddler aged sibling and your DH's wife and as the mother of that toddler and as the wife that is being disrespected that you will not tolerate that behahior again or her presence residing in your home again.  Also make it clear that you expect and demand that your husband and the father of your toddler will ensure that respect for you and your toddler is defended to the fullest extent possible and that the one doing the disrespecting rues that choice instantly and going forward.

Be clear. Be direct. Be confident.

CajunMom's picture

Call my 3 year old a demon child??? Oh hell no. CajunMom doesn't need a DH or anyone to step in to protect my children. She'd be called out and strongly. And don't F'ing do it again. I'd also advise my parents to give her a "departure notice." Why are they having to tolerate her disgusting behaviors??? 

And nope....she'd never live in my home again.

Yesterdays's picture

Yep don't call a 3 year old that... She needs to be shut down. She's acting like a child. She's 18. She knows better. He should not allow his daughter to treat the child like that or speak about her in that way. He needs to tell her to knock it off or else she can leave 

Harry's picture

That DH Is a bad parent and he didn't parent SD

'"" Oh yeah 18-year-old is super immature. No life skills at all. I wish my husband would see her away "" you didn't cause this, wasn't your job to parent her. You don't have to put up with this immature baby behavior.  She can spend two nights at your home because your a good person.  
But DH MUST  be there all the time. He responsibility for all the cooking, cleaning,  traveling. You will not be second.   If DH has to choose, he better pick you,  remind him he does not want another failed marriage.  More CS for the next 20 something years. 

Yesterdays's picture

She autocorrected  my three-year-old's name in my husband's phone to "demon child "so when he types our three-year-olds name, instead of typing correct actual name, the phone corrects it to say "demon child 

" He is an immature idiot and thinks it is funny as well.

Well you could try changing his daughters contact name on his phone to" Evil Witch " and then sit back and see how funny he thinks this is... 



Winterglow's picture

Sounds like he's immature enough to find that funny too so how about Brainless Idiot Teen. You might even start referring to her as BIT ... and remind him who it is every time he asks.

Mky0005's picture

Ugly SD is coming back next weekend (Thurs-Mon) for  visit for my baby's first birthday.  My parents are coming too but staying at a hotel.  Rude SD will stay at my house.  Please give me ideas and strength /encouragement for when she starts name calling, antagonizing, and being rude!! She's awful to me and my 3 year old, not so much to the 1 year old (not yet anyway). I'm DREADING IT!!!! 

Rags's picture

He can start seeing his failed family progeny outside of your home away from you, your children, your parents, etc...

There no magic words, just pre-emptive clear consequences communicated to daddy of this crap spawn that she will not be tolerate one bit if she pulls her usual crap.  He needs to man up, partner up, and parent up instead of being the spineless failed father that this failed family progeny proves that he is.

Protect yourself, protect your kids.

IMHO of course.

Mky0005's picture

Oh, I 100% agree with you. I just don't know what I'm supposed to do when he and SD gang up on me. I guess I could take my young children and go to a hotel until stepdaughter is gone. Remove us from the situation.

BanksiaRose's picture

if you and your children were forced out of your own home because of an obnoxious visitor. Not the message you want to send to your kids. I'd say, insist that your husband organises his daughter's visit around YOUR plans to be away, e.g., when you're going to visit a friend or family. Otherwise, he can book a hotel for himself and his daughter and have a little holiday.

Mky0005's picture

Well, I do agree but unfortunately, the situation is pretty atrocious lol. I'm just saying I guess if worse came to worse I could leave and do that to protect me and my kids right? I agree it's definitely not ideal. But unfortunately, my husband's behavior is not ideal and he thinks all of this is fine and no big deal and doesn't see the problem with his 18-year-old adult daughter acting like a jerk to the younger kids and to me. 

MorningMia's picture

Things to say:

1. Don't do that
2. We don't do that in this house
3. Don't be mean 
4. Stop it. Now.

And to your DH: Do something about her NOW or I WILL. 

Now, go practice in the mirror. Get those words out!