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My teeth hurt!

Rags's picture

There is a new Duracell battery commercial that just chaps my ass to no end and grinds my jaws.

A young kid is screaming his head off when his remote control race car stops working. Frowning mommy replaces the batteries in the remote, gives it to the kid, and the kid smiles.

F-NO!. I would stomp all over the car and the remote them hand the broken pieces to the kid and tell him that next time rather than screaming he should use his words and ask nicely for help. Then swat him on the rump, march him to a remote corner to hold the walls together with their nose until I got tired.

I have seen that commercial a few times the past couple of days.  It grinds my gears every time I see it.

I think I have issues.

Scratch one-s head


ESMOD's picture

Rags... I cut the cord years ago.. I do have netflix and Amazon Prime.. but even then.. the shows or movies I feel inclined to watch are few and far between..   It seems that too many parents are coming from a place of weakness.. anything to not make the child unhappy.. even my little brother did that when his kid was young.. the kid didn't like riding in the car.. I would have invested in earpllugs.. and the kid would have gotten over it.. haha.

MorningMia's picture

Similar commercial with a teenage girl and her dad about the internet. Not appealing at all. 

Harry's picture

Fester in front of there iPads.  At home. Thinking what a good kid I have. He never in trouble,  he just watching porn quietly. what a goof kid.   Because he's glue to his iPad, gaming, system, phone, television,  [ they still have them ? ]. I don't have to drive them anywhere. Or actually spend time with them.   Parenting is as easy as sending a text.    
And we wounded why we are all in trouble.  With  on line school, the kid doesn't have ever to leave the home.  
SO. RAGS take a chill pill.... We need those remote controls. or life will end over battery's      
'Good luck. we need to laugh.  It's better then crying.  

Lillywy00's picture

Fester in front of there iPads.  At home. Thinking what a good kid I have. He never in trouble,  he just watching porn quietly.


StepUltimate's picture

Cultural decline programming 101:

  • Kids: Crying & tantrums get you what you want FAST!
  • Parents: You are the powerless servant, slave to kids demands! 

It's disguesting. *bad*

Lillywy00's picture

There is a new Duracell battery commercial that just chaps my ass to no end and grinds my jaws.

A young kid is screaming his head off when his remote control race car stops working. Frowning mommy replaces the batteries in the remote, gives it to the kid, and the kid smiles.

whose Disneyland parent is this?