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My disengaging that is not working

RockyRoads's picture

I have to  tell someone this because I need it off of my mind. SO will not let me be about not wanting to be involved with his kids right now. He pleaded with SD to go out to dinner this weekend and she finally said she will try. Not even a yes. He told me I have to go. Yes it  became an argument. Then he tells me that I need to pick a day to volunteer at a game for SS. I told him I said I was done going to any games.  He said he will show me the dates I can choose from. I said did you not hear me I am not doing that. He said it can wait a few days before I decide what night. Ugh.  And today I found out from social media that the high school is having the meet the players celebration tonight for the community. Both SD and SS will get introduced. Guess what- no one has told my SO. He doesn't even know this is going on. I won't tell him, but why would I want to be around kids who have no respect to tell their dad these things. 


used2beRutherford's picture

Your SO needs to understand that you don't HAVE to do anything you don't want to do. You have set boundaries, and those are non-negotiable. 

CajunMom's picture

I'd actually PRINT out that event and hand it to him. "Know about this? Of course not. But YOU want ME to do stuff for these kids??"

Listen loud and clear, SO....NO! Then leave the room.

RockyRoads's picture

I am not going to tell him before hand. Maybe they will still tell him. They have an hour before it starts. But is it too mean to ask him if he knew about it after it is over?  It is like I want him to know they didn't consider him. 

CajunMom's picture

others may feel different. 

If you wait till it's over and tell him, that is definitely mean spirited. Not saying you shouldn't do it...but not what I would do. My take? You don't tell him beforehand as you already know....then let him find out on his own.

My stance doesn't change...I'd use that information to solidify my boundaries. Your own bio kids can't tell you about a special sporting event but you want ME to bow to their every need?? Nah...not happening.

Lillywy00's picture

I don't think so either. 

If he's a "head in the sand" type he'll probably go into denial then "shoot the messenger" so to speak .... just like the women whose husband betray them by cheating on them - they go into denial and get pissed at the person trying to help them 

Sometimes people have to come to their own conclusions


But if you must inform him .... take some screenshots of the evidence and spread the images across the kitchen table

Merry's picture

He's treating YOU as the child by telling you what you MUST do. Will he punish you if you don't obey? Because that's messed up.

If my DH told me that I had to do something, that would be the one thing I would not do, argument or not. But I'm that kind of stubborn. 

Lillywy00's picture

Will he punish you if you don't obey? Because that's messed up.

Probably indirect or passive aggressive "punishment" for not obeying his commands to spend qt with his spawns 

The Disneyland dad I used to deal with confessed that he "pulled back" after he discovered I  was -24 on  enthusiasm about being highly involved with his lazy, no-home-training, disrespectful, loud, clingy for no reason mini spouses

"Pulled back" = more arguments, less empathy, closed communication, 24/7 b. Beck n call services in FULL operation regardless of my stance, etx

hereiam's picture

Seriously, who does he think he is?

If only he parented his kids like he's trying to parent you.

Eff him.

Dollbabies's picture

giving me an uneasy feeling. His refusal to listen to what you're saying and going right on telling you what you're going to do smacks of a control freak. I honestly think he sounds crazed. He can't control anyone else in his life so he's bullying you.

I know you don't think he would ever physically hurt you but be careful. And keep a packed overnight bag in your car. 

notarelative's picture

the high school is having the meet the players celebration tonight for the community

Are you in a town that values school sports? Some places have articles about things like this in the local paper. My town is not particularly sport crazy, but we have a weekly free paper that covers things like this. There would at the very least be a picture or two of the celebration. If there is, I'd pick up a copy and leave it where he'd find it. 

Cover1W's picture

Wow, just wow. He's projecting on you for sure.

My suggestion is to just keep your cool. No arguing back to him. Simply state "No, I am not doing that." Repeat and repeat. No explanation. An argument will feed his frustration. Keep stone cold.

As for the event. Don't say ONE word or drop any hints at all. It's 100% on him, not you to track this stuff.

RockyRoads's picture

I have tried to just keep my calm. He is relentless. I think the more the kids pull away the more he tries to control me. 

notsurehowtodeal's picture

Just tell him no and then don't discuss it anymore. Don't try and justify your reasons, that will just lead to an arguement. As far as the banquet, either tell him about it ahead of time or don't ever tell him. It would mean to bring it up later to hurt his feelings when you knew about it before.

RockyRoads's picture

He saw that the event was taking place. It was on social media. But he did not blame the kids for not telling him. He apologized to them for not knowing about it. He said they probably thought BM told him . 

CajunMom's picture

Wow. You have a major SO problem. Things are not going to change. Gird your loins. And be careful. As someone mentioned, he seems like a control freak. A bit scary with him  forcing you to do stuff regardless how many times and ways you say NO. I'm sorry you are dealing with this. 

RockyRoads's picture

I do have a major SO problem. He should be controlling his kids and BM instead of me. When he didn't blame the kids for not telling him I couldn't believe it. I am still waiting for him to blame me by saying I don let him talk to BM any more and that is why she didn't tell him. I don't blame her for not telling him. He contacts those kids everyday and asks what they are doing. They are old enough to tell him about these thing. 16 and 17 years old. They just didn't care for him to go. I wish he would have kept going to therapy.  He needs to get the help.  I am just sad the I am more then likely going to have to move into a small apartment in order to get myself back to where I need to be.  

Dollbabies's picture

Blamed you for things because you "don't let him" talk to BM anymore? If he has, I'm even more worried about your situation. 


Dollbabies's picture

Blamed you for things because you "don't let him" talk to BM anymore? If he has, I'm even more worried about your situation. 


RockyRoads's picture

Not actually came right out and blamed me for things. He will just say I can find these things out but do you really want me talking to her all the time again? I don't want him too. I have put in way too much time and energy to get that to stop. He needs to understand that the kids should be telling him these things now . If they aren't telling him they don't care if he knows. He talks to or texts them every day.  

hereiam's picture

He apologized to them for not knowing about it

He apologized to them?

Even if they thought BM told him, they didn't even mention it to him, nor inquire if he would attend, nothing. That is not normal with kids (unless they've been alienated). How can he reasonably make excuses for that?

RockyRoads's picture

As soon as he found out he was upset and said he needs to try harder at finding these things out. He said he text them and apologized for not knowing about it. I said the way you find out is you kids have to tell you.  I said you ask them everyday about what is going on with them. They should have told you . He said I am sure they just thought BM told him.  Ugh. His kids don't want him around I mean they have told him to his face. And this is like a big thing for the community and all kids, bands members and cheerleaders are introduced.  Parents want to be there. His kids know he wants to be at these things . And it is his daughters senior year. He is missing out on her last things now.  I would be infuriated with the kids not apologetic. 

hereiam's picture

Yeah, he is in deep denial. Or he's delusional. Or both.

I hope you don't let him force you to go these events that he insists that you go to. If he can excuse his kids' behavior and treatment of him, he can accept your, "No, I'm not doing that," instead of just ignoring that you even said it.Then, he can apologize to YOU for being such an ass about it and being so disrespectful to YOU.

I've gone back and read your post a couple of times and it just infuriates me that he thinks he can boss you around and force you to do these things. Volunteer at a game? Just, no.

It's bad enough that he kisses these kids' asses but he expects you to, also? Or kiss his ass and just do what he demands? Who does he think he's talking to?

RockyRoads's picture

I think since he has no control over his kids or ex that he thinks that he can control me. Because I am here and around him.  He uses that "if you love me you will do this for me" act. 

hereiam's picture

 He uses that "if you love me you will do this for me" act. 

That's called manipulation and has no place in a loving, respectful relationship. Not to mention, those things have nothing to do with your love for him.

Also, he doesn't even ASK, he just demands, when he already knows your feelings about it and your boundaries.

This guy does not know how to navigate ANY relationship in his life. Not with his ex, not with his kids, not with you.

RockyRoads's picture

Sometimes I think he realizes what is happening but just won't accept it. Do I guess yes he is in denial.  

Little Type Amy's picture

I agree that this is Ridiculous and I am infuriated on your behalf. Who the hell is HE to order you around like that with HIS creations like you are the wayward child instead. IIsnt is just so awesome when they still think that your involvement is HIS decision to make? How they will ignore or stomp all over your boundaries yet still except You to bow down to their wishes? Talk about delusions which you dont have to feed into.  I dont think so, It doesnt work out that way.  know its easier said than done, but its time to keep digging your heels in even deeper and don't back down. IM sorry but when you directly tell someone that you are uncomforable about something , especially if you have more than once, then They dont get to tell you to feel differently or pressure you to change your mind,,it becomes manipulative at that stage

thinkthrice's picture

The BM will fully PAS out the skids, and once that completes he will turn around and blame YOU for it, possibly getting physical.  Please tell me that he doesn't have a short fuse or a temper.  Because if he does you will most definitely be the scapegoat as you can see signs of it right now.  Ask me how I know this.

RockyRoads's picture

He definitely has a temper, especially when it comes to me not wanting to go to things for the kids anymore.  What happened to you?  I am afraid of being yelled up but I haven't been afraid of him hitting me.

Dollbabies's picture

so classic bully. He likes knowing he can upset you by yelling at you because it makes him feel powerful especially when you end up doing what he wants you to do.

Do you - not both of you, just you - get any time where you're happy in kthis relationship? 

Lillywy00's picture

Guess what- no one has told my SO. He doesn't even know this is going on. I won't tell him, but why would I want to be around kids who have no respect to tell their dad these things. 

Narcissistic types and Disney parents (idk if your SO is one or not I'm just saying)  see their kids as "extensions" and so if you don't want to (rightfully so) be around their kids they internalize it as "she hates my kids and hates me" (instead of realizing their lackadaisical parenting style creates poorly behaved spawns that eff up every shred of peace we have in our homes and lives so naturally we'd want to avoid people like that --- but logically the people to avoid would be the bio parents bc the kids are simply doing as they've been taught)

I wouldn't even try to explain my standpoint if I were you (unless y'all attend therapy or have open communication) .... and simply say NO!!!

The more you try to rationalize, debate, or argue the more he will dig his heels in 

Something about like 90% of men pretend not to understand the word NO (final answer

Rags's picture

This is in part why I am not a supporter of disengagement. I find full envolved confrontation of toxic a far better model.  

I make it clear what the requirements for compliance to behavioral and performance standards are for those in my life.  I would have gone full "pull your head out of your ass and listen" on DH if I were you.

He does not dictate what you will do and not do and his attempt to dictate should result in him living with your foot firmly up his ass regarding his controling his spawn and his X to your standards.  No interface and controlled boundaries are not disengagement. 

For some reason disengagement seems to far more often than it should include ignoring the opposition rather than managing the opposition effectively. Or holding the prior breeder partner with the failed family baggage accountable for managing their failed faily baggage to prevent invasion of the quality of life of their mate. 


RockyRoads's picture

SO won't handle his failed family correctly. He is too worried about losing the kids entirely.  All I can do is handle myself and that as you can see doesn't happen because SO wants to control me the way he should have been doing with his failed family. 

Rags's picture

If a child is effectively a virus, eleminating it, innoculating for it, and masking for it is necessary.

To not do these things is to be a festering environment for that virus.  Since daddy is the petri dish that grows this infestation, he needs to be purged.

I know, my usual over simplification.
