Back from our 30th Anniversary trip.
It was great. I was planning a week in Iceland. But, with recent career changes... again, we decided on an all points trip to Hawaii for 9 days. This is or first use of a boat-ton of IHG points and ... last years trip to Kawai Hawaii Airlines screwed up big time and gave us a ton of vouchers. So, 9 days on the big island and all we paid was for the rental car, food, tours/activities, and shopping.
We had a blast, though of course there were some teeth grinding ill behaved kid moments. And... assholes. Then even have learned to cross oceans. Both families with ill raised spawn and assholes.
We split the island into qharters and toured the entire island. Of course there are countless villages, etc... that we will have to catch on future trips.
The food was great. Several incredible restaurants so at least in part it was an eatcation.
The first tour we did was a deep sea salt farm. Very interesting. I got my engineering geek on and DW got her gourmet flavored salt/magnesium additive/skin care diva on. We did deep sea water foot soak. That crap hurt. It was like freezing your feet in a block of ice. Brrrrrrrrr.
No issues on that tour. But.. the Vanillerie. A great tour. Another engineering geek event for me, cullinary and skin care heaven for my Diva bride. But the hell spawn of poor parents were pervasive on that tour. Kids running amok, parents telling then over, and over, and over again to STF up, stop their crap, etc... Thoug far from the direct. The counting, repeating, sweet talking, total and complete ineffective bullshit. The one time dad took one of the two nasty progeny away for a few seconds there was screaming and crying from the spawn so much that dad gave the little shit exactly what they wanted and brought him back to run amok in the vanilla orchid vines trying to smash lizards. My favorite ill behaved spawn getting their cummupance moment.... after the tour they had vanilla icecream outside of the Drying room. Geckos know when it is icecream time and swarmed the lanai were they did the icecream. Two hell spawned rotten crotch fruits were trying to crush the geckos. Mom and dad were oblivious, I was trying to get them to leave the lizards alone. They alternated between trying to smash them with their little evil crotch turd fists and feeding them icecream. When the tour leader noticed them spoon feeding the geckos she intervened, took the icecream and spoons away from the kids. Mom and dad lost their shit. "You can't do that to our kids!!!" Until..... the tour leader gave this fact. "These geckos carry salmonilla and you probably need to get your kids to the the doctor since they were spoon feeding the geckos then using the same spoons to eat icecream." I will not say I want kids to get salmonilla but, a good case of the pukes and shits for the rest of their vacation for mommy and daddy to have to deal with and clean up followed by growing some scaley lizard tales would be appropriate Karmaly speaking. Keeping them all in their hotel room instead of polluting that beautiful place with their ille behaved spawn. IMHO.
We did the whole island. The Kona coast, South Point, Valcano National Park twice. Waimaia, Kalapana from both sides of the lava flow that burried the whole village and black sand beaches, several water falls, a bunch of art galaries, much feasting on amazing seafood. The adrynalin moment was our second time to Valcano National Part we had just finished the short Lava Tube trail when an earthquake hit. Two within a 5 seconds of each other. One 3.5 and one 3.3 magnitude. The ground was rockin. Fortunatly we were out of the tube when the quakes hit. Quakes are very disorienting. This is the worst one since a large one in the Middle East in 2013.
Sunday afternoon a few hours before our return flight we went to a national historical park. We pulled up, parked, parked, walked to the visitor's center. As we were just approaching the visitor's center the park ranger and the gift shop manager walked out. The ranger was an asshole. She blew us a "I hope your not going that way, we just closed and we are locking the gate when we drive out." The snark was strong in the tone and facial expressions. DW went all CPA on her ass with a "Thank you for telling us.... Ranger. Now that we know, wait here until we exit the gate then you can lock it." Ranger's head about exploded. The gift shop manager then told us that if we wanted to walk through the park just go to the light, turn R, then R at the next light and follow that road to the beach where there is unregulated parking and a trail leading into the park and we could see it all. We thanked her, gave the Ranger the stink eye, and left.
Just about everyone was amazing on this trip with the exception of some ill behaved ill parented kids and a park ranger who had gone way too long between getting layed. Why is it that there is always someone who has to be disruptive to others having a nice day? A simple, "I'm sorry, we are closed." would have sufficed.
8 days to our actual anniversary but due to DW business trips we could not make our celebration trip over our actual anniversary. I'm thinking a down town celebrity chef place for our anniversary dinner.
- Rags's blog
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Sounds amazing and glad you
Sounds amazing and glad you guys had wonderful trip! I for one would like to see the kids get salmonella. Poor geckos. They are lucky I wasn't the tour leader. I would have knocked their heads together
How wonderful.... I have only
How wonderful.... I have only flown through the island on my way to Japan as a child.. we never were west coast based so never got a chance to visit really.
Happy Anniversary! The trip
Happy Anniversary! The trip sounds wonderful and, yes, aholes are everywhere. (I have often stopped strange children from harassing/killing wildlife, not giving two craps if their parents like what I'm saying or not. . . love the salmonella mention.)
My DH is dying to take me to Hawaii one day.
That sounds awesome and amazing minus the toxic spawn smashing of critters.
To many, many more years for you and your bride!
What a lovely update on your special trip. Kona is one of the places in my memory that I cherish. Much island magic to be savored there.
Welcome back home .... to the
Welcome back home .... to the forums of step h3ll!
Just kidding lol
Sounds like a cool trip
Sounds like the Disneyland dad I used to deal with. His wild a$$ no home training ferals wreaking havoc .... and continued despite his warnings.
Im like WTF kind of weak male leadership is going on here?!?
Well, Rags, I'm downright
Well, Rags, I'm downright envious! So glad that you and your bride enjoyed the trip; happy anniversary to you both. Must say, though, that I'm surprised at your not having reprimanded the critter-killing brats yourself. Are you weakening? Children who torment animals require a little torment themselves and an extra helping for their failed parents. GRRRR!
Oh I repeatedly told them to leave the geckos alone.
They would stop for a second then go right back to it.
I was fuscia be the time the tour leader played the salmonilla card.
DW kept putting her hand on my arm and giving me the "don't do it" look.
Pissing my bride off by going Rags on ill raised spawn was not something I wanted to do on our celebration trip.
Though I wish I had.
Happy Anniversary
We absolutely loved the big Island....we stayed in Kona right on the beautiful. WE cannot wait to go back.
Thanks everyone.
Thanks everyone.
It was a great trip. This is our 4th Hawaii trip. We did the big island for 2days and then Oahu for a week in 2008. We have done Kauai twice for a week each trip, and this trip was all the big island for 9days. Dad and I did two days in Honolulu on our way to and from Iwo Jima in 2016. DW and I agree that so far our favorite island is the big one.
Hawaii is a great trip. Particularly for US residents. No need for a passport.
Our actual anniversary is on Tuesday.
We have reservations at a highly rated restaurant for dinner.
The next couple of weeks will be crazy. I leave early on Wed AM to drive nearly 2K miles to attend my Uncle's funeral. He passed a couple of days before we returned from our Hawaii anniversary trip. My mom and dad also leave on Wed AM to drive E for the funeral but I am 1200 miles farther W than mom and dad are from GA. DW has a business trip flying out Wed night to STL and will fly in to ATL Friday night for the funeral on Sat then fly back home on Sunday night.
We have nearly a week in Chicago starting the 9th for another DW business event. We are going on Friday to have a eat-cation weekend gnoshing on Chicago quisine before DW's work event M-W. So I will either leave to drive back W on the 5th getting home on the 7th to fly to Chicago with DW on the 9th, or hang with my aunt, cousins, and my parents and drive to meet DW in Chicago on the 9th for the weekend and then her work function until Wed. If I opt for the drive to Chicago option DW will fly home from Chicago on that Wed evening and I will solo road trip Rt 66 from Chicago to LV. Not quite all of 66 but most of it. Something I have never done in a contiguous trip. I have done sections though. The fun part, I will do it in my mid life crisis muscle car.... woo hoo. Can you say... Hemi... with a 6-speed manual. Vrooom.
However, I am in a series of interviews for a very interesting role. I had the first phone interview on Friday the 26th and will get calls to schedule the next round sometime in the next two weeks depending on hiring Exec availability. If all goes as hoped, two rounds of video interviews and a final fly out to meet f2f with the Exec team. My fingers are crossed on this one. Unfortunately it is not a local LV role but it is hybrid and I will get about 33% of my time home officing, 33% at the corporate office, and 33% travel to multiple industrial facilities in the US with occassional international business trips. Please wish me luck.
If it is not obvious, road trips are something I enjoy. I get it honestly from my dad and granddad. It is a Rags man thing. Except for my brother. He did not get the road trip gene I guess. He definately got the Rags man car bug gene, just not the road trip gene. He is a corner office C-suite elite German performance car guy while granddad, dad, and I are more American muscle guys. But, I suppose if I could afford his tastes, I might give the Euro blaster car thing a try. I did it once d on a car for DW to bribe her to move with me to the Mid Atlantic, but the maintenance costs were brutal. Anything and everything $2000.00 minimum every time. From tune ups, to front or rear brake jobs, etc... And that was for a VW with a V-8. Not a Porche, BMW, or Audi.
Oh well, golden boy little bro is not quite perfect. But.. I am very proud of Mr. C-suite.
Anyway, thanks again everyone.
I'll update as the next couple of weeks unfold, when I have time. STalking wile driving 4+ Kmiles in the next 19-14 days is not highly likely.
Live well dear STalkers.