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Step Daughter Woes

okgirls's picture

My husband's daughter was in a disfuntional relationship when I met him. She got pregnant and eventually things went south and she was a single parent. She ended up getting pregnant with another guy's child. 1st guy is in jail or on the street. Both are not involved at all. She had trouble finding a place to rent due to the fact that she has 2 big dogs. Single Mom with 2 kids on Welfare and can't find a place to live. She would not give up the dogs, so was forced to rent expensive terrible places. So due to this fact, she had to rent out rooms to people to pay the rent. She couldn't live with us, due to her having the dogs. We lived in an apartment complex. All she had to do, was rehome the dogs and she could have had a nice subsidized apartment to get on her feet.  She now works full time.

Long story  Due to the fact she was renting out rooms, tenants got into a fight, police were called, and social services were called in. They came to the house and basically said due to the way she was living, she was not able to live there and have the kids. Sooo she found a place that she could afford in another town. Social services basically said if she didn't get her crap together, they would take the kids. We sold our place to get her out of the bad place she was in and found a big house and big yard for kids and dogs.  She pays rent.  At first I would cook, but she would never help with dishes, or cleaning, or even say thank you.  I stopped, due to the fact that I work all day, come home, and as she is sitting on her butt on her day off, asked me what was for dinner. She empies the dishwasher, but will leave things on the counter as she "doesn't know where it goes" She has lived with us for 4 years! will dump 3 day old dirty lunch dishes into the sink for me to put in dishwasher.  ( I load, she empties) All she does it empty the dishwasher. Thats it! Her dogs destroyed my hardwood floors, because they ran around like wild animals everywhere.  (they both have passed away)

Last Christmas, she gave us gifts from kids. I got a coffee thermos for the car. GREAT. I went to use it. It was USED and dirty.  Then realized that everything she gave us, came from the lost and found table at the kid's school. But spent a $$$ on her new boyfriends family.  Fathers Day, she gave him a another mug, (she gives them all the time, $1.50 at dollar store) and the children made a card and a bag of rocks. Yes, rocks. Kids are 8 and 6. I could write 100 pages of this sort of stuff. Every holiday, b-day, whatever, is just pathetic. She drinks like a fish (closet alcoholic), smokes and vapes, works full time, expects me to get up at 5am everyday to take kids to babysitter or daycare, ( I won't look after kids on weekends anymore due to the fact that she is not appreciative of it)  Says she is broke, yet works in healthcare in a good job. 

Last night was the straw. Leading up the bday of youngest Diablo she never discussed what she had planned, cake or dinner, NOTHING. I told my husband I might be late. I did say for them to eat, but I was angry because I feel my husband should have said, NO, wait till Gramma gets home. ( It wouldn't have killed them to wait an extra 20 min) I got home at 5:15. I had taken out chicken to cook, as there was no discusson on what was to be made for dinner, so I continued to cook our dinner. No communication. I told my husband, that basically we were not invited to the party, as there was no communication about anything. We all live together. She made dinner, left it on a plate, in the kitchen, lit the candle on the cake, kids ate, she put cake away, We gave a little gift and child opened it, but wasn't allowed to fully open it, as it was time for bed.  She is in such a hurry to get her kids to bed ( she drags them out of bed at 5am) So she can go to her room, talk on the phone and get drunk, almost everyday.  She is 32 years old. She sleeps through her alarm everyday, So I have to listen to that for an hour, until she hears it. (she has 4-5 alarms go off --not exaggerating)

She makes terrible decisions and this is what led to her moving in with us. Her father has had enough, because I keep complaining about her behaviour, that it affecting our marriage, as its driving me out of my mind.  I told him I want to sell and move out of province and start fresh. He doesn't want to. I am afraid to kick her out, because she will continue to make poor life decisions and get herself into a bad place again. The 4 years of BS. She complains to her dad that I don't involve her in anything when my daughter comes to visit, but all she does is get drunk and its bloody annoying. Try and have a fun conversation with a drunk. My mental health is in the toilet, and I have hand mini break downs in the last 4 years. I hate living in this house.  I explained that when we all moved in together it was supposed to be a family unit. We all help each other. One can dream.  This morning, my husband poured his coffee, she poured her coffee, I poured my coffee, and the lid fell off of carafe. ???? It doesn't come off.  She is filthy, her coat which i bought her for a gift 3 years ago, is so dirty, its gross. I have had to sneak it into the wash twice to clean it, as its black from filth. 

I have never actually confronted her, as I feel its her Dad's reponsibility to manage his daughter.  He says he does, but nothing changes. As much as I love him, I am about to make some harsh decisions. So sorry for that, I needed to vent. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Anyone would feel the way you do in this situation. All i've got is sympathy. Idk the rules where you live, so idk what your options are.

This woman is what a guy i used to work with called PPP - piss poor protoplasm. Any involvement you have with her will suck. Even if she somehow moved out and left the kids, she would keep coming around like the brown-headed cowbird mother she is, fking things up. But if you kick her out, she may lose the kids, then you guys get them after she's had however long to fk them up even worse.

You guys could do like JRI's husband and partially subsidize her to live somewhere else, if you have the money. That may be the most peaceful choice, but can you and are you willing to afford it?

Or you could leave the situation. All choices suck when dealing with this type. You can't keep living with her, though. 

AlmostGone834's picture

Save yourself. She goes out you go, that's what you should tell your husband. Get yourself a nice little clean, quiet apartment. Life is too short. There's no way I could deal with that. 

JRI's picture

After living with SD62 here for a year and going thru some horrible times, but not as bad as yours, and her kids are adults not young like yours, my health, both physical and mental, were suffering.

I had fantasies about her moving somewhere, anywhere, but when I looked at the numbers, her disability just wouldn't cover an apartment.  She had already been evicted from 2 apartments.  I couldn't kid myself that she'd be able to afford a place.  Welfare housing here has a long wait list with mothers and children getting preference.   I realized we would be having to pitch in.

I figured out an amount we could afford and discussed with DH.  We had already separated finances.  He agreed to pay her subsidy from his "allowance".  I think he was so grateful I'd come up with a plan that got her out peacefully, he would have agreed to anything. We also agreed he would no longer let her use our charge and I check that daily.

SD62 is not living in luxury.  It's about a 60-yo place but functional.  She still has financial issues, one month, it's her phone being turned off.  Next time, it's the electric.  She calls DH86 and I guess he gives her$, it's from his "allowance" so whatever.  I myself won't pay one penny more than our agreement.  Our subsidy covers shelter and heating.  She gets state food aid and is on Medicaid.  

This is not a perfect solution.  I worry about what will happen when DH86 dies and I won't be able to keep doing it.  I also feel it's not fair to our other 4 kids but I'm keeping track of our expenditure and will probably reduce her share of inheritance.  DH86 would dearly love to see one of her kids show a desire to help but it's not happening.  I understand him but I understand where the kids are coming from, too, they lived with her longer than we did so I'm sure they are burned out.

Good luck, it's an awful situation and you have the 2 kids to consider.  Hoping for your best possible outcome.


Dollbabies's picture

to me to ask but do you have enough money saved to pay for a nursing home for at least three years and still have enough to live on?

I ask because if you do not, Medicaid would look at the assistance you are giving her as an attempt to give away your assets to circumvent Medicaid requirements. You probably already have factored it in but just in case you didn't...

JRI's picture

I hadn't thought about that but I think we are ok.  Thanks for the heads up.

Lillywy00's picture

She makes terrible decisions and this is what led to her moving in with us.

Her father has had enough, because I keep complaining about her behaviour, that it affecting our marriage, as its driving me out of my mind.  I told him I want to sell and move out of province and start fresh. He doesn't want to.

This is why you NEVER let troubled people live with you. If you felt bad, then allowing her to live there with a timeframe to get her own spot.  

Their problems and chaos now become yours. 

It's okay to love and help people from a distance. 

You may need to be firm with your husband explaining that  he's either coming with you or you will leave him with his train wreck spawn and let him suffer the consequences of choosing that over his marriage


Harry's picture

To move in ,in the first place.  You know she was the master of bad choices..   You really did think it would work out ? Pixi dust ?

Tell DH. SD has to go. It's up to him to either go with her and have another failed marriage. Or go with you, SD is a adult doing adult things,  she can find a place to live by herself.  

MorningMia's picture

My suggestion: Make the harsh decisions your gut is telling you to make. This situation is outrageous. 

Rags's picture

Time to unring the bell of her and her spawn living with you and daddy.

Rekey the locks, have a POD delivered and have a packing crew pack her shit and load the POD and tell her she and her kids are out.  No discussion. Just do it.

If DH says a word, tell him another POD will be delivered and his shit will be packed as well.

Time for this POS hell spawned failed family progeny to be gone with her kids.

Stop tolerating it. Don't discuss a thing. Just get their crap out of your home. If they want something out of the POD they can go dig through it at the POD warehouse.  

You are allowing it. Stop that.

Olivia2020's picture

I'm sorry you've been dealing with this!

I had two older brothers that were into drugs back in the 80's. My parents worked hard yet threw good money after bad to bail bonds and eventually BOUGHT each of them HOUSES to live in just to get them out of the house. They were REWARDED! Going through my mothers paperwork after she died 11 yrs ago, I found where she paid for cars and trucks for them. Ironic, neither worked a job because she paid for them and their mistakes until her dying day. I worked 3 jobs to get through college, joined the military and earned two Masters degrees, but no one cared or even noticed. If this daughter has siblings, they are seeing this and are watching it all unfold like a sad movie.

Please stop rewarding the addict as she will continue to suck you dry, bank account, food, mental and physical energy. These are very common dynamics in families with this situation. You likely want the grandkids safe and nearby and your daughter knows this and uses them as leverage to manipulate both of you.

Get the PODS, get her s*it out now, petition the court for custody of the grands if your state allows, if she bothers you all, get a restraining/protective order, she can be thrown into rehab, judges don't play games when it comes to addict mamas and their kiddos when mama goes psycho when her supplier of comfort and money (you and hubby) stop the funding. The gravy train has stopped. I did my internship in residental rehabs for women, saw this trend way too much. I've worked with the grandparent(s) who had the grandkids while their daughter was out living her life on the streets, doing what she wanted, while the kids were cared for, in school, fed, clothed, nurtured, etc by the grandparent(s).

Please enjoy your life and make some moves to evict her, sell the house, enjoy your lives or at least start enjoying your life. It's too precious to waste on an ungrateful alcoholic that is freeloading as much as they can.  

Rags's picture

Please tell us how the crackhead brothers are crashing and burning. Or if it would calm your heart, how they pulled their heads out and made something of their lives.


Give rose

Thumper's picture

I have nothing more to offer in addition to what everyone has said. I totally agree with them.



CLove's picture

My worst nightmare is what you are living. If SD25 Feral Forger ever got pregnant...yikes!

You have the heart of a saint. 

At this point its either you or her.