OT - Sociopathic Employers At It Again….
So the turn over rate for managers is just as high as regular employees... so far 5 managers in 5 months
The expectations are so ridiculously high that everyone who is wise has ADA/FMLA/etc to be legally protected from getting fired for taking breaks
My new manager is a hovering micromanager and I loathe her voice already and wish I could block her PMs
I am trying to line something up before quitting this disorganized chaotic mess and wondering if I should just take a leap of faith and work independently as I've done in the past.
I hate barely mediocre paying 9-5s, micromanaging, limited advancement, psychopathic "leaders" and thinking to myself how to get myself out of this trap in a way that won't send me from one frying pan to another
Pray for ya girl as I try to reduce my cortisol levels, blood pressure levels, anxiety levels ....
- Lillywy00's blog
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Then she pi$$ed me off today
Then she pi$$ed me off today threatening to write me up without understanding the reason (our workforce is incompetent and messes up making it look like you're not working when you are)
All I could think of "good thing this is virtual bc you can write my foot up your a$$"
I am going to try to request as much time off from this place (which they'll probably try to find a way to write me up for using pto but whatever I earned it so I'm using it) to find a better employer or just work for myself again.
I hate this for you and I
I hate this for you and I like your plan. Use your PTO, work toward an alternate plan, and then remove these aholes from your life.
If you are capable of
If you are capable of financially supporting yourself doing independent work.. then you probably need to consider pursuing that. If it's less than certain.. you need to pivot to another job while still employed. It's so much easier to find a job when you are already employed.. no one wants to hear "I left my last place because it was so toxic".. when you interview. It may be true.. but it paints you as a potential trouble for that prospective employer. You do NOT want to come off that way if you want to get another job. You want to say you are looking for a job with more responsibility.. with more meaningful work.. closer to home.. less/more travel.. lots of reasons.. but don't make any of them seem like you are complaining about your last employer.
^I suppose I don't understand
^I suppose I don't understand why employers erroneously assume other employers/incompetent management aren't trash as if 100% of employers are making the top employer list in Forbes or something.
All they have to do is read Glassdoor reviews, look at their stock performance, etc to know the truth.
I would never talk negatively about a former employer in an interview for the reason you mentioned. But I would leave honest reviews after I left the company.
But you have a good point and very reasonable insight
It's not that hiring managers
It's not that hiring managers don't understand that not every company is one great big overpaid family... and the fact that you are seeking a new job is usually at least some indication that there was something lacking at your prior workplace.. even if it's just the opportunity for advancement or expanded responsibilities..or learning opportunity.
The problem is that when people hear a candidate complain about how unfair or micromanaging the prior management was.. they have to consider the possibility that the employee was the issue... that the employee warranted micromanaging because they were not keeping up with dept output standards.. that they were absent too often.. that they did not pay attention to the detail of their work. Not saying that you aren't doing a good job.. but unless your employer has an industry reputation for having high churn rate of their employees.. the prospective hiring manager has to consider that you "might" be telling the truth.. or you may have been an underperforming worker.. and they don't want to hire someone else's problem. There is no way to know for certain which is the correct assumption and when an employer is looking for ways to NARROW the field of similar applicants.. the one that has a whiff of possibly being a problem? They are cut from the process. Hiring managers aren't looking for reasons to hire a particular person.. they are often looking for reasons to NOT hire.. and hire someone else instead..lol.
unless your employer has an
I was just about to say this.
Turnover rate ... if employers don't lie about their stats is a huge indicator of unrealistic performance standards
Ive had 5 managers in 5 months. Not sure exactly why they left but I can only guess. So not just the employees but the lower tier managers are also jumping ship.
I had misgivings when I accepted the offer. Though the upside!
First the Process manager left, then the engineering manager, then the investor relations director, then lead equipment engineer, then they adopted my department merger proposal and let me go.
There are several lawsuits in the works from investors and customers and multiple collections in process.
I was the 4th person in that role in less than a year.
My only regret, is that I did not just leave when I first recognized the shit storm a couple of months ago. But, they were paying me so, I collected a check while I looked for my next role.
These people can’t do there jobs
Knowing they were hired for to fix things. So when things go south and they don't know why or how to fix things they write up people showing there lack of leadership. Company don't want to know the thruty you hire incompetence workers and expect them to be competent . They the bosses go to expense training classes and are told if you look competent. Dress competent, say competent things. After buying the book, and DIsk set. Your problem are fixed.
Knowing they were hired for
This is exactly how it feels
Take care of you.
It took 30 years but I finally arrived at the point where I do not tolerate nor do I react to this kind of inept managerial leadership. My stance is that I am hired to deliver to best practices. If more Sr. management deviates from that, I continue to deliver to the best practices and left them jump through their asses backwards to play the spin game.
Most recently I was hired to build and lead the development of asset management systems and organization for a pre IPO start up and do that in a way that could be replicated and scaled for future larger production assets.
I had put together the execution structure and plan, got the hiring plan approved and Reqs posted. Then... the executive team went silent. No offers went to people already recruited, interviewed, and told they would receive an offer.
I kept doing what I was hired to do while they demanded something else. Stuff I have not done in nearly 30 years. I lead asset managent organizations, I am not the guy you want repairing those assets. Though I did dive in on troubleshooting functional issues and worked closely with contractors I called since I was not allowed to hire the people needed. The leaders were not happy that I engaged contractors. I put together an analysis and presented it at a BOD meeting outlining the revenue delivered due to engaging knowledge resources quickly rather than letting production remain at a stand still. The BOD was clearly on board with my actions, though the exec team was very tight jawed.
I am relieved to no longer be riding that situation down in flames.
Take care of you.
Yeah I called in today.
Probably going to be on the sociopathic micromanaging c*nt (yes majority of female leaders I've worked for were highly sociopathic or unqualified) managers sh*t list upon return but eh .... today is Juneteenth and I'm going to exercise my freedom today.