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What to do Father’s Day going forward

Mum2twogirlz's picture

So Father's Day... stepdaughter bm dosent get anything for dh, no card, no call nothing. I believe Father's Day should be special so I got cards gifts etc and booked a lunch for us (me&dh) kids were with grandparents skid was with bm. This is where I was stuck, who do I write the card is from? I felt so bad I ended up writing all kids names on including skid. What would you do going forward? Leave skid name off and if she asks why tell her to ask her bm? I don't know.

JRI's picture

You did the right thing.  Your intent was to please him. I'd continue handling it that way.

Harry's picture

I am sure can see by handwriting the card is from you,  That you went the exter way to include SK'S 

Rags's picture

No dilemma. Write the card from you thanking him for being a great dad.  No need to prevaricate.  If you want to mention the kids, thank him for being a great dad to (list the kids).  

Eventually when the kids are old enough to do it for themselves, then... clarity may arrive for DH regarding which of the kids are at issue behaviorally.  Hopefully the diffiult kid(s) will progress beyond that point and DH may not have to live that pain.