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OutJustInTime's picture

Hello. I'm here seeking support as I put my 8 month relationship behind me with a dad of two girls, one almost 16 and and the other almost 21. He ended up breaking up with me out of the blue without any explanation and has now gone silent. But with a bit of distance from things, I see now that he unwittingly did me a huge favor because this relationship was almost certainly going to crash and burn due to his lack of boundaries and dysfunction with his kids and ex. Nobody ever warned me about the problems with step daughters. I was super naive about how things would play out and I thought they'd be glad to have a positive female figure in their lives and for their dad, especially since their lifestyles would have been improved with me in the picture. I could have paid for vacations and college and all sorts of things that he struggles to provide for them on his own.

Their mom is a serious loser. She was having an affair with a married man when my BF met and married her, unbeknownst to him. About 10 years later she left him for her latest Affair Partner. She has lived with a series of skanky boyfriends for the past 8 years or so since their divorce. She currently lives in a small and scruffy apartment leased by her boyfriend and the girls sleep on the couch in his living room when they're with her. She was a SAHM while they were married and hasn't been able to hold a job since the divorce and so she depends on mulitple boyfriends and her parents to cover her living expenses. (She blew through her divorce settlement instead of buying a new house or getting herself trained up with job skills.) She has taught the girls that they don't need to become financially self-sufficient because men will pay for them. Neither parent disciplines the kids or holds them to any standards. My ex BF is literally afraid that if he pushes them they will revolt and "leave him" to go live at their mom's place.The older one has been essentially vacationing in another country and staying with her mom's family there for the past year. She dropped out of community college and doesn't have a full time job. And now he's paying for her to fly here for a vacation for a few months. The other is barely passing her classes in high school, none of which are the college track challenging ones, and she skips school whenever she can. She once claimed twice in a month that she couldn't go to school because of menstrual cramps! When she does something super basic like puts her dirty dishes into the sink (not even washing them, just placing them there) she tries to get her dad to transfer money into her account as a reward, and what's worse is that he often will do it. Every month the 15-yr-old gets about $200 for pocket money plus all the extra money he gives her for unhealthy snacks. (Her diet is disgusting and she pretty much is on track for a heart attack or gallbladder removal by 35, and she's already obese.)

I'm divorced with a well adjusted full time college student who is making good progress in his degree. We cover this school tuition/housing/books and so on with his college savings fund but require him to work so that he has skin in the game and learns the value of money. I live in a much nicer neighborhood and in a much nicer and larger house than my ex-BF does. I also earn more than twice as much as he does. 

The ex BF stupidly asked the girls how they'd feel if he were to move in with me and eventually marry me. Of course, they said no way. It doesn't take an idiot to see that I wasn't going to let them get away with their slothful behavior, especially given that I didn't raise my own son that way if I were a fixture in their lives and they were living under my roof. Rather than rock their boat, he chose to end the relationship with me. I don't know if he consciously sees that this is what happened, but it is very clear to me that he felt we didn't align since the only way things could work between us would be if he grew a backbone and told them they'd need to shape up. He has a ton of guilt over the divorce as well as baggage from his own childhood about being abandoned by his parents. Anything that seems like he's not putting his girls first = abandonment in his mind, even if it would actually benefit them. He's a very hard working and ambitious type, like me, and I think that's part of why he was so drawn to me. His daughters didn't get any of that though. They're just like their mom, lazy users. He and I talked a lot about starting a business together doing the same work he does now, but striking out on his own. I would have been happy to use my resources to get that business off the ground, which would have enabled him to be much happier with his career and would have brought in more money. But I wouldn't be willing to do that if he wasn't "partnered" with me fully and sharing a home and life. I think that he saw the fork in the road before I did, or he at least felt it and this made him turn away from me and break up. 

I guess I'm writing in the hope that people here will confirm that ending this relationship was really for the better. He and I had a phenomenal connection and were really great for one another in many ways. But ultimately, he wasn't willing to do the things to enable us to get closer and deepen the relationship. For example, the younger daughter was allowed to call the shots on a whim with respect to which parent's house she was staying at on any given night, and she mainly chose to be at his house on weekends, which meant that he could never come to my house and spend the night. (His work starts super early M-F so we couldn't really socialize much during the work week.) I'm sorry, but it's just crazy that two adults in their 50s are not allowed to sleep together at the woman's house because of a teen's preference. We would often have to cancel plans and even travel plans if she decided she'd be at his house that night at the last minute, and he allowed that to happen. The few times he did take a trip out of town with me she'd call screaming that he cared more about his girlfriend than her and had left her behind, even though we'd both invited her to join us but she'd refused. I read so much advice about how you shouldn't opine on or judge how someone you're dating raises their kids, so I didn't feel like I should say anything. To this day, he doesn't know how insane I think his family situation is.

Oh, and his "solution" that he'd offer me whenever he realized that the status quo wasn't cool was that he will wash his hands of them when the youngest turns 18. Except he never addressed the fact that she isn't on a "go away to college" track and would have no way to earn enough to live on her own. And how was he going to tell the younger one he wasn't going to support her beyond age 18 when he's still doing the bidding of the one who is already 21?! Whenever I'd ask these questions he or even some of my friends would tell me to stop rushing things because we hadn't been together long enough to consider moving in yet anyhow. I didn't want to move in immediately. I just wanted him to be willing to visit me and spend the night like normal adults in a romantic relationship do. I didn't want to be the only one packing a bag and leaving my pets behind in order to spend time together. And I wanted to know that when the time came that we were ready to consider living together, there would be an open pathway for that to happen. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Dear "IDodgedaBullet" - this guy did you a HUGE favor by breaking up with you. Seriously. 8 months in, Poopsie told him to break up with you, and he did! Talk about showing you who he is! ETA those girls were never going anywhere. Not for long, anyway. They would have continued to bounce back after their latest crisis and always with their hands out. 

JRI's picture

Biggest favor anybody ever did for you.  You've added years onto your life and preserved your health.  Many of us are jealous!  Lol.

OutJustInTime's picture

Thanks for the feedback! I actually thanked my own kid for being such an asset to me as someone who wants to find a life partner. I never realized how much of a drag unlaunched loser kids can be on their parent as they try to enjoy the next phase of life and find someone to share it with. I feel like my son, with his nice manners, great social skills, respectful attitude, and self-discipline reflects well on me. And as annoying as my ex H is, he is also not a drag on me. So far at least, he fulfills his end of our agreements about our son and he doesn't bring skanky people into my son's orbit. And we are on the same page about the type of young adult we are trying to raise. 


It's really too bad that conventional wisdom is to not let one's BF or GF meet the kids till things are serious enough and once you're already emotionally invested. Had I met ex BF's girls earlier I would likely have bowed out before getting my heart broken. The first time I met her, the 15-yr-old showed up in the tiniest mini skirt with her huge overweight thighs on full display and wearing sandals in the dead of winter. I couldn't believe that either of them thought that was appropriate for meeting your dad's girlfriend. But by that point, I'd already fallen for him and so I stupidly allowed him to make excuses. That same night she spoke very disrespectfully to him in front of me. I didn't realize that these were huge red flags and signs that he refused to parent her and insist on proper behavior and clothing.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

Even though it might hurt a little now, in the long run you are going to be so much better off! Consider it a good learning experience and take what you learned and apply it to your next relationship. You know what was good and you now know the red flags to look out for.

Rags's picture

Your blessedly XBF did you a similar favor to the one my adulterous XW did for me.  She ended a relationship that I would not have ended for quite some time. Though once she did play the D card many red flags I should have seen for the entire blessedly short relationship became very clear.

Do not lament the end of this.  He showed and told you who he was. Believe him.  Categorize people by their actions and never be fooled by their words.

Congratulations on your escape and moving on to a new life adventure.  Now, maintain absolute zero contact with him. Not one word ever. 

And ... Welome. I hope that you find this to be a good place to vent, contribute, and to pick up some useful support from others who are living the adventure of the blended family dream.  Or regarding your good news, engage with people who have escaped.

Take care of you.

Give rose

AgedOut's picture

Look at it this way: in 10 years your life will have moved forward. In 10 years he will still be right where he is, treading water to keep afloat in his cess pool on overindulged, barely parented, always in charge daughters. 


Yes, you really are out just in time!

Rags's picture

Absolutely. In 10 years, 10 years of life will have passed. The main question, which you brilliantly broached, will that ten years be years lived well that progressed life forward, or will those be 10 years of recycled misery?

Hope-ium smoking BPs and their hope-ium indulging SP partners are far more likely to be the ones having lived 10 years of recycled misery.

BethAnne's picture

We're way beyond the age where we can fool ourselves that love wins over everything. Life is too short to ignore reality and hold onto illusions of romance and that lepards will change their spots when all they have to offer is words witihout action. 

Enjoy your freedom and the new insights that you take forwards with you. You will spot red flags a lot earlier now you've seen up close the consequences of poor parenting. 

Harry's picture

You must respect your SO.  Letting his kids control your life is disrespectful,  your EX is a loser. Who going to be by himself.  You don't need him. Best of luck 

simifan's picture

The only credit I give the guy is that he broke up with you. At least he didn't keep stringing you along saying they need more time, etc. Remember who's in charge when he comes crawling back in a few months. 

Cath5213's picture

You have definitely made the right decision and he did you a huge favour. Divorce guilt is very real and it is hard to shake off. I have witnessed this in the last decade being with my DH and he has slowly woken up to smelling the shits that his daughters and ex leave behind. I believe his ex still holds onto this divorce guilt like it's the only thing she's got and hence the reason why she always let her kids call all the shots, because any sort of boundaries from the parents would almost always be seen as neglect and abandonment. Yet, any good deeds done by any of the parents are just taken for granted and always be seen as, 'you should be doing that anyway, as you are my parent'. It is manipulation and entitlement at its best. All of the family on my SDs' sides are fueling their minds with these thoughts (that any parental boundaries equals abandonment). My DH has been alienated and told that he's a terrible father even though his kids were the ones who blocked him on their phones. I have truly seen and witnessed all of that, and it sounds like your XBF has exactly just that. 

Also, what I don't understand is, why does your XBF have to mind the 15 y.o. when she stays at his? Isn't she old enough to be alone for one night on a weekend, if she chooses to do that? Don't they just ball up in front of their phones/iPads/laptops these days and ignore the adults anyway? Surely she can manage to be home alone for just one night, and she can probably get takeout if she can't cook, or your XBF can get her takeout, whatever works. He shouldn't be pausing his life because she decided on a whim to stay there the night. Also, now that you're not with him anymore, has she stopped doing that? I'm quite certain my SDs only ever want their dad's attention to not be on me, but the minute it isn't and if I'm ever not in their lives, they probably wouldn't even care about getting his attention. It is only their jealousy and fear that are fueling this gross mini-wife behaviour. 

I'm glad that it has only been 8 months for you. You will in time find someone else who is on your wavelength and won't bring you down. Him and his entitled brats definitely don't deserve you and your generosity. And I'm also glad your son is now away from all that entitlement, because this kind of behaviours is contagious, especially to youths. My SD once asked her dad why she doesn't just get a steady income/allowance from him and his business, because apparently one of her friends did. Once a leech always a leech. Like mother like daughter, apples don't fall far from the tree. I could go on forever, but yeah like other have said, his and their actions definitely speak louder than words. You are of course allowed to be sad and devastated for the time being, but I know you'll look back and will thank your lucky stars. Sending all the love and hugs.

Rags's picture

I guess I'm writing in the hope that people here will confirm that ending this relationship was really for the better.

Definately for the better. Make no mistake about that.

Even with all of the good, this is a "Other than that Mrs Lincoln, how was the play?" thing IMHO.  Some things just make everything crap.

It is a shit relationship because he is a shit parent.  You don't want that in your life. It never goes away.

He definately did you a favor.

Get on with living your best life without regrets on his departure. Good riddance to him and his coddled failed family issue.

Enjoy your incredible life without that trainwreck.

Give rose