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Semi O/T (Parenting): So mad I am shaking.

Rags's picture

Some parents need to be exterminated via long term torturous suffering.

This little girl was tortured to death and suffered byond the comprehension of anyone who has not experienced toxically elevated blood glucose and DKA (Diabetic Keto Acidosis).  The misery this baby suffered is indescribable.

If I was Grand Exalted Master of the Universe and grand inquisitor of torturing idiot parents of diabletic children, I would have these parents hooked up to a high fructose corn syrup drip and turn them into sugar cubes keeping them alive for every second possible so they can fully suffer the depths of hell that they put this little girl and other of their children through.

An eternity in the fires of hell is not severe enough for these demonic dipshit parents.


RIP little girl. I am relieved that you are beyond the reach of suffering at the hands of  your evil parents.


Cray 2


'Not an excuse': Mom gets prison for death of diabetic 4-year-old fed mostly soda (

Quinlan Bentley, Cincinnati Enquirer

Updated Fri, May 24, 2024 at 9:21 AM PDT·3 min read


A Clermont County mother was sentenced Friday to at least nine years in prison for the killing of her 4-year-old daughter, who prosecutors say died from diabetes-related complications after being fed mostly Mountain Dew through a baby bottle.

The sentence came after 41-year-old Tamara Banks pleaded guilty in March to involuntary manslaughter. Under a state law that says the Department of Rehabilitation and Correction can extend someone's sentence based on conduct while in prison, Banks could serve as much as 13½ years.

"This is one of the most tragic cases I have ever encountered," Clermont County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Clay Tharp said.

Hamilton County Coroner's Office records show Karmity Hoeb died at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center on Jan. 25, 2022.

Karmity suffered neglect and abuse for the majority of her life and her parents denied her proper nutrition and medical care, prosecutors said, adding the girl's death was a result of diabetic ketoacidosis − a life-threatening complication of diabetes most often associated with Type 1.

Just four days before she died, Karmity started showing signs of a "serious medical issue" while at home with her parents, prosecutors said in a court filing.

Those symptoms worsened as the days progressed, prosecutors said, with Banks failing to call 911 until the child turned blue and stopped breathing.

First responders were able to revive the child for a short time before taking her to the hospital, where doctors performed scans that showed she was brain dead. An autopsy revealed that Karmity died from a diabetes-related brain injury.

Prosecutors said Karmity lived with undiagnosed diabetes and her death could've been prevented with proper treatment and care.

"This child did not have to die," Tharp said.

Tamara Banks appears in Clermont County Common Pleas Court for sentencing on Friday. Prosecutors say Banks' 4-year-old daughter died from complications of diabetes after being fed mostly Mountain Dew through a baby bottle.

Karmity also suffered from a condition that caused her teeth to dissolve due to her being fed sugary soda through a baby bottle.

Prosecutors said Banks would often mix baby formula with Mountain Dew, long after Karmity should've been weaned off a bottle, and that investigators were unable to find evidence of the child ever visiting the dentist.

Despite Karmity's lack of medical treatment, Tharp said, Banks regularly refilled her own prescriptions and even had doctors visit her apartment to ensure that her medical needs were met.

Prosecutors also pointed out Banks has several other grown children who were treated poorly in her custody, including a son who fell into a coma at 4 years old from previously undiagnosed diabetes.

While the boy recovered, prosecutors said Banks continued to neglect his medical needs, failed to have him seen by a doctor and never attended his follow-up visits.

Clermont County Common Pleas Judge Victor Haddad said Banks should've had at least some idea of the dangers of diabetes due to her older child's condition.

"It's hard to be a good parent but you expect at least mediocre parents, everybody should expect that," Haddad said during Friday's hearing. "Not knowing what to do is not an excuse."

However, Banks said she believed she was caring for Karmity to the best of her ability.

"I thought I was taking care of her," she told the judge.

Banks and the child's father, 53-year-old Christopher Hoeb, were indicted last summer on counts including murder, involuntary manslaughter and endangering children.

Hoeb also pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter and in exchange for the pair's guilty pleas, prosecutors recommended the remaining charges be dropped. Hoeb is scheduled to appear for sentencing on June 11.

This article originally appeared on Cincinnati Enquirer: Clermont County mom sentenced in child diabetes-related death




AlmostGone834's picture

Some people are born without a soul... and I feel like there's more of them than ever these days. It's terrifying. Poor kid. Born into a nightmare. Very sad. 

Rags's picture

IF you see the actual article, there is a pic of the BM being wheeled into court. Your visual of her is without a doubt entirely acurate. 

The OL comment empathy regarding the parents being incapable of recognizing what they did to this little girl is not heavy but any is too much.


Lillywy00's picture

Glad they also punished the father. He saw her neglecting and abusing the kid and did nothing. If my child's father was abusive and neglectful of our child, at the least I'd collect all my receipts then report him to authorities so fast his head would spin. 

Lillywy00's picture

Prosecutors also pointed out Banks has several other grown children who were treated poorly in her custody, including a son who fell into a coma at 4 years old from previously undiagnosed diabetes.

Why this fool kept having children when she couldn't/didnt want to take care of them?

She probably erroneously thought since her CPS report level parenting didn't kill any of those now adult kids that she was an excellent parent.

And what kind of men see how she treats her existing kids then decide it's a good idea to procreate with her?


This is definitely mental illness and probably d~ugs 


Rags's picture

No doubt both are in play. Unfortunately drugs, mental illness, low IQ, and whatever else may be in play, are nothing more than a white wash and excuse for who and what they are at the core of their evil depravity. 

Though I end my give a shit about them at the fact that they are pure evil and should have been convicted of murder, should be kept alive for as long as possible to be tortured continuously, and then burn in hell for eternity.  If I could come up with more to put them through, I would add it to the list.


I know, not forgiving. But having lived a sliver of what this little girl was put through, no amount of torture, pain, and accoutability will be enough for these evil people to suffer.

Shieldmaiden's picture

 I'm right there with you. I think people like this, that hurt kids or animals, or are generally terrible humans - should be in jail for life.