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Resentment always rears its ugly head in S-world

2Tired4Drama's picture

I am disengaged and have been for many years. I started gradually, without any announcements, and just STOPPED. I stopped trying to single-handedly build any kind of relationship with SD because she simply isn't interested and never has been.  For almost two decades nothing has changed or improved. I place a lot of the blame on BM for her alienation tactics when SD was small and in her teens, I blame my SO for not having the courage to confront it, and I also now blame SD for not wanting to change things. She is a fully grown adult in her 30s with her own family now. 

My SO goes by plane to visit SD and her brood and I do not go. I am fundamentally unwelcome. I don't go where I'm not wanted and I point-blank told my SO this. He still gets a bit a$$ hurt when I don't go with him (as a bufffer) but he's now gotten used to it and doesn't push me about it. In a way, it's really for the best as he can focus on the minimum time he gets with his grandkids and at least develop whatever kind of relationship he can with them. 

I don't care that he goes to visit SD and brood. I don't care what kind of relationship he has with her as long as it doesn't interfere with my life or our life together.  Here's where the resentment comes in:

My SO is completely welcome in all of my family/friends' lives. No one has treated him in an unwelcome manner, ever. I have life-long friends whose adult children are my godchildren. I've known them all their lives and now they have kids of their own. I'm kind of like a grand-godmother. When we visit, my SO is included in conversations, he is asked questions, essentially he is part of the "family."

I've said I want to go and visit my friends/godkids sometime later this summer. My SO automatically assumes he is going with, and starts excitedly talking about the trip.  In the back of my mind, I really resent this "one-way" imbalance and his attitude - that it's perfectly OK for his daughter and family to be unwelcome to me, but he KNOWS he is welcome and accepted in my family.

S-life sucks - forever. For those who think it changes when the skids get older, don't kid yourself. 


Kes's picture

Nearly everything you said, applies to me. I have been disengaged from both SDs (aged 27, 29) for 20 yrs, mainly due to the fact that their mother taught them to hate me. My DH never challenged them about it and never had my back with them.  He was scared of losing his relationship with them.  It is totally different with my 2 daughters, (39 and 41).  He gets on well with both and they come and stay with us several times a year, with their children, who look upon DH as their grandpa. 

2 yrs ago, SD29, behaved so badly to me that I cut off all contact with her and will not meet her at all.  I have said DH can invite her here but I will go to friends.  He is unwilling to do this. Probably my only difference to your situation is that I no longer want a welcome from my SD - she has well and truly burned her boats with me and I want nothing more to do with her. 

2Tired4Drama's picture

I really don't want a welcome from SD anymore, either. Now she is an adult, she is not the kind of person I would ever see myself wanting a relationship with.  I've told my friends that if I didn't know she was SO's daughter, if I ever randomly met her somewhere (like in the workplace) I'd think her an insufferable, self-absorbed princess and would steer far clear.

ESMOD's picture

Unfortunately, the dynamics with stepkids aren't necessarily the same as those with other friends and family when you marry someone new.

Skids almost always have another parent.. and potentially an extended family of that other parent that could conspire to work against the new partner.  There can be resentment and jealousy and bitterness that come from the parent's split that end up poisoning the ability of the child to build any good relationship with the new partner... it's unfortunate.  

I would hope that your husband's other friends and family make him welcome.. like yours do.  

I also think it appears to be more typical that it happens like this with bio mom's being territorial over thier kids more than bio dad's (who are often on the short end of the custody stick.. ).. and dad's are often not as typically main caregivers of the kids prior to the split.. so kids align with mom.. and this situation is what results.

I'm super lucky that my husband's kids were not poisoned towards me.  I think mom tried.. but maybe me not trying to step into the mother role helped (in part because as a person with no kids.. I didn't really want so she was only so threatened.. and it was only a few times that things really were contentious over things I did that were "crossing that line).


ESMOD's picture

Sometimes just existing is the issue I guess.. the ex and kids can't get over another person being in "their spot).. I am NOT saying that step parents are making this happen.. often a bio parent puts a step parent in a parental or supervisory role.. and that is enough to make it all difficult.

Also. it can depend on age of kids.. I think relatively older kids can be more upset with a status quo.. or feel they are entitled to be part of the decision of their parent's love life.. becuase I think parents give kids a lot of powers .. especially today.  kids think they are equal in power to their parents 

Rags's picture

Definitely maternal territorialism

Morons like this fail to realize that your SKids, are not their territory. Their territory is being the BP.  Her territory is being their BM on her time.  That is the limit of her territory.  Sparenting is your territory.  She gets zero say on how you SParent or anything else that goes on in your home and family when YOUR Skids are visiting.  You do not go to her house and pee on her front door. Don't let her do that to your front door.

IMHO of course.

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

It is absolutely a double standard - do your best to sink your energy into those that love you and that are truly family. I have to remind myself (often) that I am unwanted and not cared for and as the years have gone by it's getting better in seeing the situation objectively and caring less and less. You'll find that your life is really interesting and full of opportunities, fun, creativity and vitality...whereas their lives are not. When you stop pinning and start thinking of yourself looking in a crystal ball at these people interacting what you'll likely find is they are uninteresting and unevolved. 

MorningMia's picture

This, many times over! Absolutely! I will say it again and again: it is their loss. 

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Yep. Their loss @MorningMia. Our gain is not getting sucked into the nothingness. 

2Tired4Drama's picture

It's been 20 years, LOL!

I don't want a relationship with SD. But what I do feel sometimes is this simmering resentment that my life/family is a welcome, open book for my SO which he is happy to indulge in and can automatically assume he is included. Yet there is no situation in hell where I would ever be welcomed or included by SD. 

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

2 worlds you get to live in one while DH has to have a foot hold in two. I am in the same situation with steps - I just work hard to focus on the people who love and appreciate me - there's some power in choosing not to put up with the garbage. 

CajunMom's picture

Our lives are so similar, it's scary. I have taken your exact position in regards to SKs. And DH has the exact position on my side as your SO. 

My DH just returned from a trip (flight needed) visiting his son/grandkids for a week. I thoroughly enjoyed my week alone and accomplished a lot of stuff. Lots of me time. Again, it's really nice to take care of just me for awhile.

But I get it. My DH has been fully accepted into my family.  When we visit my bio kids, DH comes right along with no questions asked. He and my son are extremely close to the point, sometimes, I think he comes to see DH rather than me. LOL (I do love that). He's surrograte grandpa for my niece's son (my sister died young; I'm surrograte grandma). 

Here's the kicker though. DH has two STEP grandkids....he was not given a choice. Was just put in the role of grandpa for those kids while I'm shunned from any "grand" role in his grandkids lives. SMH No worries...I'm over that, too. More money to spend on my grand and myself. And NO free babysitting. LOL

2Tired4Drama's picture

Let me get this straight - Your DH's Son is married to someone who has children from a previous relationship. Those kids (Son's stepkids) are now calling your DH "grandpa" just like Son's own biological children?  Yet you are still in the WIW club? 

CajunMom's picture

You have that right. DH is a step-grandpa. CajunMom is nothing. Well, actually not. CajunMom is a wonderful human being that would have been such a positive in DHs grandkids' lives. So, their loss...not mine. 

2Tired4Drama's picture

I thoroughly enjoy all your thoughtful contributions here on STalk, which makes you wonderful in my book. 

The added twist in my saga is that one of SD's children is adopted via an open adoption. So the child's biological family (birth parents, grandparents, uncles, etc.) have all been welcomed into SD's brood with open arms, too. IMO, this was the permanent nail in the coffin for any relationship with SD. 

If she can be welcoming and put forth effort to build a relationship with virtual strangers, yet can't with the woman who has shared her father's life for 20 years, then to hell with her.  It's her loss. 



SeeYouNever's picture


Dogmom1321's picture

Good for you for keeping boundaries! I would absolteuly not go visit either. I sometimes think about this when SD14 gets older... she doesn't have much of any relationship/interactions with DS3. I really hope DH doesn't try to force a "sibling" relationship there when SD has never accepted myself or my son really. I want to protect him from the drama if at all possible!

Rags's picture

Not specifically step-life related. Since my IL clan is not the Step Clan.  They are all related either by blood or by marriage.  My side of our blended family equation does not perpetrate this crap.

But... my IL clan has this though it is more of an ignoring the elephant in the room thing. At the surface level they all commit to a facade of acceptance of the mate of any member of the family. Kind of like a herd of ducks serenely gliding on the surface of the water together, while underneath, they are fighting each other like crazy.  The surface is a facade of acceptance, just under the surface is the insanely active back stabbing, undermining, isolating efforts, etc, etc, etc.... No one, but me and occassionally my DW, calls this crap out.  When I do it, they all STFU and pout. They ignore that I confronted it other than to wait it out and restart their usual shit some time later.  When DW does it, everyone gets all butt hurt that the Emporers new clothes have been shown to be nonexistent and then the anger is targeted at my DW.  Their anger is not directed at the one or ones doing the backstabing, undermining, etc.  Their anger is directed at the one who has had enough and bares toxic ass.

I go. Even if I was not welcome or even if I was expressly excluded, I would go.  I take it to be my role to scrub their noses in he pile of shit they are standing on that is just below the calm welcoming surface facade.

With my family, DW is fully welcomed, accepted, and valued. She has made our family name even more honorable than it otherwise is.  SS was accepted from moment one as my mom and dad's eldest though not first GK and as my brother's and his wife's nephew, and their 3 kids cousin.  This is all to the point that my parents refer to my DW as their daughter. No mention of her being their DIL.  Just, their daugther.  Though upon occassion for clarification, they mention that she is my wife.

I am lucky to be retained at full family member status in my own family.



My family is legitimately accepting and does not play or tolerate these games.  Woe to the person who would even try.  This is to the point that my mom was never accepting of our experiences with the SpermGrandHag. Mom always felt we were over inflating the issues.  This went on for 15yrs.  She always gave the Hag the benefit of the doubt. Attempted to reach to bond with the Hag as grandmothers to SS with zero response.  The Christmas before SS's HS graduation my parents visited us for the Holidays.  They happened to be there when the Hag went off on one of her raging vitriolic attacks on my DW.  The phone rang, DW was on with the Hag, who was cursing, ranting, and calling my DW every name in the book except kind, beautiful, and successful.  My mom's eyes bugged out, her jaw hit the floor, she got up, approched my DW, touched her on the shoulder, took the phone from her hand, and completely destroyed the Hag. Then told her to grow up and not to call back until she had. Then hung up. She tearfully appologized to my DW for not accepting what we had been saying all of the years we had been recounting the SpermClan and SpermGrandHag vitriolic drama.

Shit is as shit does. Never let the shit lose track of the fact that they are shit.  Roaches congregate to eat shit. I am of the mind that being fully in their faces present and radiant drives them insane and sends them scurrying for the dark corners. Be radiant, enjoy the crunch as we stomp on the roaches as they bolt from our living well radiance.  Living well is after all, the best revenge.

IMHO of course.


2Tired4Drama's picture

I am a city girl, born and bred, and have no problem confronting people when needed. It's part of life in the urban jungle to hold your ground.  That does include family. In my bunch, we have no problem calling someone out. 

But if it is the adult child of your life partner it takes on a different sheen. Now you find yourself smack dab between a parent and their offspring - it never bodes well.  As so many of us on STalk can attest. 

So. I don't choose to be around an a$$hole like SD as it wouldn't really benefit me and it wouldn't align with living well, and happily. Why purposely expose yourself to toxic people and stressful situations? Maybe I'm just getting old but I truly don't have time anymore for confrontations that don't lead to a successful outcome or change in behavior.

SD is an adult a$$hole. It's plain and simple. I don't care to be around her. 

The issue I have is dealing with my own petty thinking by wanting to inflict the same kind of ostracism I experience on my SO. It's not fair, it's not mature, but it does simmer in my brain. The old, "How do YOU like it? How does it feel to be unwelcome and excluded, huh!??"

He won't ever know how it feels because my tribe won't treat him that way. Thus, resentment.


CLove's picture

My family welcomes husband completely - and they tried with the rest also, but his are not so forthcoming.

And the skids! LOLOLOL. Not even thank yous when my mother would send presents and gift cards.

They stopped inviting Powersulk SD17 to dinners also, because she would sit there, powersulking, texting her friends, or off on the phone, and order an expensive meal (I want to try something new!) and then not like it and not eat it.

Dogmom1321's picture

Omg, my mom would do the same! Still does even! Always sends a holiday card and gifts for birthday and Christmas. This past Christmas, SD14 opened a sweater and told my Mom to her face, "Yeah, I really don't like that. It's not my style." Not even a thanks for the thought! She is the most unappreciative person on the planet. 

DH called SD14 out on it one time and told her "I think it's sad that you don't accept _____. One of your grandmothers passed away and the other is absent. You don't have any other grandparents and you are resistant to ______ even though she does x,y,z for you." 

Her loss! 

Cover1W's picture

I gave my parents, sister and aunt the 100% clear to not send any more gifts to SDs long ago. They would not thank them and DH wouldn't make sure they did. So then, no more gifts. Hell, I don't even do it any longer since I tried again this Feb and got 0% thank you and I actually interact with YSD when she's here.

2Tired4Drama's picture

SD has always been this way, too. I just don't understand it. My parents (mother, mostly) made sure I sat down and wrote out a thank you note to anyone who sent me a gift, even when I could barely hold a pencil in my hand. 

I wonder if these adult skids are as ungrateful with others?  If someone in their office buys them a coffee, do they just grab it without acknowledgement?  If the boss buys them lunch, do they tell them the meal sucked?  If their ILs pay for their plane ticket for a visit, do they completely ignore that and say nothing???

Dogmom1321's picture

SD14 has her own phone and could easily send a thank you text. It would take less than 60 seconds! I will never understand. 

I truly hope SD14 doesn't treat a boss the same. I have a feeling SD is going to have a very hard time holding a job in "the real world" though. She can't take any kind of criticism and everything is always someone else's fault. She thinks rules don't apply to her and she should get special treatment just for existing. I don't see those personality traits going over well with a boss.... 

2Tired4Drama's picture

I still might. Tell him it's going to be a "girls" visit where we will be going shopping, to theater, etc.  

But I know all my family/friends would be asking me where he is and would truly be disappointed not to see him, and he them. 


MorningMia's picture

I do that. When DH visits the skids, it's all entertainment with him paying, so these are like mini vacays. He also took SS on a couple of nice vacations (while SS stayed on his phone/laptop the whole time). I have even traveled internationally without DH. What's fair is fair. 

Merry's picture

I did that last Christmas and it was his own fault. Our plans to visit all our kids backfired when SD told him not to come and SS could manage to squeeze him in during the days I had planned with my fam.

DH expected me to twist myself inside out and upside down to accommodate SS. Nope. It was delicious. We did some touristy things that DH would have loved but oh well. He got to sit on the couch and watch SS play video games instead.

MorningMia's picture

Raising my hand! Same situation here. My family and friends (and my ex) have always embraced and included DH. My family really wanted and tried to embrace the ingrate skids, too. A cousin who lived mid-way between our house and BMs offered her house as a visitation meeting point for all of us--pool, boat, and horses included--and was snubbed by the skids. Skids did not only disapprove of/reject me, but did the same with my family. THEY are the ones missing out.

When DH had his health crisis last year, my brother offered his home (through me) to skids because it was closer to the hospital (and he knows our relationships are not good and I needed some peace).  I not only told him I would never subject him to their rudeness but they didn't deserve to stay there. My brother and his wife go all out on cooking for others/entertaining and are wonderful people to be around. Skids had their chance to be welcomed by my family multiple times beginning 18 years ago, but anything associated with me was looked at as if it stank. As long as I have known the ingrates, they have never asked about anyone in my family, including my mother when she was terminally ill. They have no idea how many siblings I have. They know nothing about my late father. 

My DH, too, travels to see the ingrates. I have forever used those times to have girlfriend weekends, pamper myself at spas, etc. It has always worked out well. 

Do I dislike the ingrates? Yes. At times, passionately. And I gave up on them years ago. I tried hard early on. I kept forgiving. I kept ignoring. But I was only hurting myself. My life is better without them. DH and I spend our energies on kind people. Do I get a little evil enjoyment over signs of skid jealousy when DH mentions doing something with my family members? Yes....because the ingrates pushed us away and refused to behave like homo sapiens around me. This was of their making. Make a bed out of poop and what do you lie down in? 

My view: F those people. Enjoy the good people in your life and be ok with DH enjoying them, too. 



2Tired4Drama's picture

"As long as I have known the ingrates, they have never asked about anyone in my family, including my mother when she was terminally ill. They have no idea how many siblings I have. They know nothing about my late father."

Yep, same  If anyone asked SD what my last name was, I'd be willing to bet she'd have to look it up in her phone. This is after 20 years! 

And yes, I enjoy the free time when my SO is away! I have no problem filling my time with activities I enjoy, people I can have long phone catch-ups with, etc. 

Newimprvmodel's picture

I'll never forget SD came to our home the weekend before my father was buried. Because they had concert tickets.  And they left the night before my father was buried. A holiday weekend. They had off the day of burial. They knew my father for many years.  That hurt went deep for me.  Especially as I had tried for years. Baking and cooking big meals when they came. Fresh flowers in their rooms!!  Imagine that. But that weekend it really proved to me. 

MorningMia's picture

My last straw with the ingrates was over my mother several years ago. It cut deep, as you say, and it honestly is the one thing that lingers with me (I feel guilt), so I get what you are saying. The big joke is SD is a very vocal Super Christian like her mother. lol. And, yea, I remember buying flowers for the guest room of the Pwecious Pwincess, too. 

2Tired4Drama: I may have missed this in your story: Has your DH talked to his kids? What probably lessens my resentment is that DH let his kids and ex know early on that I was a part of his life and I was not to be excluded. While he was weak in many ways dealing with them back then (and at times still denies their obvious bs), he did draw a line in the sand. He has also confronted the skids fairly regularly throughout the years, something always met with denials and crying by SD (and refusals to apologize). So, begrudgingly, they have invited me to every graduation and every baby shower (well, they wanted gifts--they knew I would never make it to the showers) and of course to SD's wedding. But they have never EVER invited me to one of their homes. Still, because of the hatred/vitriol, the only thing I attended was the wedding, and it was not a pleasant experience at all. 

Skids have gotten used to the fact that DH visits them without me. This has gone on for years. I want it that way and they want it that way, so we're all in agreement. In all honesty, the little devil on my right shoulder sometimes giggles and pokes me and says, "Go with him to the home of Pwecious Pwincess and insert yourself." It would ruin her weekend. lol. 

Newimprvmodel's picture

I can't believe it!  You know nobody ever got fresh flowers to have in my room when I visited. Nobody baked and cooked for me, and here I did that and it meant NOTHING. 

It's been two years since she has visited and I suspect many moons will pass before she visits. If she does, DH is in charge. I will go about my life.  No special NOTHING.  

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Beautiful @morningmia - I am at a similar point. You didn't treat my family well or properly acknowledge them (simple thank yous.) Thus, I use a simple equation. SKIDs ZERO effort to be good to my family x (any effort or thoughts of efforts by my family) = equals ZERO. Bare minimums are done when absolutely necessary, they would have had the ocean but now the SKIDs get a drop in the bucket. 

Lillywy00's picture

In the back of my mind, I really resent this "one-way" imbalance and his attitude - that it's perfectly OK for his daughter and family to be unwelcome to me, but he KNOWS he is welcome and accepted in my family.


I get how you feel (maybe you blame his mindset and viewpoint in this case) however he can't control those people behavior anymore than you can control your side's behavior   The only difference is your family seems like they're more mature unlike his overgrown feral spawns 

S-life sucks - forever. For those who think it changes when the skids get older, don't kid yourself. 

thanks for the heads up. I'm going to stand firm on my decision not to ever live with a man who has underage dependents. 

SMto3's picture

SS24 moved out 2 years ago, and has never invited DH over (DH invites himself over roughly once a month since his grandson was born). SS19 has been living with SS24 for the past 6 months, and also only reaches out to DH if he needs something. I don't think they hate me, but I don't think they care for me too much either (barely get texts from either of them). Sad because I did try to be a decent stepmom (never tried to take on a mom role since they always had their mom), but I think just the combo of alienation their mom taught them to have for me, plus SS24's insecurities with whoever DH moved on with, plus SS19 blindly supporting SS24.....resulted in this non relationship we have.

I'm trying to get myself used to the time he goes to see them. I do enjoy my me time, though I am anxious about possibly being invited to future events (I don't care to go anywhere and pretend we have an awesome relationship). I expect when stepgrandson makes a year they will invite me (likely for gifts and because they may feel obligated) but let's see. I do wish DH would see they don't look for him for the right reasons. I told him as much this week. I also don't like the feeling of having a split family, though there isn't anything I can do about it. I am grateful we all don't live together anymore. I'm grateful I don't have to babysit stepgrandson by default that SS24 I feel is deliberately not setting up family events because he is afraid some truths might be revealed to his BM. I'll just maintain my distance and peace...and hope for the best. 

But yes, there is a teeny part of me that wishes DH knew what it felt like. I highly doubt he'd be even going for the month to visit them because he'd understand how rude it is. 

Rags's picture

IMHO, this is entirely on the spinless partner.  If it were me, I would have my mate with me and make it crystal clear that if there was even one sigh, rolled eye, or untoward behavioral microsecond that it would be game on and I would own their toxic idiot asses from that second forward. For the rest of their miserable lives. No tolerance, not one Cent of money, they would rue the day.  If they want to be treated decently, the need to behave decently.

Day in, and day out, until they either check out early or get their shit together.

This imbalance would not stand in my world.  Not without the ones perpetrating it suffering beyond measure anyway.  My mate would be with me, we would be staying in lavish lodgings, we would be living our best lives, full frontal to their misery because I would make sure they were seeing it and understanding that they are shit.  We would attend every family event and be radiant while we do it.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Newimprvmodel's picture

Is that although SD wants nothing to do with me or my kids since the day we laid eyes on each other years ago, she has to know everything about me and my kids.  Just today I overheard DH blabbing to SD that I need a medical procedure, and I had just learned of the problem a few hours before. I usually simmer in silence. When confronted he either denies it or says "it's just Mary. You are so paranoid. You think everyone is against you."  Then I do a massive eye roll and curse him and his spawn in my mind. 

Rags's picture

He is gaslighting you while using you as his bait to keep his toxic POS spawn's attention.  His is using you to feed his NPD toxic POS failed family waste of breeding effort.

Pathetic.  Them. Not you.

Stop giving him anything to speak to her about. Nothing. Go grey rock on them both. Lots of non commital, non informational verbalizations but no words. Wow! Huh?  When he asks how your medical appointments went. Tell him that you will no longer share that with him as there is no privacy with anything you tell him.

That is a hill to die on IMHO. Make HIM die on it.

Survivingstephell's picture

I agree with Rags on this one.  How can you have trust in a relationship when he blabs to SD everything?  I would have shut this down years ago, in fact my DH had this problem for awhile.  Your spouse deserves the utmost loyalty.  You don't have that from him.  

Newimprvmodel's picture

That is clear. I heard their conversation. He tells her everything about everyone including me. He holds nothing back. In some ways he might have the identical conversation with me and her. You see?  He sees nothing wrong in it because he trusts her explicitly. He does not see that she is a stranger to me. Her choice. It's like she is a participant in DH's family but not to the rest of us. In his mind she participates. In my mind and my kids she is a stranger. 

He's tried to generate participation by constantly texting pics and ideas to all 6 kids including me. Nobody responds anymore to these group texts. Why share your ideas with strangers who reject any contact with you? 
it's hard for me. I hate going on vacation and seeing DH send pics of us and me to these strangers. I ignore it but it still registers. 
Do I want a relationship where I can't share medical info with my spouse. No. So I share. 

2Tired4Drama's picture

Between being able to share information with your spouse, and your spouse's responsibility to respect your privacy - for you as an individual as well as a couple. 

I agree with the others. You need to have a sit-down with your DH and explain to him clearly that just because he thinks he can "trust" SD doesn't mean she actually is trustworthy and he should share everything with her. You tell him you do not want him to talk about ANYTHING personal related to you - your health, your well-being, your job, your family, your finances - nothing. 

If he is so dense he doesn't understand this (and he sounds like he is) then spell it out for him like a five-year-old:  "We do not talk to strangers about what's going on inside our home. We do not tell strangers about our health problems. We do not tell strangers about our money. We do not tell strangers about our relationship.  Therefore, you do not tell SD (a stranger to ME) about any of these things." 

Ask DH how he would like it if you regularly talked to one of YOUR ex boyfriends about DH's health problems, his job/salary, his sexual issues? I'm sure he wouldn't like it.  

You get the idea.  

MorningMia's picture

Gaslighting. Infuriating. I've heard the same in the past. GRRRRRRR.
Yes, ask  tell him to stop sharing info about you and your family. 
On my end, the skids don't want to know anything about me, so I'm good. lol. Invisibility can be a very good thing. Still, over more sensitive issues, I remind DH not to talk about them. Skids don't deserve that info. 

SeeYouNever's picture

There is an intrinsic imbalance in step life and it rears it's head in so many ways. My family adores my husband, treats him with warmth and kindness and give him more for birthdays, holidays and special occasions than his own family. My mom even made him a quilt to commemorate a career achievement. I'm not sure his family cared one bit.

When it comes to his family and especially SD I haven't done anything to them but I will never be accepted. As someone else put it BM and SD are butthurt about other people being in "their spots" though it's not like they ever occupied them in the same way. I also feel like my in laws don't fully accept me because I wasn't the first in this spot either. What REALLY ticks me off if that they don't fully embrace my kids (their blood relatives) because of some worry that it will offend princess SD. My nieces and nephews from DH side are fully embraced, they aren't the same competition.

I get resentful about it too but then I remember I'm from the relatively more emotionally healthy family and if my in laws, SD and BM have all these unresolved issues then I'm fine if they keep their distance. I didn't cause any of it, it was there before I arrived yet the stepparent is always the scapegoat like we are supposed to show up and fix the family that was broken before we got here.

Rags's picture

First in the spot. An interesting pespective. Wrong IMHO, but interesting.  

I was married before. However, only one person has ever been in the spot of being my equity life partner.

Each individual is unique, the spot that they reside in is also unique even if they are a second or subsequent spouse.

I would make that lesson one I deliver loud and proud to your ILs and anyone one else needing that message if I were  you.