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Fiance walked out

confussedmom's picture

Hi there, 1s time poster here. I have been hesitant to join out of fear of being judged. So here goes... I am a mother of 4 grown children. I have 2 SKIDS (teens) living with us, as well as my 19 yr old BIO son. I am struggling with this blended family situation. They just recently moved in and I am having alot of issues with being territorial with my stuff, and just everythingin the house. Its triggering my OCD as I like everything in order. I feel like I am not receiving the attention I once did before they came. Seeing how comfortable and confident they are here makes me feel very uncomfortable and I feel very much alone. My fiancé packed up and left and I am trying to get him to come back. But things were said from me that is unacceptable to him, he says he can not trust me, and that the kids said Im only nice when hes around. I cant lie there is some truth there. I fully own my part and really do want to change, as I do love him very much. As of now I lost him. He has no empathy/sympathy for me. Any advice would be helpful as I have not opened up to anyone about this. He says he wants to come back, but his kids dont. He wants me to reach out to his daughter but I feel my pride getting in the way, as I am upset she lied to her dad, saying I went into her room and told her to clean it. 

JRI's picture

You've been given a gift.  He's left and now his kids can go.  This was never going to work.  It's hard to face a breakup but read around on here, you've dodged a bullet.  Good luck.



Rags's picture

Rather than beg and plead for him to come back, celebrate that this failed partner and his failed family baggage are out of your life.  Good riddance.

Count your blessings. They are gone which is a huge win for you and for  your own teen.  A lying POS who manipulates her daddy to abandon his mate is not anyone you need or want in your life or polluting the life of your own still at home teen. 

Get on with living your best life.  They should not be any part of that other than fading into the past.

Take care of you.

BanksiaRose's picture

in your home and by the very people that are supposed to love you. By the man whom you should expect to slay dragons for you. You've opened your home, your sanctuary to kids that aren't yours, which you didn't have to do. At all. The least that these teenagers can offer you is a bit of basic respect by following your house rules. 

You say he lacks empathy/sympathy towards you? Why are you making space for him in your precious life? We all only have limited time on this earth.

Having offered a gift like that, you're allowed to get mad when these kids act up, when they mess up or roll their eyes at you in your own home. If your dude AKA drama llama  storms out after his daughter says you went into her room and told to tidy up (true or not true - doesn't matter), he certainly won't be slaying any dragons for you and will most likely do a runner in the face of any hardship- you becoming ill, having a major financial loss etc.

And by then he will have used you up and sapped you of all your resources. Don't be a wife appliance that can be replaced.

BethAnne's picture

It seems living with them is not what you thought it was going to be. That is ok. If things were a lot smoother before they all moved in then you can go back to that and you and your 19 year old an live in your house. When his kids are living independently you two could reassess the possibility of living together again. 

Having anyone move into your home can make you feel put out. I had a friend move in with me and my husband and sd during covid for one of the lockdowns so she wouldn't be on her own during that time. I felt put out having someone outside the family in our home. I got irritated by everything she did, even when she was just trying to help. She wasn't a messy teen moving all my stuff but it still upset the balance of the home for me. Things felt much better after she moved out.

On top of all that if you have ocd I can see why having someone upset your home could be extra distressing. 

Winterglow's picture

I don't think your bf quite grasps the situation. They moved into your home. In your home, your rules go. Even if you HAD told his daughter to tidy her room, he should have told her to just do it - not storm off. 

If he truly wants to move back but his kids don't, they can stay with their mother and he can take his visitation elsewhere. OR he can get himself a place to stay, see his kids there, and continue to date you. You don't need to live under the same roof. Not sure I'd want him back though, he seems to put his kids on a pedestal and you're just expected to make do with the scraps. How old are these kids exactly?

AllIwantisapeacefullife's picture

Could you persuade your fiancè to engage in some couple's counselling? It seems a shame not to get everything out on the table with someone who could help before walking away? 

I think in these situations, you have to dig deep and work out if this is something you can live with? Is this someone you want to fight for (knowing all the baggage that comes with him) 

There are no easy answers to this but you both have to be very open and honest about your limitations. It feels like a lot to have 2 teen skids suddenly move in, is there room for compromise on his part? 

Harry's picture

A house big enough for everyone to have their own bedroom. Having a living room, family room, and a crafting room,  starting fresh. You can set up household plans on. Making a list. Cleaning. Cooking, maintaining the house .  If SO can't afford this, then he should keep his mouth closed 

SO can not come into your home with his kids and want you to change.  You live this way for many years. 

Stepdrama2020's picture


He gave you the biggest gift.

He prolly hoped you would be begging him back because this would give him the upper hand. He's toxic and so are his spawn.

If they cannot respect you in the home that you opened up for them then they have zero respect.

Frankly by him leaving is the best gift. Saves you the effort of  you eventually having to kick him and his toxic crew out.


Rags's picture

Please do not have another thought about this guy.  He is not worthy of you.  Go with that.  Do not speak to him, do not re-engage with him.

When people demonstrate who they are, believe them.  

Get on with living your best life.  With the added benefit of knowing that living well is the best revenge. 

Enjoy living your revenge.

Take care of you.

Give rose

This premise is a foundation of an amazing life of adventure and a love for the ages that I have with my wife.  My XW was serially adulterous.  She ended up, at least for a while, with the geriatric fortune 500 executive sugar/baby daddy who she was pregnant by when she moved out of our then recently purchased home. Over the next several months we worked through our divorce. She would drop a barb over how she was so enjoying socializing with people who had worked and lived internationally.


I had was raised overseas.  Yet, she was all puffed up by grandpa sugar/baby daddy formerly leading an international division for a large tech company and being the kitten arm candy for him while he was partying with his peers and their spouses.

Meanwhile back at the ranch and nearly 34 years later, my incredible bride and I have been married nearly 30 years, have lived on 3 different continents, traveled all over the world, have a wonderful marriage and life together, and have a great kid that we raised to viable successful adulthood.

XW... is at last count on DH #3 and all three of her kids are either cheat spawn and/or born oowl.  Grandpa Sugar/Baby daddy did marry her after their second child was born.  He also kicked her ass out and divorced her after she got knocked up by a boyfriend.

Blessedly I escaped without sullying my gene pool with her.

Go live your life of adventure and find your love for the ages. This guy is not that person.


confussedmom's picture

I do not want to give up. There has been alot of things that I have been doing wrong too. I want him back and his kids are extreamly important to him (understandable) They came to live with us cause their moms BF had walked out on them. They are good kids, as all kids are really. I think cause they are not my biological kids things bother me that dont with my own. He has taken my kids in, many times. I need to work on the issues that are triggering me. I was confiding WAY to much in my daughter who is an adult, and really like my best friend. Well that has been the biggest mistake as she does hold resentments (naturally) to her SF and step sibs. I dont share my stuggles with any one but her, and after he left, I decided to just be with myself, and use my own thoughts to deal with this. And from that I decided moving forward, I will vent to people whom have no negetive feelings towards my finace or his kids. I am glad I came across this forum. I think it will be helpful to read others stories, and if needed to vent here as well. Thank you all so much for your support! It is hard!! But I love this man with all my heart! I hope we will make it! 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

That's why i vent here. I agree that confiding in your kid about issues with SO and the skids is wrong. But - that doesn't make the issues not exist. You being wrong doesn't make them automatically right. Look at the issues independently of each other. 

BethAnne's picture

I like that you're finding neutral places to vent. I do worry from reading between the lines of what you've written that your fiancé is blaming you for your anger and making the whole thing your fault. Are you seeing a therapist? Someone who can help you to put things into perspective?