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The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing

la_dulce_vida's picture

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


ESMOD's picture

Hope your daughter gets good news!  It can be so hard to find the right fit sometimes.

I'm glad your therapy is moving forward with a plan.. and having some personal improvement goals is great too!

I wish you all the best getting to a healthier place in your life!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Fingers crossed for your daughter.

I love reading your update and plans. Onward and upward!!!

RockyRoads's picture

Good luck to your daughter.  I am glad you are posting updates about your leaving. It gives me some hope that I will get up the courage to do it soon. 

Rags's picture

Huge positive waves for your daughter getting that offer.  I just signed an offer myself.

My first day at work will be Monday which is 8mos to the day after my last day of work with my former company... that.... has been fired by the client.  

Not surprising. A number of my peers were released at the same time I was and the client company backfilled with their own people. They are now converting all of the  employees at the sites they are transitioniong to their own leadership to direct hire. The sites they are continuing to work with a partner company on, are being shifted to the competing companies to my former company.

So glad my transition occurred  earlier than those getting hit now.  

It will also give me a pool of candidates for roles in the new organization that I am being charged with building. I can be selective and should get some key high performers.

If all goes as I hope.

Also, I am toasting your new life adventure regularly. I am so happy that you are well into the "it hurts a bit less every day" phase of the post breakup grief and recovery cycle.

Be good to you.

Give rose
