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It starts at 630 am

Newimprvmodel's picture

With a ding. The SD that refused to come for the holidays. Texting her dear old dad at 630 am. She particularly early this morning. DH goes back to sleep and of course now I am wide awake. WTF. 

i just don't get this. You refuse to participate but feel so entitled?  
I need to put my claws away. And thank god I don't have to have the phony manipulator here in person. 
And Jeez texting your father at 630 AM. What kind of marriage does she have???  You guys understand right?  Something is mighty strange here. 

CajunMom's picture

Gawd, I know this behavior all too well. Won't participate, starts trouble at every opportunity but just HAS to be a "part" somehow. You know, to remind us "they" are still there. Ugh. It's all part of the manipulation games SKs learn and continue through adulthood.

DHs oldest is around 45 years old....does the same crap. So does his oldest daughter who is 40. In spite of him making calls, doing the facetime chats and all the texts/photos from yesterday (seems they did Christmas early), you can bet they will be "dinging" in today, well know its MY Christmas Eve celebration with MY family. 

Glad you posted this. I'm going to ask DH to turn his phone off at 4pm when our guests start gathering. Let their messages go inot the airwaves. LOL

Newimprvmodel's picture

She's been doing this. I can remember the two of us on vacation and being woken up by her texting him very early. She knew we were away.  Lol. 
I react strongly and then I get frustrated with myself because DH gets annoyed with me. Sees me as the problem. 
obviously this frustrates the heck out of me. Dealing with passive aggressive strangers. 
But hey Im up early now baking. It's going to be a wonderful couple days. No heavy duty cooking. Just chillaxing. 
Happy Holidays everyone!

Merry's picture

YEP. I'm waiting for the drama to start here too.

I swear I think SD and SS coordinated this last round--SD banishes, then says let's get together. SS says come visit--then says he'll be out of town.

Reminds me I need to stop at the liquor store today. I'd pick up something for you too if I could!

Rags's picture

DW's family does this same crap.   Mainly BIL1 and his Bovine Bride.  All in on the planning, then when DW arrives..... crickets.  Nowhere to be found.  

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

I've got a sulker on my hands...SKID's a broken bird, always feeling left out when 100% of the rejection is on their part. They'll go into a dark corner and sulk about being excluded even though it was their decision. I've already had the list of complaints and changes in my behavior that they want to see told to DH to pass to me as my christmas present (ex/ change your vibe! Say these things this way!, etc, etc.) I think they are crawling back under their rock to brood and hate me. I am good with that. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Speaking of morning texts, it's perfectly normal for a man to receive a Merry Christmas first thing in the morning from a number that appears to have never texted him before, from a woman named "Tammy" who he first says is his cousin then realizes is his hairdresser. Right?! Asking for a friend. 

2Tired4Drama's picture

Uh, not normal in my book. I'd tell your friend to call "Tammy" up and ask for a hair appointment. 

AlmostGone834's picture

I just want to say I'm sorry but at the same time I am also so glad I'm not the only one having a dysfunctional Christmas. I'm counting down the hours until it's over.