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Hall-of-Fame of Control and Tension During the Holidays

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Hello lovely stepparents, any hall-of-fame stories of adult SKIDs trying to control you with tensions flairing up during the holidays? What did they do? What did you do? Bonus points on how you handle grandskid interactions.Thanks all. <3 

ESMOD's picture

We were invited to Tday dinner when my OSD wanted to host at her home.. using the "i have kids card".. BM was also invited.. we went to FL for the week.. lol.

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture too. The irony of it all is they do a lot of nasty passive aggressive stuff directed at me and sometimes DH - we are nonreactive to the behavior and move on. Sometimes it's so bad we address it and say "don't do it again" but thats about it. We do not return the favor by committing any behavior towards them but somehow in this whole dysfunctional mess - THEY are crying? If this isn't gaslighting I don't know what is?

Exjuliemccoy's picture

"The Last Christmas" was one I hosted. We included all the in-laws, OSD and her blended family of eight, and even BM1 and her DH because I was a dumb doormat back then. 25 - 30 people.

It was tradition that adults drew names for the adult gift exchange ($50 limit) and all got gifts for the kids. We'd drawn names the month prior, and most of us asked for a donation to our favorite charity to keep it simple. This did not please narc OSD, as she is her favorite charity. DH and I had drawn her and her H Bubba, so we got them cash gift cards instead.

So I decorated and planned and cleaned and shopped and wrapped and shopped some more and cooked and expended all the emotional labor that we SMs often do. In true doormat fashion, I had everyone's favorite wines, beer etc and had set up a huge buffet in the dining room. Guests were asked to bring a dish. 

Then the shenanigans began. BM didn't bring food, but did bring a gift for DH. Nothing for me, the hostess of course. Druggie SIL and her daughter arrived 2 hours late, no side dish. OSD and her voracious blended brood were punctual, contributing only a single bag of chips and six pack of soda, and immediately decimated the buffet. Four of the six were teen boys, and they could EAT. I had to start cooking again. Then during the gift exchange, OSD and Bubba gave us ... nothing. She was nervous though, and I immediately knew what was going on. You see, the charities we'd chosen offer the option to either print a certificate the donor can pop in an envelope or to mail a card to the individual the donation was made in honor of. The prompts are simple and clear, so If OSD had actually made a donation, she would have known this. Instead, she thought she could just pretend she'd done it and no one would know.

I looked at my DH; he just shrugged, so I didn't say anything. I was such a wimp back then. But I looked around my home, at everyone enjoying the fruits of my labor and our money, the gskids and step gskids plowing through all the presents we'd spent a couple grand on, and experienced a shift. The scales had already been falling from my eyes concerning OSD, and I knew I was done eating sh!t sandwiches so these damaged people could play Happy Family. 

By the following September, I'd found StepTalk and was disengaged from OSD. A year after that, I disengaged from the SILs. And that gift BM gave my DH? It was a small throw blanket. He folded it up and used it as a posterior cushion for a while, which gave us a good laugh, and then we burned it. Thanks BM, you ignorant, disordered shrew.

2Tired4Drama's picture

I swear, all of us should band together with our tales of woe and we could EASILY write an entire TV series!

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Wow...yes, the idea of everyone feeding off of you- the fruits of your labor and your money - I totally get this. I stopped doing much as well - in fact when they show up I don't have anything ready, no snacks, no delicious baking, nada. If DH chooses to have things available that's fine by me but he doesn't plan. Last time they were over he offered them a glass of water. Fine by me. :) 

Rags's picture

After all, you are the cruise director!!!


I'm so glad you are out of that business with the trainwreck toxic opposition.

Inspiring story Julie.  Not many can learn from their own experiences.  You are an inspiration on learning and solving them as a problem.  Thank you for sharing. Others may learn from your inspiring leadership.

Give rose


ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

@exjuliemmcoy also want to note this is a wonderful example that we can all relate to.

2Tired4Drama's picture

My SO's sister is visiting from overseas. She is SD's only aunt. SD lives a distance away from us. Auntie asked if it might be possible to do a video call with SD, to say hello and to see SD's pack of kids. 

Auntie has not spoken to, nor seen, SD in years so in auntie's mind this was a chance to connect with her niece, and to say hello and talk with SD's kids.  A day and a specific time was arranged for the call. This was based on SD's schedule and was her selection. Double-checked the night before and all systems were go.

Auntie is excited because she knew this would be her only chance to see SD and kids on video, and auntie is due to leave for home immediately after the call. 

The appointed time comes and no call from SD.  Wait a half an hour still no call.  My SO tries calling SD.  No answer.  Auntie must leave for airport soon so there is some consternation as to what to do. After 45 minutes, SD finally calls. She is sullen, unapologetic, is obviously annoyed, and has zero interest in the whole thing. 

Auntie remains excited and positive, and bravely tries to engage SD in conversation, asks all the "right" questions, inquires about SD, her husband, her work, the kids, etc. SD answers each question with monosyllabics - yes, no, ok. Doesn't ask auntie how she is, how her cousins are, how cousins' kids are. Absolutely no interest.  

Of course, my SO sits alongside his sister and is a witness to this. I haven't been privvy to their conversation after this, but I sure wish I could be a fly on that wall. I can only imagine what his sister is thinking.

If anything, this situation has been the epoxy needed to firmly cement the fact that there is NOTHING that I could have done or not done to develop a relationship with SD. She was a self-absorbed little b!tch when I first met her as a teen, and she's grown into a big self-absorbed b!tch as an adult.  Her attitude towards her aunt solidifies that fact. 




Exjuliemccoy's picture

Just ... Wow. What an overtly rude witch. She's a special breed of entitled, isn't she? Most females would have at least played the faux politeness game, but not your SO's princess. I hope Auntie sees you for the gem you are.

2Tired4Drama's picture

I may or may not be a gem, but I do believe in the Golden Rule!  If I had treated an aunt like she did, my parents would have verbally planted a foot up my behind - no matter how old I was. 

Of course, my SO will say nothing. He would rather take SD's chewed up, spit out scraps of attention than get no attention from her at all. 

SD's entitlement and arrogance is beyond stunning; it's enlightening to see others being subjected to it and note their reactions. If nothing else, I know I'm not alone and it's certainly not ME that's the problem here. 

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Showing her true SD colors...I love this because she was just horrible all on her own. Best case is when they show their colors and you watch it from the sidelines. 

MorningMia's picture

If anything, this situation has been the epoxy needed to firmly cement the fact that there is NOTHING that I could have done or not done to develop a relationship with SD. She was a self-absorbed little b!tch when I first met her as a teen, and she's grown into a big self-absorbed b!tch as an adult.  Her attitude towards her aunt solidifies that fact. 

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

It's hard to come to the realization but when you do it does set you free. I couldn't be kinder and more generous person - yet I am the villian - NOTHING I do is right and everything I do is scrutizined and I am disrespected or largely ignored. I FINALLY woke up and said - wow, I am better than all this low level garbage. They've been bad since Day 1 and they will be bad for the rest of their lives- why in the he** am I putting anymore energy into getting these people to even be decent towards me. I know they are capable of it because they treat DH as if he were a g-d but they will never be good, kind and decent to me. Took me years but i am finally there- it is freeing but also hard to realize that you will never play a positive role and it's time to DROP the rope. 

Merry's picture

SD has a "tradition" of choosing Christmas gifts for everyone. She and DH have spent hours deciding who should receive what, who should give what to whom. She generally chooses thoughtful gifts, and that includes for me too. 

So what's the problem, you ask? It was reindeer games that no one else could play. With no budget. When I made a suggestion, DH's response was "I have to ask SD."  When I discussed budget, he wasn't sure what SD had in mind.

This irritated me more and more every year as it was just another way to exclude me (while spending my money). So I engaged with DH. Came up with lots of suggestions, made dates with him for in-person and online shopping. He was clearly uncomfortable and I was "overstepping."  How is my participating in the selection of a gift that I am giving and paying for overstepping? It was all about the SD show, the over-the-top accolades she received, and the exclusive interaction with DH, her lapdog.

A few years ago I suggested that we get tickets to a concert for Auntie. DH said she wouldn't like that. I disagreed with him but we moved on. A few weeks later he announced SD's brilliant,clever, and most thoughtful idea of giving Auntie concert tickets.

I swear my head spun around.

This year SD isn't speaking to DH over some unknown sin he committed two years ago. My life is peaceful. 

2Tired4Drama's picture

the silent treatment will last for awhile and you will have a very "Merry" holiday without any skid drama whatsoever!

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

I hope you guys stop funding SD's control of gifting for xmas. You're not getting any fun out of this! I think she will circle back up and want you to pony up but time is ticking...

and you know what makes a gift thoughtful ? When you don't have to pay for the gift that you are getting. SD sounds like she's the age of an adult. STOP asking stepmom to pony up for her own gift and everyone else's gift. Maybe SD should use her own dollars and cents (...and common sense.)

Harry's picture

Granted we enjoyed cooking. And enjoyed using the Christmas dishes .  SD used the GK card to take over Christmas dinner. By the second year she was catering the food.  To beg the question,  why do dinner, when you don't want to cook.  Cater it then cry about being broke 

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Yeah....she wants it her way and for you to pay it to be her way. Ummmm NO. I'd say let her cry Harry and don't pick up the bill. Maybe things can go back to the way you like it and she can be grateful for the great christmas dinner you put on. 

CLove's picture

Last Christmas, a few weeks before, Feral Forger SD24 called my phone demanding to speak to her father, saying he wasnt answering her calls or texts.

When I insisted that she tell me the reason for her call, as it was my phone she called, she told me she needs to have "her old room back" for a month. That she has full rights to it because its her dads house and shes his child.

I responded with 'well, firstly its both our home as we each pay equally, and my name is also on the deed and mortgage. So its my home as well, and you have said horrible things to me, called me horrible names, and you continue to hate me, so I dont see how that would work out..."

Click went the phone.

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

I like this and how it ended - I wish I was at the point where I get to tell at least one of the SKIDs that you treat me terribly and let them know that I am a huge financial contributor to our family (they believe I live off DH- untrue.) This sounds like a wonderful way to let karma smack Feral Forger in the a**. Way to go CLove. 

CLove's picture

After that, a few months later I think, she texted me via social media and then unsent it so all I saw was the text in a pop up notification "stay the f@ck out of my life you f@cking b!tch from he!!" something like that. I think there was a nasty text right after the phone call and I blocked her.

It never ends.

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Yes...and STAY OUT nasty mouthed SKID. Blocked. Way to go CLove. :D 

MorningMia's picture

All of my Holiday Horror Stories were from when they were teenagers. They were AWFUL. We ignore each other and stay clear now. It's nice. 

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

This is actually a happy ending. That's the direction I am headed with one adult SKID. He complained to dadddeee recently on the things stepmom has to change and after years and years of being given a list I told DH, "I don't want to hear it and I don't care. I am making NO changes this year. In fact how would they feel if I sat you down and recited a list of what they need to change? Do you think that would be acceptable?" DH said No. So that's that- stay on your side of your miserable fence and I'll continue to frolick in the happy sunshine. Buh bye problem adult child- enjoy your misery somewhere ELSE. 

Elea's picture

It's hard to pick just one holiday. Last year was a doozy. SD's arrived for a week but OSD ended up staying 3 weeks because she found out her long distance boyfriend, that she was supposed to be spending 2 weeks with, was cheating on her. LOL, I know it's not nice to laugh but who the hell thinks that a 26 y/o young adult male that you barely know and met 1 time is going to remain faithful and true for months on end from 2000+ miles away? SD26 is too pissy to have a real relationship so she had a pretend long-distance one and then was so shocked that it didn't work out. Oh the drama, she cried and made the visit all about her and what a victim she was. Cold-hearted SM didn't have any sh*ts left to give. If it's not one drama it's another.

I am a conscientious person when it comes to health, vaccinated - all that, but SD's made a dramatic virtue signaling display about Covid. No mask at BM's but they would mask up and make a display of how DH and I are not their primary family. I remember one Christmas it was pouring rain, freezing cold, SD's show up in our front entryway, all masked crying in the rain. (About what I have no idea. I let DH go out and talk to them and never asked him what their problem was.) Eventually, likely with a lot of coaxing and begging from DH, they came into the house and sat as far away from me and my BK's as they could. It's like really??? If you are SOOO afraid of us giving you Covid then why are you even here? Oh, I know, you THRIVE on drama.

Another year at Thanksgiving while we were all seated at Thanksgiving dinner, OSD called her auntie (who put her on speaker phone) to cry about how she "wasn't invited" and how much she "misses seeing everyone." The truth is DH BEGGED her to come to Thanksgiving. She flat out refused as a way to punish DH because he would not allow princessa diabla to dictate excluding me from family events. She really believed that she had the right to be in charge of us. Sdiabla has no shortage of byatchy audacity.

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

ohhhhh I can totally relate to this one with crying, etc. Tday they never attend and there was crying about not getting invited- nope, a lie. Then there was crying about other things and blaming me. I decided to sit out doing anything but turned to my DH and said, "It's all a lie and you know it." I have no room for their BS any longer - step aside SKID and go cry over the lies you tell yourself. I've got no sympathy for you liar.