Holiday gifts for grandparents
This is my holiday public service post for people wondering what to give the older people in their family. I'm 79 (almost) and DH is 86 so I'm qualified. We have all the "stuff" we need and are trying to downsize, donate, pawn off (lol) a lot of it so dont need more.
We love gift cards - fast food or aversge restaurants. Gift cards for nice carwash places. I like gift cards to makeup places like Sephora or Ulta. Think about what you're gifting. One athletic son was giving us gift cards to a sporting good store. We'd walk around and around trying to find something we wanted -I'm not athletic and DH now has arthritis. But if you know the person is crafty, then consider a Michaels card or if they're a golfer, a golf supply place. In other words, don't get a specialized card unless you're aware of their interests
I've noticed that people give what they themselves most value so that's what Athletic Son was doing. Another son is a techie and likes to give tech stuff. I hate that and since it's my BS was able to get the message across that if it doesnt meet the toaster test, as in as easy to operate as a toaster, don't do it. If you must give tech,, please know that your gift should include plenty of time to show them how to use it.
We like to get food and alcohol gifts. My GD gave me an advent wine box -a bottle for every day til Christmas, I like it. My DIL always gives DH a box with fave foods thst I, the food police, won't allow in the house like peanut butter, chocolates, nuts, etc. He gobbles it while denouncing unhealthy food. I'm picky about clothes but one GD gave me a warm shawl thst I use a lot. DH is adamant that no one give him more clothes but he sometimes receives baseball hats and likes them. They are usually connected to someone's employment and he wears them proudly.
If you're short on cash, I have an excellent idea but you have to follow thru. Give your time to help them at their house. Your gift might consist of 2 parts: one visit to outline the project (for example, raking all the leaves, painting a room, installing something, cleaning something). Then the actual day the job is done. Again, you have to follow thru but this can be the best thing they get. One of our sons installed under counter lighting in my kitchen one year and I think of him every time I turn it on.
This is an idea for a child's gift to a grandparent. Take them to the Dollar Store and let them pick out a mug or wine glass. Using nail polish, let them decorate it, maybe a heart or a name.
I'm sure other StepTalkers will have good ideas. I know we older ones are hard to buy for. Happy holidays!
- JRI's blog
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Book store gift cards for
Book store gift cards for those who enjoy reading.
When I was a child, book
When I was a child, book tokens were my absolutely favourite gifts! My poor mother dreaded them because she knew that she'd have to spend a whole afternoon with me while I chose my treasures... sometimes several times over because not all tokens were for the same place.
(No subject)
My SS's get my Mom GC to her
My SS's get my Mom GC to her hair place. She goes maybe 4 times a year, but loves this gift.
She is also a big DD fan so they get her those GC for her birthday. She is 80 and even GC to the food store she likes is appreciated.
For her 80th I bought her a digital photo frame and all of my family is hooked to it. She loves seeing new pictures show up weekly.
Thanks for sharing JRI
Forgot one of the best
Massage gift card.
Appreciate the ideas. Thanks
Appreciate the ideas. Thanks
You'd have to be tactful, but....
You'd have to handle this tactfully but my friend received a gift certif for a housecleaning service and I was jealous.
Thank you.
For such a thoughtful post. Many great ideas here.
Terrific post, JRI!
Terrific post, JRI!
I applaud your suggestion of broke gift-givers providing services; my husband and I truly welcome this kind of offering. When my stepson was in his early teens, he prepared unique gifts on his laptop; promissory cards for performing chores such as grass cutting, window and car washing, etc. When the cards were presented for imbursement, he undertook the jobs immediately, enhancing their value.
Like you and your DH, Mr. grannyd and I are trying to downsize. There is nothing more that we need so we occasionally make donation runs to St. Vincent DePaul and the Salvation Army Store as well as giving surplus items to our family. Another gift that we enjoyed was theatre tickets (The Nutcracker, hurray!) from my elder daughter and a box of New York striploin steaks from my son.
As you mentioned, we oldsters really appreciate presents of food and alcohol; treats that we’re reluctant to buy for ourselves because of guilt (booze, heh, heh) and unwillingness to squander money on, for example, a decent steak in these days of inflation. We do eat quality steak but not very often so when the striploin comes as a gift, we can gobble with a clear conscience!
And BTW, JRI, I apologize for adding a year to your age on Bee_kay’s ‘Step Grandmother Gifting’ blog yesterday. Although your birthday is imminent, you haven’t hit 79 yet and if you’re like me, the next one comes soon enough without speeding it up!
Agree about the gifts of service
My BS replaced my almost clogged dryer vent, I was so grateful.
A few tech gifts have been appreciated. SIL installed Ring cameras and I like them (especially with my sneaky SD in the picture). DS gave us a few Echos, I like them. If you're 30yo, you're probably thinking "Duh!" but this stuff is like the space shuttle to many of us oldies
So you're saying there are
So you're saying there are actually some skids who GIVE gifts?? And they, like, teach their kids to give gifts?!?
I'm just so confused. /s
I'm laughing
Some do, some don't.
The best best best ideas
The best best best ideas
For my stb 79yo mom, quilting
For my stb 79yo mom, quilting stuff. She is an avid quilter. For my 81yo work out focused dad...... cool stuff that stands out that he might like. I will occassionally get him some new reflective light-ish cool weather stuff so he glows when he is hiking around various hills and trails early in the AM.
Mom's B-day is the 26th and she has always expressed that she never got actual B-day gifts as a kid as her family would always combine her Christmas and B-day into the same gifts. So, dad and my brother and me and our families have always made sure to give mom separate gifts on the 25th then the 26th and have a family gathering on her B-day. This year DW and I are doing a cool jewelry gift for mom. A name piece with the unique name that the GK's call her. My eldest nephew coined the name when he first started talking before he was 2yo. He could not clearly say Gramma, what came out is her name. The kids gave dad the Grampa version of her name.
My family is pretty easy. No one needs anything or really wants anything. So we have free rein to get gifts that stand out to us for them.