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My daughters father is a worthless POS

Lillywy00's picture

And if I didn't love my kiddo as I do ... I totally regret giving that weak loser the time of day. 

So after this a$$clown pretended to be broke and refused to exercise his parenting time (he lives out of town and made more money in a couple years than most people make in their lifetime...he's only pretending to be poor so that I feel guilty and he can easily con me out of my limited resources) ... I reported his b*tch a$$ to the lawyers and court system. 

I sued him into oblivion every time he tried to deny rights our kid was entitled to, I held him accountable on record and at the last hearing this fool pretended to be so poor he requested to have a public defender (after he retained the top lawyer in town who dropped him like a bad habit when his real cheap entitled a$$ thought these people would work for him for free because of his status) 

Anyways this c*nt found a loophole in our states weak legislation and as I was about to nail his a$$ to the wall for disrespecting our child (by having him arrested/locked up in one of the worst jails in the region) and my p*ssy a$$ misogynistic lawyer let this fool walk out of court only paying me $500 

I never saw that douchenozzle again nor has our daughter 

That was 5 years ago. 

Since then he's been treating our kid like how f*ck boys treat women. He only texts her, makes fake promises to see her and never follows through (it's always something I have to do to help pay for him). And just recently started triangulating with this other kids (this nasty joker had my daughter first, two kids with his now ex wife, and a kid with his mistress lol) but popping up on FaceTime when she's talking with them. 

Now this nut job promised to "spend time" with "all" of his kids for the holidays. Now as far as I know he's only been taking care of the kids he had with his ex wife. 

Now this cheap b@stard is telling our kid that he would procure ONE WAY travel  (and expected me to cover the other half ... when I know this fool is covering full transportation to see his other kids who live out of town from him) - trying to line me up as the "bad guy" if I rightfully refuse.


Not my fault this idiot has kids all over the US. Not my fault I reported his sh*tty behavior (and now he has an arrest warrant). He should have saved up or slanged some p33n to afford travel expenses for all of his kids. 

On what planet does someone who is mentally sane think they can evade child support for years, defy court orders that specify they pay for travel during their custody time, then think I'm paying half of his custody travel expenses when I've been doing 110% for the last 5 years. 

I don't condone domestic violence..... but I see why people end up on snapped. 


grannyd's picture

I hear you, Hon!

My ex, the psychopath, fled across the country to avoid paying child support and, back in the early 60s, CS was not enforced like it is today. The a$$hole, now 80 years old and a sad, lonely, fat, bald oldster, cannot understand why his daughters want absolutely nothing to do with him. Yawn.

Here's hoping that your girl's father Bad spends his holiday in the slammer. Looks like we both made two bad choices but hey, three times lucky; my husband is handsome, slim, broad-shouldered, solvent and treats me like a queen. I have a feeling that you will find your own prince charming, now that you know what NOT to accept!

Lillywy00's picture

Psychopath describes it all

This narcissistic psychopath over here is now balding, aged HARD, with a beer gut and he's only late 30's 

You have a good point granny d , dealing with the bad apples make you wiser/realize/attract the good apples when you see them 

Rags's picture


You should smack  him with a dead beat dad suit for unpaid CS, penalties, and interest.

That.... would be epic.

Do it!

I would.

Lillywy00's picture

I did a few years ago and the stupid misogynistic lawyer I mistakenly hired (instead of having him locked up and forced to come up with the FULL arrearage which was over 5 figures) only made him pay "what he allegedly could" which was 500 

that fool walked out of court and never saw his bitch ass again. 

since he lived out of state I would have either had to hire 2 sets of attorneys or use the state government child support office / attorneys (which our state here is a clusterfuck of typical lazy disorganized government workers) located in the hood. 

I may just suck it up and give one last lawsuit even if I have to use the state government cs enforcement resources even if they $19 at least it will be the principle and not necessarily for the money. 

Rags's picture

My Skids Spermidiot has never paid a Cent of his CS. His mommy paid it all for him for the 17 years there was a CS order to support my SS.  The POS also lived rent free in the SpermGrandParents rental property, and they paid his CS on the three younger spawn while raising them in their home. SS is the only one of the 4 Spermidiot spawn raised by their mother.  The younger three were cash cows for their BMs as SpermGrandHag paid them to not take them from her.

The courts did not care or I would have run his idiot ass to prison on a rail.  

The closest we ever got to having him held accountable was when we counter motioned for the SpermGrandParent's income to be included in CS calculations when they yet again motioned for my income to be considered for CS calculation. In Spermland SParent income cannot be used for CS calculation.  

The Judge accepted out motion for consideration and we provided tons of information on zero payment of CS by the Spermidiot, no housing expenses, the SGPs raising his three younger spawn with no financial contribution by the Spermidiot, etc...

We bared their asses and the Judge was verbally nauseated by their crap.

Unfortunately our motion was declined, but.... they had to sit through a world class ass baring while SpermGrandHag ranted "Why does it matter who pays for it!!!!".

Great job nailing the idiot X's ass to the wall Lilly.



Lillywy00's picture

That's awesome your wife had you by her side supporting her 

The court antics are expensive and draining emotionally 

And at least spermgrandhag paid  something  

This grandhag over here constantly enabled her son, I called out her enabling behaviors, and the more she doubled down on enabling her sons unsavory behavior the more annoyed I got to the point I revoked her grandparent privileges. 

I sued this narcissistic psychopath from sun up to sun down for YEARS (over a decade) because he treated our daughter like something it was optional to do. And despite him being a multimillionaire (who pretended not to have money so I wouldn't sue him for cs) (while I was doing most of the work raising our kid on a barely average salary) he was always trying to make me pay half. 

When I found out his now exwife sued him in court (because he cheated on her constantly and had a baby on her during their marriage) .... I kicked his pathetic a$$ while he was down, turned up the heat (to the "HELL" setting - since that's where that demon originates/is used to), and sued him at the same time lol! So he would get so discombobulated being sued in multiple court systems. I even started a class action campaign and encouraged any woman done wrong by him to sue him too. 

I was so enraged by his unsavory behavior I somehow figured out how to do private investigative work and found ALL of his divorce proceeding records/his business/his real estate holdings/ and more. 

Since he's such a liar his ex wife had to hire a forensic accountant. I found those records too and used all the evidence his exwife paid for in my court proceedings. He's so dumb he doesn't know I found his divorce proceeding records and still thinks I'm buying the con game of him being "poor" now when I know good and dang well what type of men need forensic accountants in family court. 

Sadly my work was in vain because I hired the wrong lawyer and the misogynistic mf let this deadbeat psychopath walk out of court only paying 500 when he should have been tossed in jail and been forced to mysteriously come up with the entire arrearage that he owed. 

Hadn't seen nor talked to the psychopath since. 

Now he wreaks havoc through text with fake promises and mind games he tries to use on our daughter 

I know it was wrong and I try to stay out of it but I told her to not get her hopes up and to block him.... I probably shouldn't have told her to block him but really annoyed with him emotionally abusing her. 

She has to sit back and watch him take care of his other kids while he lies to her and pretends he can't afford to take care of her. Then attempts his triangulation to throw me under the bus "oh I could have seen you but your mom won't pay for the other have of the ticket" 

B*tch you haven't paid child support in over 5 years, how tf can you not afford a round trip plane ticket when we know you can afford to travel and take care of your other kids. 

It's one thing to have a genuine hardship. I would have helped in that instance but to LIE, sneak, hide, pretend (like I'm stupid) so he can take advantage of me (I haven't made multimillons yet and I'm not so reckless that I have numerous kids I allegedly can't afford so no I don't think I should have to pay half of his custody visit travel) 

I really don't feel like calling the spermgrandhag over here, giving her narcissistic supply, and force her to help her son act like a normal sane human. And I really don't feel like spending more time, effort, energy, and throwing good money after a narcissistic demon who just won't do right. Ugh!!!!

Rags's picture

You are the Godess of confronting shallow and polluted gene pool X's crap.

Where do you want your Oracle built?

I get not going after your X further now that your DD is at adulthood.

Maybe have her do it since she is the one he ripped off?

Find a killer shark attorney to take it on contingency and keep the POS on the hook.

Though we likely will never do anything with it, we bill the Spermidiot (at SpermGrandHag's address) for his half of medical expenses for SS when SS was a minor starting with labor and delivery costs and extending through SS turning 18.  We send an invoice twice a year just to be a complete and total PITA.  Not much effort on our part, just update the spreadsheet formulas to update for the penalties and interest (from the IRS regulations), print, and send delivery confirmation through the USPS.

Just to make sure we maintain our ability to beat the snot out of them with a lawsuit if the spirit ever moves us. Or, far more likely, if they ever step out of line with our son

Lillywy00's picture

My first set of lawyers were high priced, experienced, and well connected around the court system. 

Won A LOT of money and benefits for my daughter with them.  it was worth it to sue him. 

But after a decade of dragging him into court, I ran out of money and my narcissistic family member said they'd help fund it but didn't like my lawyers I'd been using fired them then hired some unbeknownst to me at the time misogynistic lawyer who acted like he worked for my ex. 

This sh*tty lawyer was horrible and I lost a lot of momentum. 

I got a prepaid legal service with my employers and I'm going to call some of those lawyers on Monday and see what they can do .... cause I'm gonna hit him when he least expects and his guard is down (he thinks I've let him off the hook after 5years of doing nothing but parenting by text) ... might hire some private investigators too. 

my daughter is 18 but still in high school/ dependent so the statute of limitations hasn't expired quite yet and he owes A LOT in back child support. 

notarelative's picture

Disappear for years and show up. An old story.

In the late 1930s my aunt divorced her abusive to her husband when he started abusing their child. He moved across country and disappeared. In the 1960s a letter showed up addressed to the child. It was looking for the child to reconnect with the child as the 'dad' was quite ill. It was full of statements of how the dad regretted leaving and implied it was aunt's fault.

No answer was ever sent. Child had died in a drowning accident in the mid 1940s.

Looking back, I can't help but admire my aunt who divorced in a time when divorce was uncommon and frowned upon (no matter the reason). I also think of my grandfather and uncles, who when she called, organized to go get her and the child while the husband was at work. What today is an easy drive, was hours back then. I also admire my grandfather who, while not knowing the extent of the abuse, knew enough to urge her to leave when the abuse was just directed at her.

thinkthrice's picture

My paternal Gran divorced her husband who cheated on her with her sister (Aunt "Iris").  Grandma had two young sons at the time during WWII.  There was no alimony nor child support back then to speak of.  She went out and became employed and was very much the businesswoman quite wise but quite stern.   Paternal Grandad, who I never met ended up dying on some tropical island during a coup d'etat.

My own two exes never paid any CS either.  My first ex went to great extremes to get out of paying and my second ex went on welfare.  

Which grinds my gears because essentially I have ended up paying Chef's CS to the Girhippo indirectly for almost 20 years now.  After CS and taxes,  he could never afford to live on his own.

Lillywy00's picture

That's so unfortunate the kid passed and the father was totally unaware. 

They always slither back around when it's convenient for them then try to place the blame on other people to avoid responsibility 

AgedOut's picture

I think my ex still owes child support $$ but when the kid (now)  is over 35 I don't think it matters much anymore lol

Lillywy00's picture

Yes. It's like I want to make his life so uncomfortable for being a cheap psychopath but on the other hand I'm tired of throwing good money after bad and wasting my energy giving him narcissistic supply for whatever chump change he claims to only have. 

simifan's picture

You never know. My friend started getting child support payments when her daughter was in her thirties. Apparently, they were deducting it from his Social Security. She had a good laugh & took the daughter on a vacation. Biodad was not happy. 

Lillywy00's picture

My dad told me his associate got hit up for Child Support in his 60's .... as soon as he retired lol!!!

I might go back and file on this psychopathic POS just on the principal ... 

Rags's picture

Nope, it does not matter.

However, It would be fun to observe him losing his mind and stroking out when he gets the law suit papers for arrears with shit tones of $penalties and interest.


Cutting that check to your kid for daddy's arrears, etc... would be a wonderful point of celebration.

Lillywy00's picture

He's been working under the table for years and hiding his money so it's going to be harder than it was before to nail him. 

Lillywy00's picture

When I sued him the same time his ex wife did, I hired private investigators and process servers who showed up multiple times and his doorstep, took pictures, and compiled evidence to show his guilt. 

I think I gave him narcissistic supply though 

What really made him lose his mind was his ex wife getting him locked up for not paying her cs, he magically came up with the money to get out of jail...then I was on the cusp of him him locked up again here too but my sh-t for brains lawyer (who acted like he worked for my ex) clearly did not understand the assignment 

It was beyond frustrating 

But I'm going to strike when he least expects it and is not prepared. 

Elea's picture

Welcome to the club. At least your worthless POS ex had the decency to piss off for 5 years. A lot of them stick around to exercise their supervised visits and that is waaaay worse. Don't ask me how I know. Sorry to hear he showed back up again to sniff around.

Lillywy00's picture


Thankfully he was out of town and on the "I'm pretending to be broke so I don't have to pay to support our kid" so I knew he wouldn't travel in to sue me in order to keep his charade running 

As soon as he stopped paying I blocked his a$$ 

Not about to stress me out for free

Harry's picture

For no CS.  And get him out of your mind. He not going to pay. He not going to see his kids.   Nothing  you can do.  Your DD will see in time what her father really is.   He the one doing it .  He will be the one who will pay for it in the end. 

Lillywy00's picture

You have good point! 

Am I wrong for telling her to BLOCK him 

She's 18 now and I don't want to be the PAS type but to promise to see her, take care of his other kids but not here, and play his little narcissistic mind games (in addition to not providing for her) is just emotional manipulation I hate to see her experience/mess her up later in life

She has been ignoring most of his communication (the f*ck boy type texts...who the h3ll parents through texts) but I think she erroneously got her hopes up twice when he promised to see her then made some stupid excuse that he couldn't afford it and I had to pay all or half for him) 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

I have an ex like that, too. When my kid was 16.5, he dropped them off at my house because they were being "difficult." By difficult i mean my kid didn't do my ex's laundry fast enough and when my ex would force them to run around the block to lose weight, my kid didn't do it cheerfully enough. I tried to sue for CS but because of their age and the fact that i had never received CS before (50/50 custody), it would have cost more than it was worth. I stay out of their relationship, because i also don't want to be one of "those" BMs. But my kid blocked him on their own because he would send them drunk texts in the middle of the night about missing them, but not when he was sober. If my kid does get back in touch with him, i won't discourage it, but I'm not going to advocate for a relationship, either. My kid has a full picture of how he is. 

Rags's picture

The Spermidiot has never once reached out to my SS. Ever. Not once since DW left the State for University with SS in tow when he was barely a year old. Even when SS would go to SpermLand on visitation, far more often than not, he never saw the Spermidiot. Not for 5wks of visitation in the Summer, or 1wk of visitation in the Winter, or 1wk of visitation during Spring.  Spermidiot actually moved out of the State of SpermLand for a couple of years and never told DW so SS kept going to SpermLand to hang out with SpermGrandHag.  There were a number of periods of a year or more that they took zero visitation.  There were even more periods  or a year or more where SS never layed eyes ofnthe Spermidiot and even  a couple of periods of multiple years at a time.

Spermidiot will not be anywhere near SS alone since SS put him up a wall by his throat when SS's younger brother was arrested for a gun violation when he was 16 trying to live up to the Spermidiot's gang banger wannabe fantasies.  SS let him know that if any of his younger sibs got arrested again due to the Spermidiot's idiocy that SS would be back and the Spermidiot would not like the visit.  The Spermidiot was arrested for a gun violation when SS was a baby. He got pulled over and took off running leaving SS in a car seat. When the police searched the vehicle they found a gun in SS's diaper bag.  They called my DW to come get the baby. I am amazed that CPS did not take SS.  They probably would have had DW's BFF's father not been the Police Chief at that time.  DW was in school.

Blessedly the arrests stopped until the younger spawn became adults. The one with the gun arrest is now a felon serving a significant prison sentence.  SS is far beyond too smart to rip their Spermidiot's head off for an adult felon younger half sib.  Spermidiot is lucky that the half sibs did not screw up again while minors.

Though the Spermidiot knows he is on very thin ice with his eldest.  It is a tragic dynamic for all of the Spermidiot spawn (by 3 different baby mamas).  The eldest 2 detest the Spermidiot. The youngest two worship him and are hell bent on being the gangbangers that the Spermidiot can never be. I do not recall which of the flavors the Spermidiot aspired to (Crips ofrBloods), but he did not meet the basic requirement of membership.  He has long  claimed he is black.  Nope.  He claims that SPermGrandHag is black. Nope, She is an Aunt B looking white lady and the Spermidiot is a Opie Cunningham looking weasly guy.  His Vanilla Ice look alike phase in his early to mid 20s is what got him the several underage girls he statutorily raped over many years.  His nickname at the time was ... "Nilla". 

SS's youngest two half sibs are bi-racial and thus have black gang access that their idiot father does not.

We did a genetic test for DW, me, and SS about 8yrs ago.  SS is a fraction of a 10th of a % sub Saharan African. So is my DW.  Though SS is sliighly more so than DW.  So, maybe the Spermidiot is not entirely full of shit. But the shitless portion of that dumbass is miniscule. He is as completely a POS as is possible. Regardless of his genetic compilation.  His behaviors  and shit character prove it beyond any doubt.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Spermidiot has to be the biggest douchebag in history. Nilla - lol! Cringe!

Rags's picture

Do not pay a Cent for him to play loving daddy.  Make sure DD knows that as much as you would hope that he would man up, you are not going to be his man beard to cover for his lack of testicles.