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SKs claiming false abuse

Jmariel8's picture

This post is for anyone who has gone through something similar. My SKs have falsely reported mistreatment and abuse in our home and their mom is playing along with it and has taken away DHs right via court till further notice. Of course he is devastated but now I fear DYFUS will come and being that this woman and her husband have their hands in police pockets I'm scared that my son will end up paying for their false allegations. I don't think the kids meant harm I think they told stories where she twisted words but now i honestly want nothing to do with them. I'm waiting for Child Services to begin an investigation and it scares me because of course I couldn't imagine losing my son. I know they won't find anything but the thought of getting someone who might be biased scares the shit out of me. Their mom harassed us for about a month showing up unannounced, calling the cops on us while we had the kids, texting me in the middle of the night. It's so left field but honestly I don't want it to affect my son which makes me think maybe he should give us distance because his kids have put us in a position to lose our son with their lies. Anyone gone through a similar situation? How did it turn out?


Winterglow's picture

Have you considered going after her for harassment, because that is exactly what she's doing to you?  Have a word with a lawyer to see if you have grounds.

Harry's picture

You can not let this slide.   You must go after BM ..  unfortunately you may have NOT allow SK in your home.  You can not allow this to effect your reparation, your job and your kids.  DH will have to see his kids outside the house.  His kids started this and you Wii end it forever 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

I've read your previous blogs and your situation sounds very bad. All around bad. Not just emotionally difficult bad but now dangerous bad, and from what you've written, your DH hasn't supported you in the past when it comes to BM. Is he supporting you now? What has your DH done in response to these allegations? Please gather as much of a support system as you can. Family, friends. Seek legal advice. If you can't afford it there may be legal aid in your area. I am worried about you. 

Jmariel8's picture

I think he finally sees I was right concerning BM but I think he's in denial with his kids. He went to have a heart to heart with his daughter as he was talking to her she was texting her mother saying things about him, mind you he told her he will always love her and mushy stuff like that. Seconds into the convo BM texts me that whatever is happening our home needs to end and I wrote to her and told her that she crossed the line for the last time. I told her that no one said anything wrong and that she was never to text me passed a certain time with baseless accusations. I told DH that from now on unless he is here I will no longer be alone to watch his kids, they are lying and I think if they can lie about their father I will not let them lie about me as well. He's very upset with me but I feel like he's not protecting our son or home. She just filed a protective order so the kids can't return claiming they're not safe here it's insane. 

CajunMom's picture

NOW. Do not let these friviolous accusations go "un-met" with your own legal team. So much of your future is at stake. I'd fight this with everything I had...and then I'd sue for damages and legal fees. As a survivor of abuse, it infuriates me when false accusations are thrown around. 

FIGHT THIS. Again, get an attorney and NOW.

Jmariel8's picture

We have an attorney but I feel like for all the money he charges he's not fighting back enough.  

Rags's picture

Parents can be held criminally and civily liable for the actions of their minor children.... as I understand it.

So, send that message.  If DH cries, inform him that you are done tolerating his & his X's failed parenting and his failure to keep his X confined to her cesspool.


Jmariel8's picture

That's exactly what I'm trying to get him to see, our lives can be completely changed by these accusations. We have a son that will end up being affected by their lies. At this point I don't really care for them in our home I told him that they are his full responsibility I will not babysit or do anything anymore for them. The baby is my priority and that's it.

Thumper's picture

What are the alligations?

Who is named as alleged abuser/s?

Who told you dh's visitation is stopped?

Was dh giving legal documents confirming this? Has dh gone to any court hearings yet with cps? 

IF you are not named in CPS report, I would ask dh to move out of the home OR you move out of the home with your baby. 



Jmariel8's picture

The allegations I'm not 100 percent sure they are being blacked out in order to "protect" his daughter. He's the one being accused and his lawyer informed him. I did think of leaving I'm a teacher and this could ruin our family and my career. I'm trying to get him to see the severity of the allegations but he just keeps repeating that he won't lose his kids. But how could we continue to let them into our home when they lie non stop. I feel like we're putting ourselves in a bad position by having them stay with us. I feel like I'm on edge when they're here.