SS23 and I have hit a breaking point
I don't really complain about SS23 much. He's really has become one of my own children and I do love him. He is Autistic and lives with us, but has completed welding school and was recently hired to be a welder at the shipyard near us. He gets paid $27/hr for training and it's 40 hrs a week. His rate will go up once he is done with training.
I haven't felt he was ready to live on his own yet. Dh doesn't either. However, I can't keep living like this. We have to find him a roommate and get him out of my house.
I am a very clean person. He has the FROG semi apartment at our house. But he has officially brought ROACHES into my house!!! I can't. I just can't. I told him a little over a week ago that he is going to have to move out. I'm not throwing him out today, but it's time. His room is FILLED with food, cans of soda (which he isn't allowed to have but buys at the gas station and sneaks them into the house), trash, dishes, the amount of forks and spoons and stainless steel straws just all over the floor- it's vile. He is sleeping on a 1/2 bare mattress because putting a sheet all the way on is just too much apparently. No pillow case. The once white sheets are almost black because he won't shower when he get's home and now that he is working nights we don't really see each other for me to keep up with his hygiene. His mouth guard was lying in literal dirt on his sheet. It was so gross, you could SEE the dirt. Thank God I bought the top of the line mattress protector when I got his bed. But that is going to need to be replaced too.
When I was fussing at him again today for not putting dishes in the dishwasher he said "I can't wait to live away from you". Fine. You are a 23 yr old man child GTFO. I didn't say that but I did say great, what progress have you made on finding somewhere to live because you are running out of time.
DH is gone for the next few weeks, he will only be home for like 3 weeks total from now until Feb. Oh, and we lost San Diego. So awesome. I just want to cry.
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Ugh I can relate to this so
Ugh I can relate to this so much. This is my life. I hate every second living with SS20. Everything he touches he trashes. SSs share a room but that's no longer an option. SS20 was suppose to move in to BMs (her husbands) house when they move out of state.. of course she couldn't even do us that favor and move! Her house out of state is taking longer to remodel. They have had it a year now already.
SO is currently building a room for SS20 in the basement. I've been fighting heavily with SO about how it's not going to change his house habits! The kid is f'n gross and I live on higher tier of cleanliness then all of them TBH.
I just want him gone. SO gives none of them "chores." SD was doing the dishes 3xs a week before she started working. She doesn't make messes though. The boys do.
I've been telling SO I'm not cleaning up after adults anymore he HAS to fix, do it himself or basically I'm out.
For a long time my goal was
For a long time my goal was to expand the FROG to have a kitchenette so he could stay with us forever but I just can't anymore. The thought of him being in that room or a basement is just too much.
Messy skids...ugh... who do
Messy skids...ugh... who do they think are going to want to clean up after them?
If they no longer live with a parental figure who puts up with it and cleans up after them, then what?
Roomates and boyfriends/girlfriends will not want to be their mommies. They will get sick and tired of cleaning up after them. The only possible option is if they find someone to live with who is as gross and disgusting as they are.
Little Idiot's refusal to clean/cook/do anything around the apartment probably was a contributing factor to why Goofy left her. I saw how lazy she was when she lived with us. Another reason I wanted her out. Now she's in an apartment by herself with a dog and a cat. I can only imagine how gross it is now that the butler flew the coop.
SO has had MANY heated
SO has had MANY heated arguments with SS20 over this stuff. Literally asking who is suppose to clean up after him. He recently told him is going to start charging him rent if it doesn't stop... been a few weeks and it hasn't so I already bitched to SO today.
I can't even imagine the poor person he roommates with or poor girl (unless she's like LI) that he eventually moves in with...
They will become some
They will become some landlord's nightmare. You know the occasional picture that pops up on social media with the caption "This is how our tenants left our rental!!!"? The pictures that show holes in the walls, garbage all over the floor, dishes moldering in the sink, toilets that are stained brown, dirty clothes and broken blinds? That's what some of these kids will end up living like.
Maybe if someone had bothered to hold Little Idiot accountable for once in her life, she would be able to cook and clean. Unfortunately, when you send them out into the real world with nothing but a bunch of gold stars and praise for mediocre behavior this is the result.
(BTW I'm speaking of my own situation. I know some kids will do what they want no matter how they are raised but in my case, my DH didn't even try to teach her or enforce rules)
My niece has cerebral palsy
My niece has cerebral palsy and has lived in a group home all her adult life, she has a job and pays rent. The community provides light supervision. Maybe there is a program near you.
Your SO should be parenting his DS.. talking, arguing.....isn't doing anything.. He must help his DS clean up. And live like a person. Even if that means he spends a few hours the first few nights helping DS clean. Put stuff away. Wash dishes..garbage. Hopefully after a few weeks DS get it. And starts doing it by himself.
DH is currently deployed. And
DH is currently deployed. And he has done that for years! Just nothing ever sticks.
My thoughts are that if he
My thoughts are that if he has managed to get through that program.. and he is meeting job requirements.. that he is capable enough to live on his own in some fashion. He may have autism.. but not everyone with autism is destined to live in their parent's basement... I knew a horse trainer.. had autism.. yet was married.. ran her own business... yes she had challenges at times.. and her business ran a bit differently due to her differences.. but she was an independent adult.
If your SS is capable of getting himself to work.. to completing a full week.. he is making enough money to find a place to live.. and maybe he needs some help with that? he may not know how to go about it.. I don't know if a group home would or could be an option.. or whether he would be capable of just being a roomate.. yes his hygiene will be hard for some.. but he also will likely find others who are similarly lazy..
sorry san diego is off the table.. that sounded like a good option.
I have other suggestions..
I have other suggestions..
Require a portion of his paycheck go to pay for a housekeeper to clean his space at least once a week?
You could still help him with some tasks.. like if he needs help managing his money.. you could pay bills on his behalf or somethign like that?
This is kind of where I am at
This is kind of where I am at right now. He has proven to be very capable. Will he succeed right out the gate, probably not! But, we are here to help and guide.
I agree. If he can become a
I agree. If he can become a welder, he must have a good deal of functional ability. They wouldn't trust someone who didn't with that kind of equipment. Does he also drive? If so, it seems like it would be holding him back to keep him at home forever. Idk if a group home is the answer, or having him live on his own with someone (you or his dad) helping him manage finances and other things that require executive functioning. But - i don't see any reason for either you to be stuck with him or for him to be stuck as a total dependent forever. ETA even if he doesn't drive, the fact that he passed welding training and got hired puts him head and shoulders above most people in my area (poor area in deep south). Like, most people period. Maybe he's frustrated because he is ready to grow up a bit more?
He he actually got his
He he actually got his license in December and we got him a car for Christmas! So he is good there!
Might I suggest, as a coping
Might I suggest, as a coping mechanism, for the time being, that you hire someone to clean his space once a week or every two weeks?
Does he respond to rules? My DS27 who is Autistic, does really well with rules and penalties.
Hire someone to clean, charge him for it, and when the cleaner finds food items, he should be fined PER ITEM found.
You might not have to do this forever. He's earning enough to pay for the cleaning services.
I've worked with kids with
I've worked with kids with autism for over 20 year. A key feature of autism is impaired executive functioning skills, meaning that they can find it very difficult to plan, organize, and initiate tasks. I've seen many adults overwhelmed with frustration when their child/student doesn't do simple things despite being able to do more complicated things. It looks like laziness and/or defiance, but often it isn't. If you haven't tried this yet, give him a weekly schedule with very specific task instructions. Start with one task - it sounds like washing and changing his sheets would be a good start. List the steps: 1. Take sheets off bed; 2. Put sheets in washing machine; etc. I know it sounds unlikely but, more often than not, when I ask parents/teachers to humor me and try it, they're amazed at the outcome.
Yes we have gone through all
Yes we have gone through all that. I am fairly experienced and educated on Autism.
He has color coded calendars, alarms set on his phone for times to complete certain tasks throughout the week. We have done check off charts, rewards, fines, everything you can think of. It will last for a week or 2 and then he just doesn't care. His IDGAF attitude is the problem. I have overlooked and over functioned for him for so long that I have reached burn out.
I'm sorry for your situation.
I'm sorry for your situation. It sounds like you've done a lot for him. You're right though, you can help him, but you canbe working harder at it than he is. I hope you find a solution that everyone can be happy with.
I am currently battling roaches
At one of my rental units has them now. Chef is infuriated since he has never dealt with roaches before in his life. They seem like a nice family in between house purchases. They kept large bags of opened sugar hanging around and I noticed immediately a fruit fly infestation when they left. They were only there for 2 months and my new tenants that moved in on the 1st immediately noticed the roaches.
Grrrr! Check out this website:
If you have any good tips on
If you have any good tips on roach infestations I will take them now ... I'm terrified Little Idiot will bring one with her when she comes up to visit at Christmas time. I've heard that all it takes is one pregnant roach.
I've found that commercial pest control
Is practically useless especially one company in particular. That 2-month-long tenancy had a Terminix bill forwarded to the rental unit from their first house that they sold. Things that make you go hmm. The company that overcharges and is unresponsive is Enviropest.
Do not use bleach to clean because roaches seem to be attracted to that. Baited boric acid works well.
Good to know! I just saved
Good to know! I just saved the step-by-step instructions from the website on my phone for future reference. The apartment complex she's at has a major roach problem and I just know somehow her BS will end up affecting me
If you don't have pets that
If you don't have pets that will eat them, put the little "roach motels" in all the corners on the floor. And starve them (don't have food out they can eat, which with skids is the hard part!)
Yes, we have a pest control
Yes, we have a pest control company in and working. There are weekly treatments for 4 weeks and then we go monthly. But it's a lot and expensive!!
We should be making him pay for it but it's hitting DH's bank, not mine so that is his battle to fight with SS.
roaches can come in packaging
roaches can come in packaging.. like boxes etc.. it's not necessarily just being "gross". But.. we have used the roach bait traps etc.. with fairly good results..
Roach Gel Works
Along time ago, I had neighbors that were disgusting. They caused roaches in my place and with two other neighbors. One neighbor suggested this (see the link below) and it worked. I kept the kitchen counter top and around the sink dry because roaches like water. I applied the gel around the sink area. They are supposed to eat it and bring it back to the nest.*bad* It worked. I can't remember how long, but I was happy.
After a few days of calming
After a few days of calming back down and being able to talk some with DH we do have a plan. I am so thankful to have such a supportive husband who isn't a disney dad!!
IMMEDIATELY, if I see his room in any sort of mess or food up there he will pay for a maid service. I have full parental access to his account still so it isn't an option.
We know that if we throw everything at him at once he will shut down, but if we do this step by step, week by week we can get him prepared.
This kid and daddy are sooooo playing you.
ain my decades of experience leading organizations of highly skilled tradesmen, including welders, anyone who can pass an industrial welding certification program and get hired is far beyond capaple of keeping their personal space clean, following rules, etc.... Special needs or not.
The problem may be.... SS needs structure provided by someone other than daddy and SM.
Rekey the locks and get him out now. His hourly rate while in training equates to $56,160.00/Yr plus shift diff and O/T. It will go up when he finishes his training. Even now he earns far more than enough to provide his own place, feed himself, and dodge his own cockroaches and horder garbage piles in his own place.
I would investigate a group home for him where his daily living conditions are supervised by trained group home advisors.
I would also get his finances set up so his pay direct deposits to a managed account controlled and invested by an investment advisor who has his bills paid, and provides SS with an allowance.
This is what we facilitated for my MIL. She is not special needs but she has proven herself during her entire life that she is incapable of understanding and managing money, bills, etc.... With this model she has gone from the constant edge of abject poverty, car repossession, home foreclosure, shut off utilities, etc... to financial stability.
We offered this to my ILs years before my FIL passed. Their MBA/CPA daughter and MBA SIL mapped it out, structured it, and their CPA daughter would manage it for them. Nope. They refused. The key was finding a licensed investment advisor who also would manage bills, etc... for clients. Once we found the right fit, MIL agreed. Her quality of life is better than it has ever been. No drama, home, food, bill security, and.... no ability to blow everything she earns at casinos. She will never be able to retire, but... her part time State job is more than she has ever earned and for the first time ever, she has notable investments working for her instead of chasing winning a retirement at the casinos.
Take away your home from the pig SS, get him out and on his own, and give him the map for success by engaging a group home and an investment/financial manager for him. As a certified industrial welder he will earn consistently well into the 6figures when he gets exotic metal welding certs (Hastalloy, Inconel, Carpenter 20, etc..) on top of his current certification. While only working 40hr weeks. Unless he wants the O/T. Then.. he could potentially get to the $200K income levels as long he is young enough to work crazy hours.
Good luck.