Does this sound suspect to you.....because it does to me - UPDATED again
But I don't trust my intiution anymore since I found out about DH's side sext ho's.
Yesterday was one of my work at the office days. I went, came home for lunch made DH and I lunch, went back to work and came home in the afternoon. When I got home, I immediately went and started dinner, fed the dog, did some other chores, DH was still working (we live in Eastern time zone and he works on Pacific time zone hours). The fact I came home and immediately started to do housework/cooking is important. DH came down around 5:15 or so just as dinner was getting done. Cool..good timing. DH started to complain about how SD didn't clean her room and that if she doesn't clean it he will..and put everything on the floor into a garbage bag. (Sure you will DH...never gonna happen and SD knows it. Now if I had said that to my kids they would start a cleaning..because they knew I DON'T BLUFF). Anyhoo...
Dinner is now done and we sit down and DH starts in immediately on SD. I'm sitting there thinking...REALLY DH DID YOU NEED TO DO THIS NOW. I just got home, haven't sat down till now and now I get to hear you and SD going at it. In a break from berating, I asked to both of them "How was your day?" I was hoping to deflect the conversation so we could have a nice time at dinner. In the split second after I asked..I glanced at my phone since a notification came up. I didn't even pick up the phone from the table..just turned my head to look at it. (I mean I'm not oncall for work this week but occasionally my boss will call/text on some things that only I support) Next thing I know DH is ripping me up oneside and down the other for being on phone while we are talking. How I'm not present at the meal and that he can't be one his phone why am I on mine. At that point I just shut off my phone, took my apple watch off and handed both to him and told there you go, problem solved. Nope..still not enough DH is still going off on me...I'm pissed because I literally worked all damn day, came home started my second job aka cooking and cleaning, tried to redirect the dinner conversation and I'm getting raked over the coals for glancing at my phone on the table. WTF This escalated into a full blown yelling match....because I'm not about to take this crap anymore.
I GLANCED AT MY PHONE...I wasn't even on it. I was now pissed...and my spidy sense is blaring in my head. My spidy sense says...he is getting all pissy over your phone because he is at it again on his. He is projecting what he is doing onto on the phone with other people, etc.
I can tell you I was annoyed that Dh chose to berate SD just as we were sitting down to dinner and that I was accused of not being present. I literally had to point out to were berating SD and I was literally not involved in that conversation at all. I was the one that attempted to have a conversation with both in the bloody h3ll was I not present. I couldn't be more present unless I was sitting in the middle of the d@mn table. question here you think my spidy sense is right or am I having PTSD? I can't tell ability to determine a real threat and an unreal threat isnt working. I'm so confused....
*UPDATE*..I did go up and look at his phone while he was in the shower. He came out and asked what I was doing. I told him my spidy sense is going off the charts right now and I'm verifying. He didn't angry or defensive just said I understand and feel free to go through whatever you need to. It sucks that you don't trust me..but I get it..I'm not trustworthy. I'm sorry for yesterday....and you didn't deserver any of my anger. I didn't find anything on his phone...but I take that with a grain of salt really. This man tried to hook up with people he met playing online games for heaven anything is possible.
So...we will see..I'm still on the fence at the moment. "
UPDATE 2 - When I went upstairs yesterday after I was done working I heard DH on the phone. I listened for a little while and he was on with his therapist. He apparently called and asked for an emergency session. They were discussing why he had gone after me for what was a just an look at my phone and why I was irrate. They were discussing the fact that DH has been extremly happy with our marraige and life right now and why was he trying to ruin that. They also talked about why my reaction was very intense. AS his therapist told him..."DH trust is lost like flood...all at once. Its gained back in takes a long time." HIs therapist told him..I won't get over his actions for a very long time and while DH thinks its been long enough..he doesn't get to decide that, EVER.
DH also got us an appointment with our marriage counselor. In his words "I'm not doing can check whatever, I will give my phone, I don't care. I got us an appointment because we have had such good progress and our marrage is been really good. I don't want my stupidity to mess this up. "
So we have an appointment with our MC. So that is good.
- halo1998's blog
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You won't know unless you
You won't know unless you look. Sounds like asking him won't help. Something is off with your DH. Whether it's cheating or something else, idk.
At this point does it even
At this point does it even matter what he may or may not be doing on the side? What he did to you at the table was bad enough.
Ohhhh... I am not a child and
Ohhhh... I am not a child and will not be berated by my spouse in front of anyone.
Deflecting? Maybe...
Being an Ass in general? Absolutely.
Let me just add this
I'm very sensitive to being told I'm doing something when I'm not. The village idiot used to do that ALL THE TIME. It was crazy making. I mean at one point the VI told me that I was the one leaving pee outside of the toliet because it couldn't be him. ( this day I still laugh at that one butt is big enough to cover a toliet seat so there was no way it was me).
So...I'm not sure if I overracted due to that or what...but either way I'm not really feeling that secure right now.
You worked all day.. came
You worked all day.. came home to more work and a husband who was "spoiling for a fight".. he started in with you about his DD's room.. and you are like .. DUH.. then he ruins dinner by trying to deal with it then.. and when you peeked over the edge of your bunker? he just lashed out sideways too.
That about sums it up mistake was peeking over..should just hunkered down and ate my dinner.
Write he and nis failed family spawn off and get on with your
new life adventure.
Take care of you.
A family member of mine had
A family member of mine had an affair and when he suspected people were catching on, he would lash out and project for the dumbest of reason. We didn't know why at the time, but looking back, it all makes sense now. Your Spidey senses may be correct, but you won't know unless you ask/look and accusing him outright may damage the progress you both have made if you are wrong.
I wouldn't put up with the disrespect and I'm sorry, but I would be letting DH do more for himself. You are driving to work, home to MAKE LUNCH, back to work, and then home to MAKE DINNER and do all the other household duties. I get that your DH works later hours, but he can step up and contribute. If he is going to be an asshole like that, you can focus on your meals and he can make a sandwich or a microwave meal for himself. He doesn't get rewarded for disrespect.
What is the plan for
What is the plan for rebuilding trust? It takes a LONG time, years, after a betrayal. Because he sure demolished any trust you got back. If you are suspicious about his phone activities, he needs to hand over the phone so you can be reassured he's not up to his old games or you discover that he is.
If he's not, then he has to explain just what in the h3ll he was thinking, and berating you like that is totally not how to solve a problem, real or imagined. If he is up to old habits, then you probably have a boundary set around that. Enforce it. No more chances.
My heart hurts for you.
Oh my boundary is clear on the antics
he starts again...he will be free to pursue whomever he wants. I will walk into the sunset and nary think of him again.
I have been crystal clear on that one.....this is a one time shot for him.
I didn't find anything but yea who knows...but I'm keeping my guard up now where I was just letting it down a bit.
I do think it sounds suspect. I too dealt with a cheater.
More importantly, you still think it is a possibility with him. Cheating is a very difficult personality flaw to overcome, many do not.
I'm not sure..for quite awhile now I thought..nope he isn't
but lately there are some weird things going on and my spidy sense is up. I can't put my finger on it...
I'm a firm believer in
I'm a firm believer in trusting your gut. What is your gut telling you?
(I know what mine's telling me about your situation but I was once married to the crown prince of guilty deflecting.)
My gut says something isn't right
and I'm not sure what.
It sounds to me like your DH
It sounds to me like your DH knows that he's such a shitty person and partner that he needs to reach for ways that you're shitty, too. And boy is he reaching. I don't know why you'd put up with being berated by him, in front of SD, for nothing. He's not worth it. Sure, look at his phone. But even if there's nothing there, what he did was uncalled for.
Same way these guilty daddys go out of their way to find fault with SM's bios when they know their own kids are a thousand times worse. Its not a good look. I know in my case Chef will almost never accept blame and is subject to outbursts of rage not necessarily directed at me.
He would NEVER go on meds or go to counseling.
Your H is similar. His Mary Poppins act is cover for his low self esteem where they have to constantly prove themselves.
What is your line with him,
What is your line with him, and do you keep moving it because he keeps overstepping it?
I have my opinions, but you need to sit in that question for a while. What he did was absolutely uncalled for even if he hadn't emotionally cheated in the past. Adding that behavior to this and other current behaviors - how close is he to your "I'm done - I have more respect for myself than this" line?
I'm very close to that line
and I have been thinking about it for awhile. I love him..but I'm not sure I can get over this. I think I'm very forgiving to be honest...I let alot of things slide with him and most people, but especially DH. He has ADD and well I make consessions for that...but at some point I'm not really feeling this.
This phone thing was very strange....we had been doing very well for quite awhile so I'm at a loss here on what is going on.
Read your update. It's good
Read your update. It's good you didn't find anything but that doesn't mean something isn't wrong. Overall he is being a shitty partner. Berating you in front of SD is terrible. And for basically nothing. He may or may not be disrespecting you behind your back. There are so many ways he could still hide that. I know what it's like to have *that one thing*. Whatever it might be, like texting other women, staying at the bar past x time, whatever it is, that you tell yourself "As long as he's not doing THAT, everything is ok." But - is he worth it? Overall package, positive vs negative column minus dealbreakers. That's what really matters imo.
If you had asked me a few weeks ago
I would have said..yes the good out weighs that bad but here lately there have been a few incidents that have been negative. That makes me start to rethink things...
Glad you were able to go
Glad you were able to go through the phone, but it's too easy to delete. Incoming and outgoing calls, texts, there are so many other messaging apps, profiles, etc...
It takes so much strength to do what you are doing and trying to trust again.
Yeah. He could have whatever
Yeah. He could have whatever app not on the home screen, especially if it's some kind of gaming platform. He could do good old-fashioned texting or calling, but either delete or have the contact named something work-related or a male friend's name. It could be a message board such as this one, that you have to sign into every time. There's no way to "police" communication anymore.
Exactly....there is no way to police it.
smh....and I shouldn't have to.
IDK. Definitely misplaced
IDK. Definitely misplaced anger. But what other area of his life is he insecure/frustrated/pissy about?
Did he cheat in the past or something? If so, me personally I would have hired the best divorce attorney money can buy then left on sight. Men rarely stay with women once they've been cheated on. If you ever cheated on him, he'd probably up and leave. Take a page from their book.
Marriage Police
It sounds exhausting!
You can pull out the stops and have him install software and read all the messages in front of him (burner phone!) and go to all the therapy sessions (look! Hes REALLY sorry!) and read all the "how to build trust again" books (it takes TWO after all!), and split those hairs over "is it cheating if it never got physical?" (he just PLANNED he never executed!)
What it really comes down to is this: Is this relationship acceptable to you? Is this what you want for the rest of your life?
Its is a bit overwhelming
I don't generally check his phone etc because I kind of feel what the point...if he wants to hjde it he will.
Do I want this for my life..not really. Would it be better with someone else...who knows. I mean I'm 0 for 2 here...and at this point I think its me.
I'm not that complicated...I just want someone to love and appreciate me...not what I can do for them.
The VI was all about I looked good, was smart and he could use me to prop up his narcissitic ego. Then in private I was his punching bag (figuratively and literally) when his narcissitic ego was hurt. Which lets face all the time.
DH...I'm the go to girl for whatever he needs. I'm good at solving problems..after all that is my entire job. find problem..fix problem.. Dh doesn't value the things I do at times I feel like he just expects them since I'm the "wife".
This guy comes with tOo much
This guy comes with tOo much baggage and toO many issues to not value you like a precious gem. You have done so much for him. SMH.
Wife appliance/paycheck wife
It sounds like you are in a really bad place with him right now. All that energy you are pouring into him and he isnt in it all the way with you.
Im with you on that. I sometimes just feel like a wife appliance, someone to warm the bed and help pay the bills and the mortgage. Someone to solve the problems, do the research, fill out the paperwork.
It sucks. Theres no romance in that.
Omg not the "wife appliance"
Omg not the "wife appliance" lol!
I thought I was the only one feeling like that. I go on a rampage and shut down s3x when I feel like that.
I could elaborate but since it's not my thread I'll just say the "house sl@ve" is a similar feeling
some of these men are complete misogynists in disguise and they rope unsuspecting women into relationships and marriages looking for cheap indoor labor (nanny, maid, therapist, nurse, cook,) that they can also get free on-demand s3x out of; use as a free incubator, and extra bonus if she comes with an open purse/bank account/wallet (which they pretty much expect). See also 'bang maid' 'nurse with a purse' 'sugar mommy' 'men riding women's coattails' etc
I'm sorry but it grates my
I'm sorry but it grates my nerves when men do this. Every now and then you may have better solutions but all the time it becomes annoying, effeminate, and unattractive
THEY are supposed to be the masculine problems solvers.
I refuse to solve a problem a man can and should figure out on his own
If ya want a mommy leave and go be with your mom!
Why are you still with this cheating character void POS?
You have to respect yourself more than this.
Yea trying to work it...
and say I gave it my all. My all is definately waining.
While I totally believe in trusting your gut, one positive thing
While I totally believe in trusting your gut, one positive thing in your update was the fact that DH did not get defensive. He seemed to understand and be ok with your wanting to look through his phone. I know you don't want to have to continue to check, but would it help if you had him show you everything that he has been doing on the phone recently, including gaming and all the rest? If that would honestly help, I would do it. Your spidey senses are clearly going off - the problem is trying to figure out if it is because DH is up to his old ways, or is there something else going on with him that you are picking up on. Keep listening, your senses are trying to tell you something...
I was worried until I read your update. Trust but verify is appropriate in your situation. Your DH was out of line redirecting his SD frustration onto you. I'm glad he at least acknowledged that you have reason to check him.
I do hope you guys continue to work through it. I sense that there is hope, not sure why, but I just do. I guess I'm a romantic at heart. Good luck, and continue to verify until you (and only you) feel it's ok to stop.
He may not be cheating
But may be up to something else you wouldn't agree with. That is the man-toddler personality. Is it worth being a "parent" to a full growth adult?
Chef is often juvenile like this but he outweighs it by being a master contractor, working on the rentals mostly by himself 7 days a week which he enjoys. He earns his room and board.
I wish I could give you a hug
I wish I could give you a hug. I can feel how worn down and tired you are, just from reading your comments.
I've been there. I forgave XH's first affair. I don't regret forgiving him and trying to repair, I truly don't. I DO regret that the second time I caught him, three years later, I had been ignoring my gut instincts for at least 6 months leading up to when I actually found proof. And 'ignoring' isn't quite the right word. I was actively suppressing my intuition because I just simply did not want to believe that the man who was "so devastated" by how much he'd hurt me would be able to bring himself to do it again.
In retrospect I wish I'd trusted myself sooner. I'm not entirely sure what it would have changed anything in the overall outcome, but at least I would've saved myself months of second guessing and 'policing' as you so aptly described it.
It's an exhausting headspace to live in and I wish you weren't going through that now. I truly hope that your DH isn't up to anything shady, but I urge you to listen to your intuition and take whatever steps you need to in order to protect your well-being.
That he didn't go off the
That he didn't go off the rails when he knew you were checking up on him is hopeful. He's NOT trustworthy and he knows it. But his outburst doesn't meant that he's back to his old ways either. Was he able to explain where all that anger came from?
It took me a LONG time to stop checking DH's phone. But I don't any more. He's done the work, and although things aren't perfect between us, they are good. Sometimes great. One effect of his emotional affairs is that I am far less patient with him about everything. Likely a trauma response and I have to really work at it.
Continue on your path. I feel your weariness. At some point it gets better--either with him or without him.
You do know checking & not
You do know checking & not finding anything doesn't mean anything, right? He could easily have a burner phone or a separate log in. Hell, I know of someone who sent pics of himself when he was out to prove where he was & would leave his car there, only to uber to the other womans home. The remoseful spouse is a unicorn. People are who they are and very rarely change. You should know most innocent spouses give chances & have more then one Discovery day.
What is more important is how you feel. Can you ever get over it? Can you ever really trust him again? Do you want that gnawing in your gut everytime he does anything remotely off?
My dang experience
When they get caught they just get sneakier. Up their game. Cheaters get a rush from this.
I dont know your DH , but you do.
Follow your gut usually when something doesnt feel right it isnt. Especially if he is still on the sites that tempted him.
Blessings hun. What you are dealing with is so painful. Even if he is being a "good boy" your trauma from this will always be wondering.
Personally, I feel like spidey senses are typically
right and there is SOMETHING. It might not be what you suspect, but your inner alarm bells don't start going off typically for no reason. People who get caught, just learn how to do what they were doing better. I would do some research into different apps that are out there. On one of the podcasts DH and I listen to there have been people who found their spouse on apps that were disguised as something else that are made specifically to hide chats or photos or whatever. I would definitely still be alert!
I read your second update. It is good he called his therapist.
I ready your second update. It is good he called his therapist. For what it is worth, my guess is he might be having those urges again, but isn't following through, and on some level he is mad at you about it so is lashing out in other ways. Pure speculation on my part. Your spidey senses are picking up on his desires, not his actions. Anyway, I think it is a good sign he called his therapist and wants you both to go see the marriage therapist. It seems like there is still hope here.
For what it is worth, my
This is such a great insight! In my experience, when we retroactively unpacked everything that went wrong, my XH told me that in the periods when I was incredibly confused about why he was angry/resentful towards me, during those times he wasn't actually cheating, but he was frustrated with me because he wanted to cheat and felt like I was 'stopping' him from doing what he wanted. It's very possible that OP's husband is experiencing something similar. The fact that he reached out to therapist instead of just continuing to indulge in his misplaced resentment is promising for sure.
I'm glad he called his
I'm glad he called his therapist.. and did it without telling you. because it shows some genuine interest in understanding and fixing.
I would quibble a bit with the therapist telling him that he doesn't get to decide when "enough is enough.. and he should be trusted only when someone else decides."
Because technically there could be dysfunction in the other person that NEVER is able to trust again.. and at that point, he should not be expected to continue to live life on his knees to try to prove something to someone who will never, ever accept it.
But the solution there is probably to not cling to a relationship with someone that is not working towards a positive trustful relationship.
At some point.. he should eventually be able to have that proverbial bad day without feeling like you will jump to the conclusion and mistrust of cheating. I don't know how long that will be though.. but 6 months seems short.. but 5 years almost seems too long.. (again.. it's hard to know what you will accept to try to save things I guess).
I guess that's why when my EX husband actually DID cheat on me when he was on a trip back home to deal with a real estate issue.. while telling the girl that I was cheating on him? Uh.. nope.. no way was I going to get over, past.. through that.
But.. in my case.. I was also probably on strike number 4 with my Exh. He had a lot of flaws.. and our life was more difficult because of them.. so there were plently of other reasons why I might have grabbed the opportunity to cut it off when I found he had cheate. But, I also know myself.. I would probably be punative and constantly suspicious of him. ..and I knew it wasn't healthy to live that way.. we also had no kids together.. so no other factor that made me want to try to work it out. It was the last strawbale.
I love this 2nd update. It
I love this 2nd update. It really gives me ALL the hope for you guys <3
Who knows with these men lol
Who knows with these men lol
Usually with serial cheaters, they become experts at hiding it better and manipulating the situation so you can remain dormant. Probably has a burner phone or using encrypted messaging/calling apps to do his stuff smh
You will never know until he wants you to know or he messes up.
The fact that he is trying to get the marriage stable is a good thing regardless of cheating, that means he does not want to end this
Life will be ok if you just accept that men will always try to get involved with some other women, especially the married ones so there is no need to give yourself white hair and heart attacks over what he may or may not be doing. Its really good that you guys are going to counseling and you are focusing on healing, thats what matters
Always? Nope.
And no where near all of us.
Ok lol well we will act like
Ok lol well we will act like there is a small percentage who are 100% ALWAYS laser focused on one woman at a time only for long periods lol
If that makes you feel any better, women have other flaws so it balances each other out
Facts indicate otherwise. Or
Facts indicate otherwise. Or at least study data indicates otherwise. Ratther than a small % who don't cheat, it is a small % who do.
According to the General Social Survey, men are more likely to cheat than women, with 20% of men and 13% of women reporting having sex with someone other than their partner while still married. However, the gender gap varies per age.
Another survey result:
Current research indicates that both men and women are almost equally likely to cheat on their partner, a statistic that used to heavily favor men in the past. Infidelity statistics may not show the whole picture as people sometimes feel a stigma about reporting cheating, but the numbers can give you an idea of the prevalence of cheating in relationships.
Infidelity Statistics on Men, Women, and Relationships
LoveToKnow › life › relationships › ra...Not the majority. Neither for men, nor for women.
My XW was a serial adulteress. She was knocked up twice with cheat babies during our marriage. She miscarried the first and was pregnant with the second when we were in the final divorce hearing. When she pissed off the Judge he threatened to make her prove she was not pregnant before granting her petition to return to her maiden name. That shut her up in a hurry.
Full disclosure, I had an affair during that marriage myself. After zero intimacy for more than 8mos and my XW was spending more time in her childhood bed at her parent's home than in our marital bed and rarely was at our home.
That young woman saved my life. She reminded me that I was desirable, attractive, and did not have to tolerate the nightmare I had married. I do not consider that amazing couple of weeks to be cheating. It was self preservation.
THe dozens of cheat partners my XW had over the 2.5yrs we were married.. that was cheating. Willful, character void cheating.
The thought of cheating on my bride of 29yrs (in 4wks) makes me nauseaus. I could not do it. Nor would I want to.
You are truly one of the good ones!
You are truly one of the good ones!
"Didn't I teach you anything?
"Didn't I teach you anything? You gotta problem with your woman you don't go out and get another one. Then you got two problems."
- Frank Barone, Everybody Loves Raymond