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out for a me day!

Cover1W's picture

DH has been in a funk especially with YSD not coming AGAIN for the fourth weekend in a row. With another flimsy excuse. So she won't be here for at least another three weeks due to plans. DH and I were supposed to go do fun stuff today and he was up so late, has a toothache (I made him call dentist for emergency appointment on Monday because he's leaving town Tuesday for over a week). 

So if course he way overslept. So I said "see ya!". Went shopping for me and only me, out to a brew pub for lunch, then grocery shopping (again for me because he'll be gone). Having a good time alone!

We must remember to do this.


Merrigan's picture

Yassssss!  OSD is here on a non custodial weekend and I've been out for roller derby, shopping, and now having a beer on the patio.

To be honest, our relationship has gotten a lot better as she ages, but I still actively do "me time". 

thinkthrice's picture

I could use an extended break from Chef and his culinary demands myself!