2 Years Ago I posted I was Happy, Today things are different
I am considering leaving my DH. We finally did get married officially. I have dd18months and ds5 with my DH. He has SS24 and SD16 from a prior marriage. An inverse from my last post, SD16 now gets along well with me and SS24 is a big nightmare I just refuse to interact with. DH sees SS24 probably a few times a month and SD16 once a week. SS24 has called me awful names and insinuated I am a prositute many times verbally and through writing. Then he goes and tells whoever will listen how I am keeping him from his little brother and sister. I am not. He doesn't care about them. He never asks to see them.
DH backs me up on SS24 not being allowed at our home until SS24 apologizes for being so awful to me. DH and I both know this apology will never happen. So my home is my safe space. The larger community is not, though. And I find that if I have a misunderstanding with someone, SS24 and the exW are foaming at the mouth with gossip about me. Their disgust for me is so pervasive, I can feel it often when I am out in this extra stupid small town.
I don't even want to send DS5 to public school here because I know the cloud of DH's divorce will color my DS5's experience.
I've asked my husband if we can move. He says we can't because of debt and his business contacts in town. We've even considered the possibility of me moving overseas for three to six months out of the year and coming home for warm weather. My son really loves animals, and I was planning on homeschooling him anyway. So it would be a really special gift to him to get to experience a tropical environment regularly abroad. But that would mean I would have to homeschool our kids even if it turned out not to be a good fit for them. Plus, I'd never be able to have a career.
So I'm really thinking hard about moving out and moving on. I've been waiting for years for DH to finish our home. He has made a lot of progress and he works very hard, but the home is far from finished. It's exhausting living in an unfinished home. Nothing is ever just in its place. Things are always changing. I get my living room in order, and then, bam, some sort of improvement must be made, so all my work gets undone. Depressing.
My DH treats me well. He is good with our children. He is loving toward them and makes time in the evening to spend with them. But I can see his age affecting his patience. He is much older than me. He is starting to have aches and pains, and me asking him to give me a couple hours on the weekend so I can do something outside of the kids really bothers him. It strains him. He doesn't say it does, but eventually he mentions how it bothers him in a roundabout way. For example, "Well, if you wanted me to get the shelves installed, you should have let me work instead of having me watch the kids."
He is probably right. But overall, I just feel absolutely trapped. I enjoy my children. I really do. I would love to homeschool. But I also want a career. So instead I plan to supplement their education with some homeschooling. If I want to have a standard 8 or 10 hour workday career, they are both going to have to attend school or daycare.
I can't shake this feeling of being swallowed up by his old life before me. All of our friends are his friends. They are all much older than me. The wives of these men are not interested in being close friends with me. I am in a different life stage than them. I understand their disinterest. Beyond that, I am not very good at making friends. I really try hard. I probably try too hard. Recently, a friend of mine, who is about my age, and I had a misunderstanding. So what happened next? She ran to the bar to gossip about me with SS24. How embarrassing. Of course, I can't trust her anymore.
I feel like I am always going to be punished for DH's divorce. People in the community are kind of always trying to "figure me out" and "figure out why" I would choose to be with an older man. I just loved him, that's all. It's that simple. And I was being stupid, of course. So you have people trying to figure me out, never quite sure about me. And then the same people celebrate DH. He is socially plugged in much more than me because of his business and his family. It was his divorce, I want to scream! Why am I punished for it?? Why can't I just be myself?
Beyond that, I don't like where we live, the home we live in, and I'm not excited about his extended family anymore. I don't really trust them.
As a second wife, I realize painfully again every day that I don't get to build a life with DH. I get to squeeze into the spaces he has made for me in the life he already had. When I tell him how unhappy I am, he says, "I'm sorry" if he is feeling sympathetic. He also will say "Well, this is what you knew my life was like when I asked you to marry me. You chose this."
Sometimes, I jump up and down angry until I'm giving a little more room. But why should I have to do that? Why should I have to get so angry?
I don't really want another relationship. I just want to raise my children in peace. I want to have my own identity that isn't constantly being misunderstood and bombarded by rumors surrounding a nearly decade old divorce.
I raise our dd18months and ds5 by myself all the time anyway. DH spares a couple hours at night to be with them, but even then, I am the main caretaker. I could get a little house, raise them, send them to school eventually, and work towards a better career. I could do it all by myself, because I already do. I could make my own identity and my own career without his divorce hanging over my head forever. DH didn't even bat an eye when I told him I think we should split. He just said, "OK." And then he sighed a few times. I said, well, when will you want the kids? DH said, I guess the weekends would be fine. He asked if I wanted to stay until dd18months is a little older, maybe 2 or 3, and old enough to be put in daycare. I told him No.
Trapped. I feel so trapped. I should be tidying up the house right now or reading to my son. Instead I'm feeling so trapped and sorry for myself.
- Forthelifeoftheparty's blog
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Take some time and consider...
Take some time and consider. You seem like a fair-minded person.
However, this: "I realize painfully again every day that I don't get to build a life with DH. I get to squeeze into the spaces he has made for me in the life he already had."
This is a problem now, but isn't this part of what attracted you to him in the first place? He had a ready-made life that you could step into, as opposed to someone younger who perhaps didn't have his life together yet and it would have taken working together at it, instead of just stepping into it ready-made. And since it was already there, all you had to do was fit into the parts that were open. The business and everything were already there and likely he was financially successful and this is part of what made him attractive.
Also since he is older, of course, he's going to be showing signs of aging before you do, so you'll have to deal with him slowing down or having age-related symptoms, but wouldn't you expect him to be there for you if you became sick, although not related to aging?
OK, so that this is not all sounding like a bunch of criticism, you sound like you really want to work things out. What do you mean by a career? Do you have a degree in something, or could you get one? How many years would it take? A lot of what people call a career, is working for a company in a job where you sit in a cublcle all day and enter data into forms, and it's hard to call that a career and you might end up disappointed with that too.
What do you see as possible hopeful solutions? You said your husband treats you and your children well. Doesn't sound like something to give up on if you don't have to.
Thanks for the comment. I was
Thanks for the comment. I was attracted to him because he was nice to me. That's it. Not because of the perceived financial success or the ready-made life. My last boyfriend before him wasn't very nice to me. So when I met dh and he was nice, it was like the clouds parted and light shined on him. I wish I had waited or moved away. I wasn't happy where I lived then, but I pretended to myself that I would be happy if I moved to a slightly larger community. Turns out that community shrank pretty quickly when I became second wife and stepm.
As far as career, really anything with technical training where I can make more than $20 and use my brain. I was hoping to complete some technical training to complement the bachelors degree I already have.
I know this sounds hard to believe, but I wasn't attracted to him for his house or his ready-made life. I just liked him. Physically he was and is in much better shape than any guy my age. That was attractive. He was also just simply a positive person who had a passion for life despite all the crap he was going through. He never spent much money on me and we didn't go on fancy vacations or anything. So I wasn't being swept off my feet by material things. Not even in the slightest. Honestly, I went and continue to go without many things he considers superfluous because I recognize the value of being frugal and saving for the future. I also signed a prenup so that any wealth he acquired during our 6 yr long relationship would still be his. Anything after the marriage, would be split halfsies. Overall, I feel he has been fair to me financially. I feel he is in general a fair and decent person. But the tax of his old life on mine is too much to bear anymore.
And that is what is so sad about all of this. I really enjoy and care about my dh. We get along very well. But the baggage that comes with his life, the negatives and positives, leave no room for me to grow and become my own person. Sure, I could stay with him, put the kids in school and in daycare, and make it happen with a career. That would allow me an identity...at work. At home and in our community, in my kids' school, my identity would still be cut short to "DH's second wife."
An example: DH's stepdad is often harrassing me about when I am going to change my last name to DH's last name. I don't want to. I don't want to get swallowed up by this identity even more.
Another example: One time I was walking our dog directly in front of our house. Some lady passed me by. She paused and said, "Isn't that DH's dog? And isn't that DH's house?" I sorta gave her a funny look and said, "Yeah?" Then she started going on and on about how wonderful DH is. She didn't ask me who I was or anything about me, even in small talk. Even when walking my own dog in front of my house, I'm interpreted as the "other." Totally bizarre. That's how people think of me. This is DH's house, DH's town, DH's existence. I'm DH's "hot" second wife, not a whole person who is also an individual. I'm not even hot. I'm just petite and younger. Even when I took my ds to preschool, that was the way it went. Oh this DH's son and SS24's little brother. Not, "oh this is ds and his mommy. Welcome!"
At our church, a church DH has been going to for the last 20 years and a place I actually enjoy, my DH was going on and on about the details of the shower he was working on at our home. The pastor looked at me and said, "How do YOU feel about the new shower? Do you like it?" I hadn't even considered how I felt or that it was also my subject to talk about. I stammered some sort of polite nonsense in reply.
I feel like I have been living in somebody's AirBNB with an endless chore list, not a home I can feel relief walking into.
When I think back to our beginning and the way things have been since, there wasn't much material stuff to go around. Not a lot of extra money after a years long divorce. Just this giant unfinished house that I don't even like in a town I don't like.
Taking care of him when he isn't feeling well is apart of the deal, like any marriage. I agree. That's the way it should be. My resentment regarding his aches and pains is that when I am sick, the show just continues as usual. I'm always on duty with the kids because I'm not the earner, so that's the way it has to be set up. I have to lock myself in a room or leave the house in order to make him take over with the kids.
In the last 5 years, I have left for the afternoon to shop or do as I please before the baby was in bed for the night only once. I'm not asking him to take days off work. I just wish that on a Saturday or Sunday, like yesterday when I wasn't feeling well, he would take over with the kids and tell me to go lie down without me asking. He took the kids yesterday and I laid down after I asked. It was also because we had one of his guy friends over for a visit. So DH did not want to be a monster of apathy to sick me in front of his friend. When I said, "hey, I'm really sorry to interrupt your visit. But I don't feel well and you need to take over with the baby..." cue 20 minutes of preparing him to take over with the baby. He doesn't take over normally. The most I ever make him spend with them solo without my help is a couple of hours before bedtime.
I appreciate you saying I seem like a fair-minded person. I try to be. But I'm miserable. I wake up every day just miserable that I have to live here in this town. I put on a happy face for the kids and take care of them. Living here is making me ill.
Possible solutions are me getting on some sort of medication, me drinking too much. Possible hopeful solutions include me leaving here on the weekends with the kids, me putting the kids in school or care and forming an identity completely apart from my DH, me living abroad with the kids for a few months each year, me moving a few towns over and him visiting.
We don't have to get a divorce. He doesn't want to get a divorce. I don't really want to take his kids from him and play those games. I'd rather not divorce. He said he would come out and visit us on the weekends if we moved to a different town.
He refuses to sell the home. He refuses to move away, not even a few towns away. He refuses to change much about the life I fit into, except getting rid of me and the kids part time. I think it is pretty messed up that that is his solution.. "you don't like it here? Fine. Leave."
I don't really have any
I don't really have any advice but reading this, I can see where you're coming from. Small towns can be... challenging particularly if you grew up there and everybody knows who you are. Gossip and talk all day long and being that your DH has a business and some money, he almost becomes a mini-celebrity. All his personal business is the talk of the town and you're stuck in the middle.
I completely see your frustrations.
I read something that really stick with me recently. It went something like "a big house holds as much loneliness as a small house". All the money in the world can't make you happy. It really can't and him saying "Fine. Leave."? Wtf is that?
Also, yes often for women when we get sick the world doesn't stop. We keep on because we have to When men get sick? Drop everything and wait in them. It's unfair and it's BS.
I wish I had more to say except that I hear you and I hope you find happiness.
Thank you for seeing me!
I appreciate your response very much, all of these responses!
The celebrity comment you made gave me a laugh. So often when DH and I are out having a date, some goofball comes up and starts talking to DH. Sometimes...they even sit down to chat! WITH HIM...not with me. LOL People are so backwards.
If I choose to leave this home, I will be heading to another small town...my hometown. So I will just be so and so's daughter. I won't be me either! I would have to stay there until I can earn decent money with a technical skill. I would be escaping to a different version of what I am trying to run from. *sigh* So your comment is a bit heartbreaking for me. It is so accurate what you said about small towns.
I guess my dad believes that I will be happier in my hometown small town because he believes that everyone there adores me. I assure you they do not. That's just not how small towns work.
I am also hesitant to move back home because I don't want to take up my dad's home and ruin his chances of selling it and making money for his retirement. He doesn't deserve to lose that profit. The house is currently an empty house in disrepair, but my dad is repairing it every month. He hopes to sell the home. But he told me today that he will not sell it for another year, and that this had been his plan all along, because he thought I might need the home. Wow. As I write that I realize how lucky I am. Even though the house is not perfect, it is still worth something. The fact that my dad is willing to lose money to see me happy is a big deal. Wow.
But I have siblings who will no doubt be jealous of me "getting a free home" from my dad. My siblings and I are all from the same dad and mom, same failed marriage. I can just imagine my sister furious that I got something she never wanted in the first place. And I can imagine my brother gossiping about me in that same small town. Oh man. I could stay there and quickly move out after a year. That would be a huge amount of work on my part, because I would have the kids full time. I'd have to earn a *skilled* professional degree or masters degree instead of a humanities bachelors degree, secure employment, and SAVE like crazy to have my own home where I want.
It's been done, though, hasn't it?
Did you two have any prior discussions before marriage about living arrangements? I mean, that should have been discussed prior. I know DH and I did and we had kids (his, mine) that would be "aging" out within a few years of our marriage. So, do we sell both of our homes and buy a big home for the 3 years we still have "kids" to care for? We chose to keep both, live in one and use the other for rental, and just make do for the 3 years. THAT is one decision I am grateful we made. My home was paid for....I wasn't wanting to take any chances.
Also, what's the age difference? I'm an "older" individual on the board here....at 61, I cannot imagine selling my home and uprooting myself from a community that knows me, where I have connections, work, etc. Is he close to retirement? Those factors may have be the big reason he does not want to sell and move.
I wish I had more suggestions for you.....have you seen a counselor? Might be a good idea. It seems like you have a good marriage, get along with your SD (that's major). Sometimes a neutral person can help us "see" things in a different light. I know what it's like to be "stuck" and feeling left out or the second wife. I get it. Wish I had more to offer in suggestions. Best to you. Sending you a virtual hug.
We did not have any discussions about where we would live. DH was staying at his dad's house until he could get a permit to allow him to stay in his under-construction home. His marital home was already paid for. I was not in an apartment lease. I was not a homeowner or renter. The home we live in now was the second home of DH and XW. It was under construction at the time of DH's filing for divorce. DH and I did not date prior to him filing for divorce, but we did know eachother on an acquaintence level. XW wanted this new home, of course. But the judge awarded it to DH because DH had built it by hand. That was the only thing the judge really gave DH in the whole divorce. The judge ate up the nonsense narrative of older man leaving wife for younger woman. XW earned a lot weaving that tale.
The age difference is 15 years. DH is nearing 50. I'm 35. I feel really bad sometimes about asking DH to move because I know those connections in a small town take years to form. DH also really appreciates his church. DH not wanting to move is a decision he can't find a way to change his mind about. I feel bad for him. I wish I could be happy in this town. But I have failed many times, I feel like. Maybe I haven't. Maybe people like me. Maybe I just have bad luck running into the crappy people at the local grocery store. haha I don't know. DH is hoping to work another 10 years.
The one hope that DH and I share is that I can go live abroad somewhere cheap and safe with the kids for 3 to six months out of the year. We are thinking costa rica. DH can spend a month with us when we first arrive in that country, and he can spend a month with us before we travel home. The kids and I could spend a couple months down there in between. This would keep me from traveling solo internationally with small children. DH really really likes this idea. Like most older people, or really anyone, he likes the idea of spending time at the beach in warm weather during winter in the US.
DS5 wants to be a zookeeper someday. Since I was already planning on homeschooling, or at least supplementing with a curriculum with DS5 and DD18months, we could commit to this travel schedule. DS5 could have incredibly special experiences with sea turtles and conservation from a very young age. He could be fluent in another language with ease. I could have an identity all to myself, in a town that sees me first before DH. It just might be the cure to all this nonsense.
But like any parent who choosing homeschooling, I worry that I may be making a decision that affects my children's social lives. I certainly don't want them to miss their friends back home, or have a hard time making friends because no one really knows who they are in our current small town. Sports would be the answer there. But there are tricky laws about sports for homeschool kids as the kids get to a more competitive age, like middleschool and highschool. Some schools won't let them play. My other hesitation is that if I choose to homeschool my children, I will never have time to pursue a 9-5 or 4 10s kind of career. I'll be a housewife all my life, allbeit a traveling housewife with really cool photoalbums.
Thank you for you reply and the hug! I'm going to get through this!
I can relate
Yep! Our home still isn't finished after 16 yrs. He likes to do the fast, big jobs that quickly make a big difference but the finish work is always undone. I don't have floor molding in my house and in some areas you can see the insulation peeking out where there is supposed to be trim work covering it. Also the original part of the house flooring is slowly deteriorating as well as three exterior doors and needs to be replaced but have to wait another year until the "final" project is done (rental SFH)
It sucks having to always "remap" everything when you live in a place that is s-l-o-w-l-y being rennoed. Done it twice. I envy those people on the home improvement shows where they move out of the house and some crew comes in and does everything lickity split then they move back into a brand new place. Of course that would be out of our price range. I call the show "This Old House" This Unlimited Budget.
16 years is terrifying
16 years? Wow. I'm sorry. I am amazed that my kids have not eaten any insulation so far. Part of my exhaustion is having to keep them safe amid a house always under construction. I ran a daycare and voluntarily closed it down when I knew heavy interior work was on the horizon. Also, heavy machinery to put in a driveway is not ideal for afternoon outdoor time with toddlers. LOL Lots of tears. Imagine me trying to calculate how long we can be outside before the heavy machinery starts up and scares the babies.
I also have a door that has rotted out. It's so bizarre. Sort of a good metaphore for my psyche though! Some parts are new and fresh. Others are rotting away before my eyes. LOL This home was designed to XW's need to be what she isn't, someone with culture and taste. It is much to big for my taste, trying to hard to keep up with trends. I would be happy with a 1960s ranch, a small backyard, and less debt.
Our thing is the rentals. Our home always is shoved to the backburner so rentals can be built or improved to bring in more money. I understand that it is a sound financial decision to focus on the rentals. But it is just really sad how long it has taken. DH says things will be different in the spring.
DH actually got a bunch of unfinished projects done today because I threw a fit about them yesterday. And his crew is out with COVID, so there is time to burn til they are in better health.
I grew up in a run down, old house. But it never bothered me because I knew it had to be that way. There wasn't the money to fix it up.
I think...
working in YOU and YOURSELF separate from your DH is a move in the right direction. I had to do that because I was miserable.
Theres a lot of baggage that comes with someone who is divorced. Its really nice to start fresh in a fresh new place where you are not simply "DHs Something", and YOU, are YOU.
I had that in a previous relationship before Husband. I was always recognized as B's So and So. Eventually I got mad and said "No im not Bs so and so, Im Clove and happy to meet you" That might not be the best way to say it, but I totally think you should really start doing you and reclaiming your identity. Therapy so you can work through the emotions. Seems like you went from one fire to the next fire. He sounds like a decent person, you just need more communication rather than blasting him when youve hit the end of your patience.
I didnt change my last name either.
Kept my name too...
... because I didn't want to join the unpopular club of STBXH's 1st two ex-wives plus his mother by sharing his last name. Also live in the small town STBX grew up in (=moved here before we connected) so I totally relate to how lame that situation is.
There is a lot in a name
I talked with my dad about all this today. He is a pretty sane person. He said, things are different nowadays. The kids don't have to have DH's last name. But you chose to give them that last name. He is so right. I chose to burden them with the last name that would complicate their life in a small town. I wish I had thought that through more. But to me, I treasure my last name. I feel connected to my side of the family, even if it is just my paternal side and it is a very small family. If I end up moving away, my kids can have a truly fresh start with DH's last name in a new place, even if it is simply my old hometown because nobody has that last name over there.
Beyond all that, DH understands why I don't want his last name. DH has been pretty accepting of my beginning hesitation and outright denial of it.
When DH's stepfather badgered me about changing my name and getting rid of the hyphen, I just told him one day with a big exasperated smile...BUT IT'S MY NAME. I LIKE IT. hahahaha DH's XW still has not changed her name. After 6 years. SS24 (is he 22 or 24, i'm not sure actually?) is never going to change his name, clearly, as a male. So...why would I want to share that? As for my kids, I think them having their paternal father's last name is kind of cool simply because it is a cool sounding surname.
one fire to another
LOL That's true. I pretty much did go from one fire to another. I think I was my own fire, too. But I did not start their fires! LOL
I talked with my dad today and tattled on myself about my yelling and getting angry with DH. My dad was so cool about it. He told me there was no excuse and to cut out the yelling and getting angry. But he was also so wise. He told me that I need to make a choice to either move away or stay. He said it isn't enough to just "not get mad." I need to be happy. He put up with many years of a foul marriage with my mother. She was awful to him. And I think he is just happy to have some wisdom to share with me.
He said the kids, **my kids** would adjust to whatever. He said, "Wherever you are happy, your kids will be happiest."
I got hit with the double difficulty of being swallowed up by DH's identity, and then spun around by the stressors of being a first time mom. It's easy to get lost in your new identity as a mom. I want to say that I forgive myself for the slide into sourness. I really can handle this. I just need to remember there are plenty of other people working through the same stuff. But the choice still must be made. Stay or go. This small town or the next? I've got to choose. Wisdom is doing the same thing that you want to do, instead of wanting to do something and doing something else. I think that's what the stoics taught.
I need to sign up for some counseling. But honestly, whenever DH and I have visited a counselor about how awful the skids have treated me, the counselors have been way off mark. I remember one counselor was so hopeful that I would be the one to "really be there for SD because both of her parents seemed to be selfishly checked out of her life." I thought, this lady is crazy. I already tried that and I got thrown in the mud for it! Maybe an online therapist. I see that advertised a lot.
Thanks for the reply. I appreciate it so much.
My husband’s exwife went to ex coworkers, friends and family
Trashtalking my husband during and after the divorce. Coworkers and friends would believe her but she kept repeating over and over that they eventually realised she was full of it and being petty that hubby divorced her. She played the victim when she was the perpetrator of abuse.
hubbys family stopd by him but the friends and coworkers who originally believed her realised over time that what she said didn't add up. If you're playing the victim kike my husband is so horrible for divorcing you, then why brag to everyone about your affair hubby that you bragged you coupd get any man with the snap of a finger.
exwife called my sil and claimed i was a half naked Christian whore and she couldn't possibly allow their 2 daughters anywhere near me. The reality was i met hubby 1yr after she kidnapped daughters and disappeared, she saw an angle to paint me and hubby as the villain and went with it. The hypocrisy was she was a skanky cheating hoe, not me.
she didn't know me, never met me but suddenly she and her friends and people who worked at hubbys workplace were experts on memdespite never meeting or knowing me. It was like a chinese whispers thing they did where one person claimed something about me to someone else who then contacted someone else and added lies and false stuff and continued the chain.
Me and hubby are people who just live our lives, if you are so focussed gossiping and trashtalking us when claiming you're so happy, well you wouldn't have your daughter cry to daddy that mummy thinks her marriage would end for sympathy, you would be more focused on your lives and marriages. The fact you care more about us and trying to cause issues or control us, proves you are full of it and such miserable toxic petty people.
i have a 21 yr age gap with my husband where he is older. He looks much younger than his age and in better health than most 20-30 yr olds. His kids with exwife are sd27, ss24.5 and sd17. Our kids are dd7, ds5.5.
i have disengaged from sd's, they refuse to own their part in the non existent relationship they have with their dad is of their own choosing, instead they blamed me and our 2 kids who were toddlers at the time as the reason for why they had no relationship with daddy. Its so pathetic
The similarities of petty, crappy people prove how boring life can get with those people. My DH's XW interrogated my Xbf's mother at her young grandson's halloween party this last year. Apparently for the entire duration of the party. What a LOSER. DH's XW asked all sorts of questions about who I was as a person, where I was working, what I was like in school. All sorts of nonsense. I found out about it from my Xbf. How embarrassing for DH's XW. Not me! How did this even happen when everyone lives in a different county? Turns out, DH's XW's new man works with my Xbf's sister's husband. Geez, that was a long sentence to type. LOL
These people are so utterly forgettable. At least in my experience.
Also, another similarity in our stories...SD announced one day that she did not want to live with DH and I anymore because she didn't want to "listen to that baby cry" anymore. DS was a newborn. What did she expect? I get that it was a challenging time, but just say you don't want to live with ME anymore. LOL SS17 at the time even called up DH and gave him a "talking to" about how DH had been neglecting SD by not waking up with her for school and making her french toast for breakfast. DH had a call from XW after the birth of DS. XW chewed DH out for "not feeding her children." DH had just had a baby with me. He gave the skids who were 17 and 12 or 13 at the time money for fast food after he drove them all the way back home from the hospital. DH, in the throes of sleep deprivation, had forgotten to stop and get skids food. They live near fast food and SS24 could drive at the time. But XW did not let him drive to the hospital to visit new baby brother because of "insurance" on the car. Nonsense. I remember all this crap. I work hard to forget, but also to remember so that I can remember what they all are capable of. None of the details are worth sharing with anyone except fellow StepTalk people who just get it, who understand the nonsense that transpires often.
Your DH seems to want a
Your DH seems to want a "traditional" wife so to speak. The SAHM who takes care of him and the kids, does chores etc etc. whilst he goes to work and provides for the family
Now, there's nothing with that.
On the other hand, you want a career. to be independent and develop your own identity that is separate from his. You want to be seen as an equal to him, instead of so & so's wife.
There's nothing wrong with that either.
However, these views don't seem to be compatible. You're on completely different wavelengths and seem to want different things from life and from each other. Maybe you could reach some sort of compromise. If not and you decide to go your separate ways, the most important thing is to remain cordial. His ex-wife has taught you what not to do.
Making life together is often not facilitated by one partner
consuming the life of another as the consumed partner fully integrates into the other's established life. I recommend the move. Your whole family. You, your childrnen, and your DH.
Move, start a new life elsewhere. Where together you can raise your kids, you can engage your career, and DH can be free of his failed family.
My Unicorn blended marriage works in large part because DW and I have made it together and not in a particular place where my life was lived before her, or her life was lived before me. We have built our life together while experiencing two successful careers, moving multiple times both domestically and internationally.
We raised our son, who was originally my SS, together.
We both embraced our future together.
I would make that point with DH and do what you can to make that new life direction happen for all of you... except his failed family. Leave them to that small town.
Update, sort of
I have been doing some dialectic behavior therapy, just at home on my own. It focuses on seeing the gray instead of black and white thinking. It also aids in being happy in general.
I've spent the last few weeks, maybe even one full month, of being as happy as possible. I've ignored negative thoughts about my town and my place in this town. I've focused on rewarding hobbies and in the day-to-day enjoyment of raising my young children.
But yesterday, my DH chose to have lunch with the husband of a woman who recently gossiped about me to SS24 at a local bar. The woman was upset with me because I deleted her on social media after she attacked me for remarking how lonely I have been lately. She took offense to my lonliness because, "she barely gets to see her own husband, and so of course she doesn't have time for friends. That's just how adult friendships work. Get over it." I found her reply to be awful. So I apologized to her for hurting her feelings through text, blocked her on FB, and then endured her wrath for blocking her on social media. To me, social media is a privilege. I only had about 65 friends, and I made the post visible to only about 15 of those friends. As part of her wrath, she went to a local bar and showed DH's son a screenshot of my post. Mind you, my post was only up for 10 minutes. When I realized it had hurt her feelings, I took it down. SS then continued the gossip about me with anyone in DH's family who would listen. Embarrassing.
Since then, I have deleted my FB completely and now feel better about greater privacy. I'm not the type to post things that are sad, but I really wanted to reach out and see if anyone was listening. It was the first time in years I had posted something sad. I was right. Several of my friends from High School chimed in with supportive statements. It was an example of how good social media can be.
So back to DH. DH had lunch with this angered and gossipy woman's husband. (Did I mention that I babysat this woman's children for nearly two years? I did a lot for this couple so that they could succeed.) The behavior of her gossiping was never brought up, not even in the slightest and most gentle way of letting her husband know it caused a lot of grief in our home around the holidays. Instead, DH sat through the lunch and jovialy gave business advice to the woman's husband. I felt very betrayed when I found out. How can you sit there and be so friendly to people who basically threw me away after no longer needing me?? DH feels bewildered by my hurt feelings because, to him, I don't even want to have a friendship with that woman, so why does it matter if a recognition of her behavior is admitted? I feel like DH has no backbone, and simply does not care. If there is an advantage to be had business wise, then he will forget all harsh treatment to me.
Bottomline is this: DH is not a bad person, a bad father or really anything bad. He has different values than me. I value privacy, honesty, my children and the culture I create for them in our home. DH values money, enterprise, stability, being fair even if it means being without any loyalties. DH will never move away from this town. No matter how much pain it brings me, he will never move away. He has offered to move the children and I away and come visit us. He has offered to do everything he can financially to move us abroad, even, so that we can live in what amounts to a tropical paradise. But he won't be there with us. I'd essentially be on my own for half the year. Further, DH makes all the valid excuses in the world. His business is based here. His friends are here. His rental property is here. He has been here for 30 years. To all of those details, all I hear is, sorry, hunny, you're not important enough. You're important enough to be squeezed into my existing life, to be bragged about as a younger wife, to be arm candy, to be an addition, but not to be honored with a new life somewhere fresh. How awful a feeling, because then every new upgrade to our home, every new social interaction is a testament to me being valued only as an additional feature to his life, not as a focus. I can be certain that if there is ever an incidence at school with the kids where I need DH to back me up on something, DH won't. He will fence sit. That's who he is at his core. A fence sitter.
My kids, especially DS(5), do not want to live away from their father. They love them and he is good to them. So I find myself trapped. Again. Miserable. Hiding my misery with crafts and pursuits in art. I have one more year of being home with DD before I put her in preK. Then I will go to work. I know my world will get significantly more satisfying and bigger when I am able to be away from home. You might wonder, why not go get a job and get out of the house now? Well, I have chosen to be a SAHM for the kids until my youngest goes to PreK. I have worked in the local daycares, and with the staff turnover, I don't feel comfortable sending my kids to daycare. So I continue to suffer, at my own choice and because of my chosen values. I guess that's just life.
But man, it sure is disappointing to have a husband who reveres his social place in a town, his business, and his home more than he reveres his relationship with his wife. I could have done so much better. My only payback for this ill treatment is that I refuse to sing with my DH. He loves the way I sing and he desperately wants to play guitar with me while I sing. Just in our living room. No. I don't think I will even let him hear me sing anymore. I'll sing in the car away from him, that's it. And when he asks, I'll just put it plainly. You won't build a fresh life with me, why should I sing for you? Sounds petty, but my life is pretty small right now. I don't have much power.