He left on Christmas day..
So I have been away from StepTalk for the last two months just due to life being incredibly busy with any free time going to aging parents and preparing for the holidays. I don't know where to begin, but encourage anyone reading this to go back and read my blogs from October to gain some insight into my relationship with my fiance. I thought we tried to make it work since then....but we actually didn't try. We changed nothing, and just fell into the same old patterns.
My SO left me on Christmas day to go to his friends' house and stay in his basement again. He did it the weekend before Christmas too. I don't even recall what prompted that....something very miniscule that could have been resolved with conversation. But instead he called in sick to work (Fri., Dec 16), and leaves for his friend's (the wekeend before Christmas). He spent that weekend drunk with his buddy and in front of a television watching sports. Then he called in sick again that Monday (Dec 19) to apparently sober up and start researching apartments. He came back to our house on Dec 20 to talk (his request) and had nothing to say. Meanwhile I had prepared a list of talking points since I know that I will lose my focus when emotions flare so it was a cheatsheet for me, so to speak (no pun intended.) We didn't get very far that night so decided to resume talk on Dec 22. Again, very little from him. He had admitted during that time that he found an apartment and was considering it, but wanted to see how things would go for the next week or so. I expressed my concern with that as it seemed I would need to be under a microscope and any little thing would send him packing. He assured me that it was a "plan B."
He never asked me about having "the girls" over for Christmas, but rather had forwarded an email to me from BM with her asking about the holidays with "the girls." He didn't approach me about the email so I said nothing since I am not taking conversation starters from his ex. However, I couldn't take it anymore because I knew it was inevitable so suggested having them over on Christmas Day. We negotiated on the time of day to have them over, blah, blah, blah. We wake up that morning and have Christmas with my BD11, and all seemed well. I was going to jump in the shower and we talked briefly before that and I mistakenly mentioned the apartment because it was really bugging me. When I got out of the shower, he was packing and would not tell me why he was leaving. My attempts to ascertain why he was packing resulting in harsh words from him. So he left me on Christmas Day.
He is still at his friend's house in the basement. We have talked on the phone 3 or 4 times and have had more actual communication about issues than ever. However, he is still leaning toward moving into the apartment. He said he left because he thought it would be awkard for his girls to be there and he was sick of me mentioning his "plan B." Sigh.
When we talked this week on the phone, all I have heard is him giving me example after example of things I am doing wrong. He is villainizing me without a doubt. When we talk, I hear me saying I am willing to work on it as I have done some serious self-reflection (and I have) and realize his adult daughters should be invited to our home more. I have been fearful of having the youngest over (refer to my earlier blogs.) I did tell him it was hard for me to have entertaining on my mind when dealing with me elderly parents among every thing else, and he could invite his daughters over or suggest a plan just as much as I could.
It seems it doesn't matter how much I self-reflect, how much I am willing to compromise, how much I advocate for trying, he just negates my points. He says he is messed up in the head and likely no good for anyone, let alone me. He is wavering between trying to work things out with us, or choosing the apartment. I don't know what to say anymore. If you read my previous blogs, you may think I've lost my marbles for even wanting to try. However, it does take two to tango (tangle) and I realize some of my parts in this. I guess I just don't want to walk away from 8 years together and owning a house together without saying we haven't tried. I was so much stronger two months ago when I originally posted than I am now.
Please offer your insight to me. This wavering on his part is tearing me up, and I have been physically ill since Christmas day. So much hurt. I can't continue like this, but also do not like the idea of moving forward without saying we haven't tried. I don't know...honestly struggling to think straight right now.... thoughts?
- dandelion wishes's blog
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Please consider this a
Please consider this a Christmas gift from God! I am with a man that has said some truly hurtful shitty things in the heat of the moment to me but he is all bark and no bite and has NEVER threatened to leave, let alone actually done so. You have a daughter that you need to concentrate on. You need to teach her how a man should treat a woman, and when that man doesn't, that it is better to let them go.
I was engaged years ago to a mna I had been with for 7 years. We had deposits on wedding things but the day I took my ring off and put it onthe table in fornt of him was one of the best decisons of my life!!! 8 years is really not that much time wasted. Another 8 or 18 or 28 with the wrong man is though!!!!
Thank you. Please tell me..
Thank you. Please tell me...were you hurt to the point of being physically ill at the time, and if so, tips for getting through it?
We all have
If you have never broken up before you won't know about the pain but it DOES pass and you will find someone much better ( Hopefully without a previously enjoyed family).
And yes you can get physically sick over it. Go back and reread your blogs on how terrible this guy was to you and then develop your righteous indignation which will help you recover.
Yes, I do know that pain and
Yes, I do know that pain and have experienced it before, but what we had was so different from my past relationships. My whole future was wrapped up with him. It just feels harder right now. (I do like your point about righteous indignation. I had it two months ago, and need to find it again. I feel so worn down. Ugh.)
I wouldn't say physically ill
I wouldn't say physically ill but definilty depressed. It was so long ago now and I was so happy the second I "pulled the plug" that I have put the painful memories out of my mind.
what do you see you life
what do you see you life being w/ him if you stay together? do you see more threats and stompimg out when he doesn't like what you say? do you see yourself losing who you are in order to appease him and his daughters? what lessons will that teach your own child? and my last question: what is it you see in him besides time already served?
Thank you for your really
Thank you for your really good, but tough questions. I will answer the last question right off the bat since I think that is the reason I continue.....what I see in him is what I saw in him in the beginning, the 6 years before Covid. He was amazing. I worry that it has been me and my fear of his mentally ill daughters negatively impacting my daughter that has negatively influenced our relationship. Ditto for my disdain for his money-grubbing ex who he seems to bow down to in order to avoid making waves. He has so much baggage and I have tried to put boundaries up, and encouraged him to do so as well. It seems that it backfired.
You have every right to put
You have every right to put up bounderies, that he doesn't or won't is a him problem not a you problem. Nothing backfired. If anything it showed you who you are and who he is and is he really what you want for the rest of your life? for your daughter's life?
I'm no pro-leave him all the time but I am when it's obvious that he brings nothing good to your life table. What does he bring into yourl ife that is good and loving? not 6 years ago him, now him.
Your'e a mature, sensitive, conscientious person who is trying to resolve a strained relationship and hates to throw away a long-term time investment. You deserve someone who is mature, sensitive and conscientious , too.
I only judge people by their actions, not what they say. Your fiance's actions show a person who is living most of the time away from home, who drinks to escape problems, who has a spotty work record, who has poor communication skills, who is actively planning to live apart from you and who is keeping you dangling. I dont even need to read back about the SK issues.
If your kind friend told you the same story, what would you tell her? I'm guessing you'd urge her to move on and be glad. I'm guessing the other StepTalkers will feel the same. You have a brand new year coming, I hope you'll seize the opportunity to make a new start. Good luck!
Thank you for your kind
Thank you for your kind comments. And you're right: if a freind shareed this story and asked me for a suggestion, I would tell her to run.
Is he cheating? The fact
Is he cheating? The fact that he's so adamant about leaving but keeping you on the line is a classic cheater move. I agree with AgedOut, what do you have to lose at this point? Baggage that's dragging you down? Honestly show your daughter what a strong independent woman looks like not needing a whiney self-serving man.
I can say with 100% certainty
I can say with 100% certainty that he is not cheating. It really is not in his nature, and I KNOW that he isn't. His friend, with whom he shares things with, confirmed this. There is nothing in his history to indicate that at all. This isn't about that. It really seems to boil down to his daughters, and what seems to be a disfunctional relationship with them. I honestly think he envisions having them possibly live in the apartment with him and having everything be fine and dandy. He is not grasping their age, issues, need for parenting and not friendship, etc.
Has it occurred to you that
Has it occurred to you that he might be cheating on your with his friend...?
Do you mean like the friend
Do you mean like the friend is cheating with him? Like they are both out and about in kahoots? No. That is not happening. Without getting into all of the reasons why I am so certain, trust me when I say that I am certain of this. My fiance is literally holing up in his friends' basement, drinking and watching sports/movies. He is not stepping out.
I'm concerned about you, Dandelion
I'm reading about HIS dysfunction, HIS kids, HIS baggage, HIS plans, what HIS friends say, what HE might want, etc.
Dandelion, what do YOU want? I know, you want the relationship to go back to how it was in the beginning. What about YOUR child, how are they doing? What are YOUR plans? How do YOU feel?
You say the stress is making you I'll. Your body is talking to you. It's hard, I know. Remember the 2 things they say about transitions: they're hard and they don't last.
Take care of you, Dandelion, for your child's sake.
You cant work on something so dysfunctional and broken, because it takes two to work on it. He aint trying. He threatens and leaves, and you are the one saying I will work on my part. He isnt doing that.
From the little I read, your relationship is toxic. Toxic never changes unless the toxee is willing to work at it.
You have a BD, focus on that. Envision your life without this toxic manchild. One that leaves to go get drunk with his buddy, while you are physically ill about it. He knows he has the upper hand and he is using it. He is using your fear to whip you into shape.
Imagine a life without an abusive DH and mentally ill toxic adult daughters. That in itself is pure bliss.
Move on towards a peaceful life for you and your DD.
Blessings to a bright and happy future. 2023 WILL BE your year!
ETA its so telling that he leaves on Christmas Day! Your DH has no remorse on how he hurts you and your DD on CHRISTMAS DAY! WOWZA
Imagine a life without an
Imagine a life without an abusive DH and mentally ill toxic adult daughters. That in itself is pure bliss.
You are right, that is bliss. You are also right that it takes two to work on it. My good friend sees this: he is too lazy to actually move and he will stay at his friend's house for now...until???? Until he can whip me back into shape? I don't know. I do agree with my friend in that it would be very unlike him to take the effort needed to move. (Toxic manchild.) I think if he does move, he will have an epiphany and want to work on it, but it will be too late for me. I will never agree to try again if he makes this move into an apartment. This is a juncture. I think if this happens, he will hit rock bottom. (and I am not a good person for thinking that part of me wouldn't be completely sad if he does...)
THanks for your positive wishes for 2023!
ETA that I also thought the
ETA that I also thought the same thing about Christmas Day! However, in his mind, it means that Christmas Day is not the way he wants it to be because of the role his adult daughters do/do not play. He will always feel he was justified in leaving on THAT day.
That is just so ridiculously
That is just so ridiculously puerile. His Christmas Day could be pretty much what he wants it to be if he would only just SAY IT. I think he's being such a shit with you because he knows that you wouldn't stop him seeing his daughters for Xmas Day but that his ex would. He's making you the scapegoat because he feels that someone other that himself should suffer for that.
I think it's time you stopped playing nice with him, no more negotiating, not more discussing, no more Ms NiceGuy. Start playing hardball. Scare the shit out of him - tell him not to come home, stop bothering to talk to him, treat him like a room mate when (not if - he thinks he can pull this crap when he feels like it and get away with it) he comes back, be totally indifferent to him. Time to change tactics. The worst that can happen is that this ends your relationship completely and releases you from this purgatory.
PS - is he on meds? If he is, maybe he should have the dosage re-evaluated.
Winterglow, first of all, the
Winterglow, first of all, the word "puerile" is perfect to describe this, or maybe just him. Yes, Christmas day could have looked like how he wanted it, but he never said anything. Sooo frustrating. Yet, I am to blame because "the girls" would not feel comfortable here and it would be odd." How does he know that? He is projecting that. I think HE would feel uncomfortable, one example being that the youngest one is generally jumping out of her skin and he would be struggling to excuse her erratic, up and down behavior.
I think your advice about playing hardball is right on. I have been way too accommodating and willing to bare my feelings, create a plan for us, etc, etc. He has known that I have been right here the whole time. Also you may be right about "...not if he comes home, but rather WHEN" because he has still not signed a lease to secure that apartment. He looked at the apartment over a week ago and has not made any move to secure it other than sending an email asking how much more time he has until they need something signed.
Also he is not on meds, but likely should be.
I am recently divorced
I am recently divorced (finalized 2 days ago, yay!). Your husband sounds a lot like mine. Very immature and seflish. Not telling you why he's leaving is terrible, especially around the holidays. Seriously take this as a blessing and get out.
Hi Ursula!
Congrats on your new life. Dandelion you can do it!
Thanks for your input, Ursula
Thanks for your input, Ursula. I appareciate it. Also that's awesome about the divorce being final - you seem happy! :)
What do I want? I DO want it
What do I want? I DO want it to go back to the way it was before. I DO want to give it a try, but both of us need to be in and agreeable to it in order for that to even occur. How is my daughter doing? She is good. She misses him already though (as do I because when he is good, he is really good) and I find myself doing this dance of "he's just visiting his friend" and "he might be permanently gone." She is worried about having to move so I am delicate around the subject right now.
What are my plans? My plans are to continue living in our home for at least a year until I can get my ducks in a row, and my energy back. Thankfully I can likely manage but will have to dive into savings which could get depleted quickly. I feel that would be a decent price to pay for my daughter's stability and my being able to fully handle everything. I plan to contact an attorney to explore options. As it stands now, I am in a better place than he is on a number of levels. (Not that is a competition, but just to exemplify that I am not a meek mouse who is crying in the corner.)
How do I feel? I feel extrememly hurt. I feel slighted. I feel unheard. I feel a little ashamed because I have not fully embraced his daughters for fear of their impact on my daughter. I feel self-deprecating because I am reflecting on my part, and I am fearful of looking back on this and thinking I could have done more. I feel demeaned because I have allowed myself to be an open book/vulnerable to him recently and he knows full well where I stand. I feel like he holds all of the cards and I lost my power.
JRI, this was a resonse to
JRI, this was a resonse to your entry. I think I hit post and not reply so it is a little out of order.
Please take the time to feel
Please take the time to feel all these feels'. Sad, angry, empty, lonely, relief.
Feeling those feelings, maybe all at one time, is normal.
Also, feeling sad, lonely, empty does NOT mean HE should be back in your life.
Sometimes we mistaken that as a sign "OHHHH it MUST be love, he MUST be the guy because I feeeeeellllllll so much about him.
I will be blunt, HE gave you a gift by leaving. Take that gift, and do not look back. Keep us posted ok?