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caninelover's picture

Hi everyone!

Well SO is now officially and legally DH.

We had a lovely sunset ceremony on our Galapagos cruise, returned home for 2 days before flying off to the midwest for our reception.  It was so much fun!  We had about 50 people, half DH's family and half my family and some friends.  The food was amazing and everything went off without a hitch.  I wore a beautiful maroon and gold sari and DH looked so handsome in a cream colored tux.

The DJ played great music and after dinner EVERYBODY danced.  DH's sister told me she was suprised because at most weddings maybe a quarter of the guests dance - here everyone did, including DH's 89 year old mother Grandma McBratFace!  The DJ played one of her favorites - "Sweet Caroline" and that motivated her to get up for a dance.  DH was so happy to see that!

There was one, er, problem.  A couple of days after the reception people started texting that they tested positive for COVID when they returned home.  Eventually it seemed like more than half of the guests (including Grandma McBratFace and my parents) got COVID.  Fortunately since everyone was vaccinated/boosted all symptoms were mild and everyone recovered within 3-4 days.  Although I'm not thrilled we ended up throwing a super-spreader event, I am happy everyone had a great time and recovered quickly and fully.

I was also one of the ones who got COVID - and recovered quickly.  Though we did have to delay our return flight home by the required 5 days and isolated in a crummy motel room (the COVID honeymoon of our dreams LOL) we're home now.

Bratty McBratFace did attend the reception with Nutter GF.  For the most part there was no drama.  She got her free vegan meal at a table far away from me and DH (the caterer gave her and Nutter GF a special plated meal) then her and Nutter GF mostly went and sulked in the hospitality room we had across the hall (which was set up with snacks and water for guests during the day - not really for guests to seperate themselves from the reception itself but whatever).  At one point she complained to DH that no one was introducing her to my family.  Um, wtf, everyone introduces themselves at these things except for maybe parents.  But to diffuse any drama I graciously offered to introduce her and made the rounds of the tables with her and Nutter.  She seemed surprised, said thank you.  That definitely took the wind of her sails and she and Nutter retreated back to the hospitality room claiming it was 'hot' in the reception hall.  Good night Bratty!

After the reception we stayed a few days to spend time with DH's family.  I have some fun Bratty updates to share from that but I'll save it for a separate post soon.  Stay tuned!


ESMOD's picture

congratulations.. sorry about the covid drama... seems that any gathering these days is at risk for that.. but glad it was mild.

caninelover's picture

Omicron is pretty ruthless unfortunately.  By the time they have an Omicron specific vaccine out it seems everyone will have had it!

My cousin's son is getting married in December indoors in Miami - DH and I are planning to go.  I think she's now a bit worried because that gathering is much larger (300 guests) but I told her to just wait and see what the situation is by then...

Stepdrama2020's picture

Congrats super spreader !  Only kidding. Covid is our way of life so any event has that risk.

Its sounds like you were a beautiful bride with a handsome groom. Everyone had fun and thats what counts.

I sure hope when you introduced Bratty you did it accurately. "this is my SD a part time vegan, formerly a mermaid, and has protest signs and will travel for the Bratty cause of the day "    Wink

caninelover's picture

That would have been a great intro!!  I had warned my family that Bratty was bat-sh*t crazy so they mostly just nodded hello and that was that!  But I love how you think Stepdrama!

Yeah I currently hold the family super-spreader title for sure.  All's well that ends well though, thank goodness!

caninelover's picture

Bratty and Nutter showed up with no card or gift.  Why am I not surprised LOL...

Stepdrama2020's picture

But but just Bratty's mere attendance was a gift to cherish forever    Wink

Hope you never gift anything ever to her. That is so Bratty like behavior.


caninelover's picture

I actually told DH I would gift her exactly the same for any future wedding of hers...nothing.  I may not even attend since there will be crappy vegan food and probably no wine since neither Bratty nor Nutter drink.  Sounds like soooo much fun LOL.

Survivingstephell's picture

Congratulations! You might be surprised, she might get married in a big tank, married by Poseidon, and sung to by a lobster.  She won't have dancing cuz you know, tail.  

TheAccidentalSM's picture

Sounds lovely apart from the Covid.


caninelover's picture

And yes it was.  DH's brother said it was the most fun wedding he'd ever been to!

TheAccidentalSM's picture

That is a lovely compliment from your DH's brother.

MissK03's picture

Ahh! Congratulations on your wedding! Sounds like a great time was had by almost all! Haha. Bratty/GF show with no gift! Of course!! Because it's Dad's wedding that must had made her think she and nutter were free from wedding guest obligations.. 

caninelover's picture

And yep - but no problem, I'll reciprocate for all Bratty's future 'special' occasions haha

Merry's picture

Congratulations on what sounds like a beautiful wedding!

And we get more Bratty stories! Double win!

grannyd's picture

Congratulations, caninelover!

You've written: ‘The food was amazing’ and, according to your last post, the menu was Indian food. Oh, nom, nom, nom; my favorite type of ethnic eats! My DH and I enjoyed a feast at our local Indian restaurant for his birthday last week and we relished every bite. No wonder your guests were so complimentary! 

In your culture, do ‘wedding’ saris differ from conventional dress-up frocks? Are you able to wear the sari again after the wedding or is it reserved for only that special day?

caninelover's picture

Two buffets and the Indian food was a huge hit :). We'll, not with Bratty - she and Nutter had some gross vegan dish the caterer made.

True wedding saris are very fancy and not worn again.  We only had a reception so I wore a sari that I could wear again for another family wedding, for example.  Though I may just keep it as a keepsake of the day Smile



AgedOut's picture

Congratulations!! your reception sounds like the type I'd love to go to!!

CajunMom's picture

So happy to read this post! Your ceremony sounds lovely and so does the reception!! I've always loved the Saris- actually fascinated at those beautiful clothes of the culture - and can just imagine how stunning you looked in burgundy and gold!! 

So sorry about Covid. It's crazy speading again. My daughter (in the medical field) finally had her first encounter with CoVid this week. She's vaccinated so all good. Myself, I just got exposed last weekend. How I didn't catch it dumbfounds me because I was IN the face of the sweet lady who tested positive, working closely with her and even hugged her when we left. 

Congrats again!!! Here's to more wonderful years together!

floralsm's picture

Congrats! I love hearing everyone danced and had a good time. Covid sucks. I just got over it a week ago and it hit me hard, but I was slack and didn't get my booster until a bit later. Ah well! Glad everyone recovered ok :) 

Olivia2020's picture

Sounds like you and your groom looked stunning and enjoyed your reception!

The COVID will add to your wedding story now that everyone is well. The food sounds delish! 

Sending you many well wishes for a beautiful future with your new groom! 


Cover1W's picture

Whoop! Glad for the smooth sailing and I find it hilarious that those two sequestered themselves off, it only reflects on them!

CLove's picture

Sounds like a wonderful celebration of you and your DH. Love the details Biggrin

Bratty&Nutter, sitting off by themselves - well that just demonstrates the dysfunction you are trying to avoid.

Biggrin Sari, not sari Acute

caninelover's picture


Birchclimber's picture

Congratulations, C.L.!  It sounds as though you had a wonderful wedding, and deservedly so!  Sending you my best wishes for many years of drama-free, wedded bliss.