How to handle this gross situation
Will try to make this as short as possible....
SD17 and DH have a rough history...DH was originally primary for years, then it went to 50/50 during COVID, then SD17 was horrible to everyone in the house, would be rude, not respond etc. She descided to stay with BM for about a year during COVID because she didn't want to follow the rules of being kind to others. She came back for this past school year and nothing has really changed other than DH is disengaged and is just biding his time until she flies the coop.
Since school has been over we have not seen her and I dont' really expect to see her again until school starts, but she did have a denist appointment in our town yesterday. She went to dentsit apointment with SD18 and "had" to stay at our house for 2 nights because SD18 was combining dentist appointment with visiting her friend for a couple nights. SD17 left this AM and said "bye" as she walked out and left the garage door open
I get a text from her 10 minutes later saying she threw up on her bedding this morning, that there were clothes in the washer when she tried to wash them, so she left them on her floor. I asked her if she was feeling okay and what happened, to which she replied she's find she's just been having stomach trouble lately. Her randomly throwing up is a whole other issue of why and that's not normal, but not the main point of this post.
I go to her room and find that the vomit is dried, crusted, sticking the bedding together. So clearly NOT from this morning at all. SD17 was up at 8am eating breakfast, she didnt leave until 1030, she had over 2 hours to wash this stuff, but didn't. I called her...
Me: what's going on, this is clearly old and not from this morning
SD17: oh well I guess it was last night, but it was so late that I didn't want to start laundry and wake y'all up
Me: you were up at 8am this morning, why didn't you do it then
SD17: well there were clothes in the washer
Me: so instead of just asking me to move the clothes in the washing machine so you could use it, you decided to leave your bedding covered in throw up in your room for me to clean up?
SD17: yea I guess, sorry
Me: that was really rude
then nothing....
I'm so pissed, after talking to my mother in law I should have just left the puked on bedding in her room to rot and be disgusting for her, but I've already washed it. So what to do now? This is so rude, inconsiderate, and gross!
- ksmom14's blog
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Randomly throwing up. Leaving a subtle message.
I came here to suggest that,
I came here to suggest that, or blacked out on something and hurled.
Super gross. And a real
Super gross. And a real statement.
If your DH is disengaged from his own child, I don't know that there is much you can do about it. Leaving it wouldn't have been an option for me, but bagging it up and tossing it would have been. And then telling her she needed to bring her own bedding if she sleeps there again.
On her next visit, remind her YOU took care of her disgusting mess SHE left behind. Let her know it will NOT happen again. If it does, all bedding goes in the trash and she can bring her own bedding from now own.
Make sure it's not good stuff on the bed. If it is, I'd head to the Dollar Store and get the cheapest crap I could find for her return. 17 freaking years old. SMH
When SD60 moved out 5 years ago, taking everything she possibly could, I went downstairs to clean her room. When I moved the bed, there was dried vomit on the side of the mattress, also a cigarette under the bed and she doesn't smoke. So, I'm surmising she had an OD altho she cleaned her sheets. I'm also surmising she was sneaking men in here. Reasons #1000 and #1001 why she will never live here again.
I scrubbed the room: walls, furniture, floor, everything.
That was a free one.
That was a free one.
I would pitch everything you washed in the trash. As mentioned above, go to the local dollar store, buy her bed new sheets. PLACE the package on her bed. Close the door behind you.
Morning sickness?
My SSstb19 would do this
My SSstb19 would do this exact same thing. He actually recently threw up a few days ago all over the kitchen. He did attempt to clean it but his "cleaning" is basically not clean.
He has a history of eating shitty food late and throwing up the next day.
It had to be the 1 and basically only times we have run out of paper towels for basically 12 hours because I planned on buying them that day.. he used regular shower towels to clean. I told him he needs to wash the towels and CAN NOT leave them.
If had left the house 5 minutes earlier for work I would not have known and he 100% would not have washed vomit soaked towels.
I had a convo with SO how I don't know how people become gross when that isn't they way they grow up...
My uncle is a good example of this... he lives gross. My grandparents house was always pristine. My mom and aunt were the same way... I keeps things as clean as I can.. my 110lb lab doesn't help in that situation lol.. and SSstb19 is a tornado with everything he touches.. constant mess. Can't make a PB&J without getting anything on the counter.. that type of behavior with everything.
It's just crazy to me...
I agree with above posters.
I agree with above posters. She needs a pregnancy test.
As for the blanket, I'd either tie it off in a large plastic trash bag and leave it for her to wash when she gets back - or I would throw it out and tell her she needs to buy herself another one. That is just f&cking gross.
Why, why, why did you wash it
Why, why, why did you wash it?
You should have left it for DH to pack up and throw in the garbage and then he deal with SD appropriately.