ksmom14's Blog
How do we handle SD17's college contribution
Long story short the only major problems we've had with SKIDS have been with SD17, she is convinced that DH and I are crap people and has basically been living with BM for 3 years now and comes to visit occassionally (usually around christmas surprise surprise).
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The SKIDS have flown the coop!
With all the SD17 drama I was wondering if this would end up happening. School starts in 2 days and SD17 has not been to our house this summer except for 1 time she had to come for a dental appointment. She ended up puking on her bedding and leaving it a full day and telling me about it after she left (see my blog about the gross situation!). DH had not heard from SD17 or BM about what the plan was for school as last year the SD17 and SD18 were week on week off.
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SD17 shunning us this summer
The past few years it's been 50/50 besides about a year period in 2020 where SD17 ran to BM's because she didn't like that DH asked her to be kind to everyone in our house and acknowledge them.
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How to handle this gross situation
Will try to make this as short as possible....
SD17 and DH have a rough history...DH was originally primary for years, then it went to 50/50 during COVID, then SD17 was horrible to everyone in the house, would be rude, not respond etc. She descided to stay with BM for about a year during COVID because she didn't want to follow the rules of being kind to others. She came back for this past school year and nothing has really changed other than DH is disengaged and is just biding his time until she flies the coop.
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Vent about BM
DH and I have decided a certain dollar amount we would like to contirbute to skids college. We won't do it at the expense of putting ourselves in debt so it's all dependant on our financial ability when the time comes that they need it. We have told SS19 and SD18 that we intend to help them with college, that it absolutely won't be a free ride, but we will help with what we can.
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SD16 telling random people our address
SD16 has a history of talking to random people she finds on the internet, a couple examples are:
1. a few years ago she met some Sweedish girl on instagram and proceeded to have a 3 hour long phone call with her which we found on the phone bill when they tried to charge us almost $1,000 for international calling
2. our parental control app on her phone saw instagram messages back and forth with some random account asking her for pictures, which she claims she never sent, her excuse was he was a troll account and she was just wasting his time for fun
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The lack of planning is driving me crazy
I'll try not to make this a novel but SD16 chose to go live with BM a year ago and has only been back sporadically, and most recently only to use DH as a taxi service.
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SD15 - returning after being gone a year
My other blogs explain the whole issue with SD15, but basically she chose to go live with BM (DH was primary before then) back in August 2020. We did not see her at all for 6 months, her first 2 visits were pretty decent, we could tell she was putting effort in. After that she basically only came when she wanted DH to be a taxi to/from things with her friends.
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Update - SD17 prom dress
My last blog was about SD17's prom and what her outfit would be. Read there if you would like more details.
I offered to SD17 to go buy a dress for her that she had said she thought was pretty. Told her to let me know if she wanted to try it out and I'd take her.
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SD17 prom - need advice
Will try to make this as short as possible...
SD17 has a prom coming up, she goes to a very small specialized school so her class is only about 75 people, but they still have a prom. She will be here with us the weekend of prom, and she's asked me to help her with her makeup.
SD has a bit of a punk alternative style I guess, lots of black, loves anime, combat boots, etc.
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