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End of my rope

Southerncharm's picture

I just discovered this Site yesterday when I was desperate for peace. This is my first post and it will be lengthy. Please be gentle. 
I met my dh at the end of 2013. We had a lot of mutual friends but we'd never met before. I had been divorced for a couple of years with primary custody of my ds and dd (bio son and bio daughter-I'm not sure if I'm using the correct acronyms). My son was 8 and my daughter was 5-they are now 17 and 14. My dh also had a son and a daughter. His son was 11 and his daughter was 7 when we met. They are now 20 and 16(17 soon).


I'd heard stories of his crazy ex wife/baby mama. I'd never met her but being from the same area, I'd heard stories. Like, after they were divorced how she broke into his home to confront him and the woman he had with him in his house (yes, she really did that). My dh and I were both cheated on in our first marriages and we were both granted divorces based on adultery. My dh and I love and adore one another. In December we will be together for 9 years, married for 6 years (7 in Oct). 

In my dh's divorce, he got full custody of their son with the bm having occasional visitation and the bm got full custody of their daughter with my dh having visitation. I met him a couple of years after his divorce was final and it was a mess. He ALWAYS had his son and got his daughter 1-3 nights per week and the bm absolutely never got their son. She liked it this way bc it meant it was hard for my dh to have any personal time for a life bc he always had 1 or both children-while she ran around town screwing anyone who would allow. I have always gotten along with my baby's dad/ex husband. We coparent well and we've always been good about both doing our part in parenting and helping with the schedule when needed, etc. I get along with the woman he married after me as well and I have her son's over to our house all the time and one usually goes on vacation with my dh and I (and our children) every summer and winter. 

In the beginning, I has to stress to my dh that he needs to have at least 1 night a week to have a life as a single dad. I encouraged him to make his bm hold up her part of their court ordered custody arrangement which would give him that time to have a life. My inlaws decided to step in and said my ss could stay with them instead of bm if my dh wanted any alone time to date. So that's what happened. They have a tendency to do whatever my stepchildren say. 

So now that we'd finally established some time to date regularly, we eventually decided to introduce our children. The first time I met his son, his son put lotion under the door handles of my car so my hand would slip off the handout when I got in the car (I guess he just wanted to hide and watch and laugh?) and he also put lotion on my windshield wiper blades so it would smear across my windshield. This was before his son even knew my name he did these things to my car while I waited inside the house to meet him-he's just hateful. When we decided to introduce our children it wasn't much different. My ss was so mean to my son (literally hurt him, physically), that I broke up with my dh several times while dating bc that was a deal breaker. My ss and sd are rude, mean and entitled. They are encouraged to be this way by their mother. 

We got married despite my stepchildrens protests. My sd was more accepting than my ss. I didn't even have a wedding ceremony, only a reception for everyone to come to, bc I knew his bm would show up and cause a scene. I had to be very secretive and I was a nervous wreck trying to plan our special day. 

My dh had to pay his ex wife a sum of money in order to buy her out of their marital home. He made payments to her for a few years and towards the end of the payments, she suddenly found interest in my stepson(because she was about to lose her monthly payment for his portion of their home, so she wanted to get custody of their son so she'd get more child support to compensate for the money that she was about to lose). My ss stayed in trouble in middle school and we got calls daily from teachers. He was failing every class. He'd go home with random people after school and we'd have to try to find him every afternoon. He was physically attacking my dh in our home and causing never ending chaos. My in laws just wanted to pet my ss more and say he just needed more of his dad's love and attention. Needless to say, with all of the chaos, we agreed to let my ss go live with his mom. So now the bm had custody of both children and we'd have visitation. His son visited a couple of times but my dh had finally started standing by necessary rules and boundaries and my ss decided not to come to our house for years. No vacations, nothing. I continued to buy him Christmas gifts until one year after he'd opened hundreds of dollars worth of nice gifts and he told my dh thank you, to which my dh told him that I'd purchased everything and he should thank me-which my ss refused to do. So from them on, I let his dad figure out my ss's Christmas gifts(which has ended up being cash). We've had the police come to our house at all hours of the night looking for my ss(while he was 14, 15, 16 years old) for various reasons. We'd give them the bm's address and they'd go to her house to look for him. Various issues like taking out a family members boat without permission and messing it up; threatening to shoot up the high school on social media, etc. Just a sh!+show.

My sd was more calm than my ss but she was not easy by any means. She always visited regularly, Every other weekend and any time in between when she wanted. She went on every trip, was with us at holidays and she was trying to be happy while with us but bm made that difficult for her. Sd was failing most classes as well but she was trying. My dd is a few years younger than my sd and my dd thought my sd hung the moon-even though my sd was often mean, rude and even physically aggressive with my dd at times. I always make him treat bags at Halloween and my sd asked me to wait until she was at our house so we could make them together so I've made sure to do that with her every year. I also make small gifts for my neighbors every Christmas and I make sure my sd is with me to make those gifts each year And I make sure she's with me to go from house to house to deliver the gifts each year, because she and my dd enjoy it so much. We've cooked together, had girls days, I've been very patient in trying to show her a loving way of living. I genuinely felt like she really loved me- I certainly loved her. When my sd turned 15 and got her permit to drive, I insisted that we buy her a nice car that would last her through high school and college. We pay her mother a LOT in child support but my sd didn't think her mom would get her a car-and I didn't want my sd to worry about a car. We'd bought my son a truck when he turned 15, we bought my ss a truck as well, despite him never visiting us or speaking to us, so we were carrying on as we had for the others. I was SO excited to give her her car. My dh, not so much. He was very nervous about trying to manage a vehicle with his bm seeing as how we've resorted to only speaking to her via text, when absolutely necessary, so there's always a paper trail. My sd was excited about the car but I could tell that she was also nervous about being too excited because she knew her mother would be happy about us supplying the car, yet mad and jealous as well. I assumed that things would change with my sd Upon her having a car and the freedom to drive-and it did very quickly! 

Let me back up a few years-I knew when my ss went to live with bm that he'd either end up in jail or he'd be a high school drop out and probably a teen father. Well, ss dropped out of high school The day he turned 17. By 18, he was working various jobs (they changed constantly bc he couldn't hold a job longer than 3 months bc of his bad attitude and entitlement), and his 16 year old girl friend had moved in with him at his mothers house and.... You guessed it, she was pregnant at 16. She turned 17 while pregnant. I'll refer to her as ssgf. We had to hear from everyone in our town that we were going to be grandparents until my mil finally convinced (forced) my ss to tell my dh that we would soon be grandparents. He waited until the last minute to tell my dh at which point my ssgf was almost due to have the baby. When the sgd was born, my dh received a picture via text saying her name and weight. We cried. She's a beautiful baby. We hoped ss might eventually reach out to my dh at some point and ask to meet for dinner or ask to come over so we could meet the sgd but no. Dh would get a random text here and there with an updated picture of sgd. No mention of letting us meet her and my dh didn't want to force the issue. More time passes and I heard through the grapevine that ssgf had some post partum issues and she had decided to work part time outside of the home for her own mental health-and I'd heard that she was making less than $10 a day after paying part time child care. The baby was almost 10 months now, we still hadn't met her. Ss, ssgf and sgd now rented a 2 br trailer in a trailer park to live on their own. I recently resigned from my position at work after almost 20 years so I have the time (and the heart) to help with sgd. I was sad to hear of this young girl (ssgf) getting pregnant, having this baby, her dad passed away while she was pregnant and her mom is on drugs and not allowed around the baby-so the only support it seemed they had was bm who really didn't care to follow up and help manage the situation she very much had a hand in creating. So knowing that ssgf had ppd, and knowing she could benefit from free child care, I decided to reach out to her to offer to keep sgd.


 My intentions were simple- we want to know and love our sgd. I have the time and I'd LOVE to help. This was simply about me offering to help and lessen their burden while also allowing my dh and me to finally get to know my sgd. Ssgf was very open to me keeping the baby. She was very excited and she said she'd been trying to get my ss to make things right with my dh for a long time. I hadn't spoken to my ss in about 3 years at this point as I'd decided that when I had to see him, I'd follow his lead. If he didn't want to speak, neither would I. I was sick of having the door slammed in my face. I didn't think my ss would care to speak to me or my dh-but on the second day of keeping my sgd, he showed up with ssgf to pick the baby up from our house. He smiled so big and acted like he was so happy to see us. Knowing he hates me-always has and always will! He would talk to sgd in the most fake, insincere tone I've ever heard. Trying to act like a doting father. Yuck. So awkward. This was actually the last thing I wanted. I didn't care if I never had to interact with my ss-I Simply wanted to help this very young mother while also getting to love my sgd. But my ss saw this as his opening and he pounced. 

So after a couple of weeks of helping keep the baby, ssgf quit her part time job. She'd still text me pics and videos of sgd daily. I appreciated them. I am in love with my sgd. I've gotten all the things she could ever need for our house. We've  kept her for entire weekends. I love having her! But soon, the tone of the texts got more demanding. Instead of ssgf bringing the baby and picking her up, she started saying I needed to pick her up and bring her home if we wanted to see sgd. My dd is 14 now and also crazy about sgd and wants to see her every day. I've had to slowly explain that things can be more complicated than they seem and we just can't see sgd every day. We kept sgd one night and ssgf text that night and asked "Hey, what time will you bring her home tomorrow?" I replied "Maybe 9-10am. Just depends on how late she sleeps. But we'll text/call before we come so y'all know we're on the way." The next morning I'm awakened to a text from ssgf at 8:45am saying "What time are you bringing her home?" This is BEYOND annoying because 1- I cant imagine my parents having offered to keep my children just for the heck of it AND offer to bring them home to me the next day! And 2- The answer to this very question was directly above where she'd asked me the night before! It's already grinding my gears that we have to shuttle the baby for them but to repeat the time I will shuffle the baby when it's already in black and white just....ugh. Then she'd ask if I could keep the baby at 1pm bc she'd have an appointment but she'd send a pic of her and the baby in the car at like 10am saying they were coming to town. I soon realized, this meant I'd be getting the sgd at least an hour before the original time we'd agreed upon. This has happened multiple times! I don't mind keeping her, in fact I LOVE it, but I feel very taken advantage of and I feel like I can't say anything. She'll say she's dropping sgd off at my house at 1 but she'll text from my driveway at 12 asking if I'm home because she's in the driveway and she's running early so she was just gonna go ahead and drop baby off. I can't lie and say I'm not home bc we don't have blinds in our garage so you can see my car. Not to mention, she would just sit in my driveway until I DID get home-it's happened. So I can't lie bc she'll just sit there until physically get home. We kept our sgb this past weekend and ssgf said "What time do I need to get her tomorrow? Can you keep her later so we can go out on the water?" They bought a little boat with tax money and they wanted to go out on the water the next day, apparently. We have a small lake house we use on weekends. We stayed in town to keep our sgd and planned to go to the lake after she was picked up. My dh wanted to go to the lake at 12pm-which has been the pick up/drop off time lately when we keep her over night. I asked ssgf "What is considered late for you?" She said "I just don't wanna have to pick her up at 12." Can you imagine having inlaws who gladly keep you child and your concern is that you don't wanna have to get the child back by 12pm the next day?? The audacity. My husband told me to tell her that 12pm the next day will be the cut off. She wasn't happy but she said ok. I mean- we got the baby at 3pm Friday-the was plenty of time for them to be on the water Friday afternoon and evening-and they could even get up Sat morning and go out again and be home by 12. But whatever. 

Since the first week or 2, ssgf started talking about how she can't wait for our pool in town to be clean because she's "coming to get in it! That pool won't be empty at all this summer!" she told us. We didn't invite her, she just let us know her intentions. Then she started in on our lake house. Saying how they can't wait to come to our lake house. My dh and I finally took her to the side and told her that it took many years for our relationship with my ss to deteriorate and it would take some time before we were comfortable enough to allow him to our homes the way she was imagining. Picking up and dropping off the baby? Great. Coming for a holiday? Sure, let's give it a try (since he has decided to start showing up since I asked to help with sgd). But no-we're not about to start having pool parties and we aren't allowing him at our lake house just yet. Remember that boat my ss had messed up and the police had come to our house looking for him? That was a family members boat and my ss took advantage of that family members kindness-he'd been told he could use the family member's boat ramp but ended up taking out the family members boat, messing it up beyond use, and acting like he hadn't done anything. But there was plenty of evidence and ss ended up having to go to court and pay for the boat he messed up. My ss has never seen our lake house and Im not comfortable with him being there yet. We explained that this relationship with them will take time to gain trust and access to things we have and places we live. She seemed understanding but no. This past weekend, I told her my dh wanted to go to the lake by 12 on Saturday so that's when we needed to drop off my sgd and it's like she started to obsess over us being at the lake without them. Next thing I know, she sends me a screenshot of a reservation at the campground at our lake for this coming weekend-saying "We're finally gonna get to take out our camper!" What she really means is, 'we're coming to the lake, since thats where y'all are on the weekend, and we'll definitely run into y'all and make things awkward-despite y'all asking me to allow things to play out naturally and not force them'. Soooo now they'll be at our lake this weekend staying in their camper. I guarantee they'll find our house and they'll come knocking. And they'll have my sgd who I adore and they'll just make themselves at home-despite not being invited. My ssgf is very petty like this. I'm learning quickly. You are supposed to do what she says, when she says it-if not, you're a pos. She's clearly not respecting our wish to not force things and to let things happen slowly- she's pushy, forceful and demanding. This is such a mess. I can't win.

 Also, soon after getting my sd her car about a year and a half ago, we were told that she was caught having sex in her room at her moms house. My dh was beside himself, thinking that his 15 year old daughter (at the time) would end up getting pregnant and be a teen parent just like his son had. He text his daughter and said that he knew she was caught having sex and he wanted to know what consequence her mother was going to give her. He wanted to know there were repercussions-that his daughter was being parented. We know for an absolute fact that she was caught having sex-it was undeniable proof. Anyway, my sd told my dh that he was "slut sharing her". She told him that she didn't want the car we got her, her mom would get her a car, and that she'd speak to him again when he was ready to apologize." To say we were speechless was an understatement. I was SO heart broken. She turned her back on us and wouldn't speak to us for a year because her dad dared to see if she was being reprimanded for having sex at 15. I never thought she'd turn her back on me like that-I was devastated. I have poured so much love and quality time into this child and she didn't care about me or her dad at all. We kept her car for about 6 months after she told us to sell it. We hoped she'd come to her senses but she didn't. We finally sold it.

After a year of silence my sd suddenly reached out to my dh. She said she had started counseling and she wanted to meet us for dinner. So we took her out to dinner. Just my dh, my sd and me. It went good. We didn't rehash anything-we just talked about how "great" she was doing. She asked to spend the night at our house that weekend and we said ok. She was 16 now. My dd had loved my sd so much-despite my sd being rude and even physically violent at times with my dd. Now my daughter was kinda confused about her just waltzing back in after not speaking to ANY of us for a year. It was so awkward. My sd went up to my daughter who was eating fast food at the table, and my sd grabbed my dd's drink cup and took a big slurp and sat the cup back down and proceeded to just tower over my dd while she tried to eat. I realized in that moment that I had actually dismissed SO MUCH toxic, negative, BS behavior from my sd for years and I hadn't missed it when she was gone! In fact, I have no tolerance for it anymore. To see my dd sit there while her drink is taken and slurped without asking and then hovering over my dd, giving her zero personal space, burned me up!!! 

We've been involved with my sgd, ss and ssgf and my sd has been back in  the picture for about the same amount of time. It all happened at once. It's been several months now and I am CONSUMED with grief. When I met my dh, I told myself that I wouldn't allow his bm or his children to run me off like they'd successfully done with everyone else he'd dated prior to me. He IS worth it. He is everything I could hope for in a spouse-but now I realize that his children are so screwed up that I'll always be in a place of defense for the rest of my life. I feel like I have to get along with them and do everything they say or they'll run and tell me mother in law, who will tell my brother in law (who is my husbands best friend as well as brother), and my husband starts to act strange towards me because of all the outside pressure his mom and brother put on him. It doesn't matter what his children/my stepchildren do, my mil always makes excuses. The 3-4 years when my ss wouldn't speak to me or my dh, my mil wouldn't invite him to certain family meals, BUT, she'd have us hold hands for the blessing before eating and she'd pray out loud and cry, asking God to be with everyone here and those who weren't here and that God might help to restore relationships, blah blah blah. I admire any woman wanting to pray to restore her family, but it makes me feel so embarrassed and ashamed and awkward. It make my dh feel the same way. After adjusting to my sd pushing us away,  I learned to LOVE the time when they were no longer causing drama in our lives. I thought I could just allow my sd back in our life with no accountability  but her behavior has gotten awful in the year she's been away and to see her waltz right in after a year and start disrespecting my dd while my dd assumes her submissive role as a doormat, just pushed me too far. And my sd said the other day "Are you going to the lake this weekend? Tell me if you do, bc I need a tan. I didn't get any sun last summer." Omg. Not that she missed us last summer and she's looking forward to spending time with us at the lake-no. She just wants a tan. So I need to tell her when we're going so she can tan. I'm so over it. 

If you've read this far, BLESS YOU AND THANK YOU. I need help before I snap. 
How do I handle ssgf trying to creep in on our lake house and our pool in town? We've told her we need time to get there! Don't push it. But she won't listen!

 And how do I go about dealing with my sd? I feel like any time we don't agree with everything my ss or sd say, we're automatically a piece of crap and they're going to start calling my mil to begin their triangulation-and my mil will start harping to my dh that he needs to make things right. 

No, my husband nor I are in counseling of any kind. I guess I know what I need to do. I need to draw my boundaries and not feel bad about that. But it's the reality of the relationships starting so strong, all over again, feeling out of control completely, and feeling like there's no end in site. The reality that I have to do everything they want or they'll start a smear campaign-and it will be this way for the rest of my life unless we go no contact. I only wanted to love our sgd. i never wanted to open this can of worms, but here we are. I hate this. Pardon the typos/I know there are many... but I've spent too much time writing this to also go back and correct typing errors. Thanks for any input. Again, please be gentle. I'm At the end of my rope.

JRI's picture

I'm sorry you've gone through all this, you sound like a kind, loving person.  I think you're right that counseling would benefit you and DH greatly.  I have a feeling the counselor would say your DH needs to draw some firm boundaries.  But first, you two would need to agree on what those boundaries are.  Then hold them.

These stepkids have been jerking you both around for years.  As our member Rags said recently, stop letting your feelings dictate your actions.  Use your intellect to make this stop.

Your son and his GF are using the little girl to extort babysitting, vacation time and whatever else they can.  You will probably have to face the loss of time with her, at least initially, until they realize they must be respectful to get free babysitting.

Find a good counselor.  It can change your life, it changed mine.  Good luck.

Southerncharm's picture

I know you're right. You're 100% right. My dh has been rather good about implementing boundaries in the past. I believe he will again. It's just very hard for me because ssgf always text or calls me (which is no one's fault but my own for reaching out to her) with her expectations and demands and even when I respond and say "Dh said...." so that my dh can be the 'bad guy', rather than me being the 'bad guy', I still feel her wrath as though I'm the only one to blame for not satisfying her criteria since I'm the one she's always reaching out to, not my dh. So even if we have boundaries, it's hard for my dh to hold the boundaries with ssgf because she rarely pushes the boundaries with him directly-she does it through me. I just need to toughen up and stop caring if ssgf or ss get mad at me. It's just easier said than done.


I definitely think we can find boundaries for my sd. We have a home gym in our detached garage and my sd recently asked my dh if she could start coming over to work out in the afternoons. I'd be lying to say that it doesn't annoy me- because she's not concerned with seeing us or spending any time with us, she just wants to use us for what we have that can benefit her. Not to mention that she apparently told my ssgf about our home gym as well, at which point my ssgf let me know "Oh sd told me about y'alls gym. So it's like a full gym?? I told her I was gonna start using it while you watch the baby!" I'm like, oh. I guess that's good for me to know. Thanks for telling


I know I sound petty but I am SICK of being told what everyone is going to take advantage of and what I can do while they take advantage of said things. Thankfully, my sd has only come a couple of times to workout and ssgf hasn't at all, yet. I'm nervous thinking about my sd just coming and going bc she steals things and has no respect for our personal space. She text me the last time she spent the night and asked if I had something black she could wear to a funeral bc she left her outfit at her moms. Dh and I weren't at home when she asked so I KNOW she wasn't taking no for an answer. She was going in my closet to take what she wanted and I could figure out later. Not to mention, my closet was in disarray at the moment and I could just see her taking a pic of my closet, while she rifled through my things to take what she wanted, and she'd prob send the pic to bm to be critical of me. I just DO NOT like the idea of her coming and going. She'll take anything she wants- clothes, shoes, firestick, candles, cash-nothing is off limits! This is her world, we're just living in it. I wish I could go back and undo the damage and pain she caused by shutting us out for a year, I wish I could go back to tolerating her toxicity like I used to be able to do, but I can't anymore. i thought I could but I can't. I'm going to tell my dh my concerns and he can find a way to tell her "no" the next time she reaches out to him to say she's coming over to use our home gym. I'm not ok with her being in and out. I know it bothers him to have to draw boundaries with his children and I hate that for him. But I just can't put my guard down when there's absolutely zero accountability for all that's happened and his daughter is just using us.


And this will be my life forever. I'll always have to implement boundaries or have my dh implement boundaries and we'll always be considered bad people for doing so. Or we'll have to return to no contact. And I know that hurts my husband. It's literally a situation where we just can't win. I've faced this reality before and I've been in this position at the very beginning of a 'no contact' period- And it was hard then. It's even harder now bc I know all the drama, turmoil and triangulation that must occur if we end up at the no contact point again. 

I'm thinking too far ahead. I just need to focus on today and what step can be taken today. I will do that. Thank you SO much for your kind words and encouragement. I'll see if my dh will agree to counseling. Even if he doesn't, I think I should. 

JRI's picture

I've had a similar, but worse, scenario with my SD60.  If you can stomach it, read my blogs.  She was always the same about using our things, money, home, time.  My DH84 is a guilty, softy Disney Dad.  She has moved in and out of here numerous times.  The last time, she stole jewelry, silver and whatever she could pawn.  I'm going thru this recitation so I can share what's working nowadays (thanks to Steptalk).  As I reread the paragraph below, I'm struck by how basic some of these things are but we have had to spell it out reoeatedly and stay firm.

She doesn't come now without calling first.  She now knocks.  She doesn't call between the hours of 9 pm to 9 am.  After an incident where she arrived during the night and DH let her in and let her sleep in our basement room without telling me, she was told (by him) not to come at night.  I'd like to say she doesn't ask me for stuff anymore but it has diminished and she once said, "JRI doesn't have a problem saying no". I grayrock her ( ST term for being polite and civil but not sharing personal info since they use that).  She knows she cannot move in here again.

Like you, I felt a grief, I think I mourned the fantasy that I could really be a supportive mother-figure as I tried and wanted to be.  The reality is I'm just someone else she can use, like she uses everyone.  I also mourn my own self-image as a kindly person.  I sometimes feel mean not being supportive to a woman, a relative, who is sick in several ways.  But for my own sanity. I've had to toughen up toward her, as you will.  I'm still learning and figuring out how to handle it all.

Go to counsrling, alone, if necessary.  It will help support you in this difficult journey.

Southerncharm's picture

I'm very sorry for the turmoil your sd has caused. Its hell. And just when you think you have all your boundaries in place, and all the bases are covered, here they come with a 1 off that catches you off guard and throws you (or your spouse) for a loop-and once again, you feel like they've gotten over on you! And they have. It's amazing how we think we are prepared but we're not. It's like the only REAL answer is no contact. 

Southerncharm's picture

And THANK YOU. For saying that you've mourned the loss of the fantasy that you could be a supportive mother figure. SO much of my grief is actually that and I didn't realize it. I'm mourning for so many reasons. And I'm mourning before it's even necessary but the way things are going, I know how this will end up. Before long, I'll reach acceptance and I'll be stronger then. I'll hold my boundaries better And without hesitation. I'm just not quite there yet. Thank you so much for your kind words of support. I have been desperate for this support and understanding. I appreciate you taking the time to respond. 

sandye21's picture

Yes, it must be heartbreaking when you love the little baby yet have to deal with the a$$es that surround her.  It sounds like your DH has placed boundaries before so there is hope.  He just needs reinforcement to do it again and stick to it - forever.  Counseling will definitely help but be selective.  

Gemini's picture

If II understood right, your DH had full custody of SS for years after the divorce. He was a single parent to SS. During all those years when he had full custody, what was he doing about his son's behaviour, failing grades and bratty attitude? What did he do when SS put lotion on your car? What he do to parent his child as his child 's behaviour started escalating?  From an outsider's point of view it seems like your DH raised his son to be a complete mess and then when things go too out of control, he just booted his minor kid out of his house and washed his hands off the situation. Then when the grandchild came along he again wanted to be involved. The presence of the grandchild would not miraculously make the situation with his son better. It actually complicated things further. His relationship with his son has always been bad, i feel he needs  to work on that first and foremost, before establishing a relationship with his son's family.

As for SD,  it's wierd that your DH asked SD what punishment her mother gave her for having sex.  Why did he want to discuss BM's parenting strategies or lack thereof, with the kid, and over text?! I can see why she reacted the way she did.  If he wanted his daughter to have consequences for having sex, why didn't he dole out consequences himself? Does he dole out consequences when she steals from you or has failing grades? 

Tbh I think your husband and BM are both awful parents and handled all of this very poorly. The core issues have never been addressed. I  feel that the only way things can get better is for counseling for both you and the husband, as well as counseling with the husband and the kids. You mentioned SD already attends counseling so maybe she'll be on board with it. As with SS I think that before DH and SS repair their relationship, you shouldn't try to pursue a relationship with the gf and grandchild anymore. If anything, I think it's your DH's responsibility to navigate these relationships, as these people are his family and he should be the one bearing the brunt of all this dysfunction and dealing with all these people, not you.



Winterglow's picture

I agree with all of this, especially the part about keeping away from ssgf and her baby because you, by caring about the kid, are giving the parents the ammunition they need to manipulate both you and your DH. Back off and let them stew when they find they can no longer get what they want from you. So who cares if they badmouth you to all and sundry? Let it roll off you like water off a duck's back. If your MIL gets on at you about your behaviour, tell her to mind her own business, that you are an adult and that you will NOT be scolded. If necessary, block her from all angles.

Protect yourselves. Start telling them "no". They say they're looking forward to visiting your lake house? Sorry, you weren't invited. They turn up at your door? Sorry, we're just going out. Do NOT let them in. ABove all, stop all babysitting. If they can afford a boat and a camper, they can afford a babysitter. Stop letting them take advantage of you and stop letting them use the baby as leverage. Let them complain as much as they like to whomsoever they like but grandparents are not obligated to babysit. Time for them to assume their own responsibilities. 

Southerncharm's picture

Gemini, when I met my husband, yes, he had full custody of his son. His son had no rules or boundaries. When his son became physically aggressive with my son not long after we introduced them, I drew hard boundaries, immediately. Absolute deal breaker. I gave dh an ear full. At which point, dh appeared broken. He explained to me how sorry he was and how his bm never allowed him to parent his children and how he'd gotten used to everyone running over him, all the time. Never in his childrens lives had he ever been permitted to discipline them. He told me he wanted to learn how to parent properly and he needed my guidance and my patience. Before I came along and showed him good parenting, he did absolutely nothing to discipline his children. Any little thing he would try to do to discipline his son, his son would call bm and tell her, and bm would literally say "Come to my house. You don't have to listen to that." Ss played his parents off of one another and they allowed it. Ss would go to bm's house if dh tried to draw boundaries or give discipline, until his behavior was so bad with her that she'd have to draw boundaries as well, at which point ss would call dh to come get. And on and on and on it went, 

Ss was on medication for adhd but they rarely made him take it. We handled each situation as it came with as much firm understanding as possible. My mom has always been a hands on grandmother. My ds was going to spend the weekend with my mom and she offered to take my ss as well and my ss was happy to go. He was probably 12 or 13 at this time. I just knew my mom was going to call within a couple of hours and say "Y'all have to come get him." But Low and behold, he was perfect for her all weekend. I genuinely believed he couldn't control his actions and had never known how to be a good child (since all I'd seen was trouble in the year or more that I'd known him)-I also thought that he couldn't control his impulses because he could really benefit from his medicine but his parents never made him take it. Imagine my surprise when he was well behaved for my mom for 2 nights (without medication). I knew at that point that he DID know how to behave and he was capable of behaving, he just chose not to as long as he was around either parent or at school. I'm not sure why he was good for my mom but he was. Do you know anyone like that? They are a nightmare to you but fine to others?

My husband definitely wanted to learn to parent and do right by his children but it was so late in the game. One example of my husband beginning to parent was when my mom bought us tickets for a fun children's production. I got the tickets and went to dh's house (this was before we were married and we didn't live together yet). I had my dd, ds and my nephew who was going with us as well. My sd asked me to help her pick out an outfit and my ss asked my ds and nephew to go outside and play. I had a bad feeling but I figured I could quickly help my sd and then go outside to supervise the boys playing, while dh tied up loose ends after getting home from work. I'd just gotten her outfit picked and was heading to the door when the boys came busting inside-my ss in the rear yelling "They're lying! They're lying!!" My nephew was holding his throat which was red and he had tears running down his face. My ds said "Ss was just choking nephew! We tried to come inside and he tackled him and started choking him." My nephew is the most tender hearted boy-he would only cry, he wouldn't talk. I was furious. There was no was I was making my ds and nephew ride in the back seat with ss for an hour to go to this event. I told dh that physical aggression is not negotiable. Ss was not attending the event with us. I told dh that he could stay back with ss and I could take the children with me (including sd) but we weren't rewarding ss with a special outing on the heels of something so unacceptable. Dh agreed. He chose to cash my fil who lived a mile away and asked my fil to watch my ss while he went with sd, me and my children and nephew to this show. My fil said he'd keep ss. Of course, we had to hear about how wrong we were for not talking ss from everyone in the family-from My in laws to bm. I asked them what they'd suggest we had done and no one could give us advice, but basically they were just mad that ss had to miss out on something, completely disregarding his actions. I will NEVER forget the sadness and the terror in my nephews face that day and I'll never forgive myself for not being outside to protect him. Ss was mad at dh and went to his moms house to stay for a few nights. He'd call his dad and say "I don't want you to date SouthernCharm! I'll come home if you stop dating her. Mom lets us choose her boyfriends so why don't you let us choose your girlfriend?" (That's an absolute lie-bm never considered her childrens decision in who she dated-but it sounded good when she coached ss to say that) Dh would explain that he was an adult and he made his own decisions, blah blah blah, and ss would punish dh with his absence for a while before finally coming back home-where we could face the next hurdle. This is one example of hundreds. Dh began drawing boundaries and disciplining, slow and steady. Every instance was met with complete disdain. And you may say "but dh is the parent. Why did he allow ss to go to his moms?" When mom is willing to drive up into dh's yard to pick ss up and keep him from being disciplined by dad, it's hard to parent him or get him to respect boundaries. Sure, dh could've walked outside and told her to leave, but bm would attack him. Physically. It's happened countless times. Right in front of their children. She's attacked him at drop off in public-at McDonalds and at a gas station. She'd approach his window and act like she just needed to ask a question, then she'd dive into his window and start hitting dh. Yes, dh should've pressed charged countless times! But I think he was afraid of hurting his children even more if they had to watch their mom being drug away in handcuffs, so he wouldn't. 

Trust me-these children have not had an easy life. Their mother is a narcissist to her core and she has histrionic disorder. Yes, she's been diagnosed. She is overly sexual (she'll sleep with anyone-and 95% of what comes out of her mouth is perverted). She's been fired from one job for stealing things. She lies constantly. Habitually. She's verbally and physically abusive. Dh is very laid back and easy going. They got married within a year of knowing each other (and I've made sure to explain to him that decision was dumb-because people can hide their true colors for a year. It takes time to see a personality disorder but time always reveals the truth!) and things went downhill soon after they married. She got pregnant with ss immediately and dh's fate was sealed. She bulldozed dh the entire marriage and never allowed him to parent his children. 

Dh should've had more of a back bone. He should've chosen a better wife to have children with. He should've  gotten to know her better. He should've started parenting the right way as soon as they separated. He's made massive missteps, there's no question about that. But he is also the most kind hearted, sensitive, considerate, loving, gentle, hard working, fun, knowledgeable, outgoing, supportive man I've ever known. He is all the good qualities you could ever hope for in a man-yet some of these very qualities are what helped to create this mess. He is so worthy of love. It would be a shame for such a wonderful man to live the rest of his life alone because his children and ex wife won't allow him any peace. I decided that if he'd try to parent, I'd try to stay. I'd walk with him through this. He IS worth this. But some days, I feel swamped by the fact that I'll be on the defense for the rest of my life as long as we're in contact with his children. I believe it will be easier to go no contact/or to draw boundaries without guilt and turmoil, when my mother in law isn't around to go into hysterics. My ss and ssgf's trailer park is very close to my mil's house so they see her fairly often. My mil knows everything. She's SO happy we're all talking again and had us all over for Easter, where she proceeded with her hand holding blessing, while she thanked God through her tears that we were all there-and asked God to bless the relationships. I want God to bless the relationships, too, but I also want to have basic respect given to us, and I don't want our belongings stolen, and I don't want to be taken advantage of, and I don't want there to be such a complete disregard for our boundaries, etc. 

As for my sd, my dh had already had a pow-wow with her in person. He bought her a car (despite his nervousness about that) and he had a couple of rules. 1-finish your driving classes and no driving alone until those classes are complete and it's legal to drive along. And 2- there's 2 sets of keys and he wants 1 set at all times. They could make a duplicate if they wanted but he always wanted to have a key to this car he bought. Easy enough, right? No. The key fob to unlock the doors is built into the key itself. Sd called and said her key fob wasn't working so bm was bringing her to get our key. Dh said "ok. You can have my key but leave me the key with the fob that doesn't work and I'll have it fixed. I do not want to be without a key." He could've just told her no and told her to have her key fixed but he didn't. Dh got home from work and there was no key in our house. Sd came and took dh's key and didn't leave the other. Dh immediately let me know how mad he was and that he was right to be nervous about getting a car for sd because she'd never follow his basic requests and she had no respect for him, etc. And I understand his frustration. But we have 2 options-get her a car like we have the others and risk her being flippant about rules or don't get her a car and literally have to hear about that for the rest of our lives. I believe the right thing to do is to try to provide and hope for the best. Dh called sd, who was still in the car with bm, and told her to bring him one of the keys. Bm and sd let him know how stupid and petty he was but agreed to bring us the key with the broken key fob. When sd came in the house with the key, dh told her that he needs her to respect his very basic rules. I held sd's hand and told her that we know it's hard for dh and bm to get along and for that reason, dh has anxiety about providing a car that will primarily be at bm's house. I told sd that I really want this to work so please, please help me make this work. Dh isn't really asking much. It's simple, actually, so let's not make it hard. Of course we get a call and texts from bm soon after they left telling us how ridiculous we are. That's to be expected. Heaven forbid her children ever respect a simple rule. 

A week later, sd is still in the process of taking her driving course (our driving courses consist of riding so many hours in a vehicle with someone from a driving school. It takes weeks) and we find out that she's now driving to school alone. No adult. Just my 15 yo sd, driving around illegally. Bm is too lazy to get out the bed to take sd to school so she lets her drive illegally. There's so many things wrong with this scenario, the fact that insurance wouldn't cover an illegal driver and we could be sued for everything being one of them, the fact that if she was pulled over her eligibility to drive would be suspended until WHO knows when, the fact that she's just NOT an experienced driver and could hurt herself and others being among the other issues. Dh was very upset. There's proof of her driving on video and countless eye witnesses. But bm and sd make their own rules. Dh told her he was taking the car until her driving classes were completed. He told her we were coming to pick up the car from bm's house (thankfully we DID have a key after dh insisted on getting a key back), and of course bm was in the driveway waiting on us. She started with her tirade. I told dh to stay in his truck and I'd walk into the yard to get sd's car to drive back to our house where it would stay until her driving classes were completed. Bm is standing in the yard, yelling obscenities at us. But who else is going to protect this child from disaster? We will not supply a vehicle for her to drive around illegally. 

The same week we took the car, we found out about sd having sex at her moms house. At this point, we'd recently dealt with so much between sd and bm that dh didn't want to call and embarrass sd by putting her on the spot and asking her about being caught having sex. He didn't want her to have a knee jerk reaction and say things in the moment that she couldn't(or wouldn't) take back. He felt the best option was to let her know via text that he knew about the situation and ask her what, if anything, her mom had done to reprimand her and let her know how unacceptable sex at 15 is in your parents home (or anywhere for that matter). He could've just said how hurtful it must've been for her mom to walk in her room to see that and how disappointed and concerned he was- but I think he wanted sd to realize that a normal parent will discipline in some way for such a thing. Bm gives NO rules or boundaries-and dh wants his children to know that normal parents DO have rules, boundaries AND consequences. But she said "I don't know what you're talking about. I don't appreciate you slut shaming me. I'll speak to you again when you want to apologize. You can sell my car. Mom is buying me one." And that was it. She didn't speak to any of us for a year. Her best friend moved away recently and sd started threatening suicide and that's when she went into counseling. Soon after starting the counseling, she reached out to dh to go to dinner with us. 

She's changed in the year she's been away. They're used to be a tenderness in her eyes and it's gone. I know that in reading this, it seems like these poor children just need someone to love them. We. Have. Tried. No, we haven't taken bm back to court to get custody bc Bm doesn't fight fair. She'll have her children lie just to keep dh from getting the children and losing her precious child support payment. I won't risk losing my own children to save another and I know bm would encourage lies about our home which would make that a factor. I know that's the card she'd play. We have proof of so many things but these children are old enough to say where they want to live-and they want to live where they have no rules. Ssgf has shared the fact that sd has the birth control that goes into your arm and works for 3-4 years. I'm thankful to know that so we won't have another grand child from another teen. 

My dh can try to give rules but it's hard to do when it comes down to it. He gives a rule or boundary, they don't like it and call bm, bm shows up to pick them up and dh can let them go or he can call the police-at which point bm WILL go to jail... either for violating his parenting time or for attaching dh. Dh does not want his children to be further traumatized-they've seen enough violence. So he folds and lets bm take them. 

Dh certainly helped to create this mess but he's never tried to "boot his minor kid out of the house and washed his hands of the situation ". I have a heart for children and I've always wanted to foster children. I've asked myself-what would we do if a foster child had this same behavior? We would do everything in our power to love them through it. To teach them rules, boundaries and consequences in a loving, supportive environment. But we can't love dh's children through their tough times because bm won't allow it. They'll text her in secret and tell her to come get them. And God forbid if we try to stop her. 

The final straw for my ss, the moment my ss chose to live with his mom permanently, was when he was about 14 or 15. I think he was in 8th grade (yes, he was older to be in that grade bc he'd been held back in elementary). My husband was tired of having to track him down every afternoon after school, depending on who my ss decided to go home with that day. He was supposed to ride the bus to family friend's house and that's where my dh would get him every day. But he decided he could go home with anyone. By the time my dh found him, got Him home and we had dinner, ss would pull out a pile of homework, which he had no clue how to do, and we'd spend 2-3 hours doing his homework with him, late into the night. Dh told ss that he was going to sign ss up for the after school program at the middle school where my ss attended. This was, my dh would know exactly where to pick him up every day after work, AND they would be there to help him with his homework every afternoon so that would be finished when they got home. Bm told ss that if he'd come live with her, he wouldn't have to go to an after school program. So ss left to stay with her. He'd come for visitation and let dh and I know that he'd come back if he didn't have to go to the after school program. Dh held his ground and told him if he was with us, he would be at the after school program. So bm took us back to court and ss went to live with her. Where all of his behavior was made worse and he was a high school drop out and a father at 17.

Dh has tried to have a good relationship with ss over the years but in doing so, he can't just disregard the fact that he is a parent. At one point when dh and ss were doing ok, ss posted a picture on Instagram of himself with a joint behind his ear. Another where he was rolling a joint (with marijuana) and another with several friends, holding guns. Dh attempted to talk to ss about these pics and ss's only response was "Do you want to be in my life? Do you want to be in my life?" Dh said "Yes, I love you! I want to be in your life! I'm trying to tell you that this isn't ok. You're on the wrong path." Ss just kept yelling over dh, "Do you want to be in my life?! I guess you just don't want to be in my life!" And hung up the phone on dh. Thus would begin a new stent of no punishing us with silence And absence. Until the next time dh would reach out to ss or vice versa and things would be ok until dh would try to address troubling behavior and be shut out again.

Then the sgd comes along. I didn't care to communicate with ss. In fact, life is more calm when I don't. But knowing how much we want to know and love the baby and knowing ssgf was so young and battling post pardum, I decided to reach out. She was very happy I did. I never thought ss would want to jump in and start talking to us-but I guess now that he has a baby he could see the advantage of having us around. I see a lot of growth in him but I still see the hate he has for me. I can see it in his eyes. He's hated me before he ever knew my name. He'd hate any woman in this stepmom role. I'm still not sure if having the baby around is worth the stress of the constant demands with the implication that if we don't meet the demands, the wrath will be unleashed. She is our sunshine. She is the happiest, most relaxed baby. She never meets a stranger and she can entertain herself like no other. She is a dream. She is literally our sunshine. She makes EVERYONE happy. I want to love her and be a positive example. But I also want peace in my life.

I know you are right, that dh should be forging these relationships and bearing the brunt of so this dysfunction. In general, I've always been the one to try to lead him. To try to give him courage. He asked me to help lead him in family things because he was a shell of a man when I met him and he'd never been allowed to parent. I'm loving but I'm also strong. I thought that I could reach out to ssgf and offer her my help with sgd so she could work part time and that this wouldn't be a huge deal. But ss showed up on day 2 of me keeping sgd and we've had no choice but to carry on accordingly. I almost wish that I would've told ssgf that Ss hates me and always will so I'd like to keep this between me and her. That there's SO much toxic history and ss and dh haven't spoken for a while, so we'll just make this about me helping ssgf while she works and nothing more. But I didn't say that. I was afraid that she'd ss would be mad if I had any sort of restrictions on the situation-and I just hoped that maybe he wouldn't choose to come around. But he did. And I wish nothing more than for us all to get along! Ssgf asked if I could shop with her to get some things to help decorate their house. I have lots of unused decorations around so I gladly went to their trailer and made it feel more like a home. I WANT to do good. I WANT to love them. But then the demands started coming from ssgf which I NEVER saw coming. And now, I feel like I'm making her mad almost every day bc I'm not meeting her expectations. Ss still hates me, but oddly enough, it's ssgf who is stressing me out the most. I'm just not sure how to proceed. I feel like I'm walking in a mine field and I'm nervous with every step. Dh and I were prepared going into this that it might not work out. We said we'd keep up a healthy boundary when sgd is concerned so we aren't as hurt if they keep her from us. But I never imagined how much we'd love this baby. And I didn't realize the overwhelming grief and stress I'd feel at trying to keep everyone happy. I know it's hopeless. I know that if they get mad and keep the baby from us, dh will stand with me and support me even though we'll both be so sad. I guess the only answer is for me to get support through counseling. Dh and I have always been strength enough to carry each other through this disaster, but I think I may need more support than just dh on this one, should things go bad and they cut off contact. I went in with my heart guarded, prepared for anything, but I'm not as prepared or as strong as I thought. 


Winterglow's picture

Yes, get counseling. It should help you learn why you both allow (and have allowed) almost everyone around you to bully you to such an extent and, hopefully, to put a stop to that. You see it as being kind to others, from the outside it looks more like passive acceptance of bullying. Please find a therapist ASAP and interview a few of them because it's not easy finding one who is versed in divorce/visitation/second family issues. Good luck.

Southerncharm's picture

Finding a good counselor is part of my reason I've put it off for so long. It's a process. But I know it's necessary. I plan to start my search. 

I'm a people pleaser and an empath but I've never been a push over. I can see manipulation from a mile away and I can feel negative energy from others. I've been blood in the water my entire life for narcissists but after my divorce, I did a deep dive into why I attracted those kinds of people. My ex husband was a narcissist and my best friend was a narcissist. My sister is a narcissist. I've been surrounded by narcs my entire life-and naturally, I married one the first time I got married. He was 10 years older than me and he'd been married twice with a child from each marriage. He worked with my mom and my mom introduced us. I was 19 and he was 29. I saw so many red flags and I remember thinking "This isn't right" but then I'd tell myself that he was older than me so he had to be right-and my mom introduced us, And she had to be right, too. WRONG. But I stuck in there. He stressed how important it was for me to get along with his children and his ex wives and I did that. I prided myself on those relationships. When I had our first son, both moms came to the hospital with their child (my stepchildren) to meet the new baby brother. They brougt my baby gifts and adored him. My stepchildren adored him. The ex wives trusted me, emphatically, and they appreciated me so much. My stepchildren from my first marriage are adults now I'm still close with them. The girl will still come visit me and my children at my house with my current husband and I'm invited to her various graduation parties and even other parties her family has- I'm close with her moms parents (my stepdaughter's grandparents) and Aunts and uncles. My stepson will always run up and hug my neck when he sees me and he knows I'm here if he ever needs anything. He's in college so I don't see him as often as I'd like but I have a bond with both of them that'll never be broken. 

Their father. Oh, their father. My bd. He cheated on both of his first 2 wives and of course, he cheated on me, too. I didn't have my biological dad in my life growing up and I was DETERMINED to keep my family together for my children. He had countless affairs while we were married And then one day, after 10 years, he came home and said he wasn't happy anymore, he wanted to separate. I knew this was the result of another affair but I never dreamed that he'd eventually leave. I figured that as long as I'd forgive or turn a blind eye, we'd forgive. I didn't know about narcissism. I didn't know that they discard you when they want a new supply. Me, my children, my step children, my step children's mothers and their families- we were ALL devastated. He moved straight out of our house and into his mistresses house. And she was my FRIEND. Or so she had pretended to be. The ex wives wrote letters for court, vouching for my character. I bought a house down The street, close to my sister, and I did what I had to do. First and foremost, I studied personality disorders. I wanted to understand them. I wanted other people to understand them. I wanted to know why I attracted that kind of person and what I could do so it wouldn't happen again. When I see red flags in my friends marriages, I don't just hope for the best anymore-I tell her that her husband is a narcissist (if I'm certain). I tell her that she can ignore it all she wants but to know that there will probably come a time where she will be discarded. I don't want anyone to not blindsided the way I was. It's all textbook but you have to know what to look for. I've done my homework. 

In this current situation with my husband, his children and ssgf, I know what I'm dealing with. I see every red flag. In reading these comments and sharing some of my story I've come to realize that I'm in the morning stage. I'm mourning the thought of what could've been. I'm mourning the fact that these relationships are so difficult and at any moment, if I don't say or do the right thing, they'll cut us off-which I am semi prepared for. Soon, I'll graduate from mourning to acceptance. With acceptance, I'll have more strength. I'll start to say no without hesitation and without apology. I'll form my boundaries and not budge. I'll be prepared, willing and strong enough to accept any and all criticism. I'm almost there. I'm almost to acceptance. I didn't realize that it was acceptance that I was lacking and that it's just part of a process-but in saying all of this and reading comments, I've fumbled upon that realization. I'm in grief right now but soon, acceptance will come. Just knowing and understanding where I'm at gives me peace. I feel like I've gotten my footing back. I will soon have the courage and strength to do what I know I must and not be apologetic for doing so. I'm very grateful for everyone's feedback. 



Winterglow's picture

I get the impression that you've been holding this in for a very long time. Make finding a counselor/therapist your top priority. You won't regret it. 

Jojo4124's picture

Research narcissistic traits n how to have boundaries with such ppl. Narcissistic ppl use their kids as pawns to manipulate others to get what they want. Normal ppl dont do this.

In truth, you owe them nothing. Personally, I'd stop any gravy trains. No gifts, no bbsitting, no inheritance even maybe. Nasty ppl need consequences otherwise they'll keep using n abusing.

I know you love the baby, but she is being used as an object to add pain n drama in your life. Narcissistic ppl get a high from using people's love for their kids, or anything you care about, to cause pain. They dont have empathy like you do, and if you show them that their behavior bothers you, it's narcissistic supply for them. Maybe disengage and grey rock these people if you want peace in your life. I have been there.

Counselors are great, but there is also a ton of great info online n on youtube about people who act like this. Guard your peace, life is short!

You have to be okay with not seeing or gifting them or baby if you want hope for change. It's tough love, and not easy. But being abused isn't acceptable...right?

AgedOut's picture

I think the word you're looking for is "no"


"No, I cannot babysit this weekend"

"No we have plans for our lake house."

After "no" you can just stop your replies. "No" speaks for itself but if you putting bounderies on your SKs makes your husband retreat into himself and ice you out then start with your biggest problem, your husband. 

Notthedoormat's picture

Make it your go-to response for a while. 

I find myself saying no even if DH says yes...but my no still stands. I don't have to be involved in his yes...he can take responsibility for his yes.

I definitely think counseling is a good idea here. It will help you both set rules that you can both enforce.  Using your lake house,  pool or gym isn't an amenity they have open access to....Your homes and things are yours and that has to be respected. 

If they try to use access to sgd to manipulate,  let them try and show them how difficult it is with no babysitter at all! 

If someone went into my closet without my express permission I'd be livid! Taking anything from my house is absolutely not OK. 

I'm sorry you've poured years of love and kindness into sponges that soak it all up and take advantage of your obviously kind heart. 

I've always wanted my SD to like me so I've rolled out the red carpet....but that's over now. I am kind, but I will not overextend myself anymore.  It's not appreciated and therefore withdrawn.

Talk to your DH about ground rules for SS, ssgf and sounds like he's sensible and the 2 of you can work together to come up with boundaries you both can enforce. 

Remember...if you say no, you owe no one an explanation.  No means no, end of discussion. 


Exjuliemccoy's picture

These skids got to be the way they are because they had/have two weak parents, enabling/interfering grandparents, and an SM that has a lot of unresolved trauma. This pretty much sums up what was wrong with my own step situation.

You seem to know this situation is FUBAR, you just need a little support and validation. Good for you! It means you're ready for the process of healthy change. I'd like to add a couple suggestions:

1) Disengage very quietly, gradually, and slowly. Just start kindly being unavailable, busy elsewhere, uncertain of plans, not having info or answers, etc. This is because THE WHOLE FAMILY IS SICK, so if you make a big announcement or radical change, everyone is going to turn on you. I learned this the hard way. Just gradually fade back and become incompetent without saying or doing anything overt. Don't return texts right away, be vague, reroute skids and inlaws to your H.

2) Develop interests and obligations outside the family. Not only is it good for you, but it provides a handy excuse when others seek to exploit you. Volunteer, take or audit classes on line, get a part time job just for fun. Learning how to say no can be a process, and this will make it easier. So when step baby mama wants to dump her kid on you and rocks up on your porch because you didn't respond to her texts, you can say " Oh, hi Trashella. Texts? I've been so busy I didn't see them. No, I can't watch Nevaeh today, I have to be at the museum in an hour for my shift".

3) Focus on your relationship with your bios. I guarantee they've been affected by your H's family dysfunction, and possibly even neglected a bit, too. Commit to spending more one-on-one time with each of them.

4) Practice some radical honesty with yourself. Disengagement starts in the mind, so reacquaint yourself with Truth: the skids are not your kids, their offspring isnt your grandchild, and nothing concerning them is your responsibility; your priorities are your kids, then yourself, then the marriage; over functioning is actually interference; and you can't care more than the parents.

5) You have experienced certain things that have made you a narc magnet; and have no family of origin, which made you abase yourself to be a part of one. These two things skewed your judgement, perception, and contributed to where you are now. Gift yourself some therapy so you can work on these issues. Dealing with and investing in yourself will make you stronger and afford more clarity about your step dynamic.

I'm glad you found us. You've come to the right place, and I hope you'll keep posting, reading, and learning. Onward and upward!

sandye21's picture

Julie. This is SOOO spot on!!!  The therapy is so very important and should be persued frist - but 'shop' for the right one who can relate to you and your situation.  I contacted the first therapist after SD unjustifiably attacked me with screams and insults, and pointed her finger in my face.  DH ran out the door.  The first therapist was openly hostile and had no compassion for the abuse I had been experiencing.  I had a feeling she was possibly a SD who did not care for her SM.  I then joined Steptalk and recieved some very good advice from Rags and many others about how a DH is supposed to support his wife.  So I called the medical facility and asked for another therapist who was a better 'fit'.  She advised me to make a 'plus and minus' list for my DH, after which she supported me in my quest for self-growth and standing up for myself.  I would suggest you make a 'bullet' list to take with you so you can focus on the problems.

This site has been a God-send for me.  Today I am no longer married to a man who did not value or respect me.  I am sure you can eventually create a situation which is livable for you and DH, but he has to fully support you, and as Rags wrote over 11 years ago, make the marriage DH's top priority.

Jojo4124's picture

ST helped me tremendously!!! I am free from the drama n abuse. I believe that a spouse who works with the step parent as a unit, there is hope. If spouse does not stand with step parent as a unit, there isnt hope. It's one reason I left. A spouse never takes back seat to anyone!

Southerncharm's picture

Exjuliemccoy I have definitely had a few opportunities where I've quietly disengaged and I know exactly what you mean. I've found that ssgf usually texts to make plans with me to babysit unless she decides to drop baby at the last second and then she'll call. I no longer answer the calls. I'll text her later and say "Sorry, I've been busy and just noticed a missed call. What's up?" Ssgf will ignore the text and not respond/answer bc she knows I out smarted her and she's mad. But that's ok! She can be mad. At the end of the day, there's no one as willing and open to helping with sgd and I do a lot, If what I'm providing isn't enough, so be it. 

I definitely believe it'd be easier to say no if I had more obligations of my own. That is something I have considered as well and it's great advice. 

I try to always have quality time with my bios but I'm sure you're right that they've suffered in some ways because of all of this dysfunction. They are very well rounded in every way and I do my best to always have an open dialogue with them in regards to their step siblings. It's a fine line of trying to help them understand what we're dealing with, while not wanting them to completely reject their step siblings, but also wanting them to try to have a backbone and defend themselves if they're confronted with their stepsibling's bullying behavior. Bottom line, I've been too damn nice and dismissive for too long-trying to keep everyone happy. I have plenty of opportunity to have one on one time with my daughter and I make the most of that. My son is 17 (18 later this year) and he has school, friends, and a social life so it's harder to connect one on one with him at this age-but I do make the most of it when we can.

I can practice radical honesty with myself. I definitely need to shift my thinking. I can do that.

I have a family of origin, but my birth father wasn't really involved. My sister and I were adopted by my moms second husband when I was 2 and she was 4. He loved us like his own and he's all I've ever known. But home life certainly wasn't ideal and I have no doubt that I have some lasting effects from my childhood-not to mention the effects I carry from my first marriage. In general, narcs are attracted to people who are very loving and eager to please. I am that. Those are good qualities to have but they also make you vulnerable. I'm a work in progress and I look forward to getting stronger, smarter and more decisive. Thank you for your advice!

Southerncharm's picture

Also, when talking about my children and I said "I've been too damn nice for too long" I mean that I've allowed too much bs to transpire with my skids that wasn't fair to my bio children. We've all had to overlook or dismiss entirely too much bad behavior from my skids. It's not fair to anyone but especially not to my bio children. I hope my bio children can forgive me for failing them at times.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I understood what you meant, and appreciate you being so willing to take onboard what myself and others are saying. Nothing is more important than your bios.

As a SM, you will always have a target on your back, and this is why I urge you to disengage slowly, without any harsh words. I've disengaged twice - once quietly, once loudly. And with the latter, all the in-laws saw me as the problem. I'd been doormatting for two decades, so everyone was happy with it and me making changes was a huge inconvenience to them.

Because you've put so much emotional labor into your steplife, those benefiting from it DO NOT want change. This is why the "going back to school" gambit is so useful. Homework, classes, finals etc - with online classes, who's to know what your schedule is, and who can find fault in such a worthy endeavor? And maybe start talking about using the lake house as an AirBnB? This will send a message to the bottom feeders that its not fair game to use. Heck, invite them to help with sweaty improvement projects. That will chase them off. 

Rags's picture

The Skids, their partners, and by extension, even the GSKIDs are the enemies at the gate.  

It is time for you and DH to get out of the catering to the Skids/etc.. business and start focusing on standards of behavior and performance that they all must comply with. Beyond that, they don't matter and you and DH need to make sure they understand that they do not matter.

IMHO of course.

Good luck.