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New Territory - SM and non-SM

CLove's picture

SM - things have shifted greatly this year. Toxic Troll works (!) and her schedule is the same as the school schedule, so she picks up SD15.5 after school on her weeks, and sometimes on DH's. She got money for her tax returns claiming Sd, and spent $ on her ROTC Cadet Ball. In fact she took her to purchase everything, on Dh s week, nothing came out of pockets. And we were not asked nor were we included in anything. 

Toxic Troll did the salon visits (for long nails) did the shopping for dress and jewelry. During Dh's week, and that included dinners, so even when I made dinner inlcuding Sd, she wasnt hungry. So, ok, as mentioned many times and many ways by Steptalkers here, this was her chance to bond with her mother, who hasnt done anything with or for her previously. SD is managing to navigate the tricky waters of her mothers temperament, enmeshment and co-dependence, so that things are "nice".

Friday night Sd 15.5 went to her mothers place, because she would need to be there to get ready the next day, and neither of us were going to be there to lock up ni the morning. We talked about dresses, and what she chose as "the one", I saw her shawl, and she was excited to see and be with her friends.

Saturday I went for an awesome hike - pushing myself hobbling the last two miles, in hopes that SD15 would maybe stop by for pictures, as she had mentioned she would, when she left Friday night. She even gave me a few hugs before leaviing, because Im sure she knew her mother would not be stopping by. Photos just didnt happen. No pictures sent, she didnt take any herself, but her friends all did (ok...) and she would get some from them and foward to us.

I am unprepared for this. Toxic Troll paying for things, means she "owns" that thing/event. And Sd15 has to let her. This feels like there is a new pattern of things. As Toxic Troll gains strength and increased purchasing power, shes "taking over" things. Its not even about what SD wants, I feel, its about what Sd15 thinks and feels what her mother wants (enmeshment). How far will this go? How far back should I dssappear into? Should I even mention it? Or just zip it up and lock it down? How exactly should DH be more engaged with SD? She doesnt want to come out of her room for anything.


Dh's favorite niece who I adore, well, shes got congestive heart failure, COPD and is addicted to meth. She disappeared aa few years ago. A man entered her life who is aweful (hes in jail now). I went to visit her Sunday at the rehab center and it was incredible to see her again. Shes doing better, and wants to live. I am just going to be emotional support. She lost all her money (250k), has no job, and her apartment is full of junk. I am really am unprepared for this as well...


caninelover's picture

Meth addiction is really terrible.  I hope she breaks that addiction.

For B/M - I think you do fade into the background.  TT will likely revert to her normal crappy parenting at some point but for now trying to 'interfere' with her and B/M won't end well for you.  They will just paint you as the bad guy again.

CLove's picture

Yes,  hope she fights hard and well. With her health issues, I dont think she has the luxury of a relapse back. This is her chance.

Yes. No matter what the truth of things is, I will be the bad one, always. So, what to do. Do I "help" when asked. Do I just "be there when needed" and end up feeling used (right now I dont want to do that)? Do I encourage DH to be involved and engage her and let them go off by themselves? I want more "family time" stuff. I am trying to think of things for the it even worth it?

Rags's picture

My condolences regarding your niece.  It is heartwrenching to watch people we love destroy themselves.  

As for TT, why did your DH allow her to take his time?  He needs to highlight the COd visitation schedule and smack TT in the face with it when she pulls this crap.  DH needs to tell SD-15.5 that his time is  his time and he will make sure she gets to her events on his time. If TT undermines, go over the top on a killer dress, shoes, and full hair and makeover letting TT sit on what ever she purchased.

Fixing this takes zero tolerance for the toxic parent interfering in our side of the equation.

IMHO of course.


CLove's picture

But since last April and all the accusations, both Dh and I have backed way down.

DH knows it was wrong of her to do. His take on it is just what LD mentioned in my previouos post - this is SDs time to bond with her mother over her mother doing things with/for her. Girly things that hes not interested in at all. And its no money from us, which is new and unique and I wonder when the "ask" will happen. Or something else will come up and it will be "its our turn now".

If Toxic Troll wants to take SD on his time, he neverfights it. To her credit Toxic Troll doesnt argue when we take SD on her time. So the continued flxibility without conflict works for everyone.

Its just made me feel like this is the future pattern. And I feel a little sick about it. But thanks - I really wish it had gone that way.

JRI's picture

I think being in the background is where I am as a SM.  When they all lived here, I was in more of a "Mom" role.  I dont care, its fine with me.  They see me, not as an individual, but as Dad's support.  Incidentally, this dynamic isnt just for step-parents, I sense a similar thing with ny daughters in law where their own biomoms are #1  and I'm just in a supporting position.  

Clove, you seem to want more "family interaction".  I'm afraid youre going to be disappointed and I hate to see that.  As Munchkin gets older, she'll be more and more wrapped up in her own life and seldom look back.  Its just the way it is.

Hoping for the best for your niece, that's tough.

CLove's picture

Clove the friendly ghost, long lost auntie of Caspar.

I just dont know how to navigate this. All I can do is deal with it and move on. After whining here of course. JRI thanks for the nice commentary - I know you are going through a lot this weekend...

Livingoutloud's picture

Even in intact families  kids grow up, go on to do their own things, move out, move far etc Your SD will be grown up soon and will be out.  So you have to adjust to your new reality. Even if she was your own DD she'd spend less and less time at home.  

Even if you had the most loving relationship with your kids or skids, they might attend college on the other side of the country and then marry someone even further out so you might only see them for holidays and vacations. 

I think it's important that you and your DH have things in common and strong relationship so you won't rely on kids to maintain sense of home and family. Have a full life so it doesn't feel like a hole in your heart every time skids are out and about or with the other parent.

as about what DH could do with SD, he is an adult and could figure it out or not figure it out. You can't do much about it. 

Pictures would be nice. But that's just one event. I don't have pics of every event of my own DD. It's fine. That's not uncommon especially in divorced situations. You can have her pics of other events. It's just pictures. Don't let it bother you 

yeah I don't know if you should assume that SD only does things with mom because she thinks that's what mom wants. It's very possible that SD wants time with her mom, it's not abnormal. Even if she is the most awful person, she is her mom. I don't see regular things like getting ready for an event and doing girly things as enmeshment. I think what she does with her mom is fairly normal (even if you hate BM) 

oh no sorry about your niece. How sad. I hope she pulls through 


CLove's picture

Me too.

m just gonig to have to move forward, and not be as engaged. Darn, I thought I had disengaged sufficiently.

Yeah, I know its all normal, but TT is not normally normal.

DH doesnt really know what to do with girl children...

Livingoutloud's picture

BM not being normal doesn't make her less important to her kids.  It's not something you can change. We cannot replace their parents. I am certainly a better person than crazy BM but it doesn't make her less their mother or me more important. You need to accept that. If DH doesn't  know what to do with the kids, that's nothing you can do about. It's not your job to teach him. 

You need to get other things going in life. Things you can control. There's more to life than kids. Yours or other people's.  Two of my best friends have no kids and they've never been married. They focus on other things. But even with kids. Mine is long grown and out of the house for the last 15 years. I live my life. You can't live your life through kids. It doesn't work in a long run 

nothing wrong with being a planner. I am a planner. It doesn't bother me. Plan events with your DH. Go do things. If he doesn't appreciate it or is not interested in spending time with you, then maybe he is the wrong man for you. But it's not BM's or SD's fault. 

i think several of us suggested to do things with kids who really need it. On Saturday you hurried up home in case SD shows up for pictures. Honestly I'd not even do it for my own kid who is at event with the other parent. That's a waste of a day! Instead of hurrying home you could volunteer at domestic abuse shelter full of kids or a hospital or be big sister or tutor kids . Many opportunities. Yes they are not your kids but neither are SDs. That's just how it is. 

CLove's picture

I know all of what you commented - be certain of THAT. Ive been in this over 8 years and on here over 5.

Thanks for the advice and input.
And thanks for the suggestions that I "just get busy".

I come here to vent as well as get advice.
Just to let you know - I do keep extremely busy. 5-8 hour hikes every weekend. Outtings with Dh to see live music at night. Working and then errands during work week, sometimes an outing. I have my parents in town to visit and talk with. Many friends. I do not have any bios, so I do not know what the "normal thing is", but I def dont live my life through sD15. 

I do not have much time for volunteering with the children of strangers, but that is something Im looking into. I work full time, monday -friday. But the more I consider it the more Im thinking its not for me but who knows Im keeping an open mind.

I do not spend a huge amount of time on Sd15.5. She doesnt do much except stay in her room. She will poke her head out for dinner or bathroom break, thats pretty much it. So this big event is the only thing of note she has done in over a year. Previously we have been very involved, so this is just new and weird.

All part of the steplife.

Livingoutloud's picture

I don't mean it as much as "just be busy". But more like finding things or people to pour your soul into, things that could be emotionally rewarding. You are a loving  person and you seem to want to put that love somewhere, but it's not particularly working with skids ( and it usually can't work the way we wish) so your loving nature can find other outlets besides skids. 

I was extremely preoccupied with skids (and BM) in my past steplife. It made me miserable. I am not currently living that way, I am all up for it and am supportive of skids and am fairly involved in their lives, but it doesn't upset me or consume me and I am not preoccupied. I am much much happier. So I know how things could be. I've been there. 


Rags's picture

My bride and I certainly had some adjustments when we became empty nesters. Though we did it in two phases.  First was when we dropped him off at Military School for his Jr. and Sr. years of HS.  Then after we finally got him graduated, we dropped him off 10mos later at MEPs to start his USAF career 4mos before he turned 19.  It is hard to believe that the tow headed toddler who invaded my life when i met his mom will be 30 this year.

With boys there is not the same investment as there is in the whole becoming a woman thing. Prom is either a run to the Tux store to rent one, or buying a suit.  Neither are nearly as special as the whole Prom dress, salon thing proces.  At least apparently they aren't.  I would not know. I have never been a girl or had a girl to raise.

I am sorry that this is weighing so heavily on you Clove.  


advice.only2's picture

Does your DH ever plan anything with SD15?  Does he talk to her about her life?  Ask her about her friends?  That is not something you can fix, that is something he needs to do on his own.  

I understand how hard it is to watch the toxic waste of a mother suddenly decide she wants to be a mother and the kid eats it up.   You can ask her about the dance, ask to see photos, there is nothing wrong with that.  Showing a general interest in SD15 is good, but it doesn’t mean you need to start feeling like you have to “parent” her.  Think of it along the lines of a co-worker.  You ask them how their day is, you engage in small talk, but you don’t start telling them how to write up a report or that they need to tidy up their office. 

I'm sorry about your niece, I really hope her want to live is stronger than her desire for the meth.

CLove's picture

Ive always been the one plannning and making things happen. Trips, day tripping, excursions. Our social calendar.

He talks to her on the way to school in the car.

Thanks - I hope so too. Shes so sweet, until the drugs.

Noway2b1's picture

Getting involved in the big sister organization? I think you would be awesome and you might find it a good fit for you. When I was young I had a "big sis" and it really did make an impact on me. 

 So many of your posts resonate with me because I know it's what I would have faced had DH and I become involved while he had kids at home. I, like you have a big heart and the first few years we were married I really thought things would be different than they are. They (the adult skids) pay a lot of lip service to me and DH and how "ammaaaaaazing" I am and what wonderful things I've brought into their lives. Apparently the ex wife got that memo too, since I was even told in the "family" group chats that included her and even she would wax poetic about how wonderful I've been for allllllll of them..... yea uhmm what?

I began to realize I was the only one investing in my relationship with these people, they were more than happy to soak up whatever goodwill (and event planning and execution I took on) but guess what was reciprocated? Yep nothing ..... other than fancy words and compliments.  When the OSS (45) and OSD (43) began busting their dads chops because he (at my insistence) finally put some boundaries around their mother continually being included in every single family event they put together and us not including her in ours plus us feeling like we were invited last minute almost as an oversight, they lost their minds over the "pettiness" of it  and I've been detaching ever since. I don't have any real advice other than only 2-3 more years and hopefully she will be out of your home and you'll have at least some peace, although these types never seem to really calm down. At least in my experience. 

CLove's picture

Thats how SD15 B/M has been. Shes taken from me happily. I even booked us three a trip. Not going to do that ever again.

Yes, I have been lookiing into volunteer opportunities, locally. With ull time work and my hiking its not been something I really have time for right now. Ill check out the big sis.

Noway2b1's picture

I struggle like you do with just not doing and not even asking. What I've realized is these grown skids are making decisions that are not always the best, and by asking DH about things I catch wind of,  I'm investing, or at the very least giving the appearance of being interested, which then prompts DH to become invested where he otherwise might not have even gotten involved had I not pointed out my concerns with the stupidity of xyz plans. I'm my own worst enemy when it comes to this because I tend to go over what if scenarios as a coping thing. I've actually heard my DH on the phone with his kids and repeating word for word my concerns to them, usually he doesn't mention my name in those convos sometimes he will say "noway thought of this.........." which really bugs me and prompts me to think "why do I open my big mouth and give my 2 cents......" 

CLove's picture

I untangle things, and DH relies on me for a lot.

He truly is clueless sometimes. But since Im disengaged, its all up to them and I am trying not to untangle things at all.