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Debit card for SD

RoseCandy's picture

Does any else's stepkids have one of those teen debit cards? BM got one for SD14 and both she and SD have asked DH 3 times in the last week to add money to it. They haven't talked at all about a regular allowance or schedule, it seems to be that if SD wants money she asks and gets it. I hope DH will reach his limit. He says no when BM wants money but not when SD asks!

These are good for teaching financial responsibility but BM won't give DH the login info and if DH just sends SD $50 every other day whenever she wants it's going to teach SD nothing. 

FYI SD doesn't have any chores at either house and BM doesnt want her to have a job until after college. I think the other side of financial responsibility it earning money but BM and DH don't feel the same way ugh.


ESMOD's picture

I set one up for my YSD... to be honest it was not a super good experience.  She did tend to blow through money if she had it to spend.. many a 7-11 taquito was purchased.. and she actually got a little pudgy from having all that access to junk food on her "own dime".

I think if you do it.. it should be a set allowance replenished weekly or bi-weekly.  And a common understanding of what it is generally supposed to cover.. and what might constitute a special circumstance (like going on vacation with a friend).  Also, some basic amount that must be maintained for emergency level too? possibly.  


RoseCandy's picture

This is all great, but all DH and BM have talked about is that it exists and to put money on it. 

I feel like I'm in a sinking ship and constantly plugging up holes that are leaking money going into the other house. 

Thumper's picture


How do you feel about dropping your pay check in a seperate account? OR I would take out equal amount in atm.

Gooses and ganders. Smile

In otherwords,

"if something is good, acceptable, or beneficial for ONE person, it is or should be equally so for another person or persons as well.  (Thanks Google)


ndc's picture

Nope.  My skids aren't old enough for a debit card yet, but when they are, they will need to earn the money that is put on the debit card.  I think it's a great idea for learning how to manage money, but only if it's used appropriately and if the parents TEACH the child some money management and financial skills.  Just shoveling money into an account for the kid to spend doesn't teach them a thing.

ETA:  No login information = no money.

advice.only2's picture

I think it's good to get them a debit card at this age so they can start learning about spending, I do not think it's good practice to just keep adding money any time they ask.  My bios got debit cards at 15 and I would deposit their allowances on payday.  If they blew through their allowances and had nothing left for food, or fun or gas, oh well.

Ispofacto's picture

You know very well giving a kid money whenever they want is wrong.  Believe in yourself.

Your SD is spoiled AF.  DH and BM have created a monster.  This nightmare won't end.

ETA: I started working for cash when I was twelve cutting lawns and babysitting.  I got my first wage job at 16 and it was direct deposit, so that's when I got my first checking account.  When I turned 18, I started building credit by opening my own JCP account, and paying off the balance each time I used it.  The parents supplied bare necessities only, anything extra we had to pay for ourselves.



RoseCandy's picture

She is SO spoiled. 

I talk my DH out of buying stuff for our kids that they don't need. Sometimes I think I'm doing them a disservice because if it were BM or SD they would take it gladly and ask for more. 

CajunMom's picture

I would not have done that for my bio kids nor DHs kids. I don't see how this will help them learn about money when parents just keep dumping money onto the card. Now, if you give an allowance, that's what I'd put on the card and nothing else. Once they spent it on tacos and whatever else junk, then they'd be done for the month. But that doesn't seem to be what your DH and the BM will do here. And endless flow of cash onto the debit card teaches one thing....BM and BF are an ATM. 

The one thing I did do for my bios and for DHs youngest son was add them as "authorized users" on my credit cards once they started driving. The good thing about this is, while it won't negatively impact their credit score (say you don't pay your bill) but it does impact their credit score positively. I kept their cards in a safe place; when they needed to go shopping, I'd hand it to them with a limit to spend. All three did fine and while my bios ended up with fantastic credit scores at age 18, DHs youngest son messed that up once he left our home.


RoseCandy's picture

This is a good idea to build credit! I got my credit from student loans but it still took a long time 

CajunMom's picture

and it really helped my kids. My daughter purchased a boat at age 20. The dealership was shocked at her credit score. I was there, thinking I had to co-sign. Walked out without having to do that! And my son purchased a brand new truck at age 19. Same thing. 

One thing I did though, was add in lessons about the importance of a good credit score and they took it to heart. They both bought homes on their own at early ages. They also both have savings and retirement plans. One of the most important lessons we can give our children (and steps, if you are inclined) is to teach them responsibility with money. I grew up dirt poor...made my way out of that and sure didn't want my kids in that situation.

JRI's picture

They didn't have debit cards back in the day for our kids but today, I'd get them each one and put their allowance only on there.  It would teach them how to use one with the same outcome as spending all their cash.

Winterglow's picture

At 14, she doesn't need extra money. Your duh pays cs for her needs. Throwing money at her constantly teaches her nothing. 


RoseCandy's picture

Duh is right.

He pays CS and takes her shopping and buys whatever she send him a link to. 

Cover1W's picture

I tried doing this when the SDs were 11 and 13, or 10 and 12?  I don't remember it was so long ago. We took them to the credit union, DH opened accounts for them (YSD in tears) and thennnnnnn....  nada.

He never added $ to it, never talked with them about using them, never even gave the cards to them I think, abosolutely worthless waste of my time and pretty much the last "big" thing I engaged in. YSD still does not use her own $ for anything, has no bank account, never has had or used a debit card; basically mommy and daddy to it all for her so why should she?

My niece on the other hand at 18 is pretty much fully independent thanks to my sister for teaching her how to actually live and have current skills for society. It's like night and day comparing the two.

Note:  There's no way I'd allow a cent of my $ to be added to an SD's debit card. If you are starting this issue now, separate your accounts ASAP.

Rags's picture

Initially we gave SS travel cash for his visitation travel to SpermLand.  That turned into a money grubbing  cash grab by the shallow and polluted end of his gene pool.  Any cash we gave him they expected to be spent on filling their gas tanks, paying for meals for SS & SpermGrandHag and the three younger also out of wedlock Spermidiot spawned half sibs by two other baby mamas.  So we stopped the travel cash program and opened a joint bank account for him and his mom with a debit card attached.  Because of our relationship with our bank that account could carry a $0 balance.  When he traveled we put money in the account. When he landed in SpermLand, we took all of the money out of the account or froze it.  There were some classic rants from them when they were stranded not able to put gas in their car or pay for a meal that their money grubbing evil bullshit manipulations expected SS to pay for.  There are some classic stories of SpermLand visitation antics where SpermGrandHag could not pay for her gas and was not allowed to leave the gas station until SpermGrandPa showed up to pay for gas she had already pumped expecting SS to swipe his debit card.  The same for having to sit in the entry to restaurants waiting for SpermGrandPa to show up to pay so they could leave.  SpermGrandHag was always mortified to have her neighbors, etc... see her default on a meal or tank full of gas.

We made sure SS understood that the money on his debit card was his, not theirs and that when he was with them that they were responsible for caring for him, feeding him, etc.... Not the other way around.

Sadly, even after he aged out from under the CO it did not stop. They put him under the full court press to have part of his pay direct deposited to SpermGrandHag's account to help support his three younger half sibs.  Because of his experience with them during the 16+ years under the CO, he shut that crap down in a hurry and made it clear that his Spermidiot's children were not his responsibility for him to support.  He has never given them a cent.

DH can always set up his own Skid debit card and put a fixed "allowance" in that the Skid has to manage. If she ends up stranded and not allowed to leave without paying... that is a key learning experience. Our son learned by having to wait with his SGH for someone to rescue she and the 4 GKs when she was trying to steal SS's money.  He has done a great job managing his finances as an adult.

Your SD may have similar learnings with a debit card.

Good luck.

RoseCandy's picture

Wow that is disgusting behavior on their part. I'm glad your SS stood his ground. 

My worry is that SD is going to be supper generous and flaunt her new card to pay for all sorts of things and then ask DH to reload it. Not much of a learning experience to do it that way. 

BM is very opposed to giving DH the login information. It's his job to supply money, not have a say in how it's spent. It's always been that way with her, even before SD was born. 

Dogmom1321's picture

BM got SD11 (yes, ELEVEN) a greenlight debit card. She has been asking DH constantly "what can I do for money?" DH finally told her that she needs to help out just because, not because she wants money. She never asks how to help. He has given her a couple of dollars for a few things... but he's not loading anything on her card. That's all on BM. 

SD asked me once what she can do to earn money. I flat out told her I don't believe in getting money for chores, so go ask your dad. IMHO, constantly giving money out teaches kids to only do something if they get something in return. Common thing for these SKs is entitlement. I won't be contributing/enabling that in any way. 

ESMOD's picture

In our house we had things we had to do aka chores because we were part of the household.. and everyone does their part... everyone has a job.  Parent's jobs are to earn money to keep household going and oversee running the home.  Kid's jobs are to go to school and learn to be decent members of society.. that means pitching in in age appropriate ways... folding laundry.. setting the table.. making the bed.. collecting the trash in the house etc.. regular normal tasks to help the household run... These were things that we did "for free".. and we also did get a small allowance as age appropriate as well.

Now.. if we did want to earn extra money.. there were higher levels of chores that we could do... that might be raking and bagging all the leaves... shoveling out the driveway and walk.. cleaning the garage.. things that were not day to day chores.. that would take a significan't amount of time we could earn money for those things.

I actually think it's good to pay the kids for some work they do... that IS real life.. you work extra you get rewarded..  It's not that every chore has to be monetized.. but if a child has the incentive to do extra work above the basics.. then rewarding them can encourage that behavior... right?  And how else can kids work to earn things they want... get that sense of accomplishment?   

Dogmom1321's picture

I think it's whatever works for your SKs... DH doesn't hand out money for doing the basics (cleaning room, bathroom, etc.)

SD wanted to wash the dog so DH gave her 5 bucks. Not loaded on a card or anything. IMO, I think it's sad that SD only wants to help out with the family pets if she gets money. BM and DH have a BIG problem with her entitlement, attitude, etc. She also has ODD. Problem is... she flat out refuses to do anything "for free". SD is learning how to pick and choose what she wants to do, and what she doesn't "feel like." That won't translate well for her into adulthood. 

*Personally* I don't agree with how DH and BM handle allowances/money/ etc. but she is not my child... and when she asks for money I simply refer her to her dad. *shrug* 

justmakingthebest's picture

My kids have them. They get money added when appropriate as they EARN it. They have thier own little hustles going with babysitting or other projects. My son makes custom cutting boards for people and makes some good money doing it. 

They also earn with above and beyond chores.  I don't believe in paying for the basics. They live in the house too- I am not paying you to clean your room or bathroom. If I cook, I sure as hell am not cleaning up so they rotate with dishes too. That is just being in a family. However, if they want to do extra yard work. Deep clean the house, shampoo carpets, things like that- sure. I will pay for real work that they put in.

They don't get $ because they exist. If they want to do things with friends, they have to do a little work most of the time.