What life is about...
I have so much going on but need to get this out for respect of BF's friend...
My BF has a great friend who testified for him at the trial. He was friends with BF for years, but only met me a few times. He wanted me to meet his wife and we were hoping to get together when he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. We wanted to be safe (Covid wise) and held off, as he got sicker and sicker.
A lot of BF’s friends did not want to get involved but this man agreed to testify. He was on standby and came every day he was needed. He finally testified that he knew BM, saw BM scream at BF at him in public, put him down, and tell people in front of SS how a POS he was. He also said she is entitled and puts everyone down...He said BF is a great man and a great friend.
His friend passed away few days after testimony. It was almost like he waited to get his story told. I met his wife at the funeral and she told me that she hated taking him to courthouse and watching him struggle to get inside BUT HE WOULD NOT HAVE IT ANY OTHER WAY!!!! HE TOLD HER BY HOOK OR BY CROOK HE WAS GOING TO HELP US!!!.
I met his sister who said he was adamant about testifying that he hated that way BM treated BF and how she treated me and how I was a great person, and he thought BF and I were perfect for each other.
Hearing this reiterates our relationship. I hear from friends how there are “other fish in the sea” and to “dump BF, get a man without a crazy ex”.
We have a good relationship when BM is not in the midst. Our only fights were about her and SS (Who was her minion).. I’m keeping the faith. I never knew how much we meant to this man until his family told me.
A prince
That man sounds like a prince. Just this morning, I was thinking back to a bad time DH had. His friend who lived about 100 miles away came. No drama, no fake sympathy, he just showed up and lent support by his presence.
That friend was pure gold. I
That friend was pure gold. I'm sorry for your loss, and please return the favor by supporting his widow.
Thank you
We reached out to his widow and will continue to do so.