Because of my loser POS stepson, our pet rabbit was attacked by our dog and might have to be put to sleep
My SS (21) is a piece of shit loser bottom-feeding mooches with no motivation or drive. He lives in the basement, pays negligible rent, no utilities, smokes pot in the house and it drifts up to the main floor and stinks, drives his grandfather's truck, uses his grandfather's cell phone, just mooches and takes and takes. DH has two other sons than this one, and both are just as fucked up. The middle one took two classes at community college, dropped out, picked up a random job for a few months, and has now decided to quit doing any work of any kind entirely because "he doesn't know what he wants to do" so he sits home on his ass, watching anime, playing video games, being a classic neckbeard but at least he is mooching off his birth mom. The eldest is over here mooching off us. His youngest is still in his teens but is an emotional wreck, showing very obvious signs of male BPD. DH is The person he fixates on and has to absorb every single moment of his attention obsessively when he is here and had an emotional breakdown and depressive tantrum when his teacher at school said he couldn't sit next to his girlfriend anymore, another individual he is obsessively fixated on. Fucking annoying, the lot of them.
I am not working right now andnDH isn't getting paid over the holiday break and we wanted to go see my family for Christmas over the weekend and we couldn't afford the cost of boarding or hiring a legit pet sitter. The eldest piece of shit was doing better we thought, having kept a job for a while, showing some responsibility. We thought he could handle like 48!hours of feeding and walking the dog, feeding and watering our rabbits and chickens.
I came home and my house was destroyed from one end to another. The loser piece of shit and hi loser piece of shit girlfriend decided to bring the outdoor rabbits inside and let them poop and pee all over the house and of course left the mess behind for me. They knocked over a whole stack of clean and folded laundry and trapped all over it. Our poor puppy had been caged so long her cage smelled like urine from the time we hit the door from all the way across the house. No animals had food or water.
And then there's the worst part. The goddamn pothead piece of garbage claimed the dog magically escaped her cage (has never happened) and the dog somehow magically broken down the door to where our indoor Flemish Giant lives (never happens) bulkshit all of it...and for hours, the dog attacked the poor Flemish: he is now possibly going to die or need to be put to sleep.
I AM FUCKING FURIOUS. My DH, of course, has every excuse in the world as to why none of this was the boy's fault.
I am seriously considering leaving him if he doesn't kick the boy out because I said I don't want him living here anymore, this was the last straw. He's flimflammjng about making excuses.
this rabbit is my 11 year old daughter's pet and it's almost Christmas and she is beside herself with grief.
Oh, and she fucking HATES loser piece of shit now. She is probably going to scream at him and lay him out out in front of DH's whole family at Christmas when she sees him and I'm gonna just sit back and laugh my ass off.
DH was like, I think if the rabbit dies, " loser piece of shit" can take her and buy her a new rabbit, that'd be a good punishment for him.
And I'm like you know what? My girl is going to probably spit on him and claw his eyes out when she sees him. So you can just put that idea away:
I am at my wit's end.!
Agree with everyone
But are you sure the dog attacked the rabbit? From the sounds of things the dog hadn't even been out of its cage to pee. I'm not sure I want to contemplate other ways the rabbit got injured but I'm still wondering. This is just more motivation to get out of that house and away from all the losers.
Going by your DH’s logic re replacing rabbit
So if SS were to mysteriously die, you'll take DH to an orphanage and bring home a new son and all will be well
Hill to die on
This is it. Either SS goes or you do. It is ultimatum time to DH.
I'm so sorry about your rabbit.
I feel for you. My SD21 is at
I feel for you. My SD21 is at least in college and working but she was so careless with my dog that she (the dog) could have ended up dead and just a few days later I walked in from a day out of town to see SD had maaged in 24 hours to kill my succulent (a gift from my DIL that was very meaningful to me) that had been lush and beautiful when I left. Every time she's here (which thankfully she usually is not) she plays the helpless, poor me, can't do anything game.
But it's still nothing compared to what you have experienced.
What is your husband's response to saying this kid needs to leave? Does he GET that just getting a new rabbit doesn't solve the problem?
And she is allowed to be
And she is allowed to be there why?
I am sorry about your bunny.
I am sorry about your bunny. It's heartbreaking.
*1 of our pets required vet care, poor thing was bleeding internally and another pet died after a skid 'accident". Everything was an accident with skids when it was broken, injured or died.*
So your husband's answer is
So your husband's answer is to basically continue enabling his waste of space, lazy, loser, moocher of a son but oh, he can buy DD a new bunny? Pets are not replaceable toys, they are living things and family members. I hope your daughter does let that loser have it, and your husband too! We've lost two elderly guinea pigs this year so I'm feeling even more sensitive about this than I normally would. I can tell firsthand that although we added three more piggies, they have not replaced the two we lost. They've helped, they've made us feel better but they can never replace the ones we lost. They've made their own place in our hearts.
You are right to insist that loser boy leave. He would be out of my house with the pot smoking anyway along with the mooching. If your husband doesn't like it he can go too. That's all I've got. This is making me cry.
They both owe you and your daughter a huge apology. He needs to make his son clean up every bit of the mess or his son needs to pay to have it cleaned.
Hugs to both you and your daughter.
I am sorry for the bunny, and the other animals.
Did this SS21 recently move in with you? I'm asking because you made no mention of him in your previous posts last month. The focus/problem seemed to solely be with SS15.
Speaking of which, just a month or so ago you posted, "DH and I have a reciprocal relationship. We support each other, our give and take is balanced."
In hindsight, do you really think that is true? Would a person in a reciprocal relationship basically blow off the injury of your daughter's beloved pet? Is DH being supportive in his response to this situation? Is he treating his SS21 in a fair and balanced way, compared to your daughter (and your) distress?
The clear answer is no. So I'd say you have one of two choices:
1. SS21 immediately moves out.
2. You immediately move out, even if you have to get a loan in DH's name to do so.
This situation is not going to get better. And remember, SS15 is just six years away from living in the basement, smoking pot, doing nothing - just like his older brother.
Life is so short. Don't waste yours.
Im so sorry!
bun bun deserves better!
What a jerk.
How old is he
Tell him to get a job and buy a new Rabbitt then after he's gotten the rabbit kick the piece of shtt out,He has no respect for you or his father,An entitled little pot head stoner vermin,Pets are not just toys that can be replaced there's sentimental and emotional value connections, That stoner pot head pos needs a good drilling,As usual your husband makes excuses for him? Does his room stink like shtt too? You and your daughter need to get away from him,He sounds an immature prat and an animal abuser who's only bringing your energy levels and tolerance right down,His father needs to give him a good a whopping
Time for the come to Jesus ultimatum with your DH.
They go now and never return or he goes and none of them ever return. I would have that POS licking up every rabbit turd in the house, before I booted his ass out.
Please up date on your 11yo kicking his ass.
It would be the SS or me leaving
I can't believe that happened to your wonderful pets, and definitely think it is time for either your SS to go or you need to get your DD, pets and leave yourself
Take good care