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Are the holidays over? Anxiety is my “gift”

step-out's picture

I am super suffering from the anxiety of being around skids, In law and DH during the Xmas holiday. I'm already dreading feeling and being the "outsider". The thought of SD hanging all over DH, SS not giving eye contact ... ugh... just want it to be over. I'm not good at this. 


JRI's picture

Each December has been so hard for me for years.  Last year was a miracle, no family gathering due to covid.  We vowed the same this year, covid or not.  Holding on, so far....

I'm not good at it, either.

Brentwood's picture

I have no words of wisdom but know you aren't alone in your feelings. I remind myself each year it's only a day - it helps me to get through the day.z

CajunMom's picture

12 years worth of Christmas holidays filled with stress. The last few years have been wonderful. Not the big gatherings of the past but all that came with drama and walking on egg shells. And this year, it's just DH and me. And I'm good with that.

Sending you good vibes to hopefully have less stress.

Persephone_'s picture

I understand completely, one thing that helps me is getting away a bit even if it's for a walk. I am not a drinker but I will have a few on these days and it seems to make thing somewhat tolerable. Between the MIL SD and SIL all talking on and on about themselves I am able to go away to that happy place in my head and block out the self absorbtion. 

Merry's picture

I'm struggling this year too. DH's health is not good, I don't think he has been upfront with his kids about it, and doing the 800 mile trip is pretty impossible. But DH doesn't see it that way. I'm angry with all of them. 

In year past though I was content with polite conversation from the adults. At least the grandkids liked to play with me.

Wishing for you as much sanity as possible.