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After skid turns 18, what happened with CS and BM?

motherof3boys's picture

I'm curious to know experiences of those who no longer have skids under 18. Did CS stop immediately? What's relationship with BM like? Do financial requests still come in? How often does skid visit/communicate? 


Aniki-Moderator's picture

For us, yes, CS stopped when DH's last bio turned 18. DH helped support his SS (no CS), who turned 18 last year and continues to help him out here and there.

BioHo (BM) is a narc who does everything she can to try and stay relevant with DH. She frequently calls/texts about the most insignificant stuff - DH ignores her the majority of the time. 

BioHo still finds reasons to request money for SS18 (my DH's SS), despite the young man trying hard to do things within his budget and NOT ask DH for a dime. SD25 is getting married in a few months, so 'Ho is constantly pestering DH to pay more (DH ignores her).

The skids communicate with DH weekly. SS18 stopped spending the night when he got his DL (16yo), but we see him almost weekly. 

I should add that while BioHo did her best to PAS the skids, it didn't hold. DH has a strong and loving relationship with all of the skids and they have taken steps back from 'Ho. After some shaky years - and a temporary success of step-PAS with the SDs, I now have a good relationship with all of the skids. It's certainly much better than I ever anticipated. 

JRI's picture

The 3 SKs moved in here full time so that's when CS ended. BM transfered her financial requests to her BF, later husband.

BUT, if anyone thinks they are free and clear once the kids launch, not so.  Of our 5, 4 have moved back for spans ranging from 3 weeks to 3 years.  The reasons have varied from temporary housing during a move to shelter after a hurricane to flat-out homelessness.  We havent had too many financial requests except SD59 for whom we now subsidize housing elsewhere.  DH and I separated our finances so now, if he wishes to give her money, it comes from his " allowance", not from the family money.

BM continued to call DH occasionally after the SKs launched, usually to whine about one of them and probably in the hope he could "fix" whatever was happening.  It was ironic, after OSS turned his life around after living with us for several years, she wistfully said maybe we could perform a miracle with SD, too.  I wanted to say, "BM, OSS changed his own life, SD has no desire to change hers due to your influence".

hereiam's picture

CS stops when the state says it does. It could be 18 or when kid graduates high school. Some states CS goes until 21 if kid goes to college. My SD got married, which emancipated her. DH had to file a request for CS termination.

Absolutely NO relationship with BM, DH doesn't even talk to her on the phone. No financial requests.

My SD hasn't visited in quite awhile. When she did, it was usually to pick up Christmas gifts. She and DH do talk on the phone consistently, though.

Rags's picture

My incredible bride was the CP in our blended family adventure.   Our son, SS-29, asked me to adopt him when he was 22. We made that happen.

The interesting thing that the manipulative control freak SpermGrandHag nor any other then adult in the SpermClan has made any effort to have contact or a relationship with SS when they were off of the hook for CS.  SS let them off when he turned 18.  He could have kept them on the hook for CS for another 4 years if he had chosen to. SpermLand CS regulations are that CS ends at 18 unless the kid is a full time student in good standing with their education institution.  Even though he enlisted in the USAF at 18, the CCAF is an accredited Jr. College and according to our attorney SS could have kept them on the hook for CS to the tune of the $385/mo.  But, he let them guilt him into letting them off of the hook. Against my advice.

When she was no longer paying her disgusting serial statutory rapist POS son's CS obligation and visitation travel costs, SpermGrandHag fell off of the planet.  She was incredibly toxic, manipulative, etc.... for the entire duration of the CO. I think her perspective was that if she was paying, my DW should suffer.

The SpermIdiot had pretty much been a non presence in SS's life other than a couple of hours each visitation for the entire 16 years of the CO, and once SS was more successful than the SPermIdiot, he was too embarrassed to have anything at all to do with SS (his eldest of 4 all out of wedlock spawn by three different baby mamas).  #2, SS's sister, is struggling.  #3 is in prison for at least 5 years for a number of felonies, and #4 is not far behind his full brother.

It is sad.  I am sad for my son.  He struggles with loving them when he has no respect for anyone in the SpermClan. He knows that they are "family" and he is supposed to love them.  He had difficulty reconciling love and lack of respect.

His mom and I are having a great time during our empty nester years, are very proud of the man we raised together, and are looking forward to rest of our lives as a family.

His mom and I speak with SS regularly though he will upon occasion take a month or two off from communication.  We have met for some great vacations in several very cool places (Austria, Colorado, etc...) and he visits us upon occasion.

He has not asked for a single penny since he launched at 18.

Kes's picture

My SDs are now 26 and 24, and one of them went to University, DH continued to support her through this after age 18.  BM has not asked for money but SD26 has on numerous occasions, she still hasn't launched - has lived with BM up until now.  DH saw them for lunch or coffee every few weeks (except when SD26 was away at college) - I rarely went with - they came to our house about twice a year.  We moved further away just over a year ago and that means it is harder for DH to get together with them - it happens occasionally.  

lieutenant_dad's picture

OSS is 19 and YSS is 15. When OSS went into his senior year of HS, ET (nickname for the BM in my life, stands for "Eternal Teenager") started acting like she was pushing both the boys out of her life, especially since she had a new husband.

Lo and behold, I was (partially) right. OSS went off to college but moved in with us on breaks. He spent a lot of his summer before college with us, too. DH got a rather large pay increase right before OSS graduated, so CS was going to stay the same even with OSS in college because YSS was still a minor.

January of this year, ET handed over custody of YSS after a few different things happened (you can read my previous blogs for more details). She moved into a house that doesn't have space for OSS. We have a room for him, so he stays here on breaks because he sort of has to.

My goal is to get him into an apartment next summer before school starts. I love the kid, but he needs to spread his wings more and DH is far too willing to step in to help. That's not to say DH still won't, but it will be more "out of sight, out of mind".

ETA: Still have to deal with ET. I'm hoping once YSS gets his license that interactions will decrease even further, but we'll see. She has been mostly a non-issue. DH has had to deal with her a few times, but that's his cross to bear.

Lifer33's picture

Can't wait for dh to stop paying Cs. Amongst other things we can't financially link, which is holding back our businesses.  if we link he will earn far more, and bm will get far more, off the back of my inheritance. And that's not happening.

However when Cs stops I will happily help contribute to ss University, first car, marriage or whatever endeavours  we would do for dd. 

grannyd's picture

When SS returned from a year abroad, he was 23-years-old, unemployed and 2 years shy of his degree in economics. His mother refused to house him so he stayed with DH and me for 6 months, during which time he worked labouring jobs while arranging student loans, housing and part time employment near his university.

 My SS was 15-years-old when I married his father and we hit it off from the get-go. SS just celebrated his 50th birthday and I can honestly say that we’ve barely exchanged a harsh word in 35 years.

My SS is a clone of his father; organized, kind, empathetic, blessed with a remarkable sense of humour and a firm but dedicated, loving parent to his children. SS and I share a deep bond of affection that has enriched my life. When I wrote my will, I resolved to allot my (abundant) savings, equally, among my 3 bio children and my treasured SS. 

His sister? That’s another story….


CLove's picture

The younger skid - Sd15 backstabber.

The eldest is SD22 Feral Forger. When she turned 18 and graduated high school, she got a job. Ghosted us for a while. Left all her ch!t in her room. Gross stuff, clothes, moldy laundry, old makeup...trash.

She now lives with Toxic Troll Bm in a gross little one-bedroom apartment. She will occasionally text DH, and occasionally ask for something, but shes become and expert mooch. No drivers license, and just started a new job after a year plus hiatus. No college classes either.

Toxic Troll, she gets Child support and we are 50/50. For tax purposes 51/49. And shes just now started back to work, thank goodness.

So I am enjoying reading success stories lately.

ImFreeAtLast's picture

No CS but AdultSkid and BM are into the sunset doing God knows what. I don't care. AdultSkid under no circumstances will live under our roof again. I hope my husband grasps how important this is.

BM is irrelevant to our existence now. She gave up trying to stay relevant and have control of my husband several years ago. She gave up trying to get him back. My husband is enjoying not having to communicate with BM anymore.