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Only skid free weekend ruined

Bulletproofvest's picture

So ss17 and sd14 have gone to BMs for the night (Saturday night). That means DH amd I get one blissful Saturday night and Sunday morning without having to put up with their bs-rude, insolent behaviour and gaming at 4am, while I try to get our DD2 to sleep through and 39 weeks pregnant.

we wake up on Sunday morning early, and settle down to watch some tv in bed. Bliss. We never get to do this normally because of all the interruptions (coddled teenagers who just walk into our bedroom without onocking to demand lifts to the local gym-I suspect so they can deal drugs-these skids neither fo to school, work nor give DH nor I the time of day in our own home).

DH sees he had 5 missed calls from ss17 at 3am and is worried and upset. Tries calling ss17 back. Tries calling SD14. Gets no answer from either of them. Is now pacing the house and procrastinating over whether or not to drive over to BMs to make sure everything is ok. 

I'm sure skids are fine-either Ss17 wanted something or was put up to calling DHS phone at 3am by BM.

I'm trying  to keep a straight face, mask my disappointment in our weekend now effectively over, DH may be here physically but his mind is elsewhere.


I can't say that ss17 only ever rings us when he wants something, and he would give zero thought to the fact it was 3am when he rang.

How do they still manage to ruin everything even when they are not here?


Disengageme's picture

Not that we had plans this weekend. It is however 4th of July weekend. If we'd had plans they would have surely been ruined. Ss11 shows up once again unannounced. My husband and I had a talk with him three months ago about this. The three month mark is usually how long he makes it before he starts showing up. I chose to disengage way back since hubby isn't very supportive. So now my baby and I are at my moms for a weekend visit. Ss showed up smelly and I refuse to have my child around him as he banged on the walls the last three visits waking the baby up. My husband has discussed his hygiene with him to no avail. It seems they know just when to show up and ruin plans. I can relate. 

DHsfamilyfromhell's picture

Sorry about the phone thingy I experienced that too and it is very annoying.

I did however buy a very sturdy door wedge (not a normal one) to put under my bedroom door whilst getting dressed to stop even my own children from walking in on me. It doesn’t budge even on hard flooring. 

tinyfairy's picture

Hope you got through it ok. Ughhhh I feel you! The biomum disappeared a year ago, leaving us with full time custody. Like, truly full time: all the weekends, all the holidays. Unless if SS11's paternal grandparents offer to have him, we never have a normal "just us" day and the weight of it is depressing.

It sounds like you and your husband need boundaries. You could start by just locking the bedroom door & allowing them to walk or take public transport to the gym.