SD14 gave DH father's day card in BM's writing
I immediately noticed it. Wtf? A 14 year old can't write a simple message? Once, SD gave me a mother's day card still in the plastic, unsigned or written in, and not in the envelope. When will BM let her grow up or stop pretending to half ass care about DH?
It says: "Happy Father's Day Dad, I love you so much and I just wanted to say thank you for everything you've done for me. I love you, SD."
- sadlonelyone's blog
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BM had no business writing
BM had no business writing anything in the card, she should have had SD do it.
My SD was in her twenties when, the one time she gave DH a card, it had not one thing written in it or on the envelope, nor was it signed. She got caught in a lie about having bought him a card, so had to buy one real quick.
I edited my post to include
I edited my post to include the contents. My skin is crawling.
In my case
Chef received a popsicle stick with two dots and a smile quickly drawn on it as a Father's Day gift (bookmark). I don't think the popsicle stick was even washed...looked like it was just eaten.
He received a bunch of pennies in an envelope postage due.
He received a hastily printed inkjet designed greeting card with the ink still wet.
He received three lottery scratch off tickets, one for each skid
And the coup de gras was a birthday greeting card (from the skids TM) clearly picked out by the BM aka Girhippo making fun of Chef's age.. completely inappropriate if sent by children.
Well the lottery tickets
Well the lottery tickets could have been an AMAZING gift!!!
Only that they were for the skids
And not for Chef although it was his birthday. I'm pretty sure if he had won anything it would all go to the skids. Girhippo would demand it
My SD's FD card said a whole
My SD's FD card said a whole bunch including 3 "Loves - "I love and appreciate you", "Love you bunches" and "Love SD". A little over the top but whatever. What irked me was the line "you always know how to make me laugh and smile". Why? Becuase she heard me say recently to a friend how much DH still makes me laugh. I swear thats why she wrote it. Becasuse honeslty I cant remember the last time I have seen DH be really funny in front of her. Oh and she gave him a $50 giftcard. Which was of course BM's moneyy so in return DH has to spend that much on Mothers Day and her bdays. I just wish they would stop the gift giving.
I'm all for a homemade card
I'm all for a homemade card or a little trinket the SK picks out. A $50 gift card? Really? That's ridiculous. At that point it's blantantly obvious they are exchanging gifts themselves and it's not "from the kids". ** eyeroll **
No it's from her to them. And
No it's from her to them. And I mean its not like they are romantic thoughtful gifts. He usally gets a Lowes gift card and she picks out Bath and Body Works stuff for her mom (becuase she has never ever put any thought or effort into getting creative in her gift giving. I get a gift certificate "from her" (aka DH buys it) for a pedicure every bday. Its like one of them went big one year with a gift so now they feel they have to give equal amounted gifts. Oh well one more year of this crap! After next years round of Bdays FD, MD, Xmas she will be 18 and I will make sure DH is done spending his money buying gifts for BM.
Its like one of them went big
Its like one of them went big one year with a gift so now they feel they have to give equal amounted gifts.
Which is them buying each other gifts.
Oh and she gave him a $50
Oh and she gave him a $50 giftcard. Which was of course BM's moneyy so in return DH has to spend that much on Mothers Day and her bdays
Actually, no he doesn't. Your SD is old enough to be responsible for her own gifts to her parents.
You know that. And I know
You know that. And I know that. And so do all normal parents. But with DH and BM both doing nothing to make her be independent she has no job which means no money of her own.
I get why they bought gifts for her to give to the other parent when she was younger but at this point it's just annoying. I want to stop the gift giving between her and I but I know DH will have an issue so I'm just going to get past her bday this year and this Xmas and give her a gift next year on her 18th and tell her we don't need to exchange gifts anymore
A couple of years ago SD made
A couple of years ago SD made a canvas handprint for Father's Day. Would have been cute but BM wrote a message ALL over it. "I love you! You're the best! Happy Father's Day! Love _____" SD was 9 and more than capable of writing her own message. DH thought it was weird and never hung it up. I don't blame him.
The more I think about this,
The more I think about this, if BM over here ever wrote in a card from SD to DH, it would more than likely say, "I hate you, you suck, you are the worst father, ever. Thanks for nothing."
I ran across a card that BM
I ran across a card that BM gave my DH for Father's Day when SD was still little. It more or less said the same as yours "thanks for everything that you do for us" I guess she was expressing appreciation but she is always only cared about what he can do for her.