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The Teflon Mom

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

So apparently BM who has a long standing history with CPS for her other children has been cleared of any wrong doing.

It seems that blantently ignoring a physicians mental health diagnosis for one child, not following through with the recommended medication management and counseling is not indicative of medical neglect.

Ialso, intentionally trying to prevent the other child who has a mental health diagnosis and behavior so severe that DSS approved her for intensive mental health services from attending her counseling appointments and meeting with her service providers is also not considered neglect. 

Add to that that excessive truancy for both children and failing grades are also not of concern. 

Now I never expected them to take her to court or remove the children. But I did certainly expect with the documented noncompliance with treatment services that they would open a preventative services case to monitor her compliance.


thinkthrice's picture

In the western culture.  Courts will go through all sorts of contortions trying to reunite the BMwith her children even if she has actually killed them in the past.

If this was a father that had custody they would slap his ass in jail and take away the children in the blink of an eye.

LittleCloud9's picture


advice.only2's picture

When we got custody of Spawn it was at the recommendation of the mediator that Meth Mouth not be allowed any visitation or contact until her pending criminal issues were sorted out.  The judge refused and wanted visitation implemented ASAP.  My DHs lawyer asked that the visitation be supervised and not Meth Mouths mother.  The judge agreed to the supervised but admonished DH it would be him who had to pay for the supervisor since he was insisting on it.  Basically the judge was trying to punish DH for trying to keep his daughter safe from a whacked out drug addict who had been harboring a fugitive in her home.   The next time they went to court the judge removed the court appointed supervisor and allowed GrandHag to be the supervisor.  Everytime Meth Mouth got arrested or missed a drug test the judge would try to offer her something (more time, less supervision) to motivate effing seriously.  My DH went through court for seven years and was treated like he was the criminal, while Meth Mouth was treated like a was mind blowing!