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Can't See The Forest for the Trees?

Sally1000's picture

Need Advice:

I've been married 7 yrs, 4 adult children of my own, 2 adult children for husband. 

When I arrived in the marriage his 2 daughters (16 & 17 at the time) especially his youngest, made it very difficult. Letting me know how she could get rid of me, how I wasn't doing things the way she & her dad did, that her parents belonged together, etc... I tried my best to be understanding & have patience. 

Soon they both were cutting themselves, suicide claims when my husband & I were alone together, drugs (marijuana & snorting cocaine), shoplifting, etc...

Next the lies started, claiming I was abusive, their dad was abusive, teachers or leaders were abusive. False claims of rape. Serious lies of Me mostly.

The claims of my abuse led to the police getting involved & of course discovering there was No abuse at all & I was advised to keep my life as separate as I could from them to protect myself. 

I had to hide my car keys as the youngest threatened to take my car. We put a lock on our bedroom door as they both perused through my private underwear, bras, jewelry,  clothes, & stole money, etc...

Their dad let SO much slide as both daughters would literally bat their eyes & act innocent, only to tell me privately they knew exactly how to manipulate their dad & then laugh about it. 

Their bio mom sent a Strong message from them... "You are to NEVER have anything to do with any future grandchildren & we will be 'okay' with you & there will be no problems ".

I was new to a 2nd marriage (wow, what a wake up call) & agreed to their demands that I would have nothing to do with any children.

Fast forward a drug arrest charge, rehab, more drugs, and its been about 5 yrs. Both are now in their mid twenties. One is transitioning to be a Male, thousands of dollars spent on tatoos covering 75% of her body & the other many, many costly tattos & piercing (one piercing became embedded in her nose & cartlledge & we had to pay to have it surgically removed).

The only way I was able to stay in the marriage was to separate our lives. My husband visits them outside of our home, dinner, movies, with other relatives,  or at their apartments. He has paid for groceries,  rent several times, car repairs, whatever they need. 

We are not wealthy & on a tight budget trying to save for some kind of retirement. We are frugal & clip coupons,  etc...

The most recent event (the reason I desperately need advice), Is the youngest now 23, is pregnant. There will be no father involved & so my husband is stepping up to fill that role, provide financially & emotionally,  etc... His daughter has a job, but I don't know how long she can hold it without his help as her partner to raise this baby. 

We are close to 60 years (in 3 years) & no where near ready for for another 15 years to pay off the house,  bill's, etc... I'm physically ill at our situation. I never imagined this drama would last this long & now a new little human to provide for. All the other adult children are thriving, holding down jobs, purchasing their first homes, children,  etc ..

Although, it's been a few years I have not forgotten the threat of when they laid down the law that I have nothing to do with any grandchildren. I honestly feel traumatized by these on going issues & seeking to see a professional counselor soon. 

The issue is this: My husband has stated I need to forgive & forget & move on with life. That he will now be bringing both his daughters to our home & of course the new child. 

I know the baby is innocent & my heart is broken for our situation. I don't feel physically, emotionally or mentally in a place to have them back in what has become my safe place, the place I've spent years creating to be a place of peace & refuge from drama, drugs, stealing, etc...

I understand my husband wants his daughters and soon to be grandchild back at the house visiting & for sleepovers etc,  I'm humiliated & embarrassed to say,  I don't know if I have it in me to do that. 

I can leave the house every time they come over, but that will be often & I have no where to go but a hotel & don't want to be there when they are there for fear of more false accusations & trauma drama & don't feel my husband sees it for what it is & generally don't want to be there when they are. As of 3 months ago they posted pictures online of them doing drugs. When I told my husband he contacted them & those pictures were taken down.

I wish I had enough money to purchase a condo or townhome to create a place of peace for myself & still stay married.

I love my husband truly & we have been thriving & happy, laugh often & are true friends & love each other deeply. 

But, I'm realizing we are at a crossroads. I'm torn as I don't want to live a life of drama & fear & considering the consequences of leaving & knowing all the other adult children & grandchildren would be heartbroken at us splitting up. But, my husband is not backing down, things will be changing from here on out. I will have to except them back in.

Please I'd appreciate any advice. 

Thank you. 

ndc's picture

It seems to me that your husband has made his choice,  and it is his daughters over you. That leaves you with a choice - your marriage and a life of dysfunction, drugs, chaos, exclusion and retirement struggles, or leaving your husband. I know which I'd choose.

Edited to add: if your adult children are aware of even a fraction of what this man and his kids have put you through, and of what your husband is asking of you now, I'm not sure why they'd be "heartbroken" over the two of you splitting up.


Winterglow's picture

Please don't feel embarrassed or humiliated - you are not the problem here, your husband is. He has allowed his daughters to insult you, disrespect you and never had your back. I'm surprised you have lasted as long as you have. He's been throwing money at them forever and now wants to spend his retirement funds on raising their offspring and just expects you to tag along? DO NOT DO IT! If I were you, I'd put the house up for sale, pay off the mortgage, recoup what you can of your investment but FIRST see a pitbull divorce lawyer or two to find out exactly where you stand. Your husband is deciding on the rest of your life for you - why don't you take those decisions into your own hands? 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Anyone in your situation would be upset. His 2 kids were raised horribly, and he is wanting to step in as a surrogate father for one of their kids now?! The cycle will repeat, as he is one if the people who raised his children to be the way they are. I have no advice but i do have sympathy. 

Merry's picture

This is a heartbreak.

The day my DH announced he was doing something so major, whether I liked it or not, would be the first step toward a life on his own. I could NOT do what your DH is asking you to do.

Is working through this with a marriage counselor a possibility? If not, or if he won't budge from his current position, I'd protect myself and my financial health. Separate your finances, don't allow him access to any of your assets, and get an exit plan together. If HE can issue an ultimatum about his life, you can issue one about yours.

Start talking to divorce attorneys NOW. Get several consultations. You want clarity on what you should and shouldn't do so that you are prepared to act in your own best interest when necessary. Your husband isn't protecting you from trauma and financial hardship, so you must. You simply must.


tog redux's picture

I'm sorry, but someone who truly loved and valued you would not spend your life's savings on his kids, and tell you to "get over it" after his kids treated you so abusively.  

This would be a dealbreaker for me. You still have 10+ years to work and save aggressively for retirement without his adult-babies and grandkid weighing you down.  Would one of your adult kids let you live with them for a bit so you can get on your feet?

Even if you don't leave, you will be working until you are 80 at this rate.  At the very, very least, start putting away money separate from him, that he can't spend on his toxic kids or the grandkid.

shellpell's picture

Leave. Get as much as you can from your estate and life in peace. This situation will kill you from the stress.

advice.only2's picture

It does not appear your marriage is a give and take scenario but more of an all or nothing. Do you realistically think that you can continue on in this marriage and not become destitute, ill and mentally unstable?

If one of your grown children came to you and presented all of these issues with their spouse what would your advice be to them?

LittleCloud9's picture

There is no requirement that you forgive someone who is not sorry and has not changed. 
You have given a lot to this family. I wish your husband appreciated that. You should come before his children or grandchildren. It's wrong of him to sacrifice you (the one who didn't take advantage of him) for his drug addict kids. I can't believe he wanted to keep contact with them! Tell him he cannot have it both ways. Whatever he may wish was true the facts are you are not some big happy family and these problems will not go away because a baby is born to a drug addicted mother! Go visit your own children and let the foolish and evil keep each other company.

im so sorry for you

Cray 2


Stepdrama2020's picture

You may love him deeply (no judgment here) BUT it is not reciprocated AT ALL.

Leave before all your money is spent on his wife/daughter and grandchild.

My story isnt the same as yours, but our (mine is an ex now thank flipping gawd) DH's are very much alike. When push comes to shove your opinion, your safe place, your RETIREMENT, DOES NOT MATTER.

Do not feel humiliated, embarrassed just get a dang good lawyer. HUN this will be a very sad life for you if you stay. Not to mention the false abuse claims. 

notarelative's picture

Yes, the expected baby is innocent, but you are no more responsible for him/her than you are responsible for the baby who lives next door or down the street. SD needs to figure out how she is going to support this child. 

If DH is planning to support SD and baby until he dies, than your retirement will be sparse. All of DH's resources will be directed at them and not retirement. You need to see a lawyer, at the very minimum to figure out what happens if DH dies before you. Will you be stuck paying bills that DH has run up for SD? 

You may love this guy, but you should love yourself more. Love does not mean you should not put yourself first.

hereiam's picture

A true friend, who loves you deeply, would not want to put you through this. He is putting your emotional, physical, and financial well being at risk. And for what? Ungrateful kids who don't care if their father goes broke or can never retire because of them and their selfishness.

Why does he get to decide that he WILL be bringing his daughters to the home, after what they have put you through? Shows that he has no respect for you. And, you should not have to leave your home so that your abusers can enter it.

I get that parents love their kids and want to help them, even through adulthood, but at some point they have to cut the cord and let them stand on their own two feet and do for themselves. At some point, the parent gets to do what's in their own best interest, and that of their spouse.

At your ages, your money should be going to fund your retirement, paying off the mortgage sooner (another 15 years? Yikes), becoming debt free, or whatever else you want, but not racking up more debt for selfish adult offspring.

I know that you want to stay married but I would at least consult with some attorneys (as suggested) so that you are prepared to protect yourself, if it comes to that. It might give you some peace of mind, some feeling of control over the situation. Like someone else said, be prepared to issue your own demands about what you want, and don't want, in your life.

Sally1000's picture

Thank you everyone for your replies &  advice & especially for taking the time to help. 

I needed to hear it from an outside perspective & I have taken each response to heart. 

Somehow it's allowed me to find more of my confidence today that's been buried in fear & disappointment for a long time now. 

I'm pulling myself together, gathering financial information & setting a plan for my future. 

I also setup a session for counseling for myself. 

Thank you.... really, thank you. 

Without respect I think I'll be under his adult daughter's control for the rest of my life & waiting for the other shoe to drop all the time. Sad but the truth. 

You are right....I need to work on me & my future first. 

I realized after reading your responses the role I play too in the dysfunction,  that of allowing his daughters to dictate my future. If they want to live in drama I'll end up sick & emotionally distraught. 

Sad but true. I have to make some hard choices now. It has to be done. It feels terrible sitting here tonight, but I have to love myself enough to have my own boundaries. 

Thank you again everyone. 

CLove's picture

I recently had an argument with husband a few weeks ago. He didnt like that I didnt want to be alone in the house with backstabber/munchkin and went ballistic when I told him he needed to take her. Told me that "this was her home and if I didnt like it I should get the f@ck out".

He has since been super nice to me, as she has been. I am learning to be more independent and happy with being alone. I leave her well enough alone (I was helicopter SM before). 

I got the same advice that you did.

This is wrong, wrong, wrong. I get that these are "his children" and this is "his legacy", but so much bad has occurred this isnt just a normal grand situation. He wants to funnel his funds to this grand and his spawn child. 

You need to get with a good therapist and a great lawyer. 

Jojo4124's picture

Yourself, cuz nobody else quote one of my fav songs.

Your sds sound like narcissists. My recent ex had 23 yo triplets when I married him, who had been so spoiled all their lives that they feel the world owed them homage. The one who lived with us for a while admitted how good she was at playing with people's emotions and she thought that was oh so funny.

Same types of things you are going thru plus. With the help of this group and domestic violence I finally got out in Dec and now am divorced. The freedom is healing! The PEACE is something I will never take for granted again.

Don't tell hubby your plans (he will tell his mini wives). If they know you are leaving they could really pour on their wrath.

Start saving money. Quietly remove anything of value to you especially important papers...maybe ask one of your kids to keep your stuff til you get out. Domestic violence 800# in usa is free and helpful...some do free counseling etc.

Your husband is abusing you through his kids by not defending you. He may say he loves you, but actions reveal truth.

You can do this! It is soooo worth it. 

The day I left, (I had already snuck out the most essential things I needed... ) I threw an envelope with the house key, garage door opener, note telling him I sent him an email onto his driveway. He was expecting me to come home after work.

I blocked him on social media n only took emails from him because discussions were over. I lived with a friend he didn't know cuz I didn't need stalking. I didn't need my car messed with. Now I live with my brother and have healed a lot just by ghosting and blocking him. Most communication was thru email so there'd be proof if he was nasty in case I needed it (learn to gray your communication with he can't use anything YOU say against you)

Not hearing his voice or seeing him stalk me gave me time to rest n heal. Took me a month to calm down (hyperviligance from being in constant stress) and 4 months away to feel much better, focused on my life away from him. I think I was able to release the trauma bond faster than I thought due to very low contact. And only replying to his hoover attempts, you must forgive Bible verses, could you leave when my son just suicided, etc etc with non emotion....which is hard...but I had to get to the point where I reviewed the crap he allowed to happen to me, what he did to me...and I knew I had to keep things a clean break.

I was married 5 months before I filed for divorce, came back cuz he started making changes, things got worse n I had to just up n leave, no discussion. We just divorced one year n one month after we married.  

This group helped me a lot...

Best to you. Keep your eyes on the good n PEACEFUL life that awaits you!! Focus on your kids! Think of new hobbies or visits to your kids...give yourself incentive to get out of hell. Peace is worth more than gold

Take care of you


Wicked stepmo.'s picture

You have sacrificed so much for this man and his kids with the hope of one day having a future together. That doesn't look like that is the case.

You don't owe anyone any apologies. It doesn't look like you will have any life if your own if you don't do it for yourself. 

It's time to leave this situation and take half of what you can get, get yourself a small place if your own and put this behind you. I'm sorry but a life of servitude to kids that aren't even yours is no life at all 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Sounds as if you married beneath you. Once you free yourself of that millstone and his never-ending trash reality show, you'll rise and rise some more.

Hesitant to try's picture

Sally, this doesn't sound like love to me at all. He seems to be saying his messed up kids, and his soon-to-be messed up grands need to come first. After 7 years of marriage, that must hurt a lot! They were allowed to abuse you in crazy ways and now he wants you to welcome them back?? He is putting their needs/wants before your own retirement security??? This is NOT love, this is a man who has an unhealthy need to please his failed children, a man who is likely to enable the dysfunction for a new generation as well. It would be so depressing to have a front row seat to those lives for the rest of your own life. I hope you can get out, focus on yourself and your own wonderful family and friends. Make yourself a happy, healthy future. I hope you do!

Rags's picture

Time to reply to DH with "No, your ill behaved progeny and their progeny will not have a place in MY home that I share with MY husband.  I must be notified a week or more ahead of their arrival and they may stay a maximum of 8 hours if they arrive by 10AM.  Any arrival time after 10AM reduces their time in MY home hour for hour."

The continued consistent massage has to focus on the behaviors of the toxic spawn.  The "you need to forgive and forget" crap are the whinings of a crappy parent, a crappy mate, and a generally crappy person.

IMHO of course.


Kaylee's picture

I can only echo what everyone else has said. LEAVE.

Make a plan, and put it into action. You have to do this, for your sanity and your financial protection in retirement.

Your husband has clearly shown that he has no consideration for YOU and your future. Now that his daughter is pregnant, and looking to him to be her "partner" in raising her child (ughh!!!!) you can kiss goodbye to any hopes of a comfortable and happy retirement in your own home. Just the statement "my husband is not backing down" made me so angry for you.

Please start organising things - lawyer, house sale etc. When all the shit is dealt with, and you are set up in a nice little place of your own you will look back on this and think about how lucky you were to escape the toxicity.

tfsimmons's picture

So glad you are reading and heeding the advice on this forum... Once you stand up - you will set new standards for the entire family - even if it feels impossible.  Abuse will only stop when exposed to Sunlight, Truth and Intolerance.  Be THAT woman who stopped this behavior from continuing for generations.  Or - get the HELL down the road and never look in the rear view mirror at the DELIVERANCE you've been living in!!  God Bless, Sister!