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The Truth Hurts

thankful_blessed.mama's picture

I never thought I'd ever be dealing with anything like this. But here I am. 

I'm a SAHM to my 2 girls. Both are under the age of 2. 20 months and 8 months. Let's just say, I've been REALLY busy these past 2 years. Being a Mom is so rewarding. I adore my girls and DH is an AMAZING father to our babies. They are truly the lights of his life. One thing pregnancy and being a SAHM mom has affected negatively is my health. I was pregnant back to back . I gained a total of 60 pounds between both pregnancies. I thought after I was done, it would be easy to lose the weight. But it hasn't been. Before kids, I was running, hiking and working out 5 to 6 days a week. I loved going to the gym. But I need focus during my workouts. I have ADHD and to be successful in whatever task I'm doing, I need to focus on just that one thing. We have gym equipment in our home, but with 2 babies, I only seem to be able to get 5 minutes into a workout before the crying begins. And with the pandemic it's been difficult to find someone trustworthy to watch my girls for an hour a few times a week so I that I could get an hour to myself. My weight gain has caused confidence issues, insecurity, and has affected my mental health. 

A stomach bug passed through our house recently. It hit my oldest first, a few days later my 8-month-old got sick, and 24 hours later, it was my turn. DH was wonderful. After he got home from work, he took the girls so I could get some rest. He brought me some Gatorade and made me toast. He was the ideal husband taking care of me and the girls. I posted on my FB about the stomach bug hitting our house and a few neighbors reached out letting me know that if I need anything, they'd be more than happy to help. The next day, I felt SO much better! DH and I were out doing yardwork with our girls when our neighbor across the street stopped by to see how I was feeling. She's house and pet sat for us whenever we go on vacation or to see family. Somehow working out got brought up and she offered to watch my girls for me a few times a week so I could start working out again! To just know that I had that option lifted my spirits.

Later that day DH and I got into an argument. Per my last entry, I shared somethings about his family overstepping boundaries which deeply hurt me. DH had told me that he was cutting them out of his life to keep our marriage and girls safe. Turns out DH has been communicating with his parents and I got upset about him lying to me. He said he unblocked them to make sure they were having a safe drive to Alaska and forgot to re-block them when he was done. *Insert eyeroll here* I'm not the one who told him to cut them out. I told him that he can do what he wants, but that I would be removing myself and the girls from their lives. He's the one who insisted that he cut them out. So, I was under the impression that that was still going on. This argument led to him making comments about my weight. He said that he doesn't find me attractive anymore.... there it is. 

He said he told me this so that we can save our marriage and that I shouldn't be mad at him for stating the truth. That he wants me to be healthy for our girls and that he told me BECAUSE he loves me. That if he didn't care, he'd continue to let me get bigger and more unhealthy. A marriage is a partnership. It's not just about me and my feelings. It’s about both of ours. So, his feelings should be validated just as much as mine. But it still hurts. I’m not one to throw a fit and yell for divorce over him stating his feelings, ESPECIALLY since I have been hating how I feel and look, and I WANT to lose weight. But I’m also confused. A month ago, during one of her drunken fits, his ex (SS’s BM)  texted me that I was fat and that one of my thighs was the size of both of hers put together. When this happened DH said “sweetie, you JUST had a baby 6 months ago. Give yourself some grace. You can lose the weight eventually. Nothing she does will make her attractive because she’s an awful person.” Well, I guess 8 months PP was his cut off of when I should have lost the weight by. I know feeling upset by his comments probably makes me a hypocrite. But now I can’t help but feel like there will always be something not good enough about me. If I lose the weight, will it be the stretch marks? The less perky boobs? I look at him now and think “How can I be with someone who has conditions on loving me?” even though he clarified that he still loves me, he’s just not physically attracted to me anymore. Like that’s SO much better… I'm probably just being overly sensative, but since he said this a few days ago, I’ve emotionally distanced myself from him. I haven’t been saying “I love you” back. He asked for a hug before he left for work this morning, and I couldn’t bring myself to do it. He’s left for the field today, and he’ll be gone for a week or so. I’m probably just making things worse, but my heart just hurts. I think I just need to take this week that he's gone to get over it.

Anyways, I ended up messaging my neighbor this morning and took her up on her offer to watch the girls for me for an hour in the mornings 4 days a week.



hereiam's picture

What he said to you, during an argument and in anger, is very different than expressing concern about your health. Making comments (I assume, rude ones) and saying that he does not find you attractive, anymore, is not the same as, "Honey, I want you to get healthy and feel great about yourself, again, what can I do to help?"

He said he told me this so that we can save our marriage

So, he's saying that if you don't lose the weight, the marriage is over?

I have gained weight over the course of my relationship with DH. He still flirts with me, touches me all of the time, tells me I'm sexy, he basically still sees me as I was when we met. But, he knows that I'm unhappy about the weight and that I want to lose it, so just today he asked me to tell him if I need anything special from the store and if there is anything he can do to help.

You need support, not asshole comments.

Do what you need to do for YOU.


tog redux's picture

This is the guy who asked his Mommy what was "normal" for a couple having sex, right? While you were incredibly ill from pregnancy?

I think your DH tries to be supportive but at his core is a feeling of selfish entitlement - that a man has a "right" to sex and to a wife who meets his attractiveness standards.  Lots of men have this core belief, and they don't see how selfish it is because they are convinced deep down that sex is their god-given right in marriage.  And that it's a woman's responsibility to meet that need, and to be attractive for "her man".

He's a jackass to tell you that he doesn't find you attractive. Why hasn't he volunteered previously to watch the kids so you can get back to the gym? He could have done that without any mention of your attractiveness at all, and it would have helped you achieve your goal (and his).  But he can't seem to resist playing the victim a little bit in this area. 

thankful_blessed.mama's picture

He's volunteered in the past, but he didn't really watch them. He just sat in the same room scrolling on his phone so they could get into stuff. He's also told me he would pay for a gym membership, but in the past when I asked him about who'd watch the girls, he said I'd have to figure that out...So he says he supports me, but there really hasn't been any following through. I get that this is my problem and not his so he has no obligation to hold my hand through the process, but having that true support from your spouse can change everything!

SeeYouNever's picture

I've just had two babies and I'm in a similar situation physically. My husband bought me some workout equipment and has kept asking me if I've used it but I haven't had a chance because duh... 2 under 2 take up all my time. I'm feeling down about my looks as well. 

These guys want us to do it all and be happy, and skinny, take care of the kids and the house and then get annoyed when we can't do one or more of those things. Usually the kids are well taken care of but our mental and physical health gets pushed aside. Suddenly "you've changed."

The thing is if they supported and helped us more we could do it all. If my DH took on more childcare or house duties I'd be able to workout and feel much happier. Instead we have babies and their lives only change a little and ours change entirely. Then they get mad at us because of it. I make my DH help but I have to ask because I'm still the primary for kids and the house. Oh and did I mention I work too? 

If my DH ever says I've let myself go I will say "No honey, YOU have let ME go."



thankful_blessed.mama's picture

That's what I told him. In the past, i've asked him to watch the girls so I can workout. Yet 5 minutes in, my oldest is crying trying to get into the workout area so I go to bring her back to DH, and he's sitting on the couch just scrolling away on his phone. THATS NOT WATCHING THEM! Gosh. Just 2 weeks ago we took the girls on a walk in their jogger stroller and my husband started having us both do 30 seconds of running and then 60 seconds of walking. We did that for 2 miles. I felt amazing afterwards. After he said, "I'd love to do this with you every day when I get home from work." Awesome, he wants to do this with me! Next day i tell him i'd really like for us to do it again and he says "no, i don't really feel like it today" Um...what happened to support? Men, I swear. And you are an absolute rockstar for doing all that you do!

thinker's picture

I have a 2-year old at home, too, and what works for me is to exercise out of the house, away from the chaos.  While my DH may not parent the same way I would in all instances, I trust that he loves our child and will keep her safe.  However, if i'm in the house,  sometimes there is this blurry question of who is responsible, so I just schedule about 5 hours total a week for my runs/yoga/whatever.  Most of the time DH covers, and some of the time a sitter covers. 

Mominit's picture

He should never have blurted out in an argument something he could have said kindly in a discussion.  But it's out there now.  And the thing is, he is expressing something you were already aware of.  But you're mad at him for saying it out loud.  I'm sure you were hoping to find a way to get yourself exercising again, lose the weight, and put it all behind you without him every having to say a thing.  There's a lot less self-recrimination that way.  Would you be just as hurt if he'd said you were drinking too much? or were staying up late playing video games all night and weren't getting enough sleep, or were disturbing his sleep?  Would you be hesitant to point those things out to him?  Your self care is out of balance and he pointed it out.  The elephant is in the room, but as long as no one says it out loud there's a chance that it can be fixed and then it never really happened.

My DH and I both met when we were terribly fit.  Both of us had gone through tough times and were channeling that stress into exercise.  Years later we had both put on too much weight.  It wasn't healthy, and honestly it wasn't attractive on either of us.  Yes we both loved each other, but it was weighing down our moods, our energy, our joy.  So I don't think he's lying when he says he still loves you.  And probably always will.  But it's not fair to tell him he has to be attracted to you no matter what you look like.  You don't have to be a super model.  But you need to find the time for self-care.  To get emotionally healthy by taking the time for you! (An hour or two a day is not unreasonable!).  And physically healthy - so that you have the energy to be the mom and wife you want to be, and yes because he will probably find you more attractive.

You knew yourself that it was a problem, and you've taken the steps to ensure you have the time for yourself now.  Don't hold it against him that he finally admitted something you knew to be true.  And remember to make time for you in the future.  The relationship between your DH and you is just as important (sometimes more important!) than devoting every minute to your small children.  If you two are strong, their world is stronger.

tog redux's picture

So a woman with 2 small kids should make sure she pleases her man above all? And he's not beholden to offer to give her some time off so she can do said self-care?

Wow. That's a very old-fashioned world-view, IMO. What if she were to lose a limb? Can he say he no longer finds her attractive and that's okay, we should expect he needs a woman with all limbs? What if she had cancer and lost her hair, or god forbid, her breasts?

Mominit's picture

Where on earth did you get that!?  I literally said she needed to find time for self care.  If she needs his help, ASK!  Hey hon, you're right.  I'm not having any luck finding time to work out.  Can you take the kids from 7 to 8 every morning?  You can't?  Because you're crazy busy too?  OK, let's see if we can get a babysitter for that hour.  

I don't expect my husband to notice everything.  If I need something, I ask for it.  He's really good about noticing most things, but if there was a need he hadn't noticed I'd speak up.  And if he has a concern he can speak up too.  And they can both get fit together, take care of the household (either together or by doing different parts of it), and find balance.  He mentioned something that is a symptom of being out of balance.  She already knew it.  

That doesn't mean pleasing her man above all!  Taking time to be fit and feel better about ourselves is not about being selfish or man pleasing.  Being fit for our spouses (and them trying to be fit for us) is showing the value we place on ourselves and our spouses.  But it takes time and effort!  Something she has now arranged.

tog redux's picture

Pointing out someone is drinking too much or their self-care is off is completely fine - and totally different than saying you aren't attracted to someone anymore because they gained weight from having a baby and haven't lost it on your timeline.  One is about HER health and needs - the other is about HIS sexual pleasure. 

SeeYouNever's picture

As a mom of 2 under 2 I would LOVE to have some regular time to myself that I didn't have to pay a 3rd party for. When they're little it's not a matter of dedicating your life to kids and neglecting your marriage. Toddlers and babies need constant care and attention to keep them alive. It would be different if OP was overwhelmed with the care of kid that were school aged or teenagers. 

thankful_blessed.mama's picture

YES! That's been my main issue in finding time. Like I stated in another reply, I've woken up 2 hours early and gone to bed 2 hours late to get that time. But every time, either one or both girls wake up crying, and since DH has to be up early, Im not lucky enough to be able to ignore them and press on with my workout. At this age, they HAVE to come first over everything and everyone else. When they get a couple years older, it wont be this hard. But I don't want to sit around getting worse until that time comes.

thankful_blessed.mama's picture

I don't believe that my feelings stem from PPD. I know myself enough to realize that exercise and healthy habbits were so important to me, even before I had children, it affected my state of mind. I was never obsessed with the scale, but being healthy, whether it was going on a run, eating a healthy meal, it all made me feel amazing. Years befor I got married, I gained about 20 lbs from depression. I wasn't able to focus at work, i never wanted to leave my house. My clothes didn't fit right and that assisted with my depression. When I was finally able to get out of that fog, I started going to the track every morning before work. It started out as a weight thing, but I saw how running and working out helped me to clear my mind...that intself became therapy for me. And i felt amazing. Everything else followed. It put me in a better mood, it increased my work ethic and I got a better job, I was successful in building friendships and relationships, even my relationship with my parents improved because I wasn't angry all the time...all because I took the time to take care of myself.  I don't necessarily think that we as humans are meant to feel comfortable and happy "at any size" IF we aren't putting in the effort to take care of the body that God gave us. But that's just me. I know I have better clarity when I have that time to myself. For me, its much more mental. Yes, I feel sluggish. My joints hurt from the extra weight. But I know what works for me as far as my mental health. And this is something that allowed me to be the best version of myself in the past. Who knows? Maybe it won't be as affective this time around, but to just have the chance to try in the first place, is what I need right now. 

tog redux's picture

Then do it for you - not because your DH feels entitled to what he wants. 

Also - I sure hope he's not even slightly overweight and has no other habits that are turn-offs for you (other than, of course, talking to his Mommy about his sex life).  If he does, be sure to bring those up.

Mominit's picture

It sounds as though you have a really good relationship with exercise.  And some introspection into how you felt when you were taking care of yourself.  I agree that exercise can be very therapeutic.  And being fit can fight depression in many ways.  It might not be as fast each time, but as you get back into the habit, the weight will shift.'ll have time away from your precious babies to remember that your identity isn't wrapped up in them.  You as a person are important too!

I'm so happy you found someone who can help you find the time to start back to your old routines.  Hoping that soon you're feeling like you did in the previous period you just described! 

ndc's picture

Wow, your H is a jerk.  If he was truly concerned about your health, or acting out of love, he would have brought your weight up gently and with concern and offered to help in whatever way he could.  Making comments about your weight during a fight isn't expressing concern; it's intended to wound.  He deliberately aimed at an area he knew you were uncomfortable with and he succeeded in hurting you.  And of course it hurts to learn that his love is conditional - otherwise why would your marriage need "saving" simply because you gained weight?  Did he think that somehow the fact that you were 60 pounds heavier had escaped your notice, such that he needed to point it out?  No, he's just an ass, plain and simple, and he's scrambling with his excuses about telling you "for love."

In your situation, this is what I'd think about doing.  First, if your husband thinks your marriage needs saving from your weight gain and no longer finds you attractive, I would say that the marriage isn't on solid ground.  There is no way I'd be a SAHM in a situation like that.  I would put those babies in daycare and find a job, or if you don't have good marketable skills, I'd get some training/go back to school.  Put yourself in a position where, if your husband decides there's something else he doesn't like about you or your appearance and decides to leave or makes you want to leave, you can support yourself and your kids. Second, since you're unhappy with your weight and feel unhealthy, I'd make it my mission to address that as soon as possible.  But I would be doing it for ME, not H.  In my experience, weight loss is 90% diet.  While exercise and working out is great and has many benefits, meaningful weight loss is not one of them for many people.  Exercise ups your hunger, which can increase your eating.   Dieting is hard, but it doesn't require a big time expenditure.   And it sounds like you enjoy working out.  Pull out the stroller and take your kids for nice long walks.  Getting out is good for your mental health. Tell your husband that he needs to be on baby duty when he's home so you have time to go to the gym or use your home equipment uninterrupted.  (If you're home, lock the door and put on headphones so the kids don't interrupt- let H deal with them).  I work out almost every day, and my DH happily handles (or at least handles) the kids for an hour or two while I go to the gym.  I don't need to lose weight, but working out is a stress reliever and my baby (aaaah, I guess she's a toddler now!) is a chunk, so extra strength helps. DH knows it's in HIS best interest for me to have time to work out.  You should also insist that your husband handle the kids for at least a few hours a week so you can do other fun things for yourself, like hang out with friends or engage in a hobby.  He's not the only one working - you're working hard and for longer hours than he does.  You need to make yourself a priority.  

Winterglow's picture

Your DuH is an arse. I had twins and the only way I got any time for me was when dh got home every day. He took over for an hour every evening. I had them ready for bed and he got an hour of quality bonding and loved it. He also appreciated the fact that I was calm and serene afterwards. It's about being a team and working together, not about making demands of your partner. There, I said it, partner as in partnership... 

Good luck to you, OP. 

DPW's picture

I feel so hurt and angry for you. I am overweight as well and I will tell you this: there are many men out there that would be attracted to you simply for you, not for your weight but because of you, your mind, your personality, your curves.... Your DH delivered a low blow in my opinion. If he was truly concerned, out of caring for your health, for example, he could have said much nicer words and offered to help you effectively so you could have time for you to work on you. I would suggest next time leaving the house for your workout and forcing your DH to take care of his kids on his own. Start forcing time for you in the family schedule. For example, Tuesday and Thursdays, your DH handles the kids and dinner while you do you, outside of the house. Go for a walk even. Go window shopping. What do you enjoy that you could turn into exercise? Then also take a good chunk of time on the weekend too. Your DH needs to step up as a parent and parent his kids without you, and you, darling, need to let him. Do not control this, just leave the house. 

thankful_blessed.mama's picture

Thank you, I love this advice! I will definitely start doing this! Not much he can do if I say "hey, I'm going to the track. You'll have the girls this morning." I will definitely start doing this on the weekends when he is home!

The_Upgrade's picture

He knows that with you in the other room, 5 minutes of crying tops and there you are in rescue mode. If you leave for an hour or two I doubt he'll spend those hours on his phone. 10 minutes in and he'll realise he can't concentrate thanks to the screaming. I mean you try it, how long can you read for with your girls screaming for attention? And the best part is you can throw his drivel back at him. You want to save this marriage which means you need to get back in a shape that he finds pleasing. So he needs to watch his girls so that you can go save the marriage. If he's not letting you out to exercise then he's not letting you save the marriage!

(Just want be clear I don't agree with what he said or the way he went about it. But unless you want lay into him about how inappropriate his words were and the way it has affected your feelings towards him, you may as well use his exact words against him)