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Struggling to bond/love my sd

Camille.3167's picture

Let me start by saying I love and respect my boyfriend, he is 8 years older than me and I was 19 when we got together so sometimes the age difference can show in our relationship and thinking levels. Long story short, 2 months after we were together I became pregnant then a custody battle begin between him and his bm for their 4 yo daughter. I was excited to meet her when the time would come. It started to consume him, then we found out our baby developed a lethal condition and we had to do emergency termination. It was so traumatic for me since wit was covid times and I had to go alone to surgery. I was so torn up and sleeping and crying all the time meanwhile he was crying because he didn't see her as much as he wanted. That really hurt me a lot. I was 19 and never had been in a serious relationship nor had been pregnant. I also had to hide from the house when she first started coming back over, still mourning the death of our baby (alone) I also moved 2 hrs away from my family to be with him so I was literally alone. At first me and his daughter had a great relationship then he started seeing her more and more and got her 50/50. As she grew more comfortable I started seeing how she would manipulate him and would get whatever she wanted. A totally different dynamic and parenting style than I was ever use to. We tried again and got pregnant again and once she found out she has been nonstop talking about how much she can't wait to hold the baby, teach the baby things, feed the baby, push the stroller; which is great but mind you she has adhd so she doesn't talk about it once or twice but ALL day. I've tried so hard to bond but she takes things too far or is just repeatedly saying the same things over and over again. And truly just an annoying kid. I grew up with 3 little sisters, so I'm not new to kids. I've also tried seeing a therapist and talking to other moms but I always get bashed. Im not mean to her I am very patient and sometimes we do have laughs but I know I'm disengaged a lot and I know it bothers him and I feel bad but I can't help it I've tried so hard. I'm legit scared to have the baby because I feel like my motherhood with my child would be threatened due to her wanting to be involved in everything and her dad is wrapped around her finger. I've already discussed with him how emotional I am going to be due to the fact that I am finally carrying to term. Helpppppp I would really consider separating if I felt my boundaries weren't respected. So glad to have a place to vent without being judged 


Stepdrama2020's picture

Sorry for your loss. Congrats on your pregnancy.

Your SD is a tiny tot. You have hope to be one of those authentic blended families, unlike many who have older skids.

My advice fake it til you make it . Include her in as much as you can handle. Make it so a new sibling is on its way and how special this is for her. 

As for being wrapped about big daddios finger I have no advice on that other than dang ...stand your ground with boundaries. 

acef92's picture

Im so sorry for your loss. I think there is nothing you can do about SD wanting to be involved in everything, you need to realize that she will be there no matter what because is your bf chid, I know for some of us it maybe sounds horrrible but thats how it is. Since my point of view you have an advantage of her being excited, you can control the situation easily, for me is more easy a skid excited about a baby than a skid making your life imposible because she/he will have a sibling. 

You need to talk to your bf about your feelings, about that you will need your own space when the baby arrives (talking about SD). He has this daddy guilt so you have to make some strategies to deal with that and more when the baby arrives because the situation about SD doing whatever she wants will get worse (because your bf will allow it). He needs to understand you two are a team, you have to be there for each other, let him know for you was so unffair you suffering alone about the babys death so you can ask him to be there for you and your necessities when the baby arrives. Good luck!

Harry's picture

SD is 4 yo and most likely don't have friends or play dates ect.  She has nothing else to talk about.  Taking and doing is too different things.  4 yo can not hold a baby. Can not feed herself so can not feed a baby ect.  This will go away fast