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SD bears painfully close resemblance to BM

Omghelpme's picture

Does anyone else have a stepchild whose appearance and demeanor are exactly the same as the bio mothers? I've realized this makes it very difficult for me to stay non-judgmental toward her and I think it affects my DH also. When SD is around its almost like the ghost of BM, like it's retraumatizing for him. BM was very emotionally abusive to DH and is continuing some of it through SD. 


thinkthrice's picture

SD, the Animal Torturer (Long PASed out, 22) resembled Chef, her father,  much more than the Girhippo.  OSS and YSS look like the Girhippo without makeup on.


ndc's picture

One of my SDs is the spitting image of her BM - the resemblance is uncanny.  The other looks mostly like BM, with a tiny bit of DH mixed in.  I don't spend enough time with BM to know if the SDs have her demeanor, plus they're still pretty young.  They definitely repeat things she says and do some things she does, but they don't seem to be pure BM personality-wise at this point.

Cover1W's picture

OSD looks like her mother with a little of DH's face shape; DH says she looks a lot like her mother's side of the family. Which is wierd - I mean odd balls with little directness to them. However, her abilities were from DH's side - very language related. DH did think about this often.

YSD looks like DH's side of the family 100%. She may have her mother's build, but she blends in with DH and his sister totally.  However she does have the BM's side of the family for her brain and social interactions.

24 years as a SM's picture

I swear that SD38 is cloned from BM. Last year, I was cleaning out a bunch of junk in the storage shed and found a box of photos that belonged to SD38, there was a photo of BM, appeared to be around 40 years old. SD38 and her BM could have been twins. SD38 actions over the last 30 years are identical to BM's actions.

Evil4's picture

SD31 was always extremely narcissistic, required full on enmeshment, inserted herself into everything and is the biggest attention whore I've ever seen. BM is exactly like that. BM is also entitled, thinks the world owes her a living and thinks she is so great that she just doesn't have to do what everyone else has to do to achieve anything. DH even said that exact quote about BM once. SD is exactly the same. She sees herself as so great and special that everyone should do everything for her and she shouldn't have to put in the same effort towards goals that everyone else has to. Why DH can't seem to see the uncanny resemblence in personality between SD and BM is beyond me. DH always HATED BM's guts with the passion of a thousand fiery suns because of those personality traits. DH absolutely cannot stand BM, yet he goes crazy bending himself into a pretzel to fawn all over SD and coddle her and enable all of the very same traits in her that are the same as BM.

During SD's childhood, she looked like BM's mini-me. The resemblence was uncanny. I never saw that and was never bothered by that because I was too busy loathing SD's personality and manipulations. As SD became an adult, she started to resemble DH more. I had DD20 and she resembled both my mother and my MIL. Then, as DD got older, she became a blonde version of SD. That doesn't bother me at all. It's always been SD's personality that I can't stand and not her looks, so I never cared that DD ended up being a mini-version of SD looks-wise. 

stepgf212's picture

Some of my boyfriend's kids talk just like their mom, and ewwwww!! I can't stand it !

Dogmom1321's picture

SD10 is a carbon copy of BM. She looks nothing at all like DH. He evens tells her "you both look AND act like your mother." SD is somewhat clueless, but I know what DH means by this. It's probably cringe-worthy for him sometimes with how she acts. Me too honestly. 

She is super fair with blonde hair and blue eyes. DH (any myself) both have dark brown hair, brown eyes, and a more "tan" skintone. This makes it even more glaringly obvious that she is just so different. 

StrawberryPie's picture

Yeah SD18 here (now alienated) has the mannerisms of BM.  SD18 is pretty unlikable even without that, but adding that in - really drives home the unlikable factor.

advice.only2's picture

Spawn looks exactly like Meth Mouth except for her hair color.  Mannerisms, attitude, everything about them is interchangeable.  I swear you would think Meth Mouth just cloned herself and chose a different hair color. 

Crspyew's picture

But so what.  People can't help how the genes they inherited combined to form their features.  Not liking someone on the basis of how they look just never sits well with me.  And yes I get it, sometimes the resemblance can be uncanny and unnerving.  But hating some one because they look like one of their parents?  What is the stepkid supposed to do to overcome that hurdle?

ExhaustedByItAll's picture

SD looks a lot like DH, actually looks like DH's sister's at her age, we showed her a picture of her aunty when she was young, SD did not appreciate the comparison. But her mannerisms and attitude are all BM. She's recently started this nose up in the air hair flick, BM does this, it looks ridiculous. And she is learning how to manipulate and play people off each other, oh the joy! She says things that BM says but at least she doesn't sound like her.

SS is a weird one. DH questioned his paternity on SS for a while but never raised it to BM or the courts. He knows she cheated but can't prove it and said he had already bonded with SS...I asked him if he wanted to do a paternity test when we were in court and he said no because he didn't know how that would impact SS regardless of the results. SS has 1 feature of BM's but otherwise doesn't really look like her, DH or SD. His mannerisms, temper and words are BM's father (grandpa). That one is actually more worrying, grandpa is the puppet master behind BM.

SeeYouNever's picture

SD looks like my DH and I think BM hates it. She makes lots of comments about SDs appearance and it's given her insecurity. 

However a lot of her mannerisms and attitudes match BM and GBM which my DH hates. Imagine your child acting like a dispised ex-MIL! Whenever she acts like GBM my DH will back off, and it's obvious it bothers him a lot. 

JRI's picture

My oldest SS57 looked just like BM, now deceased.   He was very handsome as a young man, not so much now.  Lol.   Regardless, he is my favorite.

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

OSD doesn't look anything like BM, but she is a clone of BM in every other way. It's almost like BM is a ventriloquist and OSD is her dummy. 

Stepdrama2020's picture

Ex SD 23 years looks and acts exactly like BM. Toxic, and the same bitter face.

I think my ex DH just loved SD because it reminded him of a younger version of BM. Except poor ex SD her looks in her future is not in her favor. 

So glad I am out of that situation. When I think back I was miserable, angry and they made me out to be the jealous one. It wasnt jealousy it was disgust and shock.

Thumper's picture

Hmmmm, yep. One of them.

I heard of a story or two where BM's were claiming the current x dh, you know the CS payer IS the bio dad. BUT, the child is a splitting image of the dude she fooled around with pre and during the marriage of cs payer,,, THEN got married to after child support payer and she divorced.-------follow that/

You know what they say about : When the child looks like the milk man?