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Relationship in crisis

lulu87's picture

Hey guys. I posted here about a year ago about feeling insecure about my partners ex. I got feedback that I was not ready to hear, got defensive, and if anyone who interacted with that post is reading this, I am sorry. I’ve just reread all the comments and really took them in and had a good cry, and I think you were all right. I am now considering leaving him, and I need some advice. I apologise in advance for this long post. I feel very alone right now, and I have no idea who can help me. Important context I missed out in my last post is that neither of us are neurotypical, and this is why I have cut him so much slack with all of this and let it go on so long.

At the time of my last posting I wasn’t seeing his kids. We were living together, and we were dealing with that by hiding me. This arrangement was only meant to be for a few weeks- it was a rushed move-in, because I had to move anyway and we thought there was no point in me getting a new place when we already basically lived together, so the plan was that he’d put his foot down to BM and insist the kids had to meet me.

Me hiding lasted 8 months. Things kept happening, her dad died, they were having trouble with school, just more and more things that she used as excuses to him to put it off because the kids “weren’t ready”. This had an incredible affect on my mental health. I didn’t feel secure in my own house. I couldn’t even put a picture of my family on the wall or leave my coat on the rack.

So, fast forward to the beginning of lockdown. Obviously it wasn’t feasible for me to stay hidden while no one could be out of the house, so I was introduced- as a friend who needed somewhere to stay. Again, this was meant to be temporary. We wanted to let them get used to me and establish a bond organically, especially because it was going from 0 to 60 with me being a stranger to constantly being around. This happened really quickly, we get on so well, I adore them and (i think) they’re pretty fond of me too. But, and I’m sure you can guess where this is going- nearly a year on from the first lockdown, they still don’t know I’m his girlfriend. They are young (don’t want to give specific ages for privacy) but tbh, I think they’re starting to suspect something. They’re old enough to know that people with kids generally don’t have roommates. They’ve asked several times why I even live here in the first place, and other tricky questions. I never know what to say. I am not a good or natural liar. Selfishly, that alone is causing me such anxiety that I can’t really enjoy being around them and I'm stressed when they're here. I am both incredibly hurt for myself that this has gone on so long, and increasingly angry on behalf of the kids that he thinks it’s okay to lie to them about something so big.

BM’s kept her nose out of my relationship with them and has been nothing but nice about me to them and to my SO, which has been a real relief. However she and my SO still definitely have their issues, and he’s still not doing anything about it. She decides when and how long the kids are here for, she changes her mind last minute, she leaves them in the lurch when they think they’re going to hers. She hasn’t been covid safe at all and drags them to all kinds of crowded situations and big family parties, even when those things are against restrictions. It’s frustrating. She doesn’t take his opinion seriously about things to do with the kids. He bitches about these things to me, but won’t talk to her about them which is the only advice I ever give him. He says him pretending everything is fine is the card holding the house up, and that if he starts challenging her, she’ll go back to being nasty and twisted like she was after they broke up. I say that this is no better than that, and that if he just keeps letting her piss all over him, she will do it for the rest of the kids lives.

I am still incredibly insecure about her, but I am no longer putting all the blame for that on me. While I still don’t think there’s anything going on between them i also think that anyone would feel like they won second place in this situation. 

An unhelpful factor is that we were friends when they were together, and friends when they broke up. I have listened to him cry over this woman. I have heard him say that she was the love of his life and that he’ll never be happy again, and while that was before there was anything between us, these are the things that run through my mind and stop me from sleeping.

Part of me thinks we would benefit from couples counselling, (I am in therapy myself) but I also think that’s maybe pointless when it’s him and her that need some mediation. Part of me thinks that maybe this is all just too messy now. Everything feels tangled up and I don’t know if I can unravel it. Realistically I know now that we moved in together far too quickly, and this would all have been so much easier if we'd waited, but it's too late to do anything about that. I keep telling myself that things will be better once the kids know, but when I really think about it, I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to feel secure in this relationship after everything that’s happened, or if he’ll ever put up the boundaries with BM he needs to for this to get better. I don’t want to give up on this and I want to try everything we can to make it work but I also cant do this any longer without the kids knowing about us, and i don’t want to hurt them. I’m not sure it’s fair for me to insist they’re told about us when I’m no longer 100% sure I’m going to be able to stick around, and maybe the right thing to do is for me to bow out now so there's minimum pain caused. I love him with all of my heart. We have such a beautiful future planned and I really believe he’s my soulmate. I can’t imagine a life without him, and I don’t want to leave, but I don’t know if he’ll ever change, and I can’t go round in these circles for the rest of my life.

I guess what I’m asking is, does this sound like a lost cause to you? Can this be fixed? Any creative solutions? 

2Tired4Drama's picture

"...I think you were all right. I am now considering leaving him..."

You don't really believe either of those things.  Using the words "think" and "considering" are big red flags that all the advice others gave you still hasn't sunk in - a year later.  You are still in the same position with the same problem.  So I'll cut to the chase with your final paragraph/questions:

1. Yes, it is a lost cause

2. No, it cannot be fixed.

3. The "creative solution" is to create a new life for yourself without this train wreck.

And one final piece of are seeing a therapist.  They clearly haven't helped you work this out AFTER A YEAR, and you should ask for your money back. 






lulu87's picture

Thanks for being so to the point, you live up to your username lol.

You're right, my head is still in the sand. I doubt my own judgement on these things and the only person in my life with any experience of this kind of thing is my mum, who is obviously biased to side with me. I've spent so long just telling myself that everything's fine because I wanted everything to be fine. I desperately want to fix this and I'm finding it hard to accept it's maybe not possible. I'm really scared. He is all I have

CastleJJ's picture

Your SO is a coward. He is letting BM control his life to "keep the peace." I dont see him committing to you or building a beautiful future with you. I see him keeping you a "secret" in some form or another and you will continue to feel insecure because he is not putting you first. If he wanted to fix this, he would and a year is a long time to wait with no results. After 8 months of "hiding", he should have introduced you as his GF, instead he introduced you as a roommate... that shows what you mean to him. If he can't introduce you as his GF, he will never introduce you as his wife... and should you ever have kids, what will he do then? Introduce them as the neighbor kids or his nieces/nephews? 

Again, he is a coward. He is probably satisfied because he gets to have his cake and eat it too. He has you to assist with paying the bills, homemaking and you keep his bed warm, yet he gets to keep up this charade with BM as a "happy family to keep the peace". 

Your SO needs a court order and to set firm boundaries with BM. HCBMs are HCBMs no matter how you handle them, but kissing her ass isn't going to keep the peace forever.  If he isn't willing to get a court order, he's not worth your time. You will always be his secret. Show yourself some respect and leave this screwed up dynamic SO has with skids and BM. 

lulu87's picture

Thank you. I need to hear this. In my heart of hearts I know that even if I really kicked up a fuss and lit a fire under his ass to try and set boundaries with her right now, it wouldn't last. I think he'll have these issues with her for as long as they're in eachothers lives. So why am I even bothering if I know I can't put up with that? You're right, I do need to show myself some respect. I can't change him. He'll be who he is forever, and while I love who he is, you're right, he is a coward, and he's also selfish. It's not himself that he hurts, he's hurting me and he's hurting his beautiful kids for the sake of an easy life for himself and it's ruining my opinion of him. I've spent so long pretending everything's okay because I want to be with him forever and I thought I could just put up with it all and get used to it eventually, and now I've finally hit breaking point and I can't put up with it anymore, and I'm realising that there's no way to fix it either. I guess when you're wearing rose tinted glasses, all the red flags just look like flags. 

Winterglow's picture

I can't believe he's still treating you like a dirty little secret after so long... 


Why is he treating you like a bit on the side?

Why didn't he tell the kids the truth from the start? There's nothing for him to be ashamed of and saying they "weren't ready" is a pile of crud.

Why are bm's whims more important than your wellbeing?

Why should you have to lie for him? What would happen if you told the kids the truth? Would someone die?

Why doesn't he have a court order for visitation?

Why haven't you realized that he is never going to let your relationship blossom? That any dreams of marriage or children will remain just dreams because his ex will put the lid on them... permanently.

Why are you settling for being treated like a permanent one-night stand when you deserve to be loved and cherished and have a real life. You need to get to get back into being you, recovering your self-esteem, getting back out there and getting yoiur life back. Leave your bf to continue to let his ex dictate how he lives and with whom and extract yourself from this toxic situation.

PS - I'm curious as to how your bf explains your sleeping in his bed to his kids. Consider the moral code he's showing them ...

lulu87's picture

He says he's worried that things will change once they know about us and that it'll wreck the bond I have with them now. I have explained that I'm totally prepared for them to be a bit weird about it, that that's only natural, and that I'm ready to put up with some cheeky comments and doors slammed in my face because I know they'll come round eventually. It feels like I'm the only one ready for these hard parts of our relationship. He also doesn't seem to understand that the longer he leaves it, the more angry they will be with him because they will rightly feel lied to. They're young but they're not stupid. I don't think he realises that these things could cause lifelong trust issues between him and his kids, but any time I come close to saying something that harsh about it, he just gets upset and says I think he's a bad dad. 
In regards to the bed thing, he's a co-sleeper, so they don't actually know. I don't know where they think he sleeps when they're not here, but they're polite and respectful kids, so they leave "my" bedroom alone and haven't realised its full of their dads stuff.

The moral code he's showing them in regards to lying... I was raised with the belief that lying is the worst thing you can do, and that no matter how bad you fuck up, nothing gets better until you're honest. Now I'm not perfect, but this is a massive difference in values. He lies to his parents and his ex about the fact that he smokes... his parents still don't know he has tattoos, at his big age. I don't know if I can be with someone who is so comfortable lying to everyone around them  

Winterglow's picture

No offence intended to you but ... he's a coward, a liar, and an idiot.

And he sleeps with his kids. Are they under 5? You realize that they will probably hate you most for taking their dad out of their bed and into yours? He had better stop sleeping in the same bed as them sometime soon to avoid that. 

Besides all that, yoiu are perfectly right in that the longer it takes him to tell them the truth the angrier they will be. He is going to be up shit creek without a paddle if somebody else, an outsider, tells them the truth before he does. When is he planning on thelling them the truth? When they're 18 and "old enough to handle it"?

This is all so degrading and insulting to the woman he supposedly loves ...

JRI's picture

He needs to man up about his intimate partner but I dont think he will because of the weakness, selfishness and cowardice you see.  He needs a court order, too.  Leave this train wreck behind, you deserve much better.  Good luck.


2Tired4Drama's picture

"...the only person in my life with any experience of this kind of thing is my mum, who is obviously biased to side with me. I've spent so long just telling myself that everything's fine because I wanted everything to be fine. I desperately want to fix this and I'm finding it hard to accept it's maybe not possible. I'm really scared. He is all I have"

The reason your mum has your back is because she HAS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for you.  She is seeing you in a horrid relationship and she wants you out of it, based on her own life experiences and the wisdom she's gained. 

To say that this idiot is all you have when you have a living, breathing mother who loves you and is there for you is actually shameful.  

Stop spending time on here bantering back and forth about this waste case you are involved with. Have you noticed that just about everyone has told you to get out of this relationship? For a YEAR now?  I'm sorry to be blunt but what part of that don't you understand?

Call your mother, ask when you can move in and do so immediately.  Then tell her you love her, every day.  She is deserving of it as she has your best interests at heart. Good luck. 

lulu87's picture

My mother is incredible and my best friend but she is thousands of miles away and dealing with her own stuff. I would hop on a plane and go to her today if I could, but covid. I haven't seen her in nearly a year and it's breaking my heart. I didn't mean to be dismissive of her, she is the best mum in the world, but she is limited in how much she can help me right now.
The kids are here right now, and I'm frantically applying for extra jobs and trying to find somewhere to stay from Monday. I have 80 quid to my name and no local family or friends who are in a position to put me up. Our house is owned by his parents, so him being the one to move out isn't an option. I may ask him to at least stay somewhere else this week while I try and get my ducks in a row. I have no idea how I'm going to talk to him or what I'm going to say, but i know I have to do it. I'm sorry I'm being frustrating, I'm just so scared

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

Things that are facts about men that woman make excuses for in order to tolerate the reality. 

If a man wants something he will do anything to make it happen.  After a year he has not made your relationship either committed or permanent.

If a man doesn't make steps to move forward in a relationship it's because they do not want to. He likely never will. 

You are the one making excuses for him or tolerating his excuses to placate you. 

What you see before you is your relationship, it will never be anything more. You went from being his friend to his friend with benefits.