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First Married Valentine’s Day

Stepmonster829's picture

Hi all, I need to know if I am the only one whol would feel this way. My husband and I have been together for years but just got married 5 months ago. Obviously this Valentine's Day would be our first as a married couple. 
His BM bought a house and he told her would would keep them all weekend (as usual) so she can move easier. Fine. When he said that I wasn't even thinking that we already had plans for dinner Saturday night. When I brought it up to him he said ok well we already said we would take them why can't we just go out on Sunday? 
a little backstory as when I asked him last month if he could bring them home early so we could go out his first reaction was to argue with me then he said he was wrong and he would bring them home. Then the whole moving thing happened and I understand he didn't realize but I am being crazy here? I always feel like chopped liver. They are 13 and 15 years old not babie anymore. I want to go out on Saturday since we have reservations already. I also work Monday so I would like to relax Sunday with my husband. To be honest o am livid. Like why the hell do they always come first. Always? I can't take it anymore 

notsurehowtodeal's picture

Why can't you keep your plans on Saturday? The skids are old enough to stay home alone while you go to dinner. I understand why your DH wants to see his kids as much as he can, but surely the occasional evening out when they are there would be ok.

If he won't do it, insist they go home early and go out to dinner on Sunday.

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

Both SKs are old enough to be home while you two go out to dinner. What is the big deal? Why would you have to cancel your plans?

SeeYouNever's picture

I don't understand why they can't be left at home with some takeout and you can still go out to dinner. It's important to demonstrate how an adult relationship is supposed to be and that includes taking your wife on a date for a couple hours once in a while. 


Rags's picture

Nope, BM can keep her spawn while moving. A 13yo and a 15yo are prime box loading and moving labor.

Enjoy your VD!

DH can call BM with... "I did not recall that we had plans.  Sorry, I can't take the kids that weekend."