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Annoying BM

Drkrissy's picture

Okay, Kind of a rant, also want input. So I take care of the SKids most of the time, two boys whom I adore even though they are little terrorists. Their BM is kinda useless when it comes to anything but yelling at them, my husband, and me. 

Me and my husband originally lived in Arizona but moved to Texas when she took the boys, but him and I wanted to get out of Arizona anyway so moving wasn't a big deal to us. When we were in Arizona, BM, my husband and I had an agreement that since I was currently (and perminantly as far as I know) working from home, that I could watch the boys while they are at work. They love me and I love them so of course no problem, I love to spend the time with them. 

So here's the problem. She has always been one to pawn the boys off on anyone willing to watch them. While me and my husband were moving to Texas, she had to have a babysitter while she was at work, so she let the creepy neighbor she didn't know watch them. Horrible decision... but whatever. She is having a midlife crisis or something because all I hear from the boys is that she dresses up and goes out to party all the time and left them with whoever was available. This turned her into treating me as If i were a babysitter. Even offered to start paying me.... During the day while they were at work turned into that and every other weekend. Okay they get to spend more time with their father that's good. Then it turned into every other week they just stay the night during weekdays and that weekend. Now.. 4 months in and they are here every day and night except every other weekend from Saturday morning to Sunday afternoon when my husband picks them up. On top of that my husband is paying child support....

I was able to keep a level head because I love these kids and even though I'm not their mom, its nice to have them around being able to help with homework and keep track of them brushing teeth and medicines. It's a gift to me because I wanted kids but sadly am not able to have my own. The little heathens aren't my problem (I jokingly call them that all the time and they think its funny.. their dad does not)... its the fact that she tells me what to do in regards to the boys when she is never the one caring for them. My husband takes care of their night time routine while I work and I take care of them during the day. She gets them every other weekend and from what the boys say she's on her phone the whole time on Snapchat and instagram. 

I am not their mother and will never claim to be, but I'm tired of her talking to me like I'm incapable just because I dont have kids of my own. 

"Why does he have a B in math, when I was taking care of them by myself they had straight A's!"

Yes because when you were caring for them. They actually went to school instead of having to figure out some god awful online program that I dont even understand. And i dont think a B in math is bad considering this women didn't graduate Highschool.

My husband said he doesn't care about the child support because from we can tell it all does go to clothes and other stuff for them, but I just think at this point he should get full custody.. I want to bring it up to him but he doesn't like talking about anything involving courts... Should I just leave it alone?


tog redux's picture

There is no way in hell I would pay some other woman for the "privilege" of raising her children for her, and then have her criticize my parenting. I hope your husband told her that if she's worried about their schooling, she's welcome to take them back to live with her, or else zip it.

I agree that if you are going to do this (are you sure you want to?) that she should be paying HIM child support.

JRI's picture

Back in the day, BM pawned her kids off on me as much as possible, too.  Party time.  Then, of course, she complained to DH about things non-stop and when she had the kids, trashed me.  Others will give you good solid advice, I just want to say I know exactly how you feel.  It felt like I never did anything right but if  i accidentally did, then why didnt I do it sooner and more of it.  Grrrr.

simifan's picture

If you & DH want custody. Keep a custody calendar & wait for 6 mo. Courts generally consider 6 months status quo.  If you don't stop doin it. You are under no obligation to & I would just be unavailable.



Winterglow's picture

What I want to know is when you sleep? You're looking after his kids all day and then working at night ...


Frankly, I  would have been making BM pay for you  to look after her kids when it's on her time from the very start. You're saving her money, money that she otherwise would have been forking out for a babysitter. 

tog redux's picture

I agree - and getting back some of the child support that she's getting when she doesn't even have the kids in her home. It's BS how many women end up with that arrangement - all the money and no time with the kids.

Maxwell09's picture

This is really common and unfortunately so is the outcome: if you do convince your DH to go back to court to modify the order to reflect the actual custody schedule and if you try taking child support from her, the BM is going to go back to keeping them on her time and refusing to let y'all have them any extra because she's not going to risk losing the child support money. She will start sending them to other people or letting them stay home alone instead of sending them to y'all. This happen about 95% of the time. I would suggest if the child support isn't hurting yalls income and you like having your skids around as much as they are, then leave it alone. 

Drkrissy's picture

Yeah that's true. Knowing her she already tried to do that when I mentioned it the first time DH told her if she put them with a baby sitter he has enough to fight full custody so she stopped.