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RANT won't be up long

Salems Lot's picture

Thank you everyone for your kind remarks! ❤️


SteppedOut's picture

Yea.... sorry you have wasted some of your life on this dbag. I am happy to hear you are planning your exit. 

lieutenant_dad's picture

Oh Salem, I'm so sorry. You've put up with a lot of crap from your SO and his clan. While none of us hoped for this for you, I'm glad you are taking steps to make your life better for you.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Hey there! I wondered what had happened to you.

I'm sorry your H isn't making your marriage a priority. It sounds like everything was good while you were engaged in battle, but now the cracks in the relationship are showing.

Have you considered marriage counseling?

Only you know your limits. But if you are indeed done, I'd make sure my exit was well planned and I was well positioned before leaving. Lord knows you've given and given over the years. I'd be paying down debt, padding my own accounts and getting my ducks in a row before breaking it off. (((hugs)))

advice.only2's picture

Nice to see you again, sorry to hear things haven't gotten better with your DuH!  I'm hoping that place you are looking at doesn't have room for DuH and his gaslighting toxic attitude.