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Update #2- so good I am doing 2 in one day!

justmakingthebest's picture

Our attorney emailed us with a new quarentine letter from the health department dated 12/8. It says he is quarentined until the 23rd. He asked if we can still change plane tickets.

That made no sense. The health department faxed me his order on 12/9. Why wouldn't they give me that one? Why give me an old one?

So I called them again. Apologized for putting them in the middle and just wanted to verify. 

Nope. They don't have it. He only has the one that ends on 12/11. She said please have your attorney reach out to the county attorney with that paper. It is not valid.

This B*&ch FORGED a health department quarentine order!!!!!

DH is on a mission now.


ESMOD's picture

My DH's Ex forged a dr's permission for YSD to resume her cheer activities at school and in her "all star" (aka pay us money we will let your kid dress up and pretend they made a team) gym.

She had been dropped doing a stunt at school where she ended up med-flighted.. darn near compound break in her arm.. and her dad did not want her participating any longer.. but ole BM got it done with falsifying she could return to her role as "mommy's little trophy girl".  


ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Wow.  Just wow.  I hope all this is brought up by the judge in court.  Becuase holy crap she's dumb.  Forging official paperwork?!

Ursula's picture

Well she's a dumb one.  I feel like we all know she was going to just get away with not sending him and using covid as an excuse.  Maybe she would get a little slap on the wrist or something.  But to forge paperwork will *hopefully* make the judge see the level of alienation at play here.  Wow.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Congratulations, this is golden!!

I hope the judge throws the book at her, and penalizes her financially.

Please keep us updated.

justmakingthebest's picture

Our lawyer is contacting the county attorney and has advised us to file a report with the local police department. 


ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

If BM goes to prison for forgery it may give your DH a chance to reconnect with his son. js.

justmakingthebest's picture

The county attorney stated it is a forgery. Now we wait to see what happens!!

Damn this is good! Forging government documents has to be worth something!!

notsofast's picture

I bet she blames your SS for the forgery.  I bet she will claim he did this because he didn't want to go and she too is a victim because SS fooled her with a letter he got from the health department.


These enmeshed mothers have no issue blaming their kids for things when it serves or protects them.


When BM over here stole my DH's identity, she tried to blame all sorts of things.  SS was too young to know what credit was or his dad's social, so she didn't blame him for that one, but has for many other times she's gotten caught on things.

MissK03's picture

100% agree going to blame SS stating he didn't want to go to his fathers and she was doing anything to keep him "safe" or some other BS. 

notsofast's picture

Also, expect to be blamed for trying to put BM in jail...  We still hear from BM that the reason SS is PASed out is bc we reported her to the police for identity theft and wanted to "put his mommy in jail".

justmakingthebest's picture

DH doesn't care. He wants SS to know that NO ONE is above the law. All he has seen for the last almost 8 years is BM working under the table. Fraudulent Social security disability. Lies. Deceit. 

BM needs to be held accountable once. Just once. 

notsofast's picture

That's exactly how my DH felt.  And he was disappointed by law enforcement and the justice system.

Although she did lose her job, working in a law enforcement administrative role.  BM on our side also commits fraud constantly.

ndc's picture

She's a brazen one!  I really hope she goes to the slammer for this one.  Did your attorney advise on how to handle things now - i.e., do you let her know you know it's a fake and you have called the police and SS better be on that plane, or is it best to lay back and see if the government officials follow up or if once again BM skates? 

justmakingthebest's picture

Our lawyer has notified hers. I am 100% sure she knows because her attorney's secretary's words to ours was "you have to be fu**ing kidding me. I'm on it".

We will wait until tomorrow to see if we need to file a police report as well or if the county attorney has it moving.

advice.only2's picture

Ha go to jail for something this menial?? Meth Mouth got pulled over for speeding, was high as a kite, and hid the drugs on her kid hoping they wouldn't search him.  She was doing 90 with a toddler in the car that alone was a felony worthy of about 7 years in jail....Meth Mouth got 30 days, and was out in 15 for good behavior...the laws are there to protect these worthless a$$holes. 

notsofast's picture

I seriously doubt she is going to jail.

Her lawyer may fire her.

She may be forced to send SS for Christmas.

But with VIDEO of BM admitting it, nothing legal/criminal justice wise happened to our BM.

Felicity0224's picture

Oh good lord. The woman has no shortage of audacity, does she? Who the hell would try to forge a government document and think they could get away with it? If there is the tiniest bit of justice in the world, she will lose custody and go to jail.

notarelative's picture

Well, BM almost got away with it. DH's lawyer thought it was real or he would not have asked DH about changing the plane reservations. If justmakingthebest hadn't had a copy of the authentic order and seen the incongruity of the dates, BM would have gotten away with it. 

justmakingthebest's picture

Now I feel like I am Scooby Doo!!


DH kept thanking me last night for being so organized with everything. I was just so happy that my brain connected the dots!!

thinkthrice's picture

In answer to your question:

"Who the hell would try to forge a government document and think they could get away with it?"

The Girhippo did for one.

TheAccidentalSM's picture

I'm guessing that she'll cry to the judge that she was so scared of your SS getting the corona virus that her motherly instincts took over.  And then everyone will feel sorry for the poor momma bear.


thinkthrice's picture

The Girhippo had "computer whiz", LOL, StepDaddyBigBucks adobe pro her W2s for court. Reversed a couple digits on her income to make it look like she earned far less.   Her real salary showed up on

lieutenant_dad's picture

While I don't know if BM will go to jail, the health department isn't going to let this go. Local health departments tend to deal with three big legal issues only: people not complying with orders, fighting for/against local ordinances related to public health, and forgery/impersonation. That last one is a big f**king deal to health departments because their employees DO have power to enforce law and their orders DO carry legal weight. It would be similar to inpersonating an officer or forging a ticket. 

Even if no jail, the health department attorney is likely going to see this all the way through court. It looks REALLY bad on the county to have someone forge papers - especially quarantine papers in the middle of a pandemic that have presumably been signed off by the Health Officer, which means they are able to forge the signature of an MD. BM picked the wrong department to eff with, because they HAVE to protect their ability to enforce and maintain public health laws, and the attorneys tend to be more ruthless than the actual staff are.

ETA: If KS is going by the 14 day guidelines, he would be done quarantining by 12/21 or 12/22, never 12/23 for a letter dated 12/8. BM apparently can't count, either.

justmakingthebest's picture

They have 10 day orders- so they are way off. 

I don't know if she will go to jail but I do think somthing is going to happen.

lieutenant_dad's picture

Having spent the first half of my career cutting my teeth in rural health departments, and still being very connected in local public health, I'd be shocked as hell if nothing happened. What she did is a BIG deal.

notsofast's picture

I absolutely hope she has the entire book thrown at her and your SS is shown that rules/laws apply to everyone, even mommy dearest.  These kids especially need to learn that because their mothers spend so much time telling them directly and indirectly that the rules don't apply to the kids or their mothers.  

It might even restore some of my (lost) faith in the system.

ICanMakeIt's picture

WOW! She has some nerve. It is no wonder though, she has gotten away with so much for so long, why wouldn't she think she could get away with this too.

She knows you are a dog with a bone (which I love) I guess she thought since she told them not to release info to you guys she was safe.

I really really really hope this is the nail in her coffin. Please let this be the catalyst for a Christmas Miracle and the kid comes.

Livingoutloud's picture

She'll play it as courts refuse to protect her son against abusive father so she had to lie to protect her child. Mother would do anything for her child. Even lie. Her child's safety comes first.

How much you want to bet this will be the spin 

tog redux's picture

She may get in some trouble for this forgery - but I'm guessing she still doesn't send SS for his visit. Just another rabbit hole that will go nowhere. All part of the roller coaster of dealing with a toxic person.