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SKIDS and Possible Divorce. Advice needed please!

AnastasiaAdelle224's picture

Good evening everyone,

This is my first post. I'm so happy to have found this page. So much has been eating away at me and I honestly need input from others going through the same hell. I've (31) been married to my DH (32) since 2017. Dated him for a year. This could have been a mistake on my part. At the time, I left my abusive POS ex of almost 7 years for my husband. Everything was great. We had a lot in common, enjoyed each other's company, etc. I fell in love with him and he did as well. I knew he had a son from a previous relationship. It wasn’t a serious one and DH knocked her up. SS was 3 at the time we started dating. I've never had kids nor had any experience with kids before this. I really had no clue. It seemed okay to me at the time. And he only had him every other weekend. But then, I started noticing I just didn't like it. I didn't care for the kid. And then seeing how disgusting and selfish his BM was made it worse. Always disposing of my SS and putting him off on my father-in-law who I've seen personally do horribly at raising kids. My DH many times did not know she would do this. My SS is 7 but acts like he's 4. Super rude and doesn't know how to talk to his elders and literally talks like he's about 5. I usually correct him professionally and respectfully but he still acts like a spoiled asshat. I hate to admit it, but once he started coming around more I realized I just don't like the kid. I don't hate him though. I still treat him with respect and care; he'll never know that I really don't care about being around him. My DH does NOT help with the situation. I literally try my best but it's never good enough for him. He has told me in the past that I NEED to bond with HIS kids. Forcing it upon me. He almost acts like I treat them like garbage which I do not and never will. My form of dealing with his kids is just simply avoiding them and doing other things away from them. It's like my only coping mechanism to keep me sane. I still interact with them, it’s not a complete avoidance but when I’m not feeling it I just retreat to “my hole.”

Now, you probably noticed I said "kids." AFTER we got married, his ex GF that he dated right before me texted him one day and tells him that he has a daughter and starts flooding his phone with baby pics. DH and myself did not know what to think about this. This is another woman who is in fact a habitual liar, cheater, and a thief. Both DH and myself believed she was lying about this so called daughter. Fast forward a couple of years later, this other POS baby mama decided to apply for Medicaid. DH had to take a DNA test for the kid. The results came back 99.999%. I was completely devastated. It seriously felt like my whole world was just done for. And on top of that, I found out from the paperwork sitting on the countertop in plain view after I got home from work. DH couldn't even bother to tell me. Then he was sleeping on top of that. He wasn't even working at the time so I woke his ass up and brought it up. He just rolled over and went back to sleep. That still bothers me to this day.
I am the breadwinner of the marriage and have been since we started dating. The financial problems we have are all of his. I have absolutely no debt and my added finances are all because of him. It has been causing so much resentment and stress. DH is always telling me that everything will get better and I won't have to worry about it anymore. He has been telling me these lies for years. I'm so sick of it. I know he means well, but because of how long it's been I honestly feel like I’m being used or taken advantage of.

Now, his other POS baby mama who has his daughter (she's now 4) doesn't want to step up as mother and is now lying to her parents and stealing money from them. Her own parents kicked her out of their house because they can't deal with her **** anymore! So now, DH has decided to take my SD and she's now living with us. I'm so pissed off and stressed out. I never signed up for this. I'm tired of paying for all of the bills plus a large amount of his own bills! Now I have to worry about a kid in my house destroying everything and now I have more bills added to my life because of this? He wants me to put her on my insurance and **** which would add another $100. My DH isn't even that great of a father. The house is always a ******* mess and all I do is work 16 hour shifts constantly. I just feel so unhappy and miserable. I don't know what to do but I'm really considering just throwing in the towel. I don't want to but nothing is getting better and it just seems like everything is getting worse. When I confront DH about his kids he gets insanely defensive and shuts down. I honestly feel like I’m with a man-child while dealing with his baggage. I don’t want to talk bad about him but he does very little for me. I’m not even a high maintenance type of person. All I want is love and affection and he ignores me most of the time. He’d rather play video games then pay attention to me. There’s so many more cons than pros and I don’t want to think like this. I want this to work but I’m so miserable now. Please everyone, I need your advice. I really do want this work, I just want to be happy ☹

The_Upgrade's picture

Pull out of this relationship unlike your DH who should have pulled out.

Usually my comments aren't as extreme as this but this guy is using you. The fact that he's got "accidental" children coming out of the woodwork shows he's taken zero responsibility for his actions. One child you can sort of excuse. Two?! Fool me once....

You should not be the main breadwinner while he's playing video games and refusing to parent his kids. Ask yourself what is he good for? You said you want to be happy - think on what would that require. He would need to get off his arse and bring in enough income to pay HIS bills, stop being so defensive of his kids behaviour which is a reflection of his poor parenting, and take responsibility for the kids and mess he created. Sounds like a snowflake's chance in hell of that happening. And even if he pitches in a little bit more the kids are still there to stay. Your house will never be your own. If you ever want bio kids of your own he'll be the father of three kids by three different women. Any resources needed to support your kid will be taken up by the other two that came first.

Consult a divorce attorney and see where you stand re property division and ongoing support for him and his kids. The longer you support this deadweight the more money you lose ongoing. And the longer you do it the higher chance you'll have to pay alimony so he can bring up someone else's kids. There are more fish in the sea. Throw this one back.

AnastasiaAdelle224's picture

I definitely feel the same as you. He almost tries to justify it like "**** happens" but it's so many things. Thanks so much for your words. I really need it! 

The_Upgrade's picture

I get it. My partner would try to blow it off like yours. Shit happens. And I believed him because my family and friends thought he was such a good guy. No one was telling me that I was wasting my life away and that I needed to leave him. 

I was too embarrassed and ashamed to tell my family and friends about my situation. So I’d glaze over the extreme details and give them the softer edited version. They never told me to leave.  Their advice wasn’t what I needed to hear because they didn’t understand the seriousness of it. Then I sought help online and found this forum. A safe place where I can anonymously unload. And funny what happens when I liberated myself and told the whole truth. Everyone was horrified in a way that my family and friends weren’t. It helped me to realise that I wasn’t going crazy. It wasn’t me that was the problem. My problem was enabling and I can stop that any time I want. If I can’t make him see it from my point of view and change then I needed to get out and change my life on my own. 

AnastasiaAdelle224's picture

Wow. This right here, seriously. I am in the same predicament. I do feel incredibly ashamed of my situation. My family doesn't even know half of it. If they knew, they would be so pissed that I married this guy. I'm so happy to have found you all. A nice needed wake up call.

hereiam's picture

He caught you when you were vulnerable. You don't have anything to be ashamed of, you thought he was the one who would treat you right, especially compared to your ex.

But, now you know different. No need to be ashamed of your situation, UNLESS you choose not to do anything about it.

You hold all the cards, here. Bet on yourself.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

"Sh!t happens." Lol. "Everything happens for a reason." The reason is he is a lazy user who continues to make bad choices! 

Rags's picture

Reread your orginal post. What would you advise someone asking for your advice in that situation?

Then do that.

This guy is too F'n stupid to wrap it before he taps it.  Even worse, he did it twice! He breeds indiscriminantly then pawns the financial support of those failed coupling progeny off on you.  smh  Hell, he can't even support himself much less his children.  Worse, he can't contribute to supporting his marriage.

Do you really need advice on how to deal with this?  Really?

You do not want to be this POS failed man, failed SO and failed father's life time victim.

Get on with your life.  Leave this POS and his shallow and polluted gene pool far behind.

AnastasiaAdelle224's picture

You have such a great point. It's nice seeing other perspectives. I thought I was the only one disgusted at the concept of him having these kids. I've been on birth control for years and have NEVER run into this problem. He was just an irresponsible douche but he still is! Thanks so much for your words.

tog redux's picture

Good god, get out before Baby Mama 3 shows up with a 15-year-old he spawned in high school.  You said nothing positive about him - I suspect he looked better than your abusive ex, but he's not much better at all.  His irresponsibility is astounding and is creating baggage for you.  Get out and figure out why you keep choosing broken guys so you can choose a healthier one next time.

hereiam's picture

This guy is no betther than your first husband. Get out, now. It will not get better, this is who he is. Like someone else said, you don't want to end up owing him spousal support.

Do not procrastinate, talk to a lawyer, tomorrow.

Then, stay single for awhile and just be with YOU. Get happy being with yourself. You will automatically set the bar higher for your next partner. You deserve better.

Harry's picture

To leave him.  Leave him to deal with his circus,   He might start with getting a real job.  To pay for his kids.  No Ex would ever live with me. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Yeah, what everyone else said. You are young. Child-free. Now, our society today will have plenty of people fawning over what an "amazing dad" he is to step up and take (sort of) care of these kids. How selfless he is. People like that can eat a dock. My stb former therapist is one of these.

All he is doing is half-assedly trying to clean up his own mess and using others (you) to pick up his slack. It's not selfless to care for *your own kids*. Demanding you bond with his kids. The fking nerve!  This guy makes bad decisions, this much you know. He is lazy and entitled. He has 2 kids, at least one of whom is unparented and unlikeable, they are young and will be thorns in your side for at keast the next 20 years. Two BMs who sound like human garbage based on your description. Even if the 2 BMs were saints this would be too much to deal with. Save yourself!!!! 

ndc's picture

If OP needs more people to tell her to leave, let me pile on.

Your husband is a user. It doesn't sound like he's got much going for him, or that he enhances your life. Save yourself. Just leave and get therapy so you make better choices in the future.

nappisan's picture

OH my gosh!!! RUN away as fast as you can!!!! thankfully you havent had any kids to this loser!!! get out now and worry about the fine print later !