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Please help. Need Advice today. Phone issues with BM

Bettysmith00's picture

In the Custody agreement both parents have to make sure SS13 returns the other Parents call same day.  

BM called DH(DH let it go to VM) wanting SS13 to call her about "something".  Here is the problem. SS13 is a little bastard about returning calls when we ask him to. Now SS13 has his own phone but I'm guessing since he was sleeping when BM called he just did not get it. The reason BM is calling DH. So now SS13 is giving DH a hard time about returning BM's call just because he's a little dick. Now DH can't push SS13 to much or he will flip out and god only knows what he will do or say. BM is just looking for any excuse to drag DH back to court. 

So my question is the clock is ticking so how would you handle this??? What should DH tell BM??DH and BM HATE each other so this just adds to the stress. 

Peach's picture

His response should be that he has asked him xxx number of times.  I know exactly what you are talking about - spoiled brats will do anything that is contrary to what they are being asked to do.  The phone call stipulations in the agreements are usually there for younger children.  At some point, you cannot make the kid call his mother.  Just send an email to the mother and let her know.  The stupidity with this stuff abounds.  There is probably nothing that is so damn important that she needs his immediate response.  If there is some time senstive reason that she needs to speak to SS and he doesn't call her back, then she makes whatever decision is to be made on her own.  If he doesn't like the outcome, then too bad.  He can suffer the consequences.