I don’t think he sees the irony
The memory test Trump took was part of a new story we were watching. DH was scoffing at Trump saying it's hard. I reminded DH that he took that same test a few years ago.
His response: I don't remember that.
I don't think he sees the irony that he doesn't remember taking a memory test.
I remember because I asked for it and the doctor called me right afterward to tell me that DH was right on the edge of passing or failing it; DH only partially answered a question and if the doc gave it to him he passed and if the doc decided it didn't count then he failed.
Note: I am not making any comparisons or political statements, that was just why the conversation occurred.
I do like the irony.
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My guess is, if the doctor
My guess is, if the doctor was his primary and not a neurologist, DH probably thought he was answering a few questions. Even at the time, DH probably didn't equate what he did and said with a memory test.
DH would have known what was up
I specifically contacted him prior to DHs visit, he said he talked to DH about my concerns (DH had been leaving the oven on and gas burners going and walking away), and specifically talked about memory issues and that he'd perform the memory assessment.
How old is your DH? Has he
How old is your DH? Has he been further evaluated?
He's only 53
And, I still think he should be evaluated for memory issues/sleep issues. But, remember, I am just looking for trouble not showing caring and concern.
He should have zero trouble
He should have zero trouble with a memory test at 53.
And you deserve a partner who sees your concern and doesn't attack you for it.
Sleep issues can lead to
Sleep issues can lead to memory issues. If the sleep issues are addressed, then the memory issues may diminish.
Or DH could have early onset memory problems and have anosognosia (complete denial of anything wrong which often accompanies certain memory issues).
If he will go for an annual physical cue the doctor in so he can be retested and referred if necessary. Also be sure to let the doctor know how resistant he is to something being wrong so that he can, if necessary, try to word it so that DH will have whatever testing necessary.