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Ali74's picture

I've been married to my husband for 5 years, his eldest lived with us and 2 of my children who also still like at home, my husbands youngest lived with his mum and came to stay with us every other weekend! Every other weekend he came over my husband and I used to argue because of his son as he lets him get away with murder! For the last 10 months now he has been living with us as his mother kicked him out as while they were on holiday he took the keys to his stepfathers car and was driving it about and done some damage to it! 
At the time he didn't have a license! 
He is 19 years old, had a license and now lost it within the year, he causes constant rows between me and my husband which my husband constantly sticks up for him, even today we have been out and have come home and our house sticks of weed!! It's got to the point where I have to sit in my bedroom in my own house because the front room sticks yet my husband says nothing!!!


Harry's picture

BM's. DH. Had enough of this kid, and moved him out to your DH.  Time to have thr talk with DH. You are not going this to continue.   This kid needs a job and an apartment to live in.  Not your home 

justmakingthebest's picture

You know that your DH isn't going to change how he sees his son anytime soon. My question to you is do you know your own worth?

Are you going to stand up for yourself and either kick them both out or move your yourself? Because that is your only choice other than continue living like you are, which it sounds like you are beyond miserable. I don't really believe in ultimatums in marriage but this is really one that your husband has given you- not the other way around. You aren't asking him to choose between the two of you- you would be telling him to either create rules and expectations for his ADULT child or lose his marriage. This should be a no brainer, but for him.. who knows what he will do since like you said he sees his son as some sort of angel. 

Winterglow's picture

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it illegal to possess, grow or sell marijuana in the UK? I'd use that to my benefit if I were you ... And wouldn't your job be at risk if weed was found in your home? I'd tell your DuH that it's time he launched like a normal adult and found himself his own place where he can smoke weed to his heart's content because if he doesn't ... you'll have to turn him in to the cops before someone else does which could cost you your job ... Tell him to think about the loss in income. 

Ali74's picture

Getting so wound up, so I'm sitting in the front room watching something on the tv, I go to the toilet come back and my stepson has turned the tv over sat in my seat!!! 
once again husband says nothing!! The boy actually takes the piss!!