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I feel like climbing out the walls

aerasmus7's picture

Ladies, I am so tired.  My stepdaughter is trying to do her utmost best to destroy my marriage, in sofar as she wrote her father a letter telling him that he has to choose between me and her.  My DH is a lovely man and he has a heart of  gold but where his daughter is concerned, no spine. So now he just plays it both ways.  What frustrates me the most is that he is having conversations with her about our finances and private stuff we discussed that I feel has absolutely nothing to do with her? Even sometimes he is mad at me if he talks about something and I have no clue what he is talking about.  I then try to explain that he possibly discussed it with her and not me and that is why I am clueless. It frustrates me.  When I got home after work when the kids were in school and he was there before me, we have absolutely no conversation as he already talked to her about his day, when I ask about his day he gets irritated with me and doesn't want to talk about it.  Am I stupid or insane? I feel that his relationship with her is not healthy as they sort of have the relationship I expect to have with my husband? Must I just ignore and retreat? I would have but he has a son as well and the poor child (although he basically went throug the same trauma as his sister) is shifted to the one side if he decides to work on his relationship with his children it only means his relationship with his daughter.  The son and myself have a very good relationship as I give him the attention and love that I feel he deserves.  He is 21 now, the sister is 23, and he is sort of spinning out of control because he wants his dad's attention.

And on top of it all suddenly the last few days all my DH can talk about is his ex, the children's mother, telling me basically that she was fantastic.  She is dead and she left him and the kids when SD was about 3 and never had anything to do with them. DH on various occasions has said that SD is as beautiful as her mother.  I do not mind, myself were married before, unfortunately with no kids of my own, but hell, I am not constantly talking about my ex!! 


Simpleton21's picture

Maybe time to start talking about how great and handsome and wonderful your ex your DH wouldn't love that!  Ugh, men are so stupid. 

Sounds like you have a mini wife on your hands.  Good luck! 

aerasmus7's picture

I think that is what is irritating me about it, she could not leave other men alone and could not stay out of there beds and she didn't want to take care of the kids

Kes's picture

It seems like your DH is living in the past, and cannot value what he has (you) but only what he used to have with his dead ex. He should not be talking to his daughter about private and financial matters. You need to reassert your place as his partner if the relationship is to have a chance, and he needs to acknowledge that you, and not his adult daughter, are his first priority. If he cannot do this I suggest you leave him. 

ldvilen's picture

Yes, it must be a step-hell for you, because you are basically dealing and competing with two other wives with this man.  Counting you, that makes three for him.  First of all, there is his ex-, who supposedly is deceased, but he apparently likes to resurrect her.  Why, I don't know, but via his resurrection, he is holding her up as some sort of competitor for you.  And, then, there is his daughter.  She is also a wife of his, but not in the traditional sense.  She is a wife in the sense that she fulfills many needs in him that a wife ordinarily would, except for the s-e-x part, of course. 

So, he has three women that "fuss" over him and compete.  He set it up that way.  He set it up by treating his daughter more like an equal or wife vs. a daughter.  You are not alone in this.  This is a big problem in step-situations where the roles get all messed up.  My guess is he treats his daughter like a wife, and treats you more like a daughter.  For example, getting upset with you when you don't understand a conversation, something men are more inclined to do with a child vs. a spouse.

This man does not "have a heart of gold" when it comes to his daughter.  What he has is a messed-up woman-child of his own creation that he has set up for a lifetime of failure.  His daughter will go around holding every man up to her father and expecting to get her every whim met or else.  What you have is a man who has no problem pitting his daughter, wife and (dead) ex-wife against each other.  And, I'm sure he feels like PLOM, I'm stuck in the middle.  Boo-hoo.  He is the one who set it up that way and revels in it.  

You and his daughter are not equals, by any means.  There should be no choosing here.  You treat a daughter like a daughter and a wife like a wife.  Hell!  If I ever went to my dad and told him he had to choose between me or mom, he'd laugh in my face!  He'd say, "Go ahead.  Make my day!"  And, that would have instantly put me in my place, as it should be, as his child and not as a competitor for his wife/ my mom.

But what happens is you throw the term SM in there, and suddenly it is far game and competition for all with po' little pops stuck in the middle.  No, pops is not stuck in the middle.  He is the one orchestrating the fiasco.  And, by no means should he be discussing your finances, etc. with his daughter!  This too makes his daughter his wifey-like confidant.  Of course she is going to side with her dad, no matter what, and think of you as the Evil Monster SM Be.atch from Hell.  She thinks you are beating up on her poor ol' dad and that you must be putting mind control dust on his cereal in the am.  

Your DH or dad has no incentive to clean anything up, because he is sitting pretty, with three women (one of whom is deceased) competing over him, God-like him!!  What you have to do is whatever you can to get him to see that unless he starts treating you as a wife, and as his one and only wife, he is going to find himself left with only two wives--his daughter and his dead ex-.  Now maybe that will make him happy, buy I have a feeling it won't.  On the other hand, what do you have to lose by leaving him?  Not a whole heck of a lot.  SS is an adult and can see you on his own.  Seems like he needs someone, a true adult, to care about him, as apparently one hasn't in a long time.  Take care.

aerasmus7's picture

Wow! You explained it perfect! And what I see in her life and her marriage is exactly that, she is holding her husband up to her father, poor thing, she picked a very meek guy because she is used to getting her way and treating her father and brother like her little slaves, I stopped the part with the brother.  For example, they would both be watching TV and she would tell her brother to go make her cofee, I told him she is a big girl and can get of her ass and do it herself. Needless to say it caused a lot of fighting but I stuck with it for his sake and today he can assert himself better. She is constantly wanting to divorce her husband but I told her you picked him and told us God gave him  to you so you stick with him, there is a 2 year old child also in this equation, and he is a terribly naughty little boy throwing things over and screaming, I know it is because she doesn't discipline him, and unfortunately she is going to pick the fruit from that tree as well, I am having a talk with DH and explaining everything to him, I took her letter to a counsellor and a psychiatrist and both of them are of the opinion that she is a total narcissist, so I am getting education in handling a narcissist

Movingonisbest's picture

Idvilen you said "What he has is a messed-up woman-child of his own creation that he has set up for a lifetime of failure." Wowsers!!!! Sounds like you believe that when this sick dynamic is going on it's for life. You may very well be right and it is very unfortunate. I agree that he the original poster's DH shouldn't be discussing their finances with his daughter. I think that discussing finances with adult kids just creates a messy situation. I noticed around the time my ex was expecting some money, his youngest daughter started calling like I have never seen her calling before. Calling during our dates, while we were having dinner, etc. Pretending like she all of a sudden cared about her father. No all she was doing was trying to make sure she got first dibs on his expected money. Eventually she had a tantrum disrespecting him, verbally abusing him, disrespecting our relationship etc. all because she wanted HIS money. Once he gave her more of it (he had already given her some), she forgot he existed, that was at least until she needed more money. She couldn't visit him, wish him happy holidays, etc. Smh Just a user. Even though at one point he was trying to win me back, I found this message board and learned that HE was really the problem because like Idvilen said he set this sick dynamic up. Needless to say in the end I made it clear the relationship was over for good.

aerasmus7's picture

Oh! I've been down this road as well!, She and hubby has constant money problems and last year it cost us about R40000-00. I am not employed as we live in a small town and jobs are scarce but she refuses to go and work for a boss.  So constantly, like clockwork, I would start getting photos of the grandchild and lovely messages and her father as well, then we know, this year we stopped it and luckily corona came along.  But it is true, if they want money they know you and their father and can send all sorts of nice messages, the rest of the time they ignore both of you